164 research outputs found

    Habits of use and consumption of smart screens among children from 7 to 9 years old in Spain

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    Este artículo presenta algunos de los resultados del proyecto de investigación “Niños, Apps, Tablets y Teléfonos Inteligentes de cero a nueve años. Los resultados fueron obtenidos en una encuesta a través de la plataforma Qualtrics —con control de calidad ESOMAR— a 525 niños/as de 7 a 9 años en ciudades de más de 10.000 habitantes y segmentado por CCAA, género, edad y renta familiar percibida. En el artículo, se realiza un análisis específico de variables descriptivas asociadas a género, edad, renta percibida y regiones y se contextualiza el trabajo con un análisis comparativo en España. Una de las conclusiones relevantes del estudio es establecer semejanzas y diferencias entre los patrones detectados en el uso de las pantallas inteligentes en nuestro país. También el abordaje y recomendaciones a la hora de trabajar con niños/as de edad temprana. Se concluye con recomendaciones orientadas a desarrollar un “Observatorio de los hábitos de uso y consumo de la infancia y adolescencia en las pantallas inteligentes”.This article presents some of the results of the research project “Children, Apps, Tablets and Smartphones of Zero to Nine-year old Children”. The results were obtained in a survey via the Qualtrics platform - with ESOMAR quality control – of 525 children from 7 to 9 years old in cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants, and segmented by Autonomous Communities, gender, age and household income. A specific analysis of descriptive variables associated with gender, age, household income and regions was conducted. The project was contextualised by means of a comparative analysis in Spain. A major conclusion highlights confirmation of the similarities and differences between the patterns detected in the use of smart screens in our country. In addition, some suggestions for improving the methodology when researchers work with early age children are presented. Finally, recommendations intended to develop an “Observatory of the habits of use and consumption of smart screens by children and adolescents” is described

    Experimental study on the stability and transient behavior of a closed-loop two-phase thermosyphon (CLTPT) charged with NOVEC 649

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    Currently, the growing need for efficient refrigeration resources in the industrial sector has led to an increasing interest in finding technologies with a higher heat removal potential and better cooling performance. Along these lines, two-phase liquid cooling appears to be a very interesting solution, with the CLTPT (closed-loop two-phase thermosyphon) being one of the leading alternatives. Most works in the scientific literature study loop thermosyphons that work in flow boiling conditions in steady state. The present paper analyzes the transient thermal behavior of a pool boiling CLTPT gravitational channel as a passive cooling system using NOVEC 649 as working fluid. The evaporator works with two submerged cylindrical heaters that represent different heat sources located in different positions. The initial transient behavior and consequent instabilities of a laboratory-scale facility were studied, followed by a stability analysis for various power inputs. Parameters such as temperature and pressure along the experimental setup were monitored, and the effects of internal pressure and room conditions were also tested. The results show some instabilities in the process to start the flow circulation and a relative stability and quick adaptation to changes when circulation is reached. The temperature in the evaporator chamber was highly homogeneous during the whole process; however, the temperature changes in the riser and the loop top were delayed with respect to the evaporator zone. The analysis shows several pressure and temperature raises before the vapor flux reaches the condenser. When the flow circulation is established, the system becomes highly stable and thermally homogeneous, decreasing the thermal resistance when increasing the power input. The stability analysis also showed that, when the system reaches the steady state, the changes in the power input produce a transient increase in the pressure and temperature of the fluid, followed by a quick decrease of the previous steady state values. The heat transfer analysis in the evaporator shows a higher heat flux on the upper heater caused by the buoyancy flow that rises from the lower heater. It was also observed that the lower heater reaches the CHF point with a lower heat flux.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades | Ref. RTI-2018-100765-B10

    Guide for the teaching of “Advertising as audiovisual culture” in Baccalaureate at School of Arts “Miguel Marmolejo” in Melilla

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    El presente artículo expone el diseño de una unidad didáctica cuyo tema consiste en la Publicidad, destinada para ser impartida en la asignatura de Cultura Audiovisual, en el primer curso de Bachillerato de Artes. Los distintos apartados de esta unidad didáctica se han elaborado de manera que contribuyan al cumplimiento del currículum fijado por ley. Se pretende con esta guía que el profesor pueda beneficiar a sus alumnos, aportándoles un conocimiento de utilidad para sus vidas cotidianas, a la hora de afrontar los múltiples mensajes publicitarios a los que se encuentran sometidos constantemente en la actualidad. Por tanto, el siguiente artículo propone una forma práctica y amena de enseñar y aprender acerca del mundo de la Publicidad, adaptada a los tiempos actuales.This report presents the design of a learning unit whose topic is the Advertising, destined to be given in the subject of Audiovisual Culture in the first year of Baccalaureate of Arts. The various sections of this learning unit are designed in a way that contributes to the fulfillment of the curriculum established by law. With this guide, it is intended that the teacher can benefit their students, providing them with a useful knowledge in their daily lives, to tackling the many advertising messages that are constantly subjected nowadays. Therefore, the following report proposes a practical and fun way to teach and learn about the world of Advertising, adapted to modern time

    Comparativa del nivel de satisfacción en pacientes intervenidos ambulatoriamente: alta resolución frente a programada.

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    Una de las metas en la medicina actual es conseguir mejorar la calidad asistencial que el paciente recibe. En este sentido frente a la cirugía programada convencional surge la cirugía de alta resolución (CAR), en donde la evaluación preoperatoria y la propia cirugía se llevan a cabo en una única visita hospitalaria permitiendo reducir el número de visitas del paciente y los subsiguientes costes, tanto directos como indirectos. El objetivo es realizar una encuesta de satisfacción entre ambos grupos de pacientes y determinar que vía es la mejor valorada por los mismos.<br /

    Fretting : review on the numerical simulation and modelling of wear, fatigue and fracture

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    This chapter presents a general background and the state of the art of numerical simulation and modeling of fretting phenomenon in terms of wear, fatigue and fracture. First, an introduction of fretting and its implications is exposed. Second, different methodologies for wear modeling and simulation are described and discussed. Afterwards, fatigue and fracture analysis approaches are revised. To that end, multiaxial fatigue parameters are introduced putting an emphasis on the physical basis of the fretting phenomena and the suitability of each model. On the other hand, the propagation phase based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) via the finite element method (FEM) and the eXtended finite element method (X-FEM) analysis methods is presented and compared. Finally, different approaches and latest developments for fretting fatigue lifetime prediction are presented and discussed