10 research outputs found

    Creación de modelos tridimensionales e imágenes de TAC para el aprendizaje anatómico y diagnóstico en la materia de Odontopediatría. Sus aplicaciones en el campus virtual

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la creación de herramientas que ayuden a la formación del alumno en su representación espacial y tridimensional de las estructuras del ser humano en crecimiento. Para ello se crea un modelo virtual de maxilar y mandíbula, partiendo de un sujeto infantil real, que sirva como herramienta educativa en el ámbito de la Anatomía y la Odontopediatría. La representación tridimensional incluirá todas las piezas dentarias erupcionadas correspondientes a la dentición temporal y los gérmenes de la dentición definitiva. De igual manera, se evalúan imágenes de TAC sobre casos clínicos reales en normalidad y con patología previa, en aras a completar la formación del alumno en éste área

    Aplicación de sistemas tridimensionales en Odontopediatría

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    Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaFALSEunpu

    Aplicación de sistemas tridimensionales para el aprendizaje en odontopediatría

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid de la Facultad de Odontología, Departamento de Estomatología IV, leída el 13-02-2015Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEunpu

    A 3D Model of the Jaw Applied to Paediatric Dentistry

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    As education and knowledge are adapted to new education systems, as per the Bologna Plan, new technologies are required for educational support. In dentistry, the creation of virtual simulators can advance understanding in areas like anatomy. With this aim, a three-dimensional virtual model of the maxilo-mandibular system was created, based on a real infantile specimen. Once this model was developed, we applied this virtual structure to a teaching tool in a dentistry subject.The main objective of this project is the creation of a virtual model of the jaw, based on a real and infantile subject that serves as an educative tool in the scope of Paediatric Dentistry Anatomy. The secondary aims were to evaluate this model as an educational tool in a paediatric dentistry subject. For the main objective we obtained tomographic cuts of the craniofacial skeleton of a three-year-old girl that were transcribed to the program Amira 5.3.0. On the cuts, we segmented and named all the mandibular structures: jaw, temporary teeth, and permanent teeth. For the secondary aims we developed virtual clinical cases based on this mandibular model and gave a questionnaire to 29 dentistry students in order to evaluate the tool. A total of 512 cuts were obtained in sagittal and coronal planes and 309 in the cross-sectional plane of a thickness of 0.625 mm. In different colours, we segmented the total 25 structures to generate a three-dimensional mandibular model. For the questionnaire, the results of the students’ satisfaction of the tool were high, with an overall score of 8.5 out of 10. The educative system based on the Bologna Plan is a reality. The self-training based on test and error, is a strategy of extreme utility for the student. With an interactive model, the student is able to value his knowledge instantaneously, and the presence of a professor is not essential at all times. Through this real model, we have described the anatomical study of temporary teething, as well as its interactions with the developing permanent dentition, in a three-dimensional form. The students’ satisfaction of the teaching tool was high.Sin financiación5.046 JCR (2021) Q2, 31/98 Engineering, Biomedical0.711 SJR (2021) Q2, 61/153 BioengineeringNo data IDR 2021UE

    Teaching for independent student learning strategies using the virtual campus of three-dimensional models and 3d images for the acquisition and assessment of generic and transferable skills in pediatric dentistry.

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    Apoyándonos en un modelo virtual de maxilar y mandíbula, de un sujeto infantil real, pretendemos: La creación de herramientas que ayuden a la adquisición y evaluación de competencias para el diagnóstico mediante pruebas complementarias en 3D y sus aplicaciones en el paciente pediátrico. Aplicar recursos informáticos que permitan la adquisición y autoevaluación de las competencias en los procedimientos de anestesia aplicados al paciente infantil. Aportación por parte del alumno de aspectos mejorables a su juicio de este proyecto. Comparación de este nuevo método de aprendizaje con los métodos tradicionales, en cuanto a mejora de la adquisición de conocimientos sobre la asignatura. Todo lo anterior se fundamenta en el diseño de metodologías informáticas y audiovisuales que aumenten el aprendizaje eficaz con el apoyo del Campus Virtual.Relying on a virtual model of the maxilla and mandible of a real child subject , we intend to : The creation of tools to help the acquisition and assessment of skills through complementary diagnostic tests and 3D applications in pediatric patients . Apply IT resources to the acquisition and self-assessment skills in anesthesia procedures applied to child patient. Contribution by the student of his trial for improvement of the project aspects . Comparison of this new learning method with traditional methods as to improve the acquisition of knowledge on the subject. All this is based on the design of computer and audiovisual methodologies that increase the efficient learning with the support of the Virtual Campus .Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaFALSEsubmitte

    Methodologies and Innovation in Classroom Instruction in the Subject Integrated Dental Clinic. Tools to Evaluate Students Satisfaction and Their Involvement in Quality Assessment Processes.

