67 research outputs found

    Large Scale Morphological Segregation in Optically Selected Galaxy Redshift Catalogs

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    We present the results of an exhaustive analysis of the morphological segregation of galaxies in the CfA and SSRS catalogs through the scaling formalism. Morphological segregation between ellipticals and spirals has been detected at scales up to 15-20 h1^{-1} Mpc in the CfA catalog, and up to 20-30 h1^{-1} Mpc in the SSRS catalog. Moreover, it is present not only in the densest areas of the galaxy distribution, but also in zones of moderate density.Comment: 9 pages, (1 figure included), uuencode compressed Postscript, (accepted for publication in ApJ Letters), FTUAM-93-2

    Inducción de conocimiento con incertidumbre en bases de datos relacionales borrosas

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    Este trabajo presenta un sistema para aprendizaje de definiciones lógicas con incertidumbre, a partir de una base de datos relacional borrosa. El campo de interés se centra, por tanto, en la programación lógica inductiva, introduciendo algunas interesantes aportaciones, principalmente en lo que se refiere a la entrada de datos y a los resultados producidos: Los datos de entrada pertenecen a una base de datos relacional borrosa. Por tanto, vienen expresados en forma de tablas de tuplas (relaciones), en las que las tuplas pueden llevar asociado un grado de pertenencia a la relación correspondiente. Se trata, por tanto, de relaciones borrosas, directamente identificables con conceptos borrosos (tan comunes en la realidad vista desde un punto de vista humano), y no de relaciones ordinarias con atributos borrosos (tal y como se entiende la "borrosidad" en muchos sistemas existentes). Los datos de salida vienen expresados en forma de definiciones lógicas de una relación (ordinaria o borrosa), que consta de una cláusula de Horn o de la disyunción de varias. Estas cláusulas de Horn se construyen mediante literales, aplicados sobre variables (generalmente), y asociados a relaciones borrosas u ordinarias. Los literales borrosos pueden ser modificados, además, por el empleo de etiquetas lingüísticas. Por tanto, se combina, en estas definiciones, la lógica de predicados con la lógica borrosa, en lo que podemos denominar "lógica borrosa de predicados", lo que constituye una aportación dentro de la inducción automática de conocimiento. Además, las definiciones inducidas llevan asociado un factor de incertidumbre, como hacen otros sistemas ya existentes. El punto de partida del trabajo lo constituye un sistema de inducción de definiciones lógicas bien conocido: FOIL, creado por Quinlan en 1990, basado en la lógica de predicados. Sobre este sistema inicial se realizan, además de las extensiones para lógica borrosa ya mencionadas, otra serie de modificaciones y ampliaciones enfocadas a mejorar la inducción de conocimiento. Estas mejoras se realizan, principalmente, en su parte heurística, al definir una función de evaluación de literales, basada en medidas de interés, que permite corregir algunas deficiencias del sistema original y aumentar la calidad de las reglas inducidas. Otras modificaciones se orientan hacia la introducción de conocimiento de base, mediante relaciones definidas intensionalmente, de modo similar a otros sistemas como FOCL. Como resultado tangible de la tesis, se ha desarrollado y probado un sistema, FZFOIL, disponible públicamente bajo la licencia GNU

    Shape and kinematics of elliptical galaxies: evolution due to merging at z < 1.5

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    [EN]Aims. We investigate the evolution in the shape and kinematics of elliptical galaxies in a cosmological framework. Methods. We identified relaxed, elliptical-like objects (ELOs) at redshifts z = 0, z = 0.5, z = 1 and z = 1.5 within a set of hydrodynamic, self-consistent simulations completed for a concordance cosmological model. Results. The population of elliptical systems that we analysed evolve systematically with time becoming rounder in general by z = 0 and also more velocity dispersion supported. We found that this is due primarily to major dry mergers where only a modest amount of angular momentum is involved in the merger event. Despite the general trend, in a significant number of cases the merger event involves a relatively high amount of specific angular momentum, which causes the system in general to acquire higher rotational support and/or a more oblate shape. These evolutionary patterns persist when we study our systems in projection, in simulating true observations, and thus should be evident in future observations.Peer reviewe

    Galactoseismology in cosmological simulations: Vertical perturbations by dark matter, satellite galaxies and gas

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    Only recently, complex models that include the global dynamics from dwarf satellite galaxies, dark matter halo structure, gas infalls, and stellar disk in a cosmological context became available to study the dynamics of disk galaxies such as the Milky Way (MW). We use a MW model from a high-resolution hydrodynamical cosmological simulation named GARROTXA to establish the relationship between the vertical disturbances seen in its galactic disk and multiple perturbations, from the dark matter halo, satellites and gas. We calculate the bending modes in the galactic disk in the last 6 Gyr of evolution. To quantify the impact of dark matter and gas we compute the vertical acceleration exerted by these components onto the disk and compare them with the bending behavior with Fourier analysis. We find complex bending patterns at different radii and times, such as an inner retrograde mode with high frequency, as well as an outer slower retrograde mode excited at different times. The amplitudes of these bending modes are highest during the early stages of the thin disk formation and reach up to 8.5 km s-1 in the late disk evolution. We find that the infall of satellite galaxies leads to a tilt of the disk, and produces anisotropic gas accretion with subsequent star formation events, and supernovae, creating significant vertical accelerations onto the disk plane. The misalignment between the disk and the inner stellar/dark matter triaxial structure, formed during the ancient assembly of the galaxy, creates a strong vertical acceleration on the stars. We conclude that several agents trigger the bending of the stellar disk and its phase spirals in this simulation, including satellite galaxies, dark sub-halos, misaligned gaseous structures, and the inner dark matter profile, which coexist and influence each other, making it challenging to establish direct causality

