23 research outputs found

    Özelleştirmenin ekonomik boyutu, karşılaşılan sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri : SEDAŞ örneği

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.SAÜ, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tez ÖzetiTezin Başlığı: ?Özelleştirmenin Ekonomik Boyutu, Karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve ÇözümÖnerileri: SEDAŞ Örneği?Tezin Yazarı: Cemil GÜLER Danışman: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Selim İNANÇLIKabul Tarihi: 06.09.2006 Sayfa Sayısı: xi (ön kısım) + 193 (tez) + 62 (ekler)Anabilim dalı: İktisatÖzelleştirme, dünyada geniş bir coğrafya üzerinde ve değişik şekillerde, farklı siyasisistem ve ekonomilerde uygulama alanı bulmuştur. Her ülkenin uygulama nedenifarklı olmakla birlikte, özelleştirme Türkiye'de ve dünyada serbest piyasaekonomisine geçişi sağlamak için ekonominin yeniden yapılandırılması çerçevesindeuygulanan istikrar ve rasyonelleştirme politikalarının çok önemli bir aracı olmuştur.Özelleştirmenin iktisadi amaçları serbest piyasa ekonomisini güçlendirmek, sermayepiyasasını geliştirmek, yabancı sermayeyi getirmek ile etkinlik ve verimliliğisağlamaktır. Devlete gelir sağlamak ve KİT'leri borç yükünden kurtarmaközelleştirmenin en önemli mali amaçları olurken, özelleştirme yoluyla ulaşılmakistenen siyasi, sosyal ve diğer amaçlar da bulunmaktadır. Özelleştirme yöntemiolarak; satış yöntemi, yönetim devri yöntemi, ihale yöntemi, imtiyaz hakkı devriyöntemi, finansal kiralama yöntemi, ihale yöntemi, ortak girişim yöntemi vekurumsal serbestleşme yöntemi kullanılan belli başlı yöntemlerdir.Dünyada özelleştirme 1970'lerdeki ekonomik krizlerin ardından gündeme gelmiş,fikri temellerini ABD ve İngiltere'nin oluşturduğu özelleştirme uygulamalarına ilkŞili'de başlanmıştır. Bu ülkeyi başta İngiltere, Almanya olmak üzere diğer Avrupaülkeleri, Latin Amerika ülkeleri ve devamında diğer dünya ülkeleri takip etmiştir.Özelleştirme özellikle ekonomik açıdan dünya ekonomisi üzerine ve ayrı ayrı ülkeekonomilerine önemli olumlu etkiler yapmıştır. Ülkemiz açısından çok önemli biryeri olan özelleştirme, ekonomik liberalizasyonun sağlanması açısından gerekli fakattek başına yetersizdir. Diğer ekonomik araçlara da ihtiyaç olmakta ve elektrik, su,gaz, telekomünikasyon gibi piyasaların ise düzenleyici kurumlar tarafındandüzenlenmesi gerekmektedir.Bu çalışmada; özelleştirme kavramı hakkında genel bilgiler ile dünyadaki veTürkiye'deki özelleştirme uygulamaları ve ekonomik etkileri, karşılaşılan sorunlar veçözüm önerileri yer almakta olup, SEDAŞ'ın özelleştirme süreci ve bu özelleştirmeolayının ekonomik açıdan potansiyeli ve ekonomik etkileri incelenmiştir.Anahtar kelimeler: Özelleştirme, KİT, Elektrik, Düzenleme, TürkiyexSakarya University Institute of Social Sciances Abstract of Master?s ThesisTitle of the Thesis: ?Economical Dimension of Privatization, The Problems andResulations for Privatization, a Case Study: SEDAŞ?Author: Cemil GÜLER Supervisor: Asist. Prof. Dr. Selim İNANÇLIDate: 06.09.2006 Nu. of pages: xi (pre text) + 193 (main body) + 62 (appendices)Department: EconomyWidespread implementation of privatization is being met differently in everyeconomic system in the world. As the way every country forms privatization policystems from distinct reasons, privatization is a significant means of policy forrationalization and stability, in terms of restructuring the economic framework toprovide entry into the free market economy in Turkey and in the world.Economic targets of privatization are to support free market economy and to improvecapital market by transforming into an attractive situation, which is based onefficiency, with foreing investment. Most important financial aims of privatizationconsist of abtaining income for government and relieving KIT?s (state economicenterprises) depts along with its social and political objects. We can find variousprivatization methods such as sale, management contracting, fanchising, leasing,contracting-out, joint venture and deragulation methods.Privatization came to the agenda af the world after economic crisis in 1970?s and itsinitial implementation which USA and England shaped was carried out by Chile.First England and Germany soon after other european and Latin American countriesfollowed Chile.In terms of Turkey?s circumstances, when it was evaluated, we get these findings. Bythe mid-1970?s Turkey?s state economic enterprises (KIT) were becomingincreasingly unprofitable in spite of the various subsidies they received. Theirinefficiency was also attributed to politically motivated employment policies, poormanagement, arbitrary government meddling and restrictions on the pricing of theirproducts. SEE?s (KIT) were not free to raise their prices in line with costs in theinflationary environment of the 1970?s and 1980?s. Their losses were there forerountinely met through government finance. This, in turn, was a major cause of theincrease in budget deficit, accelerating the rate of inflation.In this study, general knowledges have been given about the privatizations in Turkeyand in the world and The process of privatization for SEDAŞ (Sakarya ElectricityDistribution Co.) which is a SEE (State Economic Enterprises-KIT) has been dealtwith.Key words: Privatization, SEE (State Economic Enterprises-KIT), Electric,Regulation, Turkeyx

