27 research outputs found

    Statistical analysis of antifragility in Hungarian ice hockey games

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    Professional ice hockey provides a great environment for studying the antifragile behaviour of teams because of publicly available results and statistics. This study examines three-goal events in which a team gave up a goal but responded by scoring two goals. Thirty-four ice hockey games are studied from the last ten seasons of the Hungarian first league to identify the events’ characteristics and to determine whether antifragile behaviour emerged in these events. The results indicate that if the opponent scores first and has a one- or two-goal lead, the team that responds with two goals after strengthening the line exhibits a convex and, therefore, an antifragile behaviour. Antifragility has been found in 22 cases, lending support to the assumption that antifragile behaviour emerges from high-level cooperation

    Study of the Intrinsic Fluorescence of a Highly Branched Cationic Dendrimer, Poly(Ethyleneimine) (PEI)

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    Poly(ethyleneimine) (PEI) is a weakly basic, synthetic, polycationic polymer, due to the presence of primary, secondary, and tertiary amino groups. The amino groups are responsible for the variety of applications of PEI (e.g., transfection, bioimaging, solar cell, etc.). Our study presents some new and reproducible methods for the quantification of molecular or mass concentration of highly branched PEI of different molecular weights (800-2000-25,000-750,000 MW PEI). In the course of the direct method, spectrophotometry and fluorometry were applied to determine the absorption and fluorescence of PEI dilution series. An increase in the MW at the same concentration produces a higher count number because of the higher number of amino groups in PEI molecules. The character of increment in fluorescence intensity is essentially different in the case of mass concentrations and molar concentrations. The increment of the fluorescence intensity related to the molar concentration is non-linear. In the case of mass concentration, the slope is linear. Moreover, their fluorescence is enhanced with the decrease in pH values. The spectrophotometry is a reliable method for measuring the quantity of