46 research outputs found

    ADA activity in the follicular fluid of infertile women with diminished ovarian reserve can act as a predictor of ovarian reserve

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    Background: Adenosine deaminase (ADA) catalyses the deamination of adenosine to inosine. In the human reproductive tract, the importance of enzymes that affect metabolism of adenosine, particularly ADA, has been emphasized. It is aimed to evaluate the plasma and follicular fluid (FF) activities of total ADA (ADAT) in infertile women and to determine its relation with ovarian reserve markers and in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes.Methods: Plasma and FF activities of ADAT were measured in 106 infertile women. Its relation with ovarian reserve markers and IVF outcomes were determined.Results: There was a significant difference in the ADAT activities between plasma and FF of infertile women (p<0.01). The activity of plasma ADAT was higher than FF ADAT in infertile women (p<0.01). The activity of FF ADAT in DOR group was higher than that of the others (p<0.01). In DOR group; the activity of FF ADAT activity had a negative correlation with BMI and a positive correlation with FSH and no relation with IVF outcomes.Conclusions: Increased ADAT activity can lead to reduced adenosine levels, which might be resulted in disturbed fertility process. The activity of FF ADAT activity might be important for fertility work-up. Further studies are needed

    Erasmus öğrenci hareketliliğinin Türk İngilizce öğretmen adayları üzerine etkisi: kazanımlar ve zorluklar

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    In today’s globalized world, the dynamics of education are changing each day. As a result of this situation, the Erasmus exchange program has made it easier for Turkish students to have study abroad experience. The primary goal of this study was to investigate the perceptions of Turkish prospective EFL teachers regarding the contributions of Erasmus exchange program to their academic, language, social, cultural, personal, and career development as well as the problems that they encountered before, during and after Erasmus mobility. The study was carried out with 37 Turkish prospective EFL teachers. Mixed methods design was adopted in the study. Data were collected via an online survey developed by Önen (2017) and semi-structured interview. The second part of the survey was analysed quantitatively and a qualitative analysis software called MAXQDA 2020 was used for the content analysis of semi-structured interview. Results revealed that the participants believed they benefited from Erasmus program mostly in terms of personal and cultural development. Their language development was mainly related to speaking skills and fluency. It was also found that participants encountered many problems in the Erasmus process. They believed that “pre-Erasmus” was the most problematic process. While a lack of information and paper work were the main problems encountered before the Erasmus, “during the Erasmus process” mainly academic and financial problems were encountered. Some participants experienced “post-Erasmus syndrome” after the Erasmus mobility. Findings are discussed in the light of related literature and suggestions for further research are presented.Günümüzün küreselleşen dünyasında eğitimin dinamikleri her gün değişmektedir. Bu durumun bir sonucu olarak Erasmus değişim programı Türk öğrenciler için yurt dışı eğitim tecrübesi edinmeyi daha kolay hale getirmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk ingilizce öğretmen adaylarının Erasmus değişim programının akademik, dil, sosyal, kültürel, kişisel ve kariyer gelişimlerine katkıları hakkındaki görüşlerini; ve Erasmus öncesinde, sırasında, sonrasında karşılaştıkları problemleri araştırmaktır. Bu çalışma ölçüt örneklem yöntemi ile belirlenen 37 İngilizce öğretmen adayının katılımıyla gerçekleşmiştir. Bu çalışmada karma yöntem kullanılmıştır. Önen (2017) tarafından hazırlanan çevrimiçi anket ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme yoluyla nitel ve nicel veriler toplanmıştır. Anketin ikinci bölümü nicel olarak analiz edilerken, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerin içerik analizi için nitel veri analiz programı MAXQDA 2020 kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar, katılımcıların Erasmus programından özellikle kişisel ve kültürel gelişim açısından yararlandığına inandıklarını ortaya koymuştur. Dil gelişimleri daha çok konuşma becerileri ve akıcılık konusunda gerçekleşmiştir. Aynı zamanda katılımcıların Erasmus sürecinde birçok problem yaşadıkları saptanmıştır. Katılımcılar, Erasmus öncesinde daha fazla problem yaşadıklarını belirtmiştir. Erasmus öncesinde yaşanan temel problemler bilgi eksikliği ve evrak işlerinden kaynaklanırken, Erasmus sırasında genellikle akademik ve finansal problemler yaşanmıştır. Bazı katılımcılar Erasmus hareketliliği sonrasında günlük hayatlarına adapte olmakta zorluk çektiklerini belirtmiştir. Bulgular ilgili litratür ışığında tartışılmış ve ileriki araştırmalar için öneriler sunulmuştur

