312 research outputs found

    Neighbourhood Regeneration in Istanbul – from Earthquake Mitigation to Planned Displacement and Gentrification

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    The paper analyses the development of neighbourhood regeneration in Istanbul since the 1999 Marmara earthquake, contrasting initial concepts and policy recommendations with actual policies and outcomes. It draws on original research to develop an analytical framework which focuses on the evolving inter-relationship between academic and professional discourses, innovative neighbourhood projects and central government’s neo-liberal economic and political strategies. The analysis identifies three phases. The first was the initial response to the 1999 earthquake, in the context of recovery from the 2001 recession, the early EU harmonisation process and the advent of single party (Justice and Development Party-AKP) government. This focussed attention on the legacy of the unregulated growth of Istanbul in the second half of the 20th century – thousands of poorly constructed earthquake vulnerable apartment blocks. The metropolitan municipality commissioned studies from local universities and international experts. Combined with an EU funded pilot project, this innovative research established the key components of a Turkish model of strategic earthquake resilient redevelopment of poor neighbourhoods, with minimum gentrification.But in the context of a rapidly growing economy, faltering EU harmonization and a second term for an increasingly pro-development government the second phase was dominated by the controversial implementation of the 2005 renewal law No. 5366 in the city’s historic districts. The central government housing development agency TOKI became the leading actor, working in partnership with district municipalities. Implementation was epitomized by the Sulukule Project which destroyed the Roma community. In parallel, the Fener-Balat EU project was succeeded by a construction company-led project which promoted gentrification. There was growing collective resistance from residents to regeneration projects in gecekondu (squatter) neighbourhoods. The concept of neighbourhood regeneration as earthquake mitigation was marginalized - gentrification was seen as a greater threat. A third term AKP administration prioritised supporting the construction sector to sustain economic development in the aftermath of the global downturn, but it also had to respond to the 2011 Van earthquake. The third phase began with the 2012 urban regeneration law No. 6306 which aimed to stimulate neighbourhood regeneration outside historic districts. Forty Urban Regeneration Areas have been designated in fifteen districts, through processes controlled by central government. However these neighbourhoods are generally not those most vulnerable to earthquake destruction, but those where redevelopment is highly profitable. A case study of Bağcılar illustrates the limitations of contemporary practice but also identifies positive developments which could be built on under changed circumstances.The paper concludes that the 20th century solutions to the challenges of urbanisation have substantially defined the neighbourhood regeneration problems of the 21st century and that current ‘top-down’ neo-liberal urban policies will not protect the poor from future earthquakes. Two parallel tasks are proposed for progressive academics and professionals: ‘bottom-up’ empirical research to provide hard evidence of the socially regressive outcomes of current practice and its failure to deliver earthquake resilience; and the definition of alternative models of neighbourhood regeneration, together with a specification of the changes in national policies necessary to deliver them

    Mikroplastikler üzrine ağır metal adsorpsiyonu araştırılması

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Mikroplastik, Ağır metal, Adsorpsiyon, Adsorpsiyon Kinetiği, Adsorpsiyon İzotermi Mikroplastikler ve ağır metaller sucul ekosistemlere olumsuz etkileri olan iki kirletici madde sınıfını temsil etmektedir. Su ekosistemindeki canlılar, sulara taşınan mikroplastikleri kolaylıkla yutabilmektedir. Böylece mikroplastikler, kirleticilerin besin zinciri boyunca taşınmasına neden olurlar. Dolaylı olarak ise çevredeki canlıların sağlığı için bir tehdit oluştururlar. Bu çalışmanın amacı, mikroplastiklerin ağır metaller için vektör olarak rolünü incelemekti. Bunun için laboratuvar koşulları altında 3 farklı tipte mikroplastik [polietilen tereftalat (PET), poliamid (PA), etilen vinil asetat (EVA)] üzerine 2 ağır metalin [Kurşun (Pb)II ve Alüminyum (Al)III adsorpsiyonu araştırıldı. Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu (SEM) analizi mikroplastiklerin farklı yüzey karakteristiklerine sahip olduğunu gösterdi. Adsorbat çözeltisinin pH'ı, temas süresi, başlangıç konsantrasyonu ve sıcaklık gibi parametrelerin adsorpsiyon kapasitesine olan etkiler, deneyler yapılarak incelendi. Prosesin açıklanması Freundlich ve Langmiur adsorpsiyon modelleri ile yapıldı ve Freundlich modelinin Langmiur modellinden daha uygun olduğu belirlendi. Ayrıyeten, adsorpsiyon kinetikleri hesaplandı ve hayali ikinci kinetik modelin uygun olduğu görüldü. Adsorpsiyon yüzdeleri mikroplastik türü ve çalışma şartlarına göre değişti. Sonuç olarak, mikroplastiklerin ağır metalleri besin zincirine aktardığı ve biyobirikimi için bir araç olarak hareket etme potansiyeli olduğu görüldü.Keywords: Microplastics, Heavy metal, Adsorption, Kinetics of Adsorption, Adsorption Isotherms Microplastics and heavy metals represent two pollutant classes having negative effects on aquatic ecosystems. Living creatures in aquatic ecosystems can easily swallow the microplastics in waters. In this way, microplastics cause pollutants to be transferred through the food chain. And they indirectly become a threat for the health of surrounding creatures. The aim of this study is to analyze role of the microplastics as a vector for heavy metals. For this aim, adsorption of two heavy metals [Lead (Pb)II and Aluminium (Al)III on three different type of microplastics [polyethylene tereftalat (PET), polyamide (PA), ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)] has been researched. The analysis of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) shows that the microplastics have different surface characteristics. The effects of parameters like pH degree of adsorbate solution, contact time, initial concentration and temperature on adsorption capacity have been experimentally analyzed. In order to clarify adsorption mechanism, Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm models have been applied and Freundlich model has been seen more suitable than Langmiur model. In addition, kinetic parameters representing adsorption time have been calculated. Imaginary-second kinetic model has been seen more suitable than imaginary-first model. Adsorption percentages have been observed to change according to microplastics type and study conditions. In conclusion, microplastics cause heavy metals to join food chain and potentially act as a means for bioaccumulation of them

    Design and development of a microfluidic device to monitor iron binding dynamics in iron transport proteins

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    Iron binding mechanisms of proteins are riveting studies because of the great importance of iron molecules for the metabolism of humans and other organisms. Organisms have developed different mechanisms to catch iron from the environment. Although it is known that this mechanism is rapid and efficient, there is lack of kinetic rate data under different environmental conditions to explain the details of the mechanism. In this dissertation, a microfluidic device was designed and developed to measure iron binding constants in ferric binding proteins of humans (Transferrin) and bacteria (Haemophilus Influenzae Ferric Binding Protein (FBP)), to assess the effect of different environmental conditions on the kinetics of iron – protein association. This study aims to contribute the field by providing a cheap and efficient experimental setup that measures reaction rates of iron binding proteins. Firstly, a microfluidic chip housing an effective mixing component was designed and fabricated by using PMMA and PDMS as a material. Both designs were tested by using bromocresol green – acetic acid reactions, where the color change from blue to green and from green to yellow can be observed by lowering the pH. The reaction was monitored with high resolution camera. Color changing property of the reaction was used to illustrate total mass transfer in the mixing chamber to determine dead time. Using ANSYS Fluent software these geometries were modified and improved designs were suggested. Secondly, because the bacterial FBP is not commercially available, it was expressed and purified by using recombinant DNA technology for monitoring iron binding dynamics in the microfluidic device as future work

    La géographie du commerce des esclaves dans l’Empire ottoman et l’implication des marchands d’Europe occidentale

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    L’approvisionnement en esclaves dans l’Empire ottoman s’effectue principalement en fonction des avancées et des conquêtes militaires, appuyées par un réseau commercial complexe qui comprend des acteurs extérieurs ou périphériques à l’État ottoman. Dans cet article, il s’agit d’établir une hiérarchie analytique des différentes aires géographiques à partir desquelles les Ottomans s’approvisionnaient en esclaves à l’époque moderne. En prenant comme point de départ l’historiographie et des documents d’archives constituant «  une géographie vue d’Istanbul  », l’article examine également le rôle des marchands d’Europe occidentale dans le commerce des esclaves comme cas d’étude, afin de mieux saisir la place des réseaux ottomans au sein de l’échelle globale de la traite à l’époque moderne.The Ottoman Empire’s slave supply came mainly from military conquests and territorial advances which were enhanced by a complex commercial network that included agents who were external or peripheral to the Ottoman state. The article establishes an analytical hierarchy of different geographical areas whence Ottomans obtained their supply of slaves in the early-modern era. Taking “a geography seen from Istanbul” as the point of departure (formed by historiography and archival material), the article ends with the examination of Western European merchants’ place in the slave trade as a case study that allows to situate Ottoman networks on the global scale of slave trade in the early-modern era


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    Apart from working hours and personal needs of individuals, they need to spend time for fun, listening, many activities that bring together their interests and personal preferences. One of the most well-known of these needs is tourism activities. Behaviors that affect participation in leisure time tourism activities is an issue that needs to be examined. In this context, the aim of the research is to examine the holiday buying and holiday motivation, revisit behaviors of individuals using social media. The population of the research consists of individuals using social media in Eskişehir. With the convenience sampling method, 409 people from state universities throughout Eskişehir were reached in the form of face-to-face and online forms. In order to collect data, the Effect of Social Media on Tourists' Holiday Decisions developed by (Eşitti & Işık 2015), Purchasing Intent Scale developed by (Pavlou & Gefen, 2004), Tourism Motivation Scale developed by (Carrol & Alexandris, 1997) and finally (Altunışık) v.d, 2001) were used to use the Revisit Intention Scales. In the analysis of the data, SPSS 26 program was used and analyzes were made. In these analyzes, a positive and significant relationship was determined between the individuals' social media use, holiday purchase and holiday motivation, and revisit levels. As a result, it has been concluded that the high level of participation of individuals using social media in purchasing a holiday, together with their socio-economic status, positively affects their holiday motivations and revisit attitudes. In addition, the information obtained can be useful for tourism businesses, travel agencies and businesses serving in the recreation industry

    Intracardiac tumors: Results from a single heart center

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    Background: This study aims to present the results of surgical treatment of intracardiac tumors in our cardiac surgery center. Methods: Data of 21 patients with intracardiac tumors (15 males, 6 females; median age 60.9 years; range 35 to 87 years) who underwent surgery between April 2006 and May 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were diagnosed preoperatively by transthoracic echocardiography and computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Results: The mean follow-up was 27.85 months. Of 21 patients, 12 had benign tumors and nine had malignant tumors. Of the benign tumors, nine were myxomas, one was an intramuscular lipoma, one was an interatrial septal lipoma, and one was a papillary fibroelastoma. Of the malignant tumors, eight were metastatic tumors and one was a primary tumor. Median sternotomy was performed in all patients to access the heart. Thrombi due to a cardiac mass were detected intraoperatively in some patients. Conclusion: Our study results suggest a high-degree of diagnostic confusion between intracardiac thrombi and tumors. Therefore, metastatic cardiac tumors should be considered in patients with pleural or pericardial effusion of no other identified cause

    Vascular anatomical features of the medial thigh flap in human cadavers of Caucasian origin

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    Background: Medial fasciocutaneous flaps, which are based on the femoral artery from the thigh region, are used for wide inguinal, scrotal, vaginal, perineal, leg, head and neck defect reconstructions in injured human patients. Within this regard, anatomical knowledge about perforating and cutaneous branches of the femoral artery is important for the surgeons. Materials and methods: In the present study, vascular pedicles of the medial thigh perforator flap based on the femoral artery were investigated according to anatomical and surgical landmarks. Human Caucasian preserved cadavers of 15 adults (13 males, 2 females; age range 55–82 years: 30 sides, bilaterally) that were previously formalin fixed were subjected to our analytical examinations. Micro dissections were performed under 4× loop magnification while representing the perforating branches of the femoral artery after filling by coloured latex injection via the external iliac artery. Results: The size and length parameters of these branches which appeared around the apex of the femoral triangle were evaluated. The mean size of the perforating branch at the point of origin was 0.14 cm and the mean size of the cutaneous branch at the point of origin was 0.09 cm, the mean length of the pedicle was 4.74 cm and the mean length of the cutaneous branch was 3.30 cm, respectively. Location of the perforating and the cutaneous branches were also determined according to the surgical landmarks such as the anterior superior iliac spine, inguinal ligament, pubic tubercle and interepicondylar line. Conclusions: The pedicle of the medial flap should locate up to 25 cm from the anterior superior iliac spine so as to preserve the vascular structures. Exact location of this artery helps the surgeons to perform anastomosis in an easier and safer manner during surgical operations

    Konut finansmanı ve Türkiye'ye uygun bir model önerisi

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    One of the main problems of developing countries is having difficulties in finding sources for housing finance. In order to solve housing finance problems of a country, institutional systems that have been structured according to its own economic and social conditions should be applied by the government. Through a well-designed and market-oriented system, it is easy to increase housing supply, as well as to construct advanced residences by transferring funds from the overbalanced sections to the deficient sections. Nevertheless, there must be a well-balanced relationship between government, financial foundations, house producers, insurance companies and households. The main purpose of this study is to propose an appropriate housing finance model designed based on Turkey?s current conditions. After discussions on housing finance systems, applied throughout the world, and learning some lessons from all, an appropriate housing finance model for Turkey has been proposed. Then, a feasibility project of this model has been tested by using valid data and making reasonable assumptions for the next ten years. At the end of this study, it is understood that housing finance model based on mortgage backed securities can be applied in the near future in Turkey. However, there are some requirements and regulatory needs must be fulfilled in many fields, such as in law of bankruptcy, tax regulations, law of banking and leasing, capital markets, and real-estate appraisal applications. Keywords: Housing finance, housing finance model, mortgage backed securities.Bir ülkenin konut finansmanı problemini çözmek için o ülkeye uygun kurumsal sistemler sunmak gerekmektedir. Ülkenin mevcut koşullara ve pazardaki gelişmelere odaklı geliştirilecek konut finansmanı sistemi sayesinde bir yandan nitelikli konut arzı artırılırken, diğer yandan da fon fazlası olan kesimden fon ihtiyacı olan kesime kaynak aktarımı sağlanarak konut sorununa çözüm bulmak mümkündür. Bu nedenle, konut finansmanı açısından devlet, finansal kuruluşlar, konut üreticileri ve hanehalkı arasında dengeli bir ilişkinin kurulması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada dünyada uygulanan konut finansmanı sistemleri incelenmiş, daha sonra Türkiye’ye uygun bir finansman modeli geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Son olarak, sözkonusu modelin bir fizibilite projesi ile gerçek hayata uygulanabilirliği test edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Konut finansmanı, konut finansmanı modeli, ipoteğe dayalı menkul kıymet