11 research outputs found

    Wstępne wyniki pierwszego w Polsce programu przesiewowego w tętniaku aorty brzusznej w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim

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    Background. Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is called a widening of the aorta below the renal arteries with a diameter more than 3 cm. The prevalence of AAA is estimated at 4–8% in men aged 65 years or more. The mortality rate for patients with ruptured AAA is 65%, while the mortality rate for aortic aneurysm repair surgery in elective patients undergoing pre-screened is 3%. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of AAA among men aged 60 years and older undergoing targeted ultrasonography of abdominal aorta. The additional aim was to determine the relationship between specific risk factors and the AAA, and to determine the prevalence of AAA in patients subgroups specified by the criteria for the screening programmes for AAA. Material and methods. Based on available data from the literature, study populations was defined as men aged 60 years and older. Applied research methods were as follow: 1) the questionnaire; 2) measurement of physical characteristics of aorta (diameter of abdominal aorta by ultrasound scan). The questionnaire consisted of two parts: 1) identification and demographic data; 2) the presence of risk factors. Analysis of data from the questionnaire determined the relationship between the risk factors and the AAA, whereas ultrasonography of the aorta, detected the disease (abdominal aortic aneurysm) and its prevelance. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the software STATISTICA 9 (StatSoft, Inc., 2009). Results. Based on 1556 ultrasound scans, the abdominal aortic aneurysm was diagnosed in 94 men aged 60 years and older. The prevalence of AAA in the study group was 6.0%. Risk factors associated with the AAA were analyzed in two groups: I — AAA (n = 94) and II — normal aorta (n = 1464). The three risk factors were significantly associated with the AAA: age, smoking and family history, whereas the incidence of AAA in males at 65 years old was 4.0%, and a group of men between 65 and 75 years of age, smoking cigarettes ever, was 7.4%. Conclusions. In the obtained data the prevalence of AAA was similar to that of literature. Additionally, the positive relationship between age, smoking, and AAA was detected. Acta Angiol 2012; 18, 1: 9–17Wstęp. Tętniakiem aorty brzusznej (TAB) określa się poszerzenie aorty poniżej odejścia tętnic nerkowych o średnicy powyżej 3 cm. Częstość występowania TAB szacuje się na 4–8% u mężczyzn w wieku 65 lat i więcej. Współczynnik umieralności dla pacjentów z pękniętym TAB wynosi 65%, natomiast śmiertelność pooperacyjna dla operacji naprawczych tętniaka aorty w trybie planowym wśród pacjentów poddanych wcześniej badaniu przesiewowemu wynosi 3%. Podstawowym celem pracy było określenie częstości występowania (chorobowość, prevalence) TAB wśród mężczyzn w wieku 60 lat i starszych poddanych ukierunkowanemu badaniu ultrasonograficznemu aorty w odcinku brzusznym. Dodatkowo zbadano zależności między określonymi czynnikami ryzyka a TAB oraz częstość występowania TAB w subgrupach pacjentów określonych według kryteriów programów badań przesiewowych w kierunku TAB. Materiał i metody. Na podstawie dostępnego piśmiennictwa zdefiniowano populację narażoną, tj. mężczyzn w wieku 60 lat i starszych. Zastosowano następujące metody badawcze: 1) metodę kwestionariuszową; 2) pomiar cechy fizycznej (badanie ultrasonograficzne średnicy aorty w odcinku brzusznym). Kwestionariusz składał się z dwóch części: 1) dotyczącej danych identyfikacyjnych i demograficznych; 2) dotyczącej występowania czynników ryzyka. Analiza danych z kwestionariusza umożliwiła określenie zależności między badanymi czynnikami ryzyka a TAB, natomiast poddanie zdefiniowanej części populacji badaniu ultrasonograficznemu aorty umożliwiło wykrycie choroby (tętniak aorty brzusznej) i określenie częstość jej występowania. Analizę statystyczną uzyskanych danych przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania STATISTICA 9 (StatSoft, Inc. 2009). Wyniki. Na podstawie wykonanych 1556 badań ultrasonograficznych aorty brzusznej tętniak zdiagnozowano u 94 mężczyzn w wieku 60 lat i starszych. Częstość występowania (prevalence) TAB w badanej grupie wyniosła 6,0%. Czynniki ryzyka związane z TAB analizowano, wyodrębniając dwie grupy: I — TAB (n = 94) i II — aorta prawidłowa (n = 1464). Istotny statystycznie związek z TAB miały 3 czynniki ryzyka: wiek, palenie tytoniu i występowanie rodzinne TAB. Częstość występowania TAB w grupie mężczyzn w 65. roku życia wyniosła 4,0%, natomiast w grupie mężczyzn między 65. a 75. rokiem życia, palących kiedykolwiek tytoń, wyniosła 7,4%. Wnioski. Na podstawie uzyskanych danych stwierdzono częstość występowania TAB podobną do tej z piśmiennictwa. Dodatkowo stwierdzono także zależności między wiekiem, paleniem tytoniu i występowaniem rodzinnym TAB a zachorowaniem na TAB. Acta Angiol 2012; 18, 1: 9–1

