2 research outputs found

    School coexistence and conflict resolution mediated by information and communication technology

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    Colombia es un pa铆s que se est谩 preparando para la paz, sin embargo, en las instituciones educativas se encuentran altos 铆ndices de conflictos, por lo cual es imperante emplear estrategias educativas que fomenten una sana convivencia. El articulo tiene como objetivo presentar estrategias pedag贸gicas para fortalecer la convivencia escolar y soluci贸n de conflictos, mediante el uso de tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n. El estudio es de tipo cualitativo bajo el modelo de investigaci贸n acci贸n. Se evidenciaron manifestaciones violentas y comportamientos err谩ticos por parte de los estudiantes en la interacci贸n con su grupo de pares, donde se demuestran agresiones verbales, f铆sicas, discriminaci贸n, lenguaje soez, ruptura de normas escolares e irrespeto a la autoridad, la cual es representada por docentes y cuerpo administrativo de la instituci贸n, donde a trav茅s de las TIC se crearon espacios de participaci贸n que permitieron generar una mejor convivencia escolar basada en la soluci贸n de conflictos.Colombia is a country that is preparing for peace, however, in educational institutions are high rates of conflict, which is why it is imperative to use educational strategies that promote a healthy coexistence. The aim of the article is to present pedagogical strategies to strengthen school coexistence and conflict resolution, through the use of information and communication technologies. The study is of qualitative type under the action research model. There were violent demonstrations and erratic behavior by students in the interaction with their peer group, where verbal, physical aggressions, discrimination, foul language, breaking of school rules and disrespect to the authority are shown, which is represented by teachers. and the administrative body of the institution, where through TIC spaces of participation were created that allowed generating a better school coexistence based on the solution of conflicts

    School coexistence and conflict resolution mediated by information and communication technology

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    Colombia es un pa铆s que se est谩 preparando para la paz, sin embargo, en las instituciones educativas se encuentran altos 铆ndices de conflictos, por lo cual es imperante emplear estrategias educativas que fomenten una sana convivencia. El articulo tiene como objetivo presentar estrategias pedag贸gicas para fortalecer la convivencia escolar y soluci贸n de conflictos, mediante el uso de tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n. El estudio es de tipo cualitativo bajo el modelo de investigaci贸n acci贸n. Se evidenciaron manifestaciones violentas y comportamientos err谩ticos por parte de los estudiantes en la interacci贸n con su grupo de pares, donde se demuestran agresiones verbales, f铆sicas, discriminaci贸n, lenguaje soez, ruptura de normas escolares e irrespeto a la autoridad, la cual es representada por docentes y cuerpo administrativo de la instituci贸n, donde a trav茅s de las TIC se crearon espacios de participaci贸n que permitieron generar una mejor convivencia escolar basada en la soluci贸n de conflictosColombia is a country that is preparing for peace, however, in educational institutions are high rates of conflict, which is why it is imperative to use educational strategies that promote a healthy coexistence. The aim of the article is to present pedagogical strategies to strengthen school coexistence and conflict resolution, through the use of information and communication technologies. The study is of qualitative type under the action research model. There were violent demonstrations and erratic behavior by students in the interaction with their peer group, where verbal, physical aggressions, discrimination, foul language, breaking of school rules and disrespect to the authority are shown, which is represented by teachers. and the administrative body of the institution, where through TIC spaces of participation were created that allowed generating a better school coexistence based on the solution of conflicts