2,252 research outputs found

    A Modification of Periacetabular Osteotomy Using a Two-Incision Approach

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    In residual hip dysplasia periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) can improve insufficient coverage of the femoral head. It requires a broad dissection of the pelvic bones and detachment of muscle insertions, however. We have developed a modification of the Bernese periacetabular osteotomy with reduced soft tissue exposure. It uses two small skin incisions and offers therefore the perspective of nicer scars but also increases the risk of technical complications due to impaired vision. To be able to draft these risks, the clinical and radiographic results of 23 patients with PAO through the modified Smith-Petersen approach of Ganz (group A) and 24 patients with our two-incision modification (group B) have been reviewed retrospectively with an average follow-up of 19 (group A) and 12 (group B) months postoperatively

    Rotational alignment of the tibial component in total knee arthroplasty is better at the medial third of tibial tuberosity than at the medial border

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Correct rotational alignment of the femoral and tibial component is an important factor for successful TKA. The transepicondylar axis is widely accepted as a reference for the femoral component. There is not a standard reference for the tibial component. CT scans were used in this study to measure which of 2 tibial landmarks most reliably reproduces a correct femoro-tibial rotational alignment in TKA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>80 patients received a cemented, unconstrained, cruciate-retaining TKA with a rotating platform. CT scans were performed 5-7 days postoperatively but before discharge. The rotational mismatch between the femoral and tibial components was measured. Furthermore, the rotational variance between the transepicondylar line, as a reference for the orientation of the femoral component and different tibial landmarks, was measured.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was notable rotational mismatch between the femoral and tibial components. The median mismatch was 0° (range: 16.2 degrees relative external to 14.4 degrees relative internal rotation of the femoral component).</p> <p>Using the transepicondylar line as a reference for femoral rotational alignment and the medial third of the tuberosity as a reference for tibial rotational alignment, 67.5% of all TKA had a femoro-tibial variance within ± 5 degrees, 85% within ± 10 degrees and 97.5% within ± 20 degrees. Using the medial border of the tibial tubercle as a reference this variance was greater, only 3.8% had a femoro-tibial variance within ± 5 degrees, 15% within ± 10 degrees and 68.8% within ± 20 degrees.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Using fixed bone landmarks for rotational alignment leads to a notable variance between femoral and tibial components. Referencing the tibial rotation on a line from the medial third of the tibial tubercle to the center of the tibial tray resulted in a better femoro-tibial rotational alignment than using the medial border of tibial tubercle as a landmark. Surgeons using fixed bearings with a high rotational constraint between the inlay and the femoral component should be aware of this effect to avoid premature polyethylene wear.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Clinical trials registry NCT01022099</p

    Adverse events in total knee arthroplasty: Results of a physician independent survey in 260 patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>Identification of all common and potentially avoidable adverse events is crucial to further improve the quality of medical care. The intention of the current study was to evaluate a standardized physician independent survey format on adverse events in total knee arthroplasty. The protocol for reporting adverse drug events following the International Conference of Harmonisation of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use (ICH) was adopted for adverse events occurring during surgical interventions.</p> <p>Material and methods</p> <p>Data of a prospective sequential cohort trial introducing a clinical pathway for total knee arthroplasty was analysed. Reporting of adverse events was done by a physician independent study nurse using the modified ICH-Good Clinical Practice (GCP) format (Structure and Content of Clinical study reports - E3) in 260 patients. The adverse events were graded to their severity and their potential relation to surgical treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 55 patients (21%) suffered from an adverse event and 16 (6%) from a serious adverse event. In 38 patients' one adverse event occurred, 12 patients showed 2 adverse events and 5 patients suffered from a combination of an adverse and a serious adverse event. A serious adverse event alone occurred in 11 patients. The incidence of adverse events (Fisher p = 0.448) and serious adverse (p = 0.126) events showed no significant difference between the two cohorts. The most common adverse events were deep vein thrombosis (8% and 5%) followed by wound healing problems (1% and 0%) and haematoma (1% and 3%). A wide range of non surgical adverse events were recorded with low incidence levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The use of the modified ICH-GCP format supports standardization of adverse event reporting. Routine assessment of adverse events by a study nurse revealed higher incidence rates of adverse events in total knee arthroplasty. We recommend the implementation of trained paramedical staff for the documentation of adverse events in routine clinical care.</p

