51 research outputs found

    Beliren yetişkinlikte romantik ilişki doyumu

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    The aim of the study was to explore the extent to which the length, status and importance of current romantic relationship, the number of previous romantic relationship, as well as individual factors, such as levels of self-compassion, and anxiety about social appearance, are predictors of the romantic relationship satisfaction of young adults. The study included 284 university students but 34 of them were removed for several reasons and analysis was carried out with 250 participants (59.6% female, 40.4% male). Relationship Assessment Scale, Self-Compassion Scale, Social Appearance Anxiety Scale, and demographic information form were used to collect data. Hierarchical regression analysis results showed that the importance of the current romantic relationship, the number of previous romantic relationships, and levels of self-compassion were positive predictors but the length and the status of the relationship, along with the level of anxiety regarding social appearance were not significant predictors of romantic relationship satisfaction. The model explained 37% of the variance in the romantic relationship satisfaction of young adults.Bu çalışmanın amacı, şu anki romantik ilişkinin süresi, statüsü, önemi ve önceki romantik ilişkilerin toplam sayısı gibi çeşitli ilişki özellikleri ile birlikte öz şefkat ve sosyal görünüş kaygısı gibi bireysel faktörlerin, beliren yetişkinlerin romantik ilişki doyumunu ne ölçüde yordadığını araştırmaktır. Araştırmaya 284 üniversite öğrencisi katılmıştır ancak çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerden 34’ü çeşitli nedenlerle araştırma kapsamı dışında bırakılmıştır. Bu nedenle analizler, 250 öğrencinin verileri (%59.6 kadın, % 40.4 erkek) kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak, İlişki Doyumu Ölçeği, Öz Şefkat Ölçeği, Sosyal Görünüş Kaygısı Ölçeği ve araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen demografik bilgi formu kullanılmıştır. Hiyerarşik regresyon analizi bulgularına göre, devam eden ilişkinin önemi, daha önceki ilişkilerin sayısı ve öz şefkat beliren yetişkinlerin romantik ilişki doyumunu pozitif yönde yordayan değişkenlerdir. Ancak şu anki romantik ilişkinin süresinin, statüsünün ve sosyal görünüş kaygısının beliren yetişkinlerin romantik ilişki doyumunu anlamlı bir şekilde yordamadığı bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma kapsamında test edilen model, beliren yetişkinlerin romantik ilişki doyumunu açıklayan varyansın %37’sini açıklamaktadır

    Histological evaluation of the changes in the Blood-Testis Barrier for boraks use

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    AMAÇ: Günlük yaşantıda yaygın olarak kullanılan bor bileşiklerinin uzun süreli kullanımında değişik organlarda doza bağımlı toksik etki olabileceği yönünde bulgular mevcuttur. Bu amaçla çalışmamızda değişik dozlarda boraks kullanılan ratların testislerinde kan-testis bariyeri yapısında ve leydig hücre sayısında görülebilecek değişimi belirlemeyi amaçladık. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışmada her grupta 6’şar erkek rat bulunan toplam 4 grup oluşturuldu. Her gruptaki ratlara boraksın farklı dozları oral yoldan uygulandı. Deney sonrası alınan sol testisler histolojik olarak takip edilerek immunohistokimyasal olarak Claudin-1, Pan Cadherin ve Calretinin ile boyandı ve ışık mikroskobu ile değerlendirildi. BULGULAR: Testis örneklerinde Cadherin ekspresyonunun artan doza bağımlı azaldığı gözlendi. Bununla birlikte Claudin 1 ekspresyonunun gruplar arasında çok değişiklik göstermediği gözlendi. Leydig hücre sayısının ise bir kez LD50x2 doz boraks uygulanan ratlarda azalma gösterdiği gözlendi. SONUÇ: Elde edilen bulgular boraks kullanımının doza bağımlı olarak testislerde kan-testis bariyeri bileşenleri üzerine zararlı etkiler oluşturabileceğini göstermektedir. Bu etkiler uzun dönemde infertilite sorunlarına neden olabilme potansiyeline sahiptir. Bu nedenle bilhassa bor bileşenleri üretim merkezleri çevresinde olmak üzere çevre kirliliği yönünden önemli korunma tedbirleri alınmasının gerekli olduğunu düşünmekteyiz.OBJECTIVE: The long-term use of boron compounds commonly used in daily life has some dose-dependent toxic effects on different organs For this purpose, in our study, we aimed to determine the change in blood-testis barrier structure and the number of leydig cells in the testis of rats in which were given borax at different doses. MATERIAL AND METHODS: In our study, 4 groups, in each have 6 male rats were made. Different doses of borax were given orally to rats in each groups. After the experiment, the left testis was excised, histologically processed and stained with Claudin-1, Pan cadherin and Calretinin immunohistochemically and evaluated under light microscopy. RESULTS: In testis slides, it was determined that Cadherin expression decreased parallel to borax doses. However, it was observed that the expression of Claudin 1 did not change much between the groups. The number of Leydig cells was observed to decrease in rats administered once with an LD50x2 dose. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that the use of borax may be deleterious to the blood-testis barrier components in the testes. These effects have the potential to cause long term infertility problems. For this reason, we consider that it is necessary to take important preventive measures in terms of environmental pollution, especially around boron components production centers

