2,435 research outputs found

    Separability and Hidden Symmetries of Kerr-Taub-NUT Spacetime in Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    The Kerr-Taub-NUT spacetime in the Kaluza-Klein theory represents a localized stationary and axisymmetric object in four dimensions from the Kaluza-Klein viewpoint. That is, it harbors companion electromagnetic and dilaton fields, thereby showing up the signature of the extra fifth dimension. We explore the separability structure of this spacetime and show that the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for geodesics admits the complete separation of variables only for massless geodesics. This implies the existence of the hidden symmetries in the spacetime, which are generated by the conformal Killing tensor. Using a simple trick built up on a conformally related metric (an "effective" metric) with the Killing tensor, we construct the explicit expression for the conformal Killing tensor.Comment: 10 pages; REVTe

    The Influence of Conflict on the Demand for Education in the Basque Region

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    It has previously been shown that civil conflict influences many economic factors, including education, which play an important role in development and economic growth. Previous authors working on the influence of conflict on education have, however, always focused strongly on the supply-side effects, whereas this paper examines the influence of conflict on the demand for education. It is theoretically shown that, under relatively general conditions, individuals living in a conflict area have an incentive to increase their level of education and that this effect depends on the individual's skill level. This hypothesis is then tested using the conflict in the Basque Region as a case study, which is an example of a conflict in which one would not expect strong supply-side effects. Using the other Spanish regions, an artificial region is created in which the population has a similar educational distribution as in the Basque Region. When comparing the true and artificial regions, it can clearly be seen that for individuals with a medium level of education, there is a strong incentive to increase their education level, which is in concordance with the theoretical model.Conflict, Education, Matching, Spain

    Focus in Words with Truth Values

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    This article analyses the prosodic properties of words with truth values in Turkish. These are morphologically complex items that are finite predicates and that can function as declarative sentences. Researchers who have worked on morphologically complex words have generally taken the view that stress occupies a unique position and that this is a consequence of their morphophonological properties. Here we draw attention to data originally due to Sebüktekin (1984) that challenge this position. This data show that the position of stress is variable in morphologically complex words that are declarative constructions, an outcome which is natural given that prosodic prominence as the phonological correlate of focus is expected to be found in all declaratives. The variation in prominence will thus be argued to be similar to that which occurs in sentences with multiple constituents, and that which reflects the difference between presentational and contrastive focus. The investigation thus brings together two separate lines of research concerning Turkish: the location of stress in morphologically complex words, and the location of pitch in presentational and contrastive focus sentences. The findings will be discussed in the context of their implications for hierarchical views of prosodic prominence and hypotheses concerning focus-alignmentEste trabajo analiza las propiedades prosódicas de palabras con valores de verdad en turco. Éstas se caracterizan por ser palabras complejas a nivel morfológico que son predicados finitos y pueden funcionar como oraciones declarativas. Las investigaciones anteriores sobre palabras morfológicamente complejas han venido proponiendo que dichas palabras tienen posición acentual fija como consecuencia de sus mismas propiedades morfofonológicas. En este trabajo nos centramos en datos originalmente estudiados por Sebüktekin (1984), que contradicen esta teoría. Estos datos muestran que la posición del acento es variable en las palabras morfológicamente complejas que son construcciones declarativas, consecuencia natural dado que se predice que la prominencia prosódica como correlato fonológico del foco esté presente en todas las declartivas. Así, se argumenta que la variación en cuanto a la prominencia es similar a la observada en oraciones de constituyentes multiples, y al tipo de variación que refleja el contraste semántico existente entre foco informativo y foco contrastivo. Esta investigación, por tanto, consolida dos líneas de investigación que hasta ahora habían sido independientes en los estudios sobre el turco: la posición del acento en palabras morfológicamente complejas y la posición de la altura tonal en cláusulas de foco informativo y en cláusulas de foco contrastivo. En la exposición de los resultados se enfatizarán las implicaciones del estudio en cuanto a su aportación a las perspectivas jerárquicas de la prominencia prosódica y a las hipótesis relacionadas con la alineación de focos.Este artigo analisa as propriedades prosódicas de palavras com valores de verdade em Turco. Estas são palavras morfologicamente complexas que são predicados finitos e que podem funcionar como frases declarativas. Os investigadores que têm trabalhado em palavras morfologicamente complexas assumem geralmente a visão de que o acento ocupa uma posição única nestas palavras e que tal é uma consequência das suas propriedades morfológicas. Aqui chamamos a atenção para dados, originalmente por Sebüktekin (1984), que desafiam esta posição. Estes dados mostram que a posição do acento é variável em palavras morfologicamente complexas que são construções declarativas, um resultado natural uma vez que é de esperar que a proeminência prosódica como correlata fonológica do foco esteja presente em todas as declarativas. Argumentaremos assim que a variação na proeminência é semelhante ao que ocorre em frases com múltiplos constituintes, e que reflectem a diferença semântica entre foco apresentacional e constrastivo. A investigação reúne assim duas linhas de investigação distintas relativamente ao Turco: a localização de acento em palavras morfologicamente complexas e a localização de pitch em frases com foco apresentacional e contrastivo. Os resultados serão discutidos no âmbito das suas implicações para visões hierárquicas de proeminência prosódica e hipóteses sobre alinhamento do foco