    Möglichkeiten der navigationsgestützten Knie- und Hüftendoprothetik

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    Die Knie- und Hüftendoprothetik hat sich zu einem Standardeingriff in der Orthopädie entwickelt. Der Erfolg einer endoprothetischen Versorgung hängt neben vielen anderen Faktoren auch von der möglichst korrekten Implantation des Kunstgelenkes ab. Sowohl in der Standardendoprothetik, aber insbesondere auch in schwierigen Situationen kann durch die zusätzliche Unterstützung eines Navigationssystems die Implantationsgenauigkeit verbessert und damit die Häufigkeit von Folgeproblemen minimiert werden. Besonders hilfreich ist diese Unterstützung, wenn eine normale Ausrichtung aufgrund von veränderten Knochenformen nicht möglich ist.Total knee and hip arthroplasties have become a standard procedure in orthopaedic surgery. The success of total arthroplasties depends on a number of factors. One of these is the positioning of the implant. A computer-assisted navigation system is able to improve the accuracy of implant positioning in standard operations, and especially in difficult situations. Problems arising as a consequence of malpositioning can be minimised

    Möglichkeiten der navigationsgestützten Knie- und Hüftendoprothetik

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    Die Knie- und Hüftendoprothetik hat sich zu einem Standardeingriff in der Orthopädie entwickelt. Der Erfolg einer endoprothetischen Versorgung hängt neben vielen anderen Faktoren auch von der möglichst korrekten Implantation des Kunstgelenkes ab. Sowohl in der Standardendoprothetik, aber insbesondere auch in schwierigen Situationen kann durch die zusätzliche Unterstützung eines Navigationssystems die Implantationsgenauigkeit verbessert und damit die Häufigkeit von Folgeproblemen minimiert werden. Besonders hilfreich ist diese Unterstützung, wenn eine normale Ausrichtung aufgrund von veränderten Knochenformen nicht möglich ist.Total knee and hip arthroplasties have become a standard procedure in orthopaedic surgery. The success of total arthroplasties depends on a number of factors. One of these is the positioning of the implant. A computer-assisted navigation system is able to improve the accuracy of implant positioning in standard operations, and especially in difficult situations. Problems arising as a consequence of malpositioning can be minimised

    Antibody-related movement disorders – a comprehensive review of phenotype-autoantibody correlations and a guide to testing

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    Background: Over the past decade increasing scientific progress in the field of autoantibody-mediated neurological diseases was achieved. Movement disorders are a frequent and often prominent feature in such diseases which are potentially treatable. Main body: Antibody-mediated movement disorders encompass a large clinical spectrum of diverse neurologic disorders occurring either in isolation or accompanying more complex autoimmune encephalopathic diseases. Since autoimmune movement disorders can easily be misdiagnosed as neurodegenerative or metabolic conditions, appropriate immunotherapy can be delayed or even missed. Recognition of typical clinical patterns is important to reach the correct diagnosis. Conclusion: There is a growing number of newly discovered antibodies which can cause movement disorders. Several antibodies can cause distinctive phenotypes of movement disorders which are important to be aware of. Early diagnosis is important because immunotherapy can result in major improvement.In this review article we summarize the current knowledge of autoimmune movement disorders from a point of view focused on clinical syndromes. We discuss associated clinical phenomenology and antineuronal antibodies together with alternative etiologies with the aim of providing a diagnostic framework for clinicians considering underlying autoimmunity in patients with movement disorders

    Anwendungsmöglichkeiten neuartiger EDV-gestützter Erkennungsmethoden zur Identifizierung gefährlicher Betriebszustände in Chemieanlagen (I)

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    Das Vorhaben erbrachte einen Beitrag zur operatorunabhängigen Beurteilung des Prozeß- und Anlagenzustandes chemischer Reaktoren, insbesondere zur Identifizierung gefährlicher Betriebszustände bei der diskontinuierlichen Fahrweise exothermer Reaktionen. Die Eignung von Mustererkennungsmethoden zur Prozeßdiagnose wurde am Beispiel eines chemischen Laborreaktors für einen stark exothermen Referenzprozeß - säurekatalysierte Veresterung von Essigsäureanhydrid mit Methanol - untersucht. Vor ihrer Anwendung als Zustandsklassifikator mußten die Mustererkennungssysteme zunächst mit den Prozeßdaten des normalen und gestörter Reaktionsverläufe unter Zuhilfenahme von Expertenwissen trainiert werden, um das komplexe nichtlineare Prozeßverhalten bis hin zum Entscheidungsresultat abzubilden. Danach konnte der trainierte Klassifikator zur Prozeßdiagnose genutzt werden. Die besten Ergebnisse bei der Erkennung von Betriebszuständen in Semibatch-Prozessen wurden mit dreischichtigen Perceptron-Netzen erreicht. Sie konnten auch Mehrfachfehler und nichttrainierte Reaktionsverläufe klassifizieren. Um das Gefährdungspotential von fehlerhaften Betriebszuständen beurteilen zu können, wurden separate Perceptron-Netze für die Gefahren- und Fehlerklassifikation eingesetzt. Ihre Leistungsfähigkeit wurde sowohl für den Semibatch-Betrieb als auch für die kontinuierliche Fahrweise experimentell nachgewiesen

