7 research outputs found

    The effect of fly ash to self-compactability of pumice aggregate lightweight concrete

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the effects of fly ash, different water/(cement + mineral additive) ratios and pumice aggregates to some physical and mechanical properties of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete. In this study, pumice had been used as lightweight aggregates. Several properties of self-compacting pumice aggregate lightweight concretes like the unit weight, flow diameter, T50 time, flow diameter after an hour, V-funnel time, and L-box tests, 7, 28, 90 and 180-day compressive strength, 28-day splitting tensile strength, dry unit weight, water absorption, thermal conductivity and ultrasonic pulse velocity tests were investigated. For this purpose, 18 series of concrete samples were prepared in two groups. Pumice aggregate was used as a replacement of natural aggregate, at the levels of 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% by volume. Furthermore, a second series of 100% pumice aggregate was used for the production of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete with constant w/(c + m) ratios as 0.35, 0.40, and 0.45 by weight. The flow diameters, T50 times, paste volumes, 28-day compressive strengths, dry unit weights and thermal conductivities of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete were obtained in the range of 600–800 mm, 2–8 s, 471–572 lt/m 3, 9.2–53.26 MPa, 839–2156 kg/m 3 and 0.321–1.508 W/mk, respectively, which satisfies not only the strength requirement of semi-structural lightweight concrete but also the flowing ability requirements and thermal conductivity requirements of self-compacting lightweight aggregate concrete. © 2015, Indian Academy of Sciences

    Evaluating the effect of using mechanically deboned chicken meat as a partial or total replacer for emulsion-type chicken sausages

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    AbstractThe study aimed to determine the effects of using mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) on the quality of bologna-type chicken sausage and chicken frankfurters. Sausages were formulated with control (0%), 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% MDCM replacing the chicken breast meat as raw material. The use of MDCM caused an increase in pH value of both sausage types. The use of MDCM up to 20% had no significant effect on TBARS value, while 40% MDCM and higher levels caused an increase in TBARS value. L* value of sausages was affected by MDCM. MDCM had no significant effect on a* value in bologna-type sausage, however, it increased a* value in frankfurters. A dispersion between the MDCM level and the textural properties in sausage types was determined by PCA, and the 20% MDCM group showed the closest relationship to control group in PCA. The results of heatmap of textural parameters showed that the use of more than 20% MDCM was not possible in bologna type sausage, although frankfurters were the same main cluster except 100% MDCM group. [Figure: see text

    Complete Idiopathic Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism due to Homozygous GNRH1 Mutations in the Mutational Hot Spots in the Region Encoding the Decapeptide

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    Introduction: Mutations of the human GNRH1 gene are an extremely rare cause of normosmic idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (nIHH), with only 6 mutations so far described. Patients: As part of a larger study, families with IHH were screened for mutations in genes known to be associated with IHH. In family 1, a 15-year and 9-month-old boy first presented during infancy with micropenis and bilateral cryptorchidism. His pubic and axillary hair is at stage 4 and 2, respectively. His testes are 1 ml bilaterally, and his stretched penile length is 3.6 cm. In family 2, a 19-year and 2-month-old man was referred because of absence of secondary sexual characteristics. His 13-year and 8-month-old sister did not have any breast development. Results: In 3 patients from 2 independent families we identified GNRH1 mutations. In the proband from family 1, a homozygous 1-base deletion (c.87delA) leading to a frameshift mutation (p.G29GfsX12) was identified. In family 2, the affected siblings had a novel homozygous mutation of c.G92A leading to p.R31H. Conclusion: Both mutations in these families are located in the region encoding the decapeptide and in the loci where the mutations have been described before. Therefore, these areas can be considered as mutational hot spots, indicating priority for routine diagnostic gene mutation analysis. (C) 2015 S. Karger AG, Base

    Spatial analysis of building density and liquefaction spread in Izmit bay and its surroundings

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    2017 yılı Aralık ayından itibaren KOÜ Harita Mühendisliği Bölümü’nün yürütücülüğü ve Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nin desteği ile “Çok Bandlı InSAR ve GNSS Tekniği ile Doğu Marmara (İzmit Körfezi) Düşey Yönlü Yer Değiştirmelerin İzlenmesi, Zemin Çökmeleri ile Bina Yoğunluğu ve Sıvılaşma İlişkisinin Araştırılması” başlıklı ve 117Y155 numaralı TÜBİTAK projesi kapsamında İzmit körfez bölgesinde risklerin tespiti için çalışmalara başlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda, proje kapsamında yapılan bina yoğunluk analizleri ve sıvılaşmanın körfez bölgesi çevresindeki mekânsal dağılımı CBS ortamında bütünleşik olarak ele alınarak mekânsal dağılımları incelenmiştir. Zemindeki yüke ait bilgi çıkarımı için binaların 3. boyutu dikkate alınarak bina katlarının mekânsal dağılımları mekânsal otokorelasyon çalışmaları ile irdelenmiştir. Mekansal otokorelasyon analizlerinden Lokal Moran’s I istatistikleri dikkate alınmıştır. Ayrıca körfez ve çevresinde görülen sıvılaşma potansiyeli 0-3 m, 3-6 m, 6-9 m, 9-12m’den 33-35 m derinlikleri için oluşturulmuştur. Sıvılaşma potansiyel eşiklerine göre, farklı derinlikler için, sıvılaşma değerleri kategorize edilerek sıvılaşma alanları ve riskli bölgeler tanımlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak sıvılaşma risk alanlarında bulunan bina tespitleri yapılmıştır. Çalışma; ileriye yönelik doğal afetlere karşı sürdürülebilir önlemlerin alınması, yapılaşma hızı ve yoğunluğu için önlem planlarının hazırlanması, Gölcük ve İzmit Körfez çevresinde bina ve zemin sıvılaşmalarının mevcut durumunun belirlenmesi, risk taşıyan alanlarda mühendislik tedbirlerinin alınarak yapı ve can güvenliğinin sağlanması ve afet değerlendirmelerinde altlık oluşturması açısından önem arz etmektedir.Since December 2017, with the support of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality and with the leadership of Kocaeli University Geomatic Department, TÜBİTAK project numbered 117Y155 and titled “Monitoring of Vertical Displacements in East Marmara (Izmit Bay) with Multi-Band InSAR and GNSS Techniques, Investigation of the Relationship Between Ground Collapse and Building Density and Liquefaction" studies have been initiated to determine the risks in the Izmit Bay area. In this context, the spatial distribution of the building density analyzes and the spatial distribution of liquefaction around the gulf region were handled and integrated in the GIS environment within the scope of the project. The spatial distributions of the building floors were examined by spatial autocorrelation studies, taking into account the 3rd dimension of the buildings for the extraction of information about the load on the ground. Among the spatial autocorrelation analysis, Local Moran’s I statistics were taken into consideration comparatively. In addition, the liquefaction potential observed around the bay and its surroundings is evaluated for 0-3 m, 3-6 m, 6- 9 m, 9-12 m from 33-35 m depths. Liquefaction areas and risky areas are defined by categorizing liquefaction values for different depths according to liquefaction potential thresholds. As a result, buildings in liquefaction risk areas were determined. The study is important in terms of taking sustainable precautions against future natural disasters, preparing precaution plans for the speed and density of construction, determining the current situation of building and ground liquefaction around Gölcük and Izmit Bay, taking engineering measures in risky areas and providing building and life safety and creating a basis for disaster assessments

    Oral Research Presentations

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    Disappearance of Biodiversity and Future of Our Foods

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    “I. Uluslararası Organik Tarım ve Biyoçeşitlilik Sempozyumu 27-29 Eylül Bayburt