    Is the Fast Evolution Scenario for Virialized Compact Groups Really Compelling? The Role of a Dark Massive Group Halo

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    We report on results of N-body simulations aimed at testing the hypothesis that galaxies in X-ray emitting (i.e., virialized) Compact Groups are not tidally stripped when they are embedded in a common, massive, quiescent dark matter halo. To disentangle the effects of interactions from spurious effects due to an incorrect choice of the initial galaxy model configurations, these have been chosen to be tidally-limited King spheres, representing systems in quasi-equilibrium within the tidal field of the halo. The potential of the halo has been assumed to be frozen and the braking due to dynamical friction neglected. Our results confirm the hypothesis of low rates of tidal stripping and suggest a scenario for virialized Compact Group evolution in their quiescent phases with only very moderate tidally induced galaxy evolution can be generally expected. This implies the group stability, provided that the dynamical friction timescales in these systems are not much shorter than the Hubble time. We discuss briefly this possibility, in particular taking account of the similarity between the velocity dispersions of a typical virialized Compact Groups and the internal velocity dispersion of typical member galaxies. A number of puzzling observational data on Compact Groups can be easily explained in this framework. Other observations would be better understood as the result of enhanced merging activity in the proto-group environment, leading to virialized Compact Group formation through mergers of lower mass halos, as predicted by hierarchical scenarios of structure formation.Comment: 18 pages, 1 postscript file, 2 tables, to be published in ApJLet

    A tidal extension in the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We report the detection of main-sequence and blue horizontal-branch stars of the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy beyond its tidal radius, indicating the existence of a possible tidal extension in this satellite of the Milky Way. This tidal extension could spread out well beyond the area covered in our survey (R>80 arcmin),as suggested by the presence of a ``break'' to a shallower slope observed in its density profile. The V-band surface brightness for this possible tidal extension range from 29.8 to 31.5 mag arcsec^-2. The area covered in our survey (~1.65 deg^2) is not enough to discriminate if this extra-tidalpopulation is part of a tidal tail or an extended halo around the galaxy. The existence of this tidal extension in Ursa Minor indicates that this satellite is currently undergoing a tidal disruption process by the Milky Way. We discuss the possibility of a tidal origin for the high mass-to-light ratio observed in this galaxy on the basis on our result and recent theoretical simulations of the tidal disruption of dwarf satellites in the Galactic halo.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The Origin of Kinematically Persistent Planes of Satellites as Driven by the Early Evolution of the Cosmic Web in ΛCDM

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    Kinematically persistent planes (KPPs) of satellites are fixed sets of satellites co-orbiting around their host galaxy, whose orbital poles are conserved and clustered across long cosmic time intervals. They play the role of “skeletons,” ensuring the long-term durability of positional planes. We explore the physical processes behind their formation in terms of the dynamics of the local cosmic web (CW), characterized via the so-called Lagrangian volumes (LVs) built up around two zoom-in, cosmological hydro-simulations of Milky Way–mass disk galaxy + satellites systems, where three KPPs have been identified. By analyzing the LV deformations in terms of the reduced tensor of inertia (TOI), we find an outstanding alignment between the LV principal directions and the KPP satellites’ orbital poles. The most compressive local mass flows (along the eˆ3 eigenvector) are strong at early times, feeding the so-called eˆ3 -structure, while the smallest TOI axis rapidly decreases. The eˆ3 -structure collapse marks the end of this regime and is the timescale for the establishment of satellite orbital pole clustering when the Universe is ≲4 Gyr old. KPP protosatellites aligned with eˆ3 are those whose orbital poles are either aligned from early times or have been successfully bent at eˆ3 -structure collapse. KPP satellites associated with eˆ1 tend to have early trajectories already parallel to eˆ3 . We show that KPPs can arise as a result of the ΛCDM-predicted large-scale dynamics acting on particular sets of protosatellites, the same dynamics that shape the local CW environment

    Confidence limits of evolutionary synthesis models III. On time-integrated quantities

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    Evolutionary synthesis models are a fundamental tool to interpret the properties of observed stellar systems. In order to achieve a meaningful comparison between models and real data, it is necessary to calibrate the models themselves, i.e. to evaluate the dispersion due to the discreteness of star formation as well as the possible model errors. In this paper we show that linear interpolations in the log M - log t_k plane, that are customary in the evaluation of isochrones in evolutionary synthesis codes, produce unphysical results. We also show that some of the methods used in the calculation of time-integrated quantities (kinetic energy, and total ejected masses of different elements) may produce unrealistic results. We propose alternative solutions to solve both problems. Moreover, we have quantified the expected dispersion of these quantities due to stochastic effects in stellar populations. As a particular result, we show that the dispersion in the 14N/12C ratio increases with time.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, accepted by A&