    Apple cider vinegar modulates serum lipid profile, erythrocyte, kidney, and liver membrane oxidative stress in ovariectomized mice fed high cholesterol

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    WOS: 000339895800002PubMed ID: 24894721The purpose of this study was to investigate the potentially beneficial effects of apple cider vinegar (ACV) supplementation on serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, liver and kidney membrane lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant levels in ovariectomized (OVX) mice fed high cholesterol. Four groups of ten female mice were treated as follows: Group I received no treatment and was used as control. Group II was OVX mice. Group III received ACV intragastrically (0.6 % of feed), and group IV was OVX and was treated with ACV as described for group III. The treatment was continued for 28 days, during which the mice were fed a high-cholesterol diet. The lipid peroxidation levels in erythrocyte, liver and kidney, triglycerides, total, and VLDL cholesterol levels in serum were higher in the OVX group than in groups III and IV. The levels of vitamin E in liver, the kidney and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and erythrocyte-reduced glutathione (GSH) were decreased in group II. The GSH-Px, vitamin C, E, and beta-carotene, and the erythrocyte GSH and GSH-Px values were higher in kidney of groups III and IV, but in liver the vitamin E and beta-carotene concentrations were decreased. In conclusion, ACV induced a protective effect against erythrocyte, kidney, and liver oxidative injury, and lowered the serum lipid levels in mice fed high cholesterol, suggesting that it possesses oxidative stress scavenging effects, inhibits lipid peroxidation, and increases the levels of antioxidant enzymes and vitamin.Scientific Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institute (TUBITAK)MN formulated the present hypothesis and was responsible for writing the report. MG, GS, CO, MK, and ES were responsible for analysis of the data. The authors wish thanks to Dr. Manuel Flores-Arce (Tijuana University, Mexico) for polishing English of the manuscript. The study was partially supported by Scientific Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institute (TUBITAK-2010)

    Trafik Kazası Sonrası Erektil Disfonksiyon Gelişen Olguya Adli Tıbbi Yaklaşım

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    Erektil disfonksiyon, cinsel ilişki için yeterli ereksiyonun elde edilememesi veya sürdürülememesidir. Bu olgu sunumunda; trafik kazasına bağlı multitravmalı olguda gelişen erektil disfonksiyonu adli-tıbbi açıdan değerlendirmek ve yaralama suçlarının adli tıp açısından değerlendirilmesi amacıyla kullanılan kılavuza katkıda bulunmak amaçlandı. Tıbbi evrakta; olaya bağlı pelvik kırıklar, mesane ve üretra rüptürü ve diğer yaralanmaları olduğu kayıtlıydı. Olgunun Anabilim Dalımıza başvurusu sonrası istenen Üroloji konsültasyonu sonucunda; mevcut bulgularla ereksiyonu gerçekleştirmek için organik açıdan yeterli olmadığı anlaşıldı. Travmanın erektil disfonksiyona yol açtığı belirlenen olguda, yaralanmanın ürolojik açıdan kişinin organlarından birinin işlevinin sürekli yitirilmesine yol açtığı sonucuna varıldı.Erektil disfonksiyonun, cinsel fonksiyon bozuklukları başlığı altında ilgili kılavuzda yer almasının, adli rapor düzenleme sürecine yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir

    An assessment of indoor air concentrations and health risks of volatile organic compounds in three primary schools