    The evaluation of morphology of renal pelvicalyceal system’s and infundibulopelvic anatomy of kidney’s lower pole in post-mortem series

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    Background: Urinary system stones are frequently encountered in the community. Together with technological developments, introduction of new treatment procedures such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, percutaneous nephrolithotomy and retrograde intrarenal surgery has furtherly reduced morbidity, mortality and hospitalization time of patients. In order to maximize success and to reduce complications of these procedures, it is necessary to evaluate anatomy and morphological differences of kidney collector system before the procedure. This study was conducted for the purpose of determining the morphology of the kidney collector system and the negative anatomic factors of the lower pole in autopsy cases performed in our institution. Materials and methods: 82 kidney units obtained from 41 autopsy cases conducted in Faculty of Medicine Department of Forensic Medicine, Sivas Cumhuriyet University between September 2017 and September 2018 were included in the study. Percentages were found as 78% for intrarenal pelvis, 13.4% for borderline pelvis, %6.1 for extrarenal pelvis and 2.4% for pelvic nonexistence. When pelvicalyceal anatomy was evaluated, percentages were found as 32.9% for bicalyceal, 26.8% for tricalyceal, 20.7% for multicalyceal and 19.5% for unclassified calyceality. When it is evaluated according to opening of calyces into the renal pelvis based on Sampaio classification, percentages were found as 30.5% for AI, 17.1% for Type II, 28% for BI, 18.3% for BII and 6.1% for unevaluated part. Infundibular lengths of kidney’s lower pole were detected as under 3 cm in 39% and over 3 cm in 61% of all cases. Infundibulopelvic angles of kidney’s lower pole were measured as under 700 in 42.7% and over 700 in 57.3% of all cases. Results: In our study, there was no statistically significant difference between the right and left kidneys in terms of collecting system morphology and lower pole’s negative anatomical factors. Only infindibular lengths which is one of the collecting system morphology and lower pole’s negative anatomical factors were statistically shorter in females than males. There was no difference in terms of other parameters. Conclusions: In conclusion, the findings of this study are largely consistent with the results of similar studies. This reveals that renal collecting system morphology and negative anatomic factors in the lower pole collecting system in human are roughly similar. In clinical practice, pre-treatment CT and, if necessary, MR urography evaluation of the lower pole negative anatomic factors may contribute to gain preliminary information about both the clearance of stone fragments especially after SWL and RIRS procedures and perioperative complications proactively

    Clinical Features and Surgical Results in Harada-Ito Surgery Patients

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    Symptomatic excyclotorsion is an important clinical problem, especially in acquired superior oblique muscle palsy. Excyclotorsion can disrupt the fusion and cause torsional diplopia. Harada-Ito surgery (HI) is a widely used method for treating excyclotorsions. This method relieves the torsional diplopia by increasing the effect of the incyclotorsion. In this study, we aimed to report the clinical features of patients with torsional diplopia due to acquired trochlear nerve palsy and the results of HI surgery in these patients