    The influence of the accession negotiations between the EU and Turkey on Turkey's employment and social policies

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    This paper aims to look into the effects of the accession negotiations between the EU and Turkey on Turkey's employment and social policies and attempts to assess the level of compliance of the Turkish legislation with the EU Acquis in this field. As a candidate country, Turkey is required to transpose and implement the EU Acquis on employment and social policy, which constitutes the 19th chapter in the EUTurkey negotiation process. This sine qua non condition for the accession provided a catalyst for legislative and institutional reforms with regards to employment rights, social dialogue, health and safety at work, gender equality and non-discrimination. It was found that Turkish legislation is in compliance or mostly complies circa 70% of the EU Directives in employment and social policy field. The analysis based on indicators also revealed that Turkey lagged far behind its European counterparts exactly in those social and employment policy areas where the highest compliance deficits were observed


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    The aim of this study is to be able to discover methodological similarities between the emergence of new tactics in the context of tactical changes in football history and the theory of paradigm shifts related to scientific revolutions in the philosophy of science. In this context, it has been argued that whether the changes in football tactics can be regarded as paradigmatic changes or not, taking into consideration certain points, and the question of whether the changes in football tactics can be handled as paradigm shifts in the scientific framework, and it has been analysed whether changes in soccer tactics can be handled as paradigm shifts in the scientific framework. The work's philosophical framework is based on the views of Thomas Kuhn on the philosophy of science in his work titled "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions". The paradigm shift in this context is explained in detail through the concepts such as the anomalies in the paradigm, the period of scientific crisis and the scientific revolution. In the second part of the work, it is examined whether the methods (tactics) created to gain success in the football can be taken as paradigm in detail through examples in football history. As a result, it has been shown that football tactics can be regarded as paradigms and tactical changes can be regarded as paradigm shifts. With this study, it was expected to open a new discussion area about the evaluation of sport - especially football - through philosophy.  Article visualizations

    Basel Regulations, Economic Capital and Their Implications for the Turkish Banking Industry

