9 research outputs found

    A Szomatoszenzoros Amplifikáció Skála (SSAS) magyar változatának validálása = Validation of the Hungarian version of the Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS)

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    A Szomatoszenzoros Amplifikáció Skála (SSAS) magyar verziójának pszichometriai értékelését és kérdőíves validálását egyetemi hallgatók (N = 184; átlag életkor = 21,43 év, SD = 4,124; 38,1% férfi) és háziorvosi rendelőben várakozó betegek (N = 562; átlag életkor = 46,54 év, SD = 17,248; 40,4% férfi) mintáján végeztük el. A skála jó belső konzisztenciát mutatott (Cronbach-alfa = 0,70 és 0,77 az egyetemista és a betegmintán), és a konfirmátoros faktoroanalízis eredményei alapján kifejezetten jól illeszkedett az elméletileg feltételezett egydimenziós struktúrához (CMIN/df = 3,088; CFI = 0,989; NFI = 0,984; RMSEA = 0,053). A kérdőíves validáláshoz négy pszichológiai skálát (Életszemlélet Teszt átdolgozott verzió - LOT-R; Beck Depresszió Kérdőív rövidített változat - BDI-R; Spielberger Vonásszorongás Kérdőív - STAI-T; Szubjektív Testi Tünet Skála - PHQ-15) használtunk. Az egyetemista mintán az SSAS pontszámok szignifikánsan korreláltak a nemmel, valamint a PHQ-15, a STAI-T és a BDI-R pontszámokkal. A többváltozós regressziós elemzés során a nem (p = 0,044) és a STAI-T pontszám (p = 0,053) bizonyult jó prediktornak. A betegmintán szignifikáns együttjárást találtunk a nemmel, az iskolai végzettséggel és mind a négy validáló skálával (az együttjárás az iskolai végzettség és a LOT-R esetében negatív irányú volt). A regressziós elemzésben az SSAS pontszámot a PHQ-15 és a STAI-T pontszám jelezte előre (mindkét esetben p < 0,001). Az eredmények alapján elmondható az, hogy a magyar verzió jó pszichometriai jellemzőkkel bír, és jól megőrizte az eredeti skála által megragadott pszichológiai konstruktumot. | The Hungarian version of the Somatosensory Amplification Scale (SSAS) has been psychometrically evaluated and validated with questionnaires on the samples of university students (N = 184; mean age = 21.43 yrs, SD = 4.124; 38.1% male) and patients visiting their GPs (N = 562; mean age = 46.54 yrs, SD = 17.248; 40.4% male). The scale showed good internal consistency (Cronbach-alfa = 0.70 and 0.77 in the student and the patient samples, respectively). According to the results of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), data from the two samples fitted very well to the hypothesized one-dimensional structure of the scale (CMIN/df = 3.088; CFI = 0.989; NFI = 0.984; RMSEA = 0.053). Four psychological scales (Life Orientation Test revisited — LOT-R; Beck Depression Inventory short version — BDI-R; State-Trait Anxiety Inventory — STAI-T; Subjective Somatic Symptoms — PHQ-15) were used for the validation. On the student sample, SSAS scores significantly correlated with gender, PHQ-15, STAI-T and BDI-R scores. In the multiple linear regression analysis, good predictors of the SSAS scores were gender (p = 0.044) and STAI scores (p = 0.053). On the patient sample, significant correlations with gender, education level, and all four validating scales were found (the correlations were negative in the cases of education level and LOT-R). Significant predictors in the regression equation were PHQ-15 and STAI-T scores (p < 0.001 in both cases). According to the results, the Hungarian version of the SSAS is psychometrically sound and it seems to assess the same psychological construct as the original scale

    Two Bronze Age miniature wagon and wheel burials in Encs (North-Eastern Hungary)

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    During an excavation of a Bronze Age, Füzesabony-culture cemetery at Encs (north-eastern Hungary), a clay wagon model with spoked wheels (grave 1290) and three miniature solid clay wheels were found (grave 1389). Miniature wagon and wheel models in burials began to appear in the Late Copper Age and lasted until the Iron Age in Central Europe. Their presence allows of several interpretations. These spoked wheels of grave 1290 provide early evidence about the appearance of such in the Carpathian Basin. Focussing on the two graves from Encs, this article reports AMS radiocarbon dates that suggest the spoked wheels belong to the early second millennium BC. The implications of these finds are interpreted though a comparative review of both wagon models from the Füzesabony culture and the evidence for early spoked wheels in the Carpathian Basin

    A Kárpát-medence bronzkorának népességtörténeti kérdései

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    A szakdolgozatom célja volt ismertetni a Kárpát-medence bronzkorában kialakult jelentősebb, meghatározó szereppel bíró kultúrákat, fontosabb temetőiknek lelőhelyeit, összefoglalni az eddig közölt ismeretanyagokat, ezeken keresztül bemutatni a bronzkori népcsoportok életmódját, s taxonómiai képét. Tanulmányomban törekedtem minden ismert morfológiai, metrikus jelleg, illetve patológiai elváltozás átfogó ismertetésére, helyenként régészeti tudásanyaggal, háttérrel kiegészítve