    State of emergency in France: State of exception in the period 2015-2017

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    117 pagesAfter the November 2015 terror attacks in Paris and declaration of state of emergency in France, legal explanation of state of emergency has been subject to several debates. French regime of emergency has been compared with similar practices in various countries, including Turkey. In this respect, restrictions or even suspension of human rights and practices contradicting the principle of rule of law necessitate a further doctrinal research on the example of France. In this study, state of emergency (état d’urgence) implemented between the years of 2015 and 2017 is analyzed through its legal sources, restrictions of human rights and judicial control. In the view of the fact that state of emergency and other states of exception constitute completely different regimes, specific characteristics of state of emergency are observed and the impact of constitutionalisation and anti-terror law on rule of law is argued. Due to chronological variances of the emergency regime in France, our thesis bases on the period between 2015-2017 and the Law on State of Emergency, as the emergency regime has not been constitutionalized. In addition to this, debates concerning human rights and risk of a permanent state of emergency are questioned. With reference to importance of rule of law in protection of human rights, constitutionalisation of state of emergency and anti-terror law has been analyzed. In this study, it is argued that French state of emergency between 2015 and 2017 has not been limited to this period of time but has still been de facto implemented.2015 yılında meydana gelen terör saldırılarıyla Fransa’da ilân edilen olağanüstü halin ne anlama geldiği tartışılmaya başlanmış ve rejim, aralarında Türkiye’nin de bulunduğu birçok ülkede benzer uygulamalarla karşılaştırılmıştır. İnsan haklarının sınırlandırılması ve durdurulması ile hukuk devleti ilkesine aykırı uygulamaların yaygınlaşması, Fransa örneğine öğretide daha fazla yer verilmesi ihtiyacını doğurmuştur. Bu çalışmada Fransa’da 2015-2017 döneminde uygulanan olağanüstü hal (état d’urgence) rejimi; hukukî dayanakları, temel hak ve özgürlüklere getirilen sınırlamalar ve yargı denetimiyle birlikte incelenmiştir. Olağanüstü halin diğer istisna hallerinden farklılığı göz önünde bulundurularak kendine özgü yapısı ele alınmış, özellikle olağanüstü hal rejiminin anayasalaşması ile terörle mücadeleye ilişkin yeni düzenlemelerle olağanüstü hal tedbirlerinin olağan düzene entegre edilmesinin hukuk devletine etkisi tartışılmıştır. Tezimizde Fransa’da değişken bir olağanüstü hal rejimi söz konusu olduğundan 2015 ve 2017 yılları arasındaki dönem esas alınmış, Anayasa’da bulunmayan olağanüstü hal rejimine ilişkin araştırmalar Olağanüstü Hale İlişkin Kanun’un getirdiği düzenlemeler ekseninde yapılmıştır. Bununla birlikte insan haklarına ilişkin tartışmaların yoğunlaştığı hususlara ağırlık verilmiş, rejimin olağanlaşmasının yaratacağı sakıncalar irdelenmiştir. İnsan haklarının korunması için hukuk devletinin öneminden hareketle, olağanüstü hal rejiminin anayasalaşması ve terörle mücadele kanunuyla getirilen düzenlemeler ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada, Fransa’da olağanüstü halin 2015-2017 dönemiyle sınırlı kalmadığı ve günümüzde şeklî anlamda olmasa da fiilen sürdüğü savunulmuştur

    A Case of Acute Bilateral Syphilitic Uveitis

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    We aim to present the case of a patient with syphilitic uveitis whom dermatological and neurological examinations were normal. He presented with gradually worsening visual acuity in both eyes and both venereal disease research laboratory and microhemagglutination assay for Treponema pallidum serological tests were confirmatory for syphilis. In posterior segment examination, an uncommon manifestation of syphilitic uveitis and posterior placoid chorioretinitis was present in both eyes, however the left eye posterior segment inflammation was much worse in comparison to the fellow eye. Ocular manifestations of syphilis have a myriad of presentations, and the re-emergence in the last decades obligate us to keep in it mind in unexplained ocular inflammatory diseases even if patient history is not compatible. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2015; 45: 122-124

    A Case of Brown-McLean Syndrome

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    A 89-year-old man with a history of cataract surgery ten years ago presented to our ophthalmology department with blurred vision. On ophthalmic examination, best-corrected visual acuity was 20/50 in the right eye and 20/32 in the left. Slit lamp examination revealed bilateral symmetrical peripheral corneal oedema, advanced at the inferior part of the cornea in both eyes. Considering clinical and confocal microscopy findings, a diagnosis of Brown-McLean Syndrome (BMS) was made. BMS is a rare condition that may developed after cataract surgery, and it can be easily overlooked or misdiagnosed. Our report points to this rare syndrome and we tried to emphasis the importance of BMS considering it in the differential diagnosis of refractory peripheral corneal oedema developed in pseudophakic patients. (Turk J Ophthalmol 2013; 43: 365-7