    N-Acetyl-L-Leucine Accelerates Vestibular Compensation after Unilateral Labyrinthectomy by Action in the Cerebellum and Thalamus

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    An acute unilateral vestibular lesion leads to a vestibular tone imbalance with nystagmus, head roll tilt and postural imbalance. These deficits gradually decrease over days to weeks due to central vestibular compensation (VC). This study investigated the effects of i.v. N-acetyl-DL-leucine, N-acetyl-L-leucine and N-acetyl-D-leucine on VC using behavioural testing and serial [18F]-Fluoro-desoxyglucose ([18F]-FDG)-mu PET in a rat model of unilateral chemical labyrinthectomy (UL). Vestibular behavioural testing included measurements of nystagmus, head roll tilt and postural imbalance as well as sequential whole-brain [18F]FDG-mu PET was done before and on days 1, 3, 7 and 15 after UL. A significant reduction of postural imbalance scores was identified on day 7 in the N-acetyl-DL-leucine (p < 0.03) and the N-acetyl-L-leucine groups (p < 0.01),compared to the sham treatment group, but not in the N-acetyl-D-leucine group (comparison for applied dose of 24 mg i.v. per rat, equivalent to 60 mg/kg body weight, in each group). The course of postural compensation in the DL-and L-group was accelerated by about 6 days relative to controls. The effect of N-acetyl-L-leucine on postural compensation depended on the dose: in contrast to 60 mg/kg, doses of 15 mg/kg and 3.75 mg/kg had no significant effect. N-acetyl-L-leucine did not change the compensation of nystagmus or head roll tilt at any dose. Measurements of the regional cerebral glucose metabolism (rCGM) by means of mu PET revealed that only N-acetyl-L-leucine but not N-acetyl-D-leucine caused a significant increase of rCGM in the vestibulocerebellum and a decrease in the posterolateral thalamus and subthalamic region on days 3 and 7. A similar pattern was found when comparing the effect of N-acetyl-L-leucine on rCGM in an UL-group and a sham UL-group without vestibular damage. In conclusion, N-acetyl-L-leucine improves compensation of postural symptoms after UL in a dose-dependent and specific manner, most likely by activating the vestibulocerebellum and deactivating the posterolateral thalamus

    1st EFORT European Consensus: Medical & Scientific Research Requirements for the Clinical Introduction of Artificial Joint Arthroplasty Devices

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    Innovations in Orthopaedics and Traumatology have contributed to the achievement of a high-quality level of care in musculoskeletal disorders and injuries over the past decades. The applications of new implants as well as diagnostic and therapeutic techniques in addition to implementation of clinical research, have significantly improved patient outcomes, reduced complication rates and length of hospital stay in many areas. However, the regulatory framework is extensive, and there is a lack of understanding and clarity in daily practice what the meaning of clinical &amp; pre‐clinical evidence as required by the MDR is. Thus, understanding and clarity are of utmost importance for introduction of new implants and implant-related instrumentation in combination with surgical technique to ensure a safe use of implants and treatment of patients. Therefore EFORT launched IPSI, The Implant and Patient Safety Initiative, which starting from an inaugural workshop in 2021 issued a set of recommendations, notably through a subsequent Delphi Process involving the National Member Societies of EFORT, European Specialty Societies as well as International Experts. These recommendations provide surgeons, researchers, implant manufacturers as well as patients and health authorities with a consensus of the development, implementation, and dissemination of innovation in the field of arthroplasty. The intended key outcomes of this 1st EFORT European Consensus on “Medical &amp; Scientific Research Requirements for the Clinical Introduction of Artificial Joint Arthroplasty Devices”are consented, practical pathways to maintain innovation and optimisation of orthopaedic products and workflows within the boundaries of MDR 2017/745. Open Access practical guidelines based on adequate, state of the art pre-clinical and clinical evaluation methodologies for the introduction of joint replacements and implant-related instrumentation shall provide hands-on orientation for orthopaedic surgeons, research institutes and laboratories, orthopaedic device manufacturers, Notified Bodies but also for National Institutes and authorities, patient representatives and further stakeholders. We would like to acknowledge and thank the Scientific Committee members, all International Expert Delegates, the Delegates from European National &amp; Specialty Societies and the Editorial Team for their outstanding contributions and support during this EFORT European Consensus