    Tiszafüred-Majoroshalom III - Embertani leletek a bronzkori Füzesabony-kultúra első hazai tömegsírjából

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    INST: L_200Kutatásom során a 2020 őszén Tiszafüred-Majoroshalom III. lelőhelyen feltárt középső bronzkori, a Füzesabony-Otomani-kultúrkörhözhoz tartozó, tömegsír antropológiai leletanyagának klasszikus embertani és paleopatológiai vizsgálatát végeztem el. A kultúrához köthetően hazánk területen ez az első feltárt tömegsír, így a vizsgálat és annak eredményei hiánypótlóak. A gödörben eltemetettek minimum egyénszámának becslése során a koponyák egyes elemeinek száma adta a legnagyobb értéket, amely 42 volt

    Jászberény Szent Pál-halom Árpád-kori népességének történeti embertani vizsgálata (11–13. század)

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    We analysed 239 individuals from the Árpádian Age (11–13th century) cemetery of Jászberény Szent Pál-halom. The aim of this article was to provide anthropological and paleopathological information regarding the populations of Árpádian Age from Jászberény. Altogether 88 males, 71 females and 48 children were examined. In the case of 32 individuals, sex could not be determined. Based on demographic analysis 22.5% of the population passed away in subadult age. In the case of males, the mortality curve peaks at about age 40, while in females around age 30. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that women had to deal with physiological and pathophysiological stress due to pregnancy and its complications. The average height was 167.11 cm for men and 158.07 cm for women. Craniometric analysis revealed some differences between the two sexes, e.g. females were mainly mesokran, while males had hyperdolichokran, dolichokran, mesokran and brachykran skull as well. Porotic hyperostosis was identified most frequently on the orbital roof. Signs of premortem and postmortem traumas were also identified. Interpersonal violence is indubitable as premortem cut marks were observed in more cases. The premortem traumas were mostly related to lifestyle, possible accidents and cultural intentions. Linear enamel hypoplasia was most common on the lower first and second incisors, furthermore on the lower canines. The prevalence was much higher in males compared to females

    Tuberculosis in prehistory in eastern central Europe (Hungary) – Chronological and geographical distribution

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    Tuberculosis (TB) has long been a major scourge of humankind. Paleopathological and paleomicrobiological studies have revealed the past presence of the disease on a large spatial and temporal scale. The antiquity of the disease has extensively been studied in the Carpathian Basin, given its dynamic population and cultural changes since prehistory. These studies, however, have mainly focused on the populations living during the Common Era. The aim of this paper is to present the published and the recently discovered cases of prehistoric TB, from the Neolithic (6000–4500/4400 BCE) to the Bronze Age (2600/2500-800 BCE) Central Carpathian Basin (Hungary). We summarize 18 published cases and present new cases dating to the Neolithic period and introduce 3 newly discovered Bronze Age cases of TB. Despite extensive research, TB has not yet been identified from the Copper and Iron Ages in the Carpathian Basin. Considering the state of TB research, and supplemented by our prehistoric dataset, the spatio-temporal pattern of the disease can be further elucidated, thus advancing future molecular and paleopathological studies. Our dataset offers comprehensive spatial and temporal information on the spread of the disease in the Carpathian Basin, along with a detailed biological profile of the demonstrated cases and extensive paleopathological descriptions of the observed lesions, complemented by photographic evidence. This invaluable resource paves the way for enhanced understanding and progress in the field

    More than one millennium (2nd-16th century CE) of the White Plague in the Carpathian Basin – New cases, expanding knowledge

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    The causative agent of tuberculosis is still a widespread pathogen, which caused the death of ca. 1.6 million people globally in 2021. The paleopathological study of human remains revealed the antiquity of the disease and its continuous presence throughout the history of humankind. The Carpathian Basin has always been a biocultural melting pot, since it has seen several migrations over the centuries, and served as a location of admixture and interaction for numerous populations of different cultures. Thus, this geographical territory is ideal for the examination of the coevolutionary processes of hosts and their pathogens. We aimed to reveal the spatial and temporal distribution of tuberculosis cases excavated inside the borders of Hungary between the 2nd and 16th centuries CE. We established a comprehensive database by collecting 114 already published cases and introducing 39 new cases. The involved cases include those that have been confirmed by different molecular methods, as well as possible infections that were identified based on the presence of macromorphological and radiological alterations. The progress of future molecular and paleopathological studies can be facilitated by our dataset, as it presents spatial and temporal information concerning the spread of the disease in the Carpathian Basin, as well as the biological profile and detailed paleopathological description of lesions illustrated by photo- and radiographs