22 research outputs found

    Ocean iron fertilization: time to lift the research taboo

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    Introduction. Today, most countries have accepted a 2 degrees Celsius temperature increase above preindustrial levels as the maximum tolerable limit for global warming. An exceedance probability of below 20 percent for this limit implies an emission budget of less than 250 GtC from 2000 until 2049, however, extrapolating from current global CO2 emissions, this budget will only last until 2024. This sobering math should wake us up to the reality that all options, including climate engineering, need to be considered to address climate change. Climate engineering options can be classified broadly into two categories: solar radiation management and carbon dioxide removal measures. Solar radiation management schemes seek to decrease the incoming solar radiation or to increase the reflection of incoming solar radiation. These approaches can generate fast climate responses, but do not immediately address the cause of the problem. Carbon dioxide removal measures seek to decrease atmospheric carbon concentrations by enhancing or substituting natural carbon sinks. The terrestrial carbon sink can be enhanced by means of forestation; the oceanic sink may, in some regions, be enhanced by means of fertilization, for example by artificially enhanced upwelling of macronutrients or by purposeful addition of the micronutrient iron; the mineral carbon sink can be enhanced by means of chemically accelerated weathering. Some analysts have expressed doubts about the potential of mitigating climate change by sink enhancement, because of concerns about whether carbon can be stored permanently. Nevertheless, terrestrial vegetation sinks have entered the Kyoto Protocol (KP) as offsets for anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, but ocean sinks have not

    The Effects of Natural Iron Fertilisation on Deep-Sea Ecology: The Crozet Plateau, Southern Indian Ocean

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    The addition of iron to high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) oceanic waters stimulates phytoplankton, leading to greater primary production. Large-scale artificial ocean iron fertilization (OIF) has been proposed as a means of mitigating anthropogenic atmospheric CO2, but its impacts on ocean ecosystems below the photic zone are unknown. Natural OIF, through the addition of iron leached from volcanic islands, has been shown to enhance primary productivity and carbon export and so can be used to study the effects of OIF on life in the ocean. We compared two closely-located deep-sea sites (~400 km apart and both at ~4200 m water depth) to the East (naturally iron fertilized; +Fe) and South (HNLC) of the Crozet Islands in the southern Indian Ocean. Our results suggest that long-term geo-engineering of surface oceanic waters via artificial OIF would lead to significant changes in deep-sea ecosystems. We found that the +Fe area had greater supplies of organic matter inputs to the seafloor, including polyunsaturated fatty acid and carotenoid nutrients. The +Fe site also had greater densities and biomasses of large deep-sea animals with lower levels of evenness in community structuring. The species composition was also very different, with the +Fe site showing similarities to eutrophic sites in other ocean basins. Moreover, major differences occurred in the taxa at the +Fe and HNLC sites revealing the crucial role that surface oceanic conditions play in changing and structuring deep-sea benthic communities