    Variant type of leiomyomas: 13 years of experience in a single institution

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    Objectives: Our understanding of a variant type of leiomyoma lags far behind of leiomyoma/leiomyosarcoma of the uterus. The rarity of variant type leiomyomas limits epidemiologic study, evidence-based guidance for diagnosis and treatment. We aimed to analyze clinical, pathologic and radiological features of variant type of leiomyomas in women who underwent surgical therapy for symptomatic disease in a tertiary center. We furthermore intended to put forth the recurrence patterns of variant type of leiomyoma after uterine-conserving therapies.Material and methods: Pathology results and inpatient files of women undergoing surgery (vaginal or abdominal hysterectomy; total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salphingoopherectomy; abdominal myomectomy; polipectomy) for symptomatic disease and with a histologic diagnosis of variant type of leiomyoma were assessed. Patient gravida, parity, menopausal status, patient complaint, type of initial surgical procedure, size of neoplasms, number of mitosis, presence of atypia, and necrosis, MRI evaluation, recurrence and any subsequent therapy were documented.Results: A total of 3275 patients’ medical records were evaluated between 2005–2018. The study sample comprised of 185 women with a diagnosis of variant type of leiomyoma. The patients ranged from 23 to 79 years of age. One hundred thirty-five cases were postmenopausal and 50 cases were during the reproductive period. The most common presenting symptom was menometrorrhagia (38.9%). Four point nine percent of cellular leiomyoma, 14.2% of smooth muscle tumors of uncertain malignant potential (STUMP) and 4.7% of atypical leiomyomas were recurred with clinical follow-up.Conclusions: Clinicians should be aware of variant type leiomyomas and their associated clinical, imaging, and pathologic issues

    The course and outcomes of complicated gallstone disease in pregnancy: Experience of a tertiary center

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    Objective: To evaluate the course and outcomes of pregnant patients with complicated gallstone disease and to reveal the experience of a tertiary center. Materials and Methods: The records of 92.567 patients were evaluated using searches for diagnoses with the terms of pregnant, pregnancy, gallstone, cholecystitis, cholangitis, choledocholithiasis, pancreatitis, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in pregnancy in the hospital database. Patients’ age, week of gestation, parity, body mass index, definitive diagnosis, attack episodes, treatment modalities, and obstetric and neonatal complications were evaluated. Results: Overall, 59 women were diagnosed as having complicated gallstone disease in pregnancy. Acute cholecystitis was the most commonly diagnosed complicated gallbladder disease (62.7%). Cholecystectomy was performed in 15 women during gestation. Perinatal outcomes were as follows: one (1.7%) maternal death, 4 (6.8%) preterm deliveries, 5 (8.5%) low-birth-weight fetuses, and 1 (1.7%) missed abortion were encountered. No fetal abnormalities were encountered. Conclusion: A significant proportion of women experience biliary disease during pregnancy. Herein, we presented our clinical experience because the diagnosis, course, and management of complicated gallstone disease in pregnancy is complicated

    Evaluation of perinatal outcomes of pregnancies having increased nuchal translucency in first trimester screening test and normal karyotype