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    Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including formaldehyde, in classrooms, kindergartens, and outdoor playgrounds of three primary schools were measured in spring, winter, and fall terms in Izmir, Turkey. A health-risk assessment was conducted for odor detection, sensory irritation, chronic toxic effects, and cancer. Active sampling was applied for VOCs and formaldehyde on Tenax TA and DNPH tubes, respectively. VOCs were analyzed in a thermal desorption-GC-MS system. Formaldehyde analysis was performed using an HPLC instrument. Benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde were the most abundant compounds with 95th percentile indoor air concentrations of 29, 87, and 106μg/m3, respectively. Naphthalene and xylenes followed them with an order of magnitude lower concentrations. Two isomers of dichlorobenzene (1,3 and 1,4) were the other notable compounds. The concentrations were utilized to classify the indoor air pollutants with respect to potential health effects. In addition, carcinogenic and chronic toxic risks were estimated using Monte-Carlo simulation. Formaldehyde appears to be the most concerning pollutant with high chronic toxic and carcinogenic risk levels according to the health assessment followed by naphthalene, benzene, and toluene due to their chronic effects

    Osteoplastic Flap Approach to Inverted Papilloma of the Frontal Sinus

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    Inverted papilloma is a locally aggressive benign disease. Patients most commonly present with unilateral nasal obstruction. Isolated frontal sinus inverted papilloma may remain asymptomatic for a long time. Surgical management of frontal sinus inverted papilloma is challenging. Despite advances in endoscopic sinus surgery, open frontal sinus approach may be required. In this case report, we present a 67-year-old female patient who underwent osteoplastic frontal sinus surgery due to frontal sinus inverted papilloma with intracranial extension causing severe cosmetic deformity. The patient had previously experienced two inefficient surgical procedures. The indications for the surgical approach performed in our clinic is presented with the recent literature. (The Me­di­cal Bul­le­tin of Ha­se­ki 2014; 52: 67-70

    Evaluation of hearing in patients with familial Mediterranean fever

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    Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a common and well-understood hereditary periodic fever syndrome. Hereditary periodic fever syndromes include a group of multisystem diseases characterized by recurrent fever attacks with inflammation affecting skin, joints, and some other tissues. These are FMF, tumor necrosis factor receptor, tumor necrosis factor receptor associated periodic syndrome, hyperimmunglobulinemia D syndrome, Muckle-Wells syndrome, and familial cold urticaria. In literature, it is determined that some of these diseases cause hearing loss. In light of the foregoing, we thought that FMF patients may have the same type of subclinical hearing loss and, therefore, the hearing ability of these patients was evaluated with otoacoustic emission and high frequency audiometry tests. Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a common and well-understood hereditary periodic fever syndrome. Hereditary periodic fever syndromes include a group of multisystem diseases characterized by recurrent fever attacks with inflammation affecting skin, joints, and some other tissues. These are FMF, tumor necrosis factor receptor, tumor necrosis factor receptor associated periodic syndrome, hyperimmunglobulinemia D syndrome, Muckle-Wells syndrome, and familial cold urticaria. In literature, it is determined that some of these diseases cause hearing loss. In light of the foregoing, we thought that FMF patients may have the same type of subclinical hearing loss and, therefore, the hearing ability of these patients was evaluated with otoacoustic emission and high frequency audiometry tests.</p

    Seismic performance assessment and retrofitting proposal for a historic masonry school building (Bursa, Türkiye)

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    The current paper presents all stages of a masonry building restoration including seismic performance assessment of the restored building, and a seismic retrofitting proposal accordingly. All these practices were carried out on a historical school building with timber slabs constructed in 1912. The study was composed of six stages: i. Historical research to identify all previous interventions in the building, ii. On-site examinations to determine the geometrical and structural properties of the building, iii. Laboratory tests to identify original material properties and determine repair materials, iv. Restoration decision and implementation of the restoration, v. Numerical analyses to assess the seismic performance of the restored building, and vi. Retrofitting proposal. The primary aim of this study is to present a comprehensive guide for seismic performance assessment and retrofitting approaches for similar buildings. The story shear forces and inter-story drifts of the examined building were obtained by linear and nonlinear analyses and compared with the limit values given in the applicable seismic code; accordingly, the seismic performance of the building was assessed. On the other hand, vertical and lateral bending collapse mechanisms were determined by local analyses. Based on the obtained findings, the building was found to have sufficient displacement capacity; however, failed in shear. Additionally, we believe that the presented restoration practices and seismic performance assessment aiming the structural integrity of the historic building will contribute to the literature