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    Sermaye tüm ekonomik birimlerin en hayati kaynak unsurlarındandır. Ayrıca, özellikle bankalar için hesaplanması ve yönetilmesi gereken temel finansal göstergelerden birisidir. Yasal sermaye olarak adlandırılan, bankalar için gerekli sermaye standartlarının oluşturulabilmesi amacıyla Basel Bankacılık Komitesi on yıllardır farklı prensipler üzerinde mutabakat sağlanması amacıyla çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Bankaların sermaye gereksinimi konusunda önem arz eden bir başka kavram olan ekonomik sermaye ise banka sermaye gerekliliği konusundaki tüm bu çalışmaların bir anlamda nihai ürünü olarak, taşınan risklerin rakamsal şekilde ölçülmesi vasıtasıyla banka sermayesinin optimum olarak hesaplanmasını ifade etmektedir. Bu çalışmada tüm bu süreç teorik olarak açıklanmaya çalışılmış ve bu durumun Türk Bankacılık Sektörü açısından işaret ettiği hususlar özetlenmiştir.Capital is one of the crucial financial sources of fund for all economic agents. It is also a basic financial indicator that should be measured and managed, especially for banks. Basel Banking Committee has been publishing a number of standards for almost two decades in order to establish harmonized capital requirement for banks, which set basis for regulatory capital. On the other hand, economic capital, which is another concept in managing capital in banks, is a consequence of theoretical studies and risk management and capital requirement practices. It is defined as the optimum bank capital level measured by quantifying all relevant risks involved. In this paper, these capital regulations are explained and implications of Basel Rules and economic capital models for The Turkish Banking Industry are summarized

    Foreign Policy Making in the Age of Populism: The Uses of Anti-Westernism in Turkish Politics

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    Many foreign policy analysts portray leaders as “chief negotiators” responsible for delicately sustaining a balancing act between the interests of their domestic constituents and the wishes of extra-national actors (e.g. other governments, international organisations, multinational companies). This depiction may accurately explain the behaviour of decision-makers in liberal democratic societies, but foreign policy making function differently in illiberal populist polities. This article argues that contemporary Turkey constitutes an illiberal populist regime where foreign policy making is subjugated to domestic policy concerns, and an assertive anti-Western foreign policy rhetoric is often systematically employed to generate public support to the incumbent AKP (Justice and Development Party) administration. Using the AKP’s 2017 Constitutional Referendum campaign as a case study, I suggest that anti-Westernism is an effective discourse to garner domestic support under illiberal populism. 

    Unilateral Trade Liberalization and Welfare Analysis: Iceberg Trade Costs versus Tariffs

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    A large body of literature in international economics has tried to explain the effect of asymmetric changes in trade barriers in welfare of the liberalizing country, however, there is no consensus on this issue. In this paper, I focus on the implications of a decline in import costs in welfare of the liberalizing country. I utilize a version of computational general equilibrium model of international trade (based on Armington assumption) where countries are potentially asymmetric in terms of labor endowment, productivity, trade barriers etc. under two different specifications of trade costs: (i) standard iceberg cost formulation and (ii) tariffs. The model numerically proves that unilateral trade liberalization is welfare improving for the liberalizing country in Armington setup with iceberg costs. However, when using tariffs, I numerically show that there exists a positive optimal tariff rate which maximizes welfare. This result indicates that a reduction in tariffs may either benefit or immiserize the liberalizing country depending on the pre-liberalization value of tariff. In the literature, a simple formula has been driven which shows the gains from trade for the case of iceberg costs. I generalize this formula in Armington setup with tariffs and highlight the importance of revenue generating tariffs

    Researching Arab Mediterranean Youth: Towards a New Social Contract (SAHWA)

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    Young people in the South and East Mediterranean area are enduring a multiple transitions. In addition to the political and socioeconomic transformations, there is the transition to adulthood from the famous tripartite division of the life cycle in preparation for professional life, working life and retirement. Other experiences of socio-economic transformation, as in East Europe, may give us learnt lessons to manage economic, political and social change. Today, there are no longer substantial differences separating the young people of west and east. Nevertheless, there are important differences in economic resources, education and social between two shores of the Mediterranean. In addition, the SEM young Europeans differ in cultural values and practices different from their counterparts in the north. Still, some processes linked to economic globalization and the precarious living conditions, labor and difficulties in individual empowerment, among others, suggest the emergence of a youth crime and its consolidation as a category of scientific analysis. This argument lets you put so research that supports integrating the European experiences in youth employment, political participation and gender equality, the youth situation in the context of transition and European double in similar scenarios on the south bank. To articulate such research dimensions the project will articulate the concept of triple transition, taking into account political transitions, socio-economic transitions, and “invisible” transition such as cultural trends and emotions related to youth and the insecurity about the future (“resident generation”)EU, Funded under FP7-SS