16 research outputs found

    A 26-yr-old female with persistent cough

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    Confident Diagnosis of Bronchobiliary Fistula Using Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Cholangiography

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    We report the utility of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) using gadoxetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA) in the diagnosis of bronchobiliary fistula associated with liver hydatid cyst. Contrast-enhanced MRC clearly delineated the leakage of contrast agent from the biliary duct and its communication with the bronchial tree. Providing functional information about physiologic or pathologic biliary flow in addition to the display of biliary anatomy, contrast-enhanced MRC stands as a robust technique in confidently detecting bronchobiliary fistula and bile leaks

    Sarkoidozlu olgularda klinik görünüm ve tanısal yaklaşım: Türk olgu serisi (sarkoidoz kliniği ve tanı yaklaşımları)

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    Sarkoidoz, idiyopatik granülomatöz bir hastalıktır. Genellikle akciğer tutulumu vardır. Tanısı, granülomatöz inflamasyonun bilinen diğer nedenlerinin dışlanması gerekliliği yüzünden zor olabilir. Çok merkezli çalışmamızda sarkoidozun klinik görünümleri ve tanısal yaklaşımlarının değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma protokolü internet üzerinden araştırmacılara gönderildi ve yeni tanı almış sarkoidoz olgularına ait bilgilerini göndermeleri istendi (klinik, radyolojik ve tanısal). İki yıl içinde 293 hasta verisi toplandı. Solunumsal yakınmalar, hastaların %73.3’ünde bulundu ve öksürük en sık yakınmaydı (%53.2), dispne (%40.3) ikinci sıklıktaydı. Konstitüsyonel yakınmalar hastaların yarısında görüldü. En sık olanı yorgunluktu (%38.6). En yaygın bulgu eritema nodozum (%17.1) idi. En sık akciğer radyogramı bulgusu bilateral hiler lenfadenomegali (%78.8) idi. Radyolojik evrelemede hastaların çoğunluğunun Evre I ve Evre II olduğu bulundu (sırasıyla %51.9 ve %31.7). Histolojik doğrulama 265 (%90.4) hastada gerçekleşmişti. Bronkoskopilerin üçte biri normal iken, mukozal hiperemi (%19.8) ve bronş duvarının dışarıdan basısı (%16.8) yaygın anormal bulgular idi. Sık kullanılan örnekleme yöntemleri arasında yer alan mediastinoskopide tanı başarısı %100 idi. En sık kullanılan tanı yöntemi olan transbronşiyal biyopsinin başarı oranı %48.8 idi. Sarkoidoza çok yönlü yaklaşım, sık ve seyrek rastlanan bulguları göz önünde bulundurularak ayırıcı tanı listelerinde yer alması, olası tutulmuş alanlara yönelik tanısal incelemelerin organizasyonu ve birarada çalışan ekip üyelerinin konunun uzmanı olması sayesinde iyileştirilir.Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic granulomatous disease. It usually affects the lung. The diagnosis may be problematic since the known causes of granulomatous inflammation must be excluded. This multicenter study aimed to evaluate the clinical presentations and diagnostic approaches of sarcoidosis. The study protocol was sent via internet, and the participants were asked to send the information (clinical, radiological and diagnostic) on newly diagnosed sarcoidosis cases. 293 patients were enrolled within two years. Pulmonary symptoms were found in 73.3% of the patients, and cough was the most common one (53.2%), followed by dyspnea (40.3%). Constitutional symptoms were occured in half of the patients. The most common one was fatigue (38.6%). The most common physical sign was eritema nodosum (17.1%). The most common chest radiograhical sign was bilateral hilar lymphadenomegaly (78.8%). Staging according to chest X-ray has revealed that most of the patients were in Stage I and Stage II (51.9% and 31.7%, respectively). Sarcoidosis was confirmed histopathologically in 265 (90.4%) patients. Although one-third of the bronchoscopy was revealed normal, mucosal hyperemi (19.8%) and external compression of the bronchial wall (16.8%) were common abnormal findings. The 100% success rate was obtained in mediastinoscopy among the frequently used sampling methods. Transbronchial biopsy was the most frequently used method with 48.8% success rate. Considering sarcoidosis with its most common and also rare findings in the differential diagnosis, organizing the related procedures according to the possibly effected areas, and the expertise of the team would favour multimodality diagnosis

    Gender differences in global cardiovascular risk factors of obstructive sleep apnea patients

