6 research outputs found

    Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transsexuals and Patient Rights

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    Objective:In Türkiye, 5th item of Patient Rights Regulation declares that “Health care services must be provided without distinction of patients’ race, language, religion or religious sect, sex, political opinion, philosophical opinion, economic or social state or any other differences”. The aim of this study is to determine the discrimination faced by LGBT, and violation of their rights based on their gender identity or sexual orientation while receiving health care.Methods:Our study was conducted as a cross-sectional survey study. LGBT individuals were contacted through the Black Pink Triangle Izmir Association; For Researches On & Against Discrimination Based On Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. Questions of our survey were compiled from items of Turkish Patient Rights Regulation and questionnaires which were used in “Surveillance Report of Discrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Türkiye” study. All data analyses were performed using SPSS software (version 18.0).Results:Sixty-three LGBT individuals were included in this study. Forty-four of the participants (69.8%) were homosexual/lesbian or gay, 11 of them were bisexual (17.5%) and eight of them (12.7%) were transgender. 84.1% (53) of the participants had health insurance. We found that transgenders were exposed to discrimination significantly more than bisexuals and homosexuals (p=0.042). Fourteen individuals claimed that they were exposed to discrimination based on their gender identity or sexual orientation: 11 of them were discriminated by physicians (78.56%).Conclusion:We found that LGBT individuals face discrimination more than the general population and usually receive health care in inconvenient conditions. We believe that starting from health care providers, public awareness should be raised about discrimination rates, and also a health care policy should be developed and an action policy should be planned about the discrimination of LGBT individuals

    Retrospective Evaluation and Comparison of All Medicolegal Autopsies Performed Before and After the COVID-19 Pandemic in İzmir

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    Objective:In this study, in the 2 year period before and after the first date of the COVID-19 case in Turkey (between 11.03.2019-10.03.2020-11.03.2020-10.03.2021) İzmir Forensic Medicine Group Presidency we aimed to show the effects of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic by examining the autopsies and autopsy findings performed in the Izmir Forensic Medicine Group Presidency through the forensic autopsy records.Methods:Our study was planned as a retrospective study of autopsies performed in İzmir Forensic Medicine Group Presidency. The work will start after the necessary permissions are obtained from the İstanbul Forensic Medicine Institute. The data of autopsies performed between 11.03.2019-10.03.2020 and 11.03.2020-10.03.2021 in the İzmir Forensic Medicine Group Presidency will be analyzed in terms of age, gender, cause of death, origin of death and mode of death.Results:A total of 4604 autopsy cases were examined in our study. In the pre-pandemic period, the number of female cases was 472 (21.4%), the number of male cases was 1734 (78.6%), the most common form of death was suspicious death with 1192 (54%), and the most common origin was 1039 (47.1%) was detected as natural death. After the pandemic, these numbers were found to be 413 (17.2%) for women, 1985 (82.8%) for men, 1398 (58.3) suspicious deaths and 1072 (44.7%) natural deaths.Conclusion:As in all areas of life, changes have occurred in forensic autopsy practice with the COVID-19 pandemic, and we think it is important to share the data we have obtained as a result of examining and analyzing all forensic autopsies performed during and before the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in Izmir for two years

    Postmortem Olarak Saptanmış Nadir Görülen Konjenital Perikardiyal Kist

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    Konjenital perikardiyal kistler çok nadirdir ve birçok vakada tesadüfen saptanmasına karşın nadiren yaşamı tehdit edici semptomlara neden olabilir. 23 yaşındaki postpartum dönemdeki kadın olgunun yapılan otopsisinde saptanan perikardiyal kistin veatrioventriküler (AV) nodda yağlanmaya bağlı değişikliklerin kişinin ölümü üzerindekietkisini tartışmayı amaçladık.Adli tahkikatta; emzirme döneminde olan kadının bir süredir göğüs ağrısı şikâyetiolduğu yazılıydı. Yapılan otopsisinde; perikardın dış yüzüne asılı halde, sol akciğer üstloba komşu 7,5x7,5x4 cm boyutunda, oval yapıda, unilokuler, intakt, içerisinde berraksıvı bulunan kistik yapı görüldü. Histopatolojik incelemede; AV nodda yağlanmayabağlı değişiklikler izlendi.Olgumuzda mediastendeki kistin yer kaplayıcı etkisi sonrası gelişen aritmi, sağventrikül çıkış yolu tıkanıklığı, kardiyak bası gibi komplikasyonların ve AV nodda yağlanmaya bağlı değişikliklerin ölümüne sebebiyet verdiği değerlendirild

    Domestic violence survivors and their experiences during legal process

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    Background: Many victims of domestic violence do not seek recourse to the needed medical and legal services. The aim of this study was to determine the difficulties faced by and experiences of female survivors of domestic violence during their medical and legal proceedings