    Effect of the New Plant Growth Biostimulants Based on Amino Acids on Yield and Grain Quality of Winter Wheat

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    Field and laboratory experiments were carried out in 2012–2013, aimed at evaluating the influence of new products stimulating plant growth based on amino acids on crop yield, characteristics of grain and content of macro- and micronutrients in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The tests included two formulations produced in cooperation with INTERMAG Co. (Olkusz, Poland)—AminoPrim and AminoHort, containing 15% and 20% amino acids, respectively, and 0.27% and 2.1% microelements, respectively. Field experiments showed that the application of products based on amino acids influenced the increase of grain yield of winter wheat (5.4% and 11%, respectively, for the application of AminoPrim at a dose 1.0 L/ha and AminoHort at dose 1.25 L/ha) when compared to the control group without biostimulant. Laboratory tests showed an increase of technological characteristics of grain such as ash content, Zeleny sedimentation index and content of protein. The use of the tested preparations at different doses also contributed to the increase of the nutrients content in grains, in particular copper (ranging 31–50%), as well as sodium (35–43%), calcium (4.3–7.9%) and molybdenum (3.9–16%). Biostimulants based on amino acids, tested in the present study, can be recommended for an efficient agricultural production

    Bee Products in Dermatology and Skin Care

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    Honey, propolis, bee pollen, bee bread, royal jelly, beeswax and bee venom are natural products which have been used in medicine since ancient times. Nowadays, studies indicate that natural bee products can be used for skin treatment and care. Biological properties of these products are related to flavonoids they contain like: chrysin, apigenin, kaempferol, quercetin, galangin, pinocembrin or naringenin. Several pharmacological activities of phenolic acids and flavonoids, and also 10-hydroxy-trans-2-decenoic acid, which is present in royal jelly, have been reported. Royal jelly has multitude of pharmacological activities: antibiotic, antiinflammatory, antiallergenic, tonic and antiaging. Honey, propolis and pollen are used to heal burn wounds, and they possess numerous functional properties such as: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, disinfectant, antifungal and antiviral. Beeswax is used for production of cosmetics and ointments in pharmacy. Due to a large number of biological activities, bee products could be considered as important ingredients in medicines and cosmetics applied to skin

    Solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura : cases analysis

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    Background: Isolated fibrous tumor of the pleura (SFTP - Solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura/localized fibrous tumour of the pleura) is a rare primary tumour of the pleura of mesenchymal origin. In most cases, it is a benign lesion. It is composed of spindle cells similar to fibroblasts and derives probably from submesothelial mesenchyme. The aim of the study was to analyze clinical symptoms, incidence, possibility of suggesting the diagnosis on the basis of imaging tests, and confirmation of the diagnosis in pathological tests with regard to studies of histochemistry examination. Material/Methods: Clinical and morphological material obtained from 14 patients from Department of Thoracic Surgery of Subcarpathian Chest Disease Center treated between year 2004 and 2010 was analysed. In the first stage, selected cases of patients with isolated fibrous tumour of the pleura were chosen from the archives and the analysis of their medical history was carried out. Basic information about age, gender, medical history, smoking habit, physical examination and results of imaging, endoscopic and morphological examinations were noted. The second parallel component of the study was pathomorphological examinations of the surgical material obtained from the patients, including the assessment of morphology and immunohistochemistry. Results: Of the 14 examined patients, fibrous tumour occurred in 8 men and 6 women. The age range of the patients was 37-73 years, with a peak attributable to the 6th decade of life. In 8 patients the tumour was detected incidentally during routine examinations. In 7 patients there were no clinical signs of respiratory disease, and if present, then the most common complaint was shortness of breath. Regarding symptoms not connected with the respiratory system, anemia occurred most frequently. Fibrous tumour of the pleura was more often associated with the visceral pleura than with the parietal pleura. The largest lesion was approximately 20 cm in size. Conclusions: Fibrous tumour of the pleura is a pleura-based neoplasm which is usually detected incidentally, and is often asymptomatic or poorly symptomatic. Computed tomography imaging allows to suggest a correct diagnosis. Histopathological diagnosis is based on immunohistochemical examinations

    Improved reverse osmosis thin film composite biomimetic membranes by incorporation of polymersomes

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    Biomimetic aquaporin-based membranes offer great promise as a disruptive water treatment technology, due to their potential of improving membrane permeability without compromising solute rejection. However, fabrication upscaling is challenging and therefore the technological potential of biomimetic membranes remains unused. We propose an easily upscalable process based on bulk hydration of diblock and triblock copolymer mixture for preparation of polymersomes which can reconstitute aquaporin proteins. Such polymersomes are incorporated into biomimetic membranes via polyamide active layer synthesis based on interfacial polymerization. By incorporation of blank polymersomes, it was possible to improve water permeability of the membrane by 30%, and by incorporation of aquaporin reconstituting polymersomes by 50%, compared to the membranes without polymersomes. In both cases NaCl rejection was not affected. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements confirmed incorporation of copolymers prepared with aquaporins into the active polyamide layer without affecting the thickness of the membrane's active layer and surface zeta-potential