10 research outputs found

    Problems With Organising Agglomeration Passenger Transport Network – The Case of Warsaw Agglomeration

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    The main achievement of the research was to present the problems of accessing public transport in Warsaw agglomeration. The case study of Sulejówek shows that there are a lot of difficulties with the regional transport network. On the one hand there are organisation issues as inefficient or luck of support of train transport and, on the other hand, bad quality of local roads. Nevertheless, the simulation presents that it is possible to organise bus lines which allow inhabitants the access to the local train stations. The next step of the research would be creating timetables for both presented solutions in combination with train timetables and choosing the optimal option for implementation. This kind of research could be the recommendations for local authorities which are in charge of public transport issues. If both modes of transport are covered by one common ticket, the whole system would operate on effective and high level

    Determining Factors of Logistics Centres Development in Poland

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    This study aims to evaluate the possibility of development of logistics centres (LCs) in Poland. Currently in Poland (2015) there are 4 LCs which meet European requirements and standards. The supply of warehouse space in Poland is catered mainly by developers building numerous storage facilities. Very often, however, they are incorrectly called "logistic centres". The paper presents the most significant differences between LCs and storage centres. The authors assessed the potential location of LCs in Poland using a grading point method. Three groups of location have been thoroughly characterized and identified where, from the location and economics point of view, is the best to develop an LC

    Wokół rekodyfikacji prawa cywilnego. Prace jubileuszowe

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    Praca recenzowana / Peer-reviewed paperPrezentowana książka to głos w debacie nad stanem naszej kodyfikacji cywilnej. Jubileusz 50-lecia uchwalenia Kodeksu cywilnego, Kodeksu rodzinnego i opiekuńczego oraz Kodeksu postępowania cywilnego zbiega się z jubileuszem Profesora Janusza Szwai1. Profesor, wybitny cywilista, obchodzi swoje 80. urodziny, mija także 50 lat od obrony przez Niego doktoratu. Jest to doskonała okazja by przyjrzeć się propozycjom zmian prawa cywilnego płynących z różnych środowisk akademickich. Wszak dużą część swojego życia Profesor Szwaja poświęcił pracom legislacyjnym, ich komentowaniu czy krytykowaniu. Sam aktywnie w zmianach różnych kodyfikacji uczestniczył. Jego poglądy zawsze były wyważone. Dziś właśnie taki wyważony głos w dyskusji nad kształtem polskiego prawa cywilnego stał się niezbędny

    Problems With Organising Agglomeration Passenger Transport Network – The Case of Warsaw Agglomeration

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    The main achievement of the research was to present the problems of accessing public transport in Warsaw agglomeration. The case study of Sulejówek shows that there are a lot of difficulties with the regional transport network. On the one hand there are organisation issues as inefficient or luck of support of train transport and, on the other hand, bad quality of local roads. Nevertheless, the simulation presents that it is possible to organise bus lines which allow inhabitants the access to the local train stations. The next step of the research would be creating timetables for both presented solutions in combination with train timetables and choosing the optimal option for implementation. This kind of research could be the recommendations for local authorities which are in charge of public transport issues. If both modes of transport are covered by one common ticket, the whole system would operate on effective and high level

    Determining Factors of Logistics Centres Development in Poland

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    This study aims to evaluate the possibility of development of logistics centres (LCs) in Poland. Currently in Poland (2015) there are 4 LCs which meet European requirements and standards. The supply of warehouse space in Poland is catered mainly by developers building numerous storage facilities. Very often, however, they are incorrectly called "logistic centres". The paper presents the most significant differences between LCs and storage centres. The authors assessed the potential location of LCs in Poland using a grading point method. Three groups of location have been thoroughly characterized and identified where, from the location and economics point of view, is the best to develop an LC

    Assessing the Effects of Logistics Performance on Energy Trade

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    Logistics has become one of the most important economic sectors. It significantly affects the transport infrastructure and many other sectors that are crucial for the country’s development. It is the factor that also influences trade efficiency. However, the question arises if logistics performance is significant for the trade of critical goods which are energy raw products. The aim of the paper is primarily to investigate the EU energy trade flows in general and to estimate the effect of logistics performance on the international trade of energy raw products. The energy raw products are grouped into solid, liquid, and gaseous products, and separate estimates are made for their export and import. The analysis also differentiates between the trade flows, that is export and import within the EU and trade flows between EU member states and third countries. The empirical model is based on the theory of gravity model extended to include the six subcomponents of the Logistics Performance Index (LPI). The results present that: (1) the standard gravity model variables, such as GDPs of reporter and partner countries and contiguity, are successful in explaining the trade flows of solid and liquid raw energy but in case of gas products, are insignificant; (2) the results indicate that all logistics’ performance subcomponents are highly significant and show positive effects on the export of liquid energy products, while for the solid and gas products, it seems to be insignificant when the energy commodities are more complex and costly to transport and store, and therefore, contiguity, i.e., when countries share a common border, positively affects energy trade; (3) the EU imports most liquid energy products, but is generally very dependent on energy imports. EU policymakers should strive to either make more use of domestic resources or switch more to renewable energy sources

    Assessing the Effects of Logistics Performance on Energy Trade

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    Logistics has become one of the most important economic sectors. It significantly affects the transport infrastructure and many other sectors that are crucial for the country’s development. It is the factor that also influences trade efficiency. However, the question arises if logistics performance is significant for the trade of critical goods which are energy raw products. The aim of the paper is primarily to investigate the EU energy trade flows in general and to estimate the effect of logistics performance on the international trade of energy raw products. The energy raw products are grouped into solid, liquid, and gaseous products, and separate estimates are made for their export and import. The analysis also differentiates between the trade flows, that is export and import within the EU and trade flows between EU member states and third countries. The empirical model is based on the theory of gravity model extended to include the six subcomponents of the Logistics Performance Index (LPI). The results present that: (1) the standard gravity model variables, such as GDPs of reporter and partner countries and contiguity, are successful in explaining the trade flows of solid and liquid raw energy but in case of gas products, are insignificant; (2) the results indicate that all logistics’ performance subcomponents are highly significant and show positive effects on the export of liquid energy products, while for the solid and gas products, it seems to be insignificant when the energy commodities are more complex and costly to transport and store, and therefore, contiguity, i.e., when countries share a common border, positively affects energy trade; (3) the EU imports most liquid energy products, but is generally very dependent on energy imports. EU policymakers should strive to either make more use of domestic resources or switch more to renewable energy sources