18 research outputs found

    Microstructure generation and micromechanical modeling of sheet molding compound composites

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    We introduce an algorithm that allows for a fast generation of SMC composite microstructures. An exact closure approximation and a quasi-random orientation sampling ensure high fidelity. Furthermore, we present a modular framework for anisotropic damage evolution. Our concept of extraction tensors and damage-hardening functions enables the description of complex damage-degradation. In addition, we propose a holistic multiscale approach for constructing anisotropic failure criteria

    Microstructure generation and micromechanical modeling of sheet molding compound composites

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    We introduce an algorithm that allows for a fast generation of SMC composite microstructures. An exact closure approximation and a quasi-random orientation sampling ensure high fidelity. Furthermore, we present a modular framework for anisotropic damage evolution. Our concept of extraction tensors and damage-hardening functions enables the description of complex damage-degradation. In addition, we propose a holistic multiscale approach for constructing anisotropic failure criteria

    A convex anisotropic damage model based on the compliance tensor

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    This work is devoted to anisotropic continuum-damage mechanics in the quasi-static, isothermal, small-strain setting. We propose a framework for anisotropic damage evolution based on the compliance tensor as primary damage variable, in the context of generalized standard models for dissipative solids. Based on the observation that the Hookean strain energy density of linear elasticity is jointly convex in the strain and the compliance tensor, we design thermodynamically consistent anisotropic damage models that satisfy Wulfinghoff’s damage-growth criterion and feature a convex free energy. The latter property permits obtaining mesh-independent results on component scale without the necessity of introducing gradients of the damage field. We introduce the concepts of stress-extraction tensors and damage-hardening functions, implicitly describing a rigorous damage-analogue of yield surfaces in elastoplasticity. These damage surfaces may be combined in a modular fashion and give rise to complex damage-degradation behavior. We discuss how to efficiently integrate Biot’s equation implicitly, and show how to design specific stress-extraction tensors and damage-hardening functions based on Puck’s anisotropic failure criteria. Last but not least we demonstrate the versatility of our proposed model and the efficiency of the integration procedure for a variety of examples of interest

    A computational multiscale model for anisotropic failure of sheet molding compound composites

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    We present a holistic multiscale approach for constructing anisotropic criteria describing the macroscopic failure of sheet molding compound composites based on full-field simulations of microscale damage evolution. We use an anisotropic damage model on the microscale that directly operates on the compliance tensor, captures matrix and bundle damage via dedicated stress-based damage criteria and allows for a comparison of simulation and experimental results. To identify the damage material-parameters used in the non-linear and time-consuming full-field simulations, we utilize Bayesian optimization with Gaussian processes. We validate the full-field predictions on the microscale and subsequently identify macroscopic failure criteria based on distributions taken from experimental findings. We propose failure surfaces in stress space and stiffness-reduction triggered failure surfaces to cover both a structural analysis and a design process perspective

    Sensitivity Analysis of Fiber-Matrix Interface Parameters in an SMC Composite Damage Model

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    This contribution shortly introduces the anisotropic, micromechanical damage model for sheet molding compound (SMC) composites presented in the authors’ previous publication [1]. As the considered material is a thermoset matrix reinforced with long (≈25 mm) glass fibers, the leading damage mechanisms are matrix micro-cracking and fiber-matrix interface debonding. Those mechanisms are modeled on the microscale and within a Mori-Tanaka homogenization framework. The model can account for arbitrary fiber orientation distributions. Matrix damage is considered as an isotropic stiffness degradation. Interface debonding is modeled via a Weibull interface strength distribution and the inhomogeneous stress distribution on the lateral fiber surface. Hereby, three independent parameters are introduced, that describe the interface strength and damage behavior, respectively. Due to the high non-linearity of the model, the influence of these parameters is not entirely clear. Therefore, the focus of this contribution lies on the variation and discussion of the above mentioned interface parameters

    Effect of stacking sequence on impact resistance performance of hybrid composites laminated with continuous and discontinuous fiber-reinforced layers

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    In the present study, we introduce a thermoplastic composite, hybridly laminated with continuous and discontinuous fiber-reinforced layers. The hybridization intends to mutually compensate poor mechanical performance of the discontinuous reinforcement and limiting shape complexity due to the continuity. The mechanical performance of the hybrid composite is the main concern of the present study. Especially, the impact response of the hybridly laminated composite plates with various stacking sequences is studied through drop-weight impact tests. It is obviously found that a panel stacked with only the continuous fiber-reinforced layers exhibits the strongest impact performance. The present study also shows that, although half of the stiff layers at the impact side are replaced with relatively ductile discontinuous fiber-reinforced layers, almost the same impact performance can be achieved. The energy absorption capability of the discontinuous fiber-reinforced layer is again observed when the ductile layer is situated between the two brittle layers; the in-between ductility due to the discontinuous reinforcement effectively delays successive brittle failure of the continuous fiber-reinforced layers. However, the alternate stack weakens the impact performance. Overall, the impact resistance is increased with the number of the continuous fiber-reinforced layers

    Virtual process chain of sheet molding compound: Development, validation and perspectives

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    A virtual process chain for sheet molding compound (SMC) composites is established and validated by means of experimental investigations on a demonstrator structure. The flow in the compression molding step is simulated via a Coupled-Eulerian-Lagrangian approach using an anisotropic non-Newtonian fluid flow model. Evolution of the fiber orientation distribution (FOD) is described by Jeffery's equation. The predicted FOD is mapped to structural simulations employing a neutral data format. A mean-field anisotropic damage model is used to predict the damage evolution in the demonstrator. Simulated FOD at the end of the compression molding is validated by computer tomography. Structural simulations are validated by means of a cyclic four-point bending test on the demonstrator. The predicted results show increased accuracy with the experiments by transferring FOD data within the virtual process chain. Critical points of high damage concentrations leading to failure agree with the experimental observations