2,199 research outputs found

    High performance of professional basketball players and the settings to measure their regularity: evidence from the Spanish ACB League

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    Available at: <http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/ejasa/article/view/19295/17877In this paper, we analyse the relationship between performance and regularity to avoid the problem to the use of averages in sports statistics given their sensitivity to extreme data. The aim of this work is to establish which statistics discriminate between the high and low performance and regularity of basketball players using a performance-regularity index. The sample is composed of players from the Spanish professional basketball league, ACB League, from 2014-2015. We divided the sample into players with low, medium and high performance and regularity through a k-means method and a discriminant analysis associating high numbers of rebounds, assists and steals with high performance and regularity and higher numbers of 3- point shots, turnovers and fouls with low performance and regularity. These results should help coaches and sports managers design strategies that improve performance and recruiting for their teams.En este trabajo se analiza la relación entre rendimiento y regularidad para evitar el problema que supone el uso de medias en las estadísticas deportivas dada su sensibilidad a los datos extremos. El objetivo de este trabajo es establecer qué estadísticas iscriminan entre el alto y bajo rendimiento y regularidad de los jugadores de baloncesto utilizando un índice rendimiento-regularidad. La muestra está compuesta por jugadores de la liga profesional española de baloncesto, Liga ACB, de 2014-2015. Dividimos la muestra en jugadores con bajo, medio y alto rendimiento y regularidad a través de un método k-means y un análisis discriminante asociando altos números de rebotes, asistencias y robos con alto rendimiento y regularidad y mayores números de tiros de 3 puntos, pérdidas de balón y faltas con bajo rendimiento y regularidad. Estos resultados deberían ayudar a entrenadores y gestores deportivos a diseñar estrategias que mejoren el rendimiento y la captación de sus equipos.Proyecto ECO2013-47009-PProyecto P11-SEJ-798

    Recovering performance in the short term after coach succession in Spanish basketball organisations

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    This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education (project ECO2013-47009-P) and the Regional Government of Andalusia (project P11-SEJ-7988). The authors want to thank the members of the research group, “Innovation, Sustainability and Business Development” (SEJ-481).Research papers on succession processes in sports organisations have usually shown contradictory results. Several factors can explain the different effects on performance after changes, so the purpose of this paper is to obtain a better understanding of coach changes and their impacts on short-term performance. For this purpose, we use ordinary least squares (with Stata) to analyse panel data from a longitudinal sample of 15 years (from the 1997–1998 season to the 2011–2012 season) of Spanish professional basketball organisations, examining all changes in head coaches that occurred during the teams’ competitive seasons using the variables of coach experience or human capital changes within the organisation after the change of coach to determine the repercussions of these changes on performance. The results, with p < .05, support two hypotheses: H2, the possibility of short-term improved performance in organisations after a coach change; and H3, if a coach change is accompanied by more profound changes in human capital (players) the result is worse performance. These results are not contradictory because they indicate that it is possible to recover performance in the short term, but if managers make too many changes at the same time, the team cannot coordinate itself to recover its performance. For organisations, this observation is important because organisations can change key leaders when performance is low but must consider that a large number of simultaneous changes are overly risky because this increases instability and disruption.Spanish Ministry of Education (project ECO2013-47009-P)Regional Government of Andalusia (project P11-SEJ-7988

    Life cycles or longer tenures? A performance and employment duration model for Spanish basketball coaches

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    This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education (project ECO2010-20483) and the Regional Government of Andalusia (project P11-SEJ-7988).This study analyses the effect of basketball coaches on performance and the question of life cycles on their tenures. From theoretical perspectives like coach-performance relationship, succession theories, life cycle theory,and based on a longitudinal analysis from 1997 to 2012 of a professional Spanish basketball league, we show that the objective established at the season’s start and coach quality positively influence team performance, that a mid-season coaching change negatively influences performance, and the existence of longer tenures coaches that improve team performance. The work is especially interested for sport managers, sport coaches in their decisions-taking, but it is useful to general management to understand the consequences of the tenures or dismissals of their key managers on results.Spanish Ministry of Education ECO2010-20483Regional Government of Andalusia P11-SEJ-798

    Integration of DERs on power systems: challenges and opportunities

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    The integration of large amounts of distributed energy resources (DERs) as photovoltaic solar generation, micro-cogeneration, electric vehicles, distributed storage or demand response pose new challenges and opportunities on the power sector. In this paper, we review the current trends on: i) how consumers adopting DERs can self-provide energy services and provide other services at system level, ii) what can be expected at distribution networks and how retail markets will evolve with more proactive and market engaged consumers, iii) what are the effects and integration of DERs on wholesale markets, and iv) what are the challenges that DERs pose on cybersecurity and the opportunities for improving system resilience. Several recommendations are given for achieving an efficient integration of DERs. For instance, the design of a comprehensive system of prices and charges and the elimination of existing barriers for market participation are crucial reforms to achieve a level playing field between distributed and centralized resources when providing electricity services. This paper summarizes part of the work developed under the MIT Utility of the Future study

