1,212 research outputs found

    Adam Smith's utopia: society as an open and progressive system of mutual sympathy

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    In this thesis, I endeavour to make a contribution to the debate on the 'Adam Smith Problem'. This is a long-standing debate and it concerns the relationship between Smith's two major works, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (TMS) and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (WN). Discussion of this problem goes back to the 1840s, and it was formulated explicitly as a problem not later than in the 1890s. The main question that is discussed is whether Smith's work contains two fundamentally different concepts of human nature or, in other words, whether there are two contradictory anthropological views. If there are two fundamentally contradictory concepts of human nature, that is, if there are two contradictory anthropological views in his work, how should this be explained? Should this, for example, be explained by pointing to some fundamental changes in Smith's anthropological views, or should it be explained by pointing to his theoretical and methodological approaches? So, for example, when he developed his concept of human nature, did Smith employ a methodological dualistic approach? In this thesis I endeavour to develop an answer to the above-mentioned question.My main claim in this thesis is that there is one concept of human nature in Smith's work. But I suggest that this concept consists of two complementary elements. The first one is a general normative view of human nature and the second and more particular one is an account of the human situation in commercial society. There is indeed a contradiction between these two aspects of Smith's anthropological view. I suggest, however, unlike many scholars, that this contradiction should not be ascribed conceptually to Smith, as many scholars claim explicitly and many others accept more or less implicitly. My main argument is that this problem should not be seen as a conceptual problem of Smith's. I suggest rather that this is a real problem arising from social relations in commercial society, which is mirrored and indeed reflected upon critically in Smith's work. However, in the last 150 years or so, there have arisen many different approaches in an attempt to explain and solve this problem. Therefore, in the introductory part of the thesis, firstly, I am going to work out what the Adam Smith Problem is; secondly, I will present my own approach in relation to other approaches; thirdly, I shall provide some information about the relationship between the different parts of this thesis

    Web-Based Geographic Information Systems: Experience and Perspectives of Planners and the Implications for Extension

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    Web-based geographic information system (GIS) technology, or web-based GIS, offers many opportunities for public planners and Extension educators who have limited GIS backgrounds or resources. However, investigation of its use in planning has been limited. The study described here examined the use of web-based GIS by public planning agencies. A 2013 web-based survey of 274 public planning agency staff throughout Wisconsin revealed that use of web-based GIS for planning tasks lags behind use of software-based GIS and that agency use is hampered by a number of barriers. The findings suggest that Extension professionals can help practitioners become more familiar and proficient with web-based GIS applications

    Maxillary Sinus Augmentation for Dental Implants

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    Pneumatization of the maxillary sinus secondary to posterior maxillary tooth loss is an extremely common finding. Significant atrophy of the maxilla prevents dental implant placement in this region. Grafting the floor of the maxillary sinus has emerged as the most common surgical modality for correcting this inadequacy. Graft material is introduced into the space created inferior to the sinus membrane. Various grafting materials and techniques might be used in this procedure. The aim of this article is to review the essentials of maxillary sinus augmentation, clarify this procedure for otolaryngologists, explain its function, and describe the augmentation materials, techniques, and complications

    Effect of parenteral nutrition solutions on biofilm formation of coagulase-negative Staphylococci: An experimental study

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    Objectives: In our study we investigated the effects ofparenteral nutrition (PN) solutions on Coagulase negativestaphylococci (CoNS) biofilm production.Materials and methods: Thirty nine CoNS strains isolatedfrom hemocultures and a reference strain (ATCC 12228Staphylococcus epidermidis) were included. Bacterial dilutionswere made in Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB). The experimentalmediums were 1. Glucose, 2. Amino acid, 3. Lipid,4. Glucose+ Amino acid+ lipid, 5. Glucose+ Amino acid, 6.Glucose+ Lipid, 7. Amino acid+ Lipid, and 8. Control (TSB).Biofilm formation was evaluated by “quantitative microdilutionplaque test”. The values greater than cut off valueare considered as positive. Biofilm positivity was dividedinto 3 groups (mild, moderate and intensive) and all otherstrains under cutoff value were accepted as negative. Thenumbers of biofilm positive strains derived from 1-7. mediumswere compared with each other, and with the resultsof control.Results: The three-component PN solution and two componentPN solutions containing glucose+ lipid and aminoacid+ lipid were found to increase the biofilm productionactivity of CoNS when compared to the control group.Slime positivity in medium 1 and 2 was lower than controlsignificantly, in medium 4, 6, and 7 slime positivity washigher considerably. The indifferent results were obtainedwithin the mediums 1, 2, 3 and within the mediums 4, 5, 6,and 7.Conclusions: In our study, it was found that, glucose, aminoacid and lipid solutions which were building structuresof PN decreased the biofilm production when used solitary.However use of the compounds increased the biofilmproduction. Therefore, we can conclude that PN solutionsgiven as mixtures in routine practice increase the risk ofcatheter infection. J Clin Exp Invest 2012; 3(4): 505-509Key words: Catheter-related infections, biofilm, parenteralnutritio