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: El presente proyecto surge de la necesidad constatada en anteriores trabajos, de mejora en la atención clínica y en la visibilidad y calidad de la asignatura de Clínica Odontológica Integrada, que es cursada por alumnos de los dos últimos cursos del Grado de Odontología. La necesidad de una atención específica orientada a pacientes en edad infantil, hace que nos planteemos propuestas en aras a la preparación lógica, ergonómica y ordenada de la atención odontológica. OBJETIVOS: En el presente proyecto se propone el establecimiento y evaluación de metodologías docentes innovadoras para mejorar la calidad de atención al paciente infantil en la asignatura Clínica Odontológica Integrada. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se elaboraron unos cuestionarios validados, "Check list", protocolizados para cada procedimiento clínico, que puntualizan cada acción con la intención de evitar intervenciones no óptimas para el paciente. Además se elaboraron documentos acerca de los consejos preoperatorios y postoperatorios, y material formativo individualizado para aumentar la motivación de los pacientes y sus familias hacia el tratamiento odontólogico. El alumno forma parte fundamental en este proyecto ya que realizará el control de calidad de los procedimientos clínicos llevados a cabo. Se hizo prueba piloto intragrupo con una muestra de 50 pacientes. RESULTADOS: En relación a la cuantificación del impacto de las medidas llevadas a cabo en 50 pacientes/alumnos, los resultados nos llevan a pensar que la utilización del checklist permite a los alumnos evitar problemas importantes en relación a la asignación de pacientes y les a incita a revisar y confirmar la presencia de alertas médicas, registros complementarios, plan de tratamiento previsto, etc. Por otro lado, el hacer necesaria la revisión de los materiales necesarios para cada tratamiento, supone un acortamiento de los tiempos de tratamiento. En relación a la evaluación del procedimiento en sí, los profesores entendemos que es necesaria una revisión de los ítems planteados así como la instauración de un sistema de supervisión o mayor motivación en el alumno. DISCUSIÓN: Hemos podido constatar tras la realización de un estudio piloto con tests de control de calidad a los alumnos, que la docencia de la asignatura de Clínica Odontológica Integrada puede tener carencias que son susceptibles de mejora fundamentalmente en la vertiente clínica. Mediante este sistema el propio documento advierte de los errores cometidos por el alumno en la ejecución de cada procedimiento. Sin duda, estas propuestas generarán un aumento de la calidad de la asistencia odontológica y una percepción de la misma en el paciente y su familia. CONCLUSIONES: Mediante este proyecto hemos diseñado un sistema de aprendizaje que cambiará el concepto de control de calidad de la clínica odontológica. Los alumnos podrán evaluar sus propios procedimientos y ello generará la constatación por parte del profesor de la calidad de la asistencia clínica ejecutada. Se han creado recursos educativos en abierto tanto para los alumnos como para el ámbito familiar del paciente infantil.INTRODUCTION: The present project rises from the need, verified in previous studies, to improve the clinical care, the visibility and quality of the subject Integrated Dental Clinic, which is taken by the students of the last year of the Degree in Dentistry. The need for specific care to pediatric patients leads us to make proposals for a logic, ergonomic and orderly preparation of the dental care. OBJECTIVES: This research aims to establish and evaluate innovative teaching methodologies in order to improve the quality of care for children in the subject Integrated Dental Clinic. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We created several questionnaires (Checklists) which are protocolized for each clinical procedure. Each one states every single action in order to avoid non-optimal interventions for the patient. In addition, we prepared documents on preoperative and postoperative advice and individualized training material to increase the motivation of patients and their families towards dental treatments. The student is an essential part of this project, because he/she will perform the quality control of the clinical procedures carried out. An intragroup pilot test was performed with a sample of 50 patients. RESULTS: Regarding the quantification of the impact of the measures carried out on 50 patients/students, the results lead us to believe that the use of checklists, allows students to avoid important problems in relation to the allocation of patients, and encourages them to review and confirm the presence of medical alerts, supplementary records, planned treatment plans, etc. On the other hand, making it necessary to review the materials needed for each treatment implies a shortening of dental treatment times. In relation to the evaluation of the procedure itself, the teachers understand that it is necessary to review the items raised, as well as the establishment of a supervision system or a higher motivation in the student. DISCUSSION: We have verified, after conducting a pilot study with quality control tests for the students, that the teaching in the subject Integrated Dental Clinic may have deficiencies that are susceptible of improvement, fundamentally in the clinical aspect. Through this system, the document itself warns of errors made by the student in the execution of each procedure. Undoubtedly, these proposals will generate an increase in the quality of dental care and the perception of it in the pediatric patient and the family. CONCLUSIONS: With this Project, we have designed a learning system that will change the concept of quality control in the dental clinic. Students will be able to evaluate their own procedures and this will generate the teacher's confirmation of the quality of the clinical assistance performed. Open educational resources have been created for both students and the family environment of the pediatric patient.Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaFALSEsubmitte

    Down syndrome as risk factor for respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization : A prospective multicenter epidemiological study

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    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in childhood, particularly in premature infants, is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. To compare the hospitalization rates due to RSV infection and severity of disease between infants with and without Down syndrome (DS) born at term and without other associated risk factors for severe RSV infection. In a prospective multicentre epidemiological study, 93 infants were included in the DS cohort and 68 matched by sex and data of birth (±1 week) and were followed up to 1 year of age and during a complete RSV season. The hospitalization rate for all acute respiratory infection was significantly higher in the DS cohort than in the non-DS cohort (44.1% vs 7.7%, P<.0001). Hospitalizations due to RSV were significantly more frequent in the DH cohort than in the non-DS cohort (9.7% vs 1.5%, P=.03). RSV prophylaxis was recorded in 33 (35.5%) infants with DS. The rate of hospitalization according to presence or absence of RSV immunoprophylaxis was 3.0% vs 15%, respectively. Infants with DS showed a higher rate of hospitalization due to acute lower respiratory tract infection and RSV infection compared to non-DS infants. Including DS infants in recommendations for immunoprophylaxis of RSV disease should be considered