59 research outputs found

    Expertise affects representation structure and categorical activation of grasp postures in climbing

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    Bläsing B, Güldenpenning I, Koester D, Schack T. Expertise affects representation structure and categorical activation of grasp postures in climbing. Frontiers in Psychology. 2014;5:1008.In indoor rock climbing, the perception of object properties and the adequate execution of grasping actions highly determine climbers' performance. In two consecutive experiments, effects of climbing expertise on the cognitive activation of grasping actions following the presentation of climbing holds was investigated. Experiment 1 evaluated the representation of climbing holds in the long-term memory of climbers and non-climbers with the help of a psychometric measurement method. Within a hierarchical splitting procedure subjects had to decide about the similarity of required grasping postures. For the group of climbers, representation structures corresponded clearly to four grip types. In the group of non-climbers, representation structures differed more strongly than in climbers and did not clearly refer to grip types. To learn about categorical knowledge activation in Experiment 2, a priming paradigm was applied. Images of hands in grasping postures were presented as targets and images of congruent, neutral, or incongruent climbing holds were used as primes. Only in climbers, reaction times were shorter and error rates were smaller for the congruent condition than for the incongruent condition. The neutral condition resulted in intermediate performance. The findings suggest that perception of climbing holds activates the commonly associated grasping postures in climbers but not in non-climbers. The findings of this study give evidence that the categorization of visually perceived objects is fundamentally influenced by the cognitive-motor potential for interaction, which depends on the observer's experience and expertise. Thus, motor expertise not only facilitates precise action perception, but also benefits the perception of action-relevant objects

    Motor expertise facilitates the cognitive evaluation of body postures: An ERP study

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    Koester D, Schack T, Güldenpenning I. Motor expertise facilitates the cognitive evaluation of body postures: An ERP study. In: Barkowsky T, Llansola ZF, Schultheis H, van de Ven J, eds. Proceedings of the 13th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society. Bremen: Universität Bremen; 2016: 59-62

    Motor expertise modulates the unconscious processing of human body postures

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    Little is known about the cognitive background of unconscious visuomotor control of complex sports movements. Therefore, we investigated the extent to which novices and skilled high-jump athletes are able to identify visually presented body postures of the high jump unconsciously. We also asked whether or not the manner of processing differs (qualitatively or quantitatively) between these groups as a function of their motor expertise. A priming experiment with not consciously perceivable stimuli was designed to determine whether subliminal priming of movement phases (same vs. different movement phases) or temporal order (i.e. natural vs. reversed movement order) affects target processing. Participants had to decide which phase of the high jump (approach vs. flight phase) a target photograph was taken from. We found a main effect of temporal order for skilled athletes, that is, faster reaction times for prime-target pairs that reflected the natural movement order as opposed to the reversed movement order. This result indicates that temporal-order information pertaining to the domain of expertise plays a critical role in athletes’ perceptual capacities. For novices, data analyses revealed an interaction between temporal order and movement phases. That is, only the reversed movement order of flight-approach pictures increased processing time. Taken together, the results suggest that the structure of cognitive movement representation modulates unconscious processing of movement pictures and points to a functional role of motor representations in visual perception

    Intelligenz und Bewegung - Tanz im Fokus der Kognitionswissenschaft

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    Güldenpenning I, Lex H. Intelligenz und Bewegung - Tanz im Fokus der Kognitionswissenschaft. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. 2008;15(4):136-137

    Die Wirkung unbewusster Reize wird durch bereichspezifische Expertise moduliert

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    Güldenpenning I, Weigelt M. Die Wirkung unbewusster Reize wird durch bereichspezifische Expertise moduliert. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. 2010;17(3):101

    Einfach nur geradeaus...

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    Güldenpenning I, Lex H. Einfach nur geradeaus.. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. 2010;17(3):101-102

    Intellingenz und Bewegung 2- Neue Perspektiven an der Schnittstelle zwischen Tanz und Kognitionswissenschaft

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    Lex H, Güldenpenning I. Intellingenz und Bewegung 2- Neue Perspektiven an der Schnittstelle zwischen Tanz und Kognitionswissenschaft. Nachrichten aus der asp. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie. 2010;17(2):67-68

    How to Trick Your Opponent: A Review Article on Deceptive Actions in Interactive Sports

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    Performing deceptive actions is a wide-spread phenomenon in sports and it is of considerable practical relevance to know whether or not a fake or a disguised action decreases the opponents’ performance. Therefore, research on deceptive actions for various sport disciplines (e.g., cricket, rugby, martial arts, soccer, and basketball) has been conducted. This research is scattered, both across time and scientific disciplines. Here, we aim to systematically review the empirical work on deceptive actions in interactive sports and want to give an overview about several issues investigated in the last decades. Three main topics of the detected literature were discussed here: (1) the role of expertise for the recognition of deceptive actions, (2) the cognitive mechanisms underlying the processing of deceptive actions, and (3) the pros and cons of in situ research designs. None of these themes seems to be settled and therefore, they should be considered in future research agendas

    Elektrophysiologische Korrelate der Wahrnehmung sportlicher Handlungen und die Rolle motorischer Expertise

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    Koester D, Güldenpenning I, Schack T. Elektrophysiologische Korrelate der Wahrnehmung sportlicher Handlungen und die Rolle motorischer Expertise. In: Neuromotion - Aufmerksamkeit, Automatisierung, Adaption. Münster: Uni-Print Münster; 2012: 130

    Data from: Motor expertise facilitates the cognitive evaluation of body postures: An ERP study

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    Koester D, Schack T, Güldenpenning I. Data from: Motor expertise facilitates the cognitive evaluation of body postures: An ERP study. Bielefeld University; 2017