13 research outputs found

    Clinical Results of Anterior Odontoid Screw Fixation for Type II Odontoid Fractures

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    AmAÇ: Çalışmada, Tip II odontoid fraktürü tanısı alan 31 olgu bildirilmiştir. Olguların hepsi anterior transodontoid vida fiksasyonu ile tedavi edilmiş ve klinik sonuçları bildirilmiştir. yÖNTEm ve GEREÇLER: Çalışma, VKV Amerikan Hastanesi Nöroşirürji Bölümü'nde 1998-2012 yılları arasında travmatik tip II odontoid kırığı nedeniyle anterior transodontoid fiksasyon ile cerrahi tedavi uygulanan 31 hastanın retrospektif klinik analizleri yapılmıştır. Tüm olguların yaş, cinsiyet, travma nedeni, teşhis zamanı, cerrahi girişim öncesi ve sonrasında nörolojik muayeneleri, takip süresi değerlendirilmiştir. Olguların nörolojik durumları Frankel skalasına göre sınıflandırılmıştır. BuLGuLAR: Dört hastaya 2 adet transodontoid vidası yerleştirildi. Hastanede kalış süresi ortalama 3,35 gün idi. 1 hastada postop takibinde füzyon oluşmaması nedeniyle ikinci bir operasyon ile posteriordan oksipitoservikal füzyon yapıldı. İşlem sırasında ve sonrasında damar yaralanması, vida malpozisyonu, enfeksiyon, nörolojik bozulma gibi komplikasyonlar izlenmedi. Hastalar ameliyat sonrasında ortalama 36 ay takip edildi. Hastaların erken ve geç dönemde radyolojik görüntülemeleri yapıldı. soNuÇ: Postoperatif dönemde hastaların takiplerinde tatmin edici füzyon oranı ve hasta konforunun daha iyi olduğunu saptadık. Tip II odontoid kırıklarının cerrahi tedavisinde minimal invaziv yöntem olan transodontoid vida ile fiksasyonun yüksek avantajlarından dolayı ilk seçenek olabileceğini düşünüyoruz.AIm: In this study, 31 patients with a diagnosis of Type II odontoid fractures were reported. All patients were treated with anterior transodontoid screw fixation and clinical outcomes were reported. mATERIAL and mETHods: In this study, the retrospective clinical analysis of 31 patients with traumatic type II odontoid fractures who were treated through anterior transodontoid fixation in Neurosurgery Department at VKV American Hospital between 1998 and 2012 was performed. The age, sex, cause of injury, diagnosis time, neurological examination before and after surgery, follow-up period were evaluated. The neurological status of patients was classified according to the Frankel scale. REsuLTs: In 4 patients, 2 transodontoid screws were inserted. The mean hospital stay was 3.35 days. Posterior occipito-cervical fusion was done in 1 patient due to the lack of fusion in the first operation. No vascular injury, screw malposition, infection, neurologic deterioration, or complications were observed during the peroperative and postoperative stage. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 36 months after surgery. Radiological imaging of patients were performed at the early and late postoperative stage. CoNCLusIoN: We found satisfying fusion rates and better patient comfort during the postoperative period. We think that stabilization and fusion through a transodontoid screw is a minimal invasive method

    A new lumbar fixation device alternative to pedicle-based stabilization for lumbar spine: In vitro cadaver investigation

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    Context: To evaluate the stability provided by a new bilateral fixation technique using an in vitro investigation for posterior lumbar segmental instrumentation. Design: Experimental cadaver study. In this study, we propose an alternative technique for a posterior lumbar fixation technique called “inferior-oblique transdiscal fixation” (IOTF). Setting: Study performed at Engineering Center for Orthopedic Research Exellence (ECORE) in Toledo University-Ohio. Participants: Six human lumbar cadaveric specimen used in this study. Interventions: In this study, we propose an alternative technique for a posterior lumbar fixation technique called “inferior-oblique transdiscal fixation” (IOTF). As a novel contribution to the classical technique, the entry point of the screw is the supero-lateral point of the intersecting line drawn between the corpus and the pedicle of the upper vertebra. This approach enables the fixation of two adjacent vertebrae using a single screw on each side without utilizing connecting rods. Outcome Measures: Flexion (Flex), extension (Ext), right and left lateral bending (LB & RB), and right and left axial rotation (LR & RR), and the position data were captured at each load step using the Optotrak motion measurement system and compared for IOTF and posterior transpedicular stabilization. Results: The Posterior stabilization system (PSS) and IOTF significantly reduced the ROM of L4-L5 segment compared to intact segment’s ROM. During axial rotation (AR) IOTF fused index segment more than PSS. Besides this, addition of transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) cage improved the stabilization of IOTF system during flexion, extension and lateral bending. Whereas, PSS yielded better fusion results during extension compared to IOTF with and without interbody fusion cages. Conclusions: We hypothesized that the new posterior bilateral system would significantly decrease motion compared to the intact spine. This cadaver study showed that the proposed new posterior fusion technique IOTF fused the index segment in a similar fashion to the classical pedicle screw fusion technique.National Science Foundation (NSF)University of Toledo, Toledo, O

    Persistent sciatalgia due to a wandering bipolar forceps tip after posterior lumbar stabilization: A case report

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    WOS: 000384801600009There are several reports in the literature about the retained surgical materials as a cause of radicular pain or sensory impairment after spinal surgery. We report a patient with a persistent radicular pain in the distribution of left S1 nerve dermatome following lumbar stabilization surgery. Retained bipolar forceps tip has not been reported previously in the literature as a cause of sciatalgia after posterior lumbar surgery

    The axon protective effects of syringic acid on ischemia/ereperfusion injury in a rat sciatic nerve model

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    WOS: 000392042000017PubMed ID: 27593755AIM: In the relevant literature, there is no experimental study that investigated the axon protective effects of syringic acid- a polyphenol compound- with an anti-oxidant capacity on ischemia/reperfusion injury. MATERIAL and METHODS: The rats were randomly divided into four groups: Control group (no medication or surgical procedure), Sham group, Syringic acid group, and Methyprednisolone (MP) Group. lschemia was achieved by abdominal aorta clamping and all animals were sacrificed 24 hours after ischemia. Harvested sciatic nerve segments were investigated histopathologically and for tissue biochemistry. RESULTS: lschemic fiber degeneration scores were found significantly lower in syringic acid and MP groups than sham group. Additionally, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase caspase-3 immunostaining scores were lower in syringic acid and MP groups. Biochemically, superoxide dismutase and nuclear respiratory factor 1 values were significantly higher in syringic acid group compared to those of control and sham groups while malondialdehyde levels were significantly lower in the syringic acid group. CONCLUSION: Syringic acid reduces oxidative stress and axonal degeneration in rat sciatic nerve after ischemia/reperfusion injury. Therefore, syringic acid may play a role in the treatment of peripheral nerve injuries due to ischemia/reperfusion