    La actividad de búsquedas en Google anticipa los resultados electorales

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    Aquest treball de recerca pretén analitzar la utilitat d'ús de les estadístiques de cerca a Google a l'hora d'explicar i/o predir diferents esdeveniments. En aquest estudi proposem un model economètric de dades de panell que demostra que les estadístiques de cerca de Google tenen capacitat explicativa i predictiva sobre l'evolució de la intenció de vot en les eleccions espanyoles. La relació entre ambdues variables és significativa, positiva i amb un coeficient superior a la unitat; per tant, si les estadístiques de cerca de Google augmenten d’un punt, interpretarem que la intenció de vot augmentarà de més d'un 1% del cens electoral.This research aims to analyze the usefulness of Google searching activity to explaining and/or predicting different events. In this study we propose a panel data econometric model that shows that Google search statistics have explanatory and predictive capacity on the evolution of voting intentions in the Spanish elections. The relationship between votes and searches is significant, positive and has a coefficient greater than unity, so that if Google search statistics increase in 1 point, voting intention increases by more than 1% of the electorate.Este trabajo de investigación pretende analizar la utilidad de uso de las estadísticas de búsqueda en Google a la hora de explicar y/o predecir diferentes acontecimientos. En este estudio proponemos un modelo econométrico de datos de panel que demuestra que las estadísticas de búsqueda de Google tienen capacidad explicativa y predictiva sobre la evolución de la intención de voto en las elecciones españolas. La relación entre ambas variables es significativa, positiva y con un coeficiente superior a la unidad; por lo que si las estadísticas de búsqueda de Google aumentan en un punto interpretaremos que la intención de voto aumentará en más de un 1 % del censo electoral

    Bioavailability, Bioaccesibility of Heavy Metal Elements and Speciation of as in Contaminated Areas of Chile

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    Studies on the bioavailability of As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Mn and Cd of impacted soils; the As bioaccesibility in the edible parts of carrots, beets and quinoa growing in these polluted soils thought “in vitro” gastrointestinal process; the As speciation both in the edible parts of vegetables and in their gastrointestinal extracts have been performed. Elemental analysis and As speciation have been performed by ICP-MS and LC-ICP-MS, respectively. The high As contents in the interchangeable and oxidized fractions of soil may be responsible for the high As species content in these high vegetables consumption. The Arsenic recovery after the in vitro gastrointestinal digestion was from 98, 90 and 40% for carrots, beets and quinoa, respectively; with no significant transformation of original As species. These studies provide a clearer understanding of the impact that As and other contaminant elements may present in the population of this high polluted Chilean region

    Discovering the Quiet Side of the Panthers: The Black Panther's Survival Programs and Public Image

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    Durante siglos, los negros han sufrido casos de segregación y discriminación, debido a su pasado como esclavos y al sentimiento racista arraigado en los Estados Unidos. Los prejuicios atribuidos, incrementaron con la imposición de estereotipos, que se utilizaron como método de clasificación y por lo tanto como forma de separar a este grupo del resto de la sociedad. Cansados de su estado de desigualdad y de las consecuencias que esta traía, surgió el movimiento de los Derechos Civiles y posteriormente el Partido Pantera Negra (The Black Panther Party). Desde el inicio los Panteras negras, al igual que la demás población negra, fueron vistos con miedo y sufrieron un trato degradante debido a los prejuicios y estereotipos, que se extendieron mediante los medios de comunicación y el FBI. Resistiendo los intentos por parte del FBI y de la policía de erradicar el partido, los Panteras Negras establecieron como objetivo ayudar a sus comunidades mediante sus programas de supervivencia (Survival Programs) mostrándoles lo que el gobierno les estaba negando. Con este trabajo pretendo demostrar que con el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de estos programas, no solo se consiguió ayudar a estas comunidades que sufrían pobreza, desempleo, brutalidad policial y hambruna, sino que también se limpiase la imagen negativa del Partido Pantera Negra y la de los negros en general, la cual había sido dañada por dichos estereotipos y los prejuicios

    Diagnóstico del clima Organizacional de la E.S.E Hospital de Santa Mónica

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    En el siguiente trabajo se diagnosticará el clima organizacional en la E.S.E. Hospital de Santa Mónica, incluyendo cuatro de sus centros de salud. Este estudio se realiza con el objetivo de identificar las fortalezas y los aspectos a mejorar del clima laboral del hospital para cada área y con cada uno de sus colaboradores por medio de la aplicación de un test, el cual consta de ochenta preguntas y que permite medir ocho variables diferentes relacionadas con la percepción que cada colaborador de la organización tiene respecto al ambiente laboral que percibe en su área de trabajo en la organización en general. La finalidad de diagnosticar el clima organizacional de la E.S.E. Hospital de Santa Mónica es informar el estado del clima organizacional para cada área del hospital y el clima general de la organización para que con dichos resultados el Hospital realice un plan de mejoramiento.This research project diagnoses the organizational climate at E.S.E Hospital Santa Monica, including four of its health centers. This study is conducted in order to identify strengths and areas for improvement of the working environment of the hospital for each area and each of its partners through the application of a test which consists of eighty questions, measuring eight different variables related to the perception that every employee of the organization has regarding the work environment they see in their work area and the organization in general. The purpose of diagnosing the organizational climate of the E.S.E Hospital Santa Monica is to report the status of organizational climate for each area of the hospital and the general climate of the organization. The main goal is to use those results for find ways for improvement