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    The morbidity and mortality of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are related principally to its cardiovascular complications. Metabolic syndrome (MBS) is recognized as raising the risk of cardiovascular disease. In this study, we analysied the diagnostic value of MBS to predict the diagnosis of severe OSA. Eight-seven subjects (54 males and 33 females) without any cardiac or pulmonary disease referred for evaluation of OSA, had overnight polysomnography. MBS were diagnosed according to NCEP criteria. According to apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), subjects were divided into two groups: severe OSA (AHI ≥ 30, 26 males, 15 females) and non-severe OSA (AHI < 30, 28 males, 18 females). Ages were similar in both OSA groups for both genders. In the severe OSA group, number of patients with MBS was especially higher (in females n= 13, 86.6%; in males n= 19, 73%) than non-severe OSA (in females 6, 33%, in males 9, 32%). The mean values of the five diagnostic criteria of MBS were significantly higher in severe OSA than non-severe groups in both genders. Analysis of diagnostic value (criteria ≥ 3) of MBS for predicting the diagnosis of severe OSA in males and females revealed the sensitivity 73% and 86.6%, the specificity 67.8% and 94.4%, positive predictive value 67.9% and 86.7%, negative predictive value 73% and 85.7% respectively. Especially in female patients referred to the sleep clinics, evaluation of MBS criteria may play an important role in predicting severe OSA with high sensitivity and negative predictivity. Furthermore, the presence of MBS in OSA patients might increase cardiovascular complications

    Severe Sleep Apnea Syndrome Diagnosed with Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    A 55-year-old man with acute myocardial infarction and no heart failure, had episodes of severe oxygen desaturation and apnea, while his hemodynamic parameters were stable. Sleep recordings revealed severe sleep apnea, and pulmonary function tests showed bronchial obstruction. Apnea and desaturation resolved on bilevel positive airway pressure. Patients with acute myocardial infarction who have apnea and hypoxemia without evident heart failure should be evaluated for sleep disorders. © 2007, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved

    Tuberculosis in Nazilli District Prison, Turkey, 1997-2001

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    SETTING: Nazilli District Prison, Turkey. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the tuberculosis situation in a Turkish prison. DESIGN: Data obtained between 1997 and 2001 during the systematic annual tuberculosis screening programme undertaken in Nazilli District Prison were evaluated retrospectively. The screening programme consisted of yearly miniature chest radiography, and clinical and bacteriological evaluation of prisoners with abnormalities. Active tuberculosis cases among prisoners diagnosed passively at any time during the period were also studied. RESULTS: Over the 5-year period, 99.8% of the prisoners were screened. The mean point prevalence of tuberculosis in Nazilli District Prison was 341 per 100 000 prisoners. The total number of active tuberculosis cases was 13; five were symptomatic, of whom three were detected during screening. The remaining eight cases were determined only by screening. Treatment outcomes were treatment completion for six cases and cure for seven cases. CONCLUSION: Because tuberculosis prevalence is high among prisoners, it is necessary to continue screening for tuberculosis in prison in addition to passive case-finding activities. Treatment success is satisfactory in Nazilli District Prison. Screening of prison staff, contact examination and preventive approaches need further investigation

    Effects of CPAP on left ventricular structure and myocardial performance index in male patients with obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) has the potential to cause heart failure. We aimed to determine the effects of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy on left ventricular structure and myocardial performance index (MPI) in severe OSA patients. Methods: Sixty-seven subjects without any cardiac or pulmonary disease had overnight polysomnography and echocardiography. In 33 males with severe OSA, thickness of interventricular septum (IVS) and posterior wall (LVPW) were measured by M-mode. Left ventricular MPI was calculated as (isovolumic contraction time + isovolumic relaxation time)/aortic ejection time by Doppler. Results: Eight males were non-compliant with CPAP. Mean age was 47.9±8.2 years, and 20 of 25 patients (80.0%) were hypertensive. Patients had high body mass index (BMI: 31.0±3.9 kg/m2), but there was no change in BMI from baseline after 6 months. Thickness of IVS (11.0±1.1 mm) and LVPW (11.0±1.0 mm) at baseline were significantly decreased after 6 months of CPAP therapy (10.5±0.9 mm, P &lt; 0.001 and 10.4±0.7 mm, P &lt; 0.0001, respectively). Left ventricular MPI (60.1±13.8%) significantly decreased (53.0±10.7%, P &lt; 0.0001) after CPAP usage. Conclusions: In male patients with severe OSA, CPAP therapy significantly decreases left ventricular wall thickness and improves global function even with 6 months of usage. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved