54 research outputs found


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    Creativity is considered one of the key 21st century skills and has received an increasing amount of attention in the field of education. How teachers perceive creativity has a significant impact on their pedagogical practices to stimulate student creativity in the classroom. The present exploratory study, based on a qualitative approach, aimed to investigate pre-service English teachers’ perceptions of creativity. Analysis of data coming from a semi-structured focus-group interview with eight pre-service teachers revealed their perception of creativity as being different and unique, having extraordinary ideas and being able to produce original outcomes. The participants posited that creativity was innate to some extent and environmental factors such as family environment, cultural background and school education contributed to its development later in life. They suggested using open-ended, communicative, and collaborative tasks in English classrooms to foster student creativity. As prospective teachers, they perceived themselves creative to some extent, but felt unprepared to teach creativity. Finally, they all agreed on the facilitative role of teacher education in helping PTs teach creatively and develop an understanding of teaching creativity. 


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    Creativity is considered one of the key 21st century skills and has received an increasing amount of attention in the field of education. How teachers perceive creativity has a significant impact on their pedagogical practices to stimulate student creativity in the classroom. The present exploratory study, based on a qualitative approach, aimed to investigate pre-service English teachers’ perceptions of creativity. Analysis of data coming from a semi-structured focus-group interview with eight pre-service teachers revealed their perception of creativity as being different and unique, having extraordinary ideas and being able to produce original outcomes. The participants posited that creativity was innate to some extent and environmental factors such as family environment, cultural background and school education contributed to its development later in life. They suggested using open-ended, communicative, and collaborative tasks in English classrooms to foster student creativity. As prospective teachers, they perceived themselves creative to some extent, but felt unprepared to teach creativity. Finally, they all agreed on the facilitative role of teacher education in helping PTs teach creatively and develop an understanding of teaching creativity

    Энергетическая дипломатия Китая - среднеазиатское и российское направление

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    В данной статье рассматривается феномен энергетической дипломатии Китая на современном этапе, его цели, свойства и основные направления. Также, в статье затрагивается актуальная тема российско-китайского энергетического сотрудничества (в частности подписание в 2014 году контракта на поставку российского трубопроводного газа в Китай) и его последствий для развития экономик обеих стран, перспективы обеспечения экономической безопасности Китая и Российской Федерации

    Görev temelli dil öğretim yaklaşımının yabancı dilde sözcük edinimi ve okuma/yazma becerilerinin gelişimine etkileri

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    ABSTRACT The Effects of Task-based Language Instruction on Foreign Language Vocabulary Learning and Reading/Writing Proficiency of Young EFL Learners by Gökçe Kurt The present study aims to investigate the effects of Task-based Instruction on Grade 6 students' vocabulary learning and reading/writing proficiency in the foreign language and on their attitudes towards language learning. The following research questions are particularly addressed: 1. Will there be a difference between young learners who learn vocabulary through the regular language instruction and those who learn it through the additional Task-based Instruction in terms of their vocabulary knowledge? 2. Will there be a difference between young learners who receive the regular language instruction and those who receive the additional Task-based Instruction in terms of their reading and writing proficiency? 3. Will there be a change in the attitudes of the experimental group learners towards learning English after they have the Task-based Instruction? Data were collected from 88 Turkish EFL students, 42 forming the experimental and 46 the control group. The effects of the Task-based Instruction given to the experimental group for 8 weeks were tested by pre- and post-checklists of target vocabulary items, the Cambridge Young Learners English Starters Test, and an attitude questionnaire. Findings revealed that the Task-based Instruction integrated into regular English classes produced statistically significant differences in learners' retention of the target vocabulary items as well as their ability to use these words accurately in new contexts. Another finding of the study was that the experimental group learners outperformed the control group learners on reading and writing tasks. Moreover, it was found out that learners retained their pre-existing positive attitudes towards learning a foreign language and they developed an appreciation for the Task-based Instruction to which they were exposed to in the classroom. Hence, the results of the study indicated that Task-based Instruction can be utilized as an effective language teaching approach in young learner classes. KISA Görev Temelli Dil Öğretim Yaklaşımının Yabancı Dilde Sözcük Edinimi ve Okuma-Yazma Becerilerinin Gelişimine Etkileri by Gökçe Kurt Bu çalışmanın amacı görev temelli dil öğretimi yaklaşımının, ilköğretim 6. sınıfa devam eden öğrencilerin yabancı dilde sözcük edinimine, okuma/yazma becerilerine ve dil öğrenimine karşı sergiledikleri tutumlarına olan etkilerini araştırmaktır. Çalışma özellikle aşağıdaki soruları yanıtlamayı amaçlar: 1. Altıncı sınıf müfredatındaki olağan İngilizce dersine katılan öğrenciler ile aynı programa dahil edilen görev temelli dil öğretim yaklaşımıyla ders işleyen öğrenciler arasında kelime bilgisi açından bir fark oluşacak mı? 2. Görev temelli dil öğretimi yaklaşımıyla öğretim gören deney grubu öğrencileri ile okulun olağan programına devam eden öğrenciler arasında İngilizce okuma ve yazma çalışmalarındaki performansları açısından bir fark oluşacak mı? 3. Görev temelli dil öğretimi uygulamaları sonrasında, deney grubu öğrencilerinin İngilizce öğrenimine karşı sergiledikleri tutumlarında bir fark oluşacak mı? Çalışma için gerekli olan veriler, İngilizce'yi yabancı dil olarak öğrenen, 42'si deney, 46' sı kontrol grubuna ait toplam 88 Türk öğrencinin örneklem teşkil etmesi ile elde edilmiştir. Deney grubuna haftalık 4 saatlik İngilizce derslerinin bir saatinde verilen görev temelli dil öğretiminin etkileri, her iki gruba da çalışma öncesinde ve sonrasında uygulanan sözcük testi, çalışma öncesinde ve sonrasında uygulanan Cambridge başlangıç seviyesi testi, ve çalışma öncesinde ve sonrasında yalnızca deney grubuna uygulanan öğrenci anketi ile ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, görev temelli dil öğretiminin, öğrencilerin İngilizce sözcükleri hatırlama ve yeni bağlamlarda doğru biçimde kullanabilme becerilerinde istatistiki açıdan önemli farklar oluşturduğunu göstermiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, çalışmanın sonrasında deney grubu öğrencilerinin okuma-yazma alıştırmalarındaki başarılarının kontrol grubu öğrencilerinden önemli ölçüde yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmada elde edilen diğer bir bulgu ise, görev temelli İngilizce öğretimine tabi tutulan öğrencilerin, bu çalışma sonunda, İngilizce öğrenimine olan olumlu tavırlarını sürdürdükleri ve görev temelli İngilizce öğrenimine karşı olumlu tutumlar sergiledikleridir. Sonuç olarak, görev temelli İngilizce öğretimi yaklaşımının, ilgili yaş grubu ve seviyedeki öğrencilerin öğrenim gördüğü yabancı dil sınıflarında etkin bir yaklaşım olarak benimsenebileceği kanıtlanmıştır

    Dinamik-benzeri deneylerle yapı güçlendirme tekniklerinin irdelenmesi.

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    Pseudo-dynamic testing was employed to observe the seismic performance of three different retrofit methods on two story three bay reinforced concrete frame structures. The three test frames have hollow clay tile (HCT) infills in the central bay. All of the test frames represent the seismic deficiencies of the Turkish construction practice such as use of plain reinforcing bars, low strength concrete and insufficient confining steel. Two non-invasive and occupant friendly retrofit schemes suggested in the Turkish Earthquake Code, namely use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers and precast concrete panels integrated on the HCT infills and traditional approach of adding concrete infill wall were employed. Specimens were subjected to three different scale levels of North-South component of Duzce ground motion. Reference specimen experienced severe damage at 100% scale level and reached collapse stage due to the loss of integrity of the infill wall and significant damage on the boundary columns. The retrofitted test structures were able to survive the highest level 140% Duzce ground motion. Test results confirmed the success of the retrofit methods for simulated earthquake loads.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Student engagement in K12 online education during the pandemic: The case of Turkey

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    Student engagement has become a challenge for K-12 students and teachers in online education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study explored the factors underlying student engagement and the strategies teachers developed to engage students. Thematically analyzed interview data coming from 22 teachers and 20 students of public high schools revealed teachers' and students' similar perceptions of the factors affecting student engagement. The four themes identified were instructional and student related factors along with those related to the learning environment and policies. The teacher strategies for the facilitation of student engagement were instructional, managerial, and affective. Teachers also discussed which of these strategies were helpful in fostering student engagement