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    WOS: 000408441500004Amaç: Çalışmamızda ilk trimester Down sendromu tarama testinde Nukal Translusensi (NT) ölçümü ≥ 95. persantil bulunan ancak genetik inceleme sonucunda normal karyotip saptanan gebeliklerin perinatal sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: İlk trimester tarama testinde NT ≥ 95. persantil saptanan ve karyotipleme yapılan hastaların sonuçları retrospektif olarak tarandı. Sayısal ya da yapısal kromozomal anomali saptanmamış olguların dosyalarından anne yaşı, obstetrik ve aile öyküsü bilgilerine ulaşıldı. Hastalarla telefon ile mülakat yapılarak gebeliğin nasıl sonuçlandığı, gebelik süresince ve yenidoğan/infant/çocukluk dönemi takiplerinde herhangi bir anormallik saptanıp saptanmadığı öğrenildi. Bulgular: NT 7.2 mm bulunan bir olgunun detaylı fetal USG incelemesinde majör kardiyovasküler anomaliler saptanması nedeni ile termine edilmiş olduğu, NT 2.8 mm bulunan bir ikiz gebelikte fetuslardan birinde 13. haftada kalp atımının negatifleştiği, öploid olduğu saptanan diğer fetusta IUGR geliştiği ve 23. haftada in utero kayıp olduğu, NT 2.8 mm bulunan iki olgudan birinde 16. haftada, diğerinde 30. haftada in utero fetal kayıp yaşandığı, NT 3.9 mm bulunan ve hafif pyelektazi kaydedilmiş fetusun yenidoğan takiplerinde renal pelvis çaplarının normal sınırlara gerilediği görülmüştür. NT 2.9 mm bulunan başka bir fetusta ise doğum sonrası hipospadias saptanmış olduğu bilgisi edinilmiştir. Sonuç: Genetik incelemede normal karyotipleme elde edilse bile NT 95. persantil ve üzerinde olan fetuslar in utero fetal kayıp, majör yapısal anomaliler, genetik sendromlar ve nörolojik gelişimsel sorunlar açısından yüksek risk taşıyabilirler. Aile bu konuda bilgilendirilmeli ve izlem süreci yenidoğan, infant, çocukluk dönemi boyunca devam etmelidir.Objective: To assess the perinatal outcomes of fetuses having nuchal translucency (NT) greater than 2.5 mm and with normal karyotype. Materials and Methods: Results of pregnancies with an increased nuchal translucency (95. percentile and above) in the first trimester screening test and those with karyotyping were examined retrospectively. Cases without chromosomal abnormalities were evaluated for the maternal age, obstetric and family history. Information about the outcomes of pregnancies and any abnormalities detected during pregnancy/ neonatal /infancy / childhood follow- ups were obtained by telephone interviews. Results: A case that had 7.2 mm NT had been terminated due to major cardiovascular abnormalities. One fetus in twin pregnancy that had 2.8 mm NT resulted in missed abortion in 13 weeks of gestation and intrauterine growth restriction developed in the other euploid fetus and resulted in utero exitus at 23 weeks of gestation. Other two cases having 2.8 mm NT resulted in utero fetal demise at 16 weeks and 30 weeks. Another case having 3.9 mm NT who had mild pyelectasis had normal renal pelvic diameter in the neonatal period. Hypospadias was diagnosed postpartum in another fetus with 2.9 mm NT. Conclusion: Even among fetuses with normal karyotype, NT > 95th percentiles may present an increased risk for in utero fetal death, major structural abnormalities, genetic syndromes and neurological developmental problems. Families should be informed about it and follow-up processes should be continued throughout the newborn, infancy and childhood period

    Evaluation of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, platelet-lymphocyte ratio and red blood cell distribution width-platelet ratio as early predictor of acute pancreatitis in pregnancy

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    Objective: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a state of inflammation. It has been widely known that neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR) and red blood cell distribution width (RDW) to platelet ratio (RPR) reflect systemic inflammation. The aim of this study is to investigate whether these inflammatory markers could be used as reliable markers in early prediction of AP in pregnancy and if there is a relationship between disease severity and these markers.Methods: The study group consisted of 14 patients, who developed AP in ongoing pregnancy, and the control group consisted of 30 healthy pregnant women. NLR, PLR and RPR were calculated for both the groups.Results: NLR was significantly elevated in the AP group when compared with the controls (p=0.00), but there was no statistically significant difference in terms of PLR and RPR (p>0.05). ROC curve analysis results for NLR showed that there was a significant prediction power of NLR for AP (R-2=0.842; p<0.001). For NLR parameter, if cut-off value is chosen to be 4.1030, then sensitivity is 71.4% and specificity is 100.0%. There was statistically significant and positive correlation between C-reactive protein (CRP) and glucose with NLR (p=0.001, p=0.043). It was seen that Ranson was close to be significant (p=0.051).Conclusion: NLR might be used as an early marker of AP and may have a role in prediction of disease severity

    cis-Dioxomolybdenum(VI) complexes of a new ONN chelating thiosemicarbazidato ligand; Synthesis, characterization, crystal, molecular structures and antioxidant activities

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    5-Chloro-4-methyl-2-hydroxybenzophenone S-propy1-4-phenyl-thiosemicarbazone (H2L) and its cis-dioxomolybdenum(VI) complexes, in the general formula [MoO2(L)R-OH)] (R: methyl, 1; ethyl, 2; n-pro-pyl, 3; n-butyl, 4; n-pentyl, 5), were synthesized and characterized by micro analysis, electronic, infrared and H-1 and C-13 NMR spectra. The crystal structures of complexes, 1 and 3, have been solved by direct methods (SIR92) and refined to the residual indexes R-1 = 0.098 and R-1 = 0.052 respectively. Complexes 1 and 3 are crystallized in the triclinic space group P-1 with Z = 2. The crystal study of complex 1 showed the first example of intermolecular hydrogen bond for this type of molybdenum-thiosemicarbazone complexes. The hydrogen bond is between the hydroxyl proton of attached alcohol and an oxo oxygen (in MoO22+ unit) of another complex molecule, and its bond distance (1.767(1) angstrom) is shorter than from the sigma-coordination bonds in complex 1. Antioxidant activities of the compounds were determined by using 1,1-dipheny1-2-picryIhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Ligand showed 23.61% DPPH radical scavenging activity at 250 mg/L concentration. Cupric Reducing Antioxidant Capacity (CUPRAC) was also evaluated and trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) values were found for ligand, 1 and 3 as 0.51, 0.33 and 0.30 respectively. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Tissue doppler-derived isovolumic acceleration parameters in organic mitral regurgitation

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    WOS: 000321721800005PubMed ID: 23610984Background and aim of the study: New, quantitative, reliable and practical echocardiographic parameters are required for grading the severity of mitral regurgitation (MR). Thus, an investigation was made of tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) parameters in MR patients with a preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Methods: Transthoracic echocardiography was performed in 96 consecutive patients with varying degrees of MR but with a preserved LVEF. In addition, TDI-derived systolic velocities of the mitral and tricuspid annulus were recorded. The results obtained were compared with those from 31 age- and gender-matched healthy controls. Results: The study patients were classified according to MR severity: mild-moderate (n = 65) or severe (n = 31). Although isovolumic myocardial acceleration (IVA) and peak myocardial velocity during isovolumic contraction (IVV) showed similar values in all groups, the acceleration time (AT) was higher in the severe MR group than in mild or moderate MR patients (p <0.001). The AT cut-off value to predict severe MR was 35 ms (sensitivity 74.2%, specificity 58.5%). Conclusion: AT has the potential to differentiate severe MR from non-severe MR in patients with a preserved LVEF. These findings suggest that TDI of the mitral annulus might serve as a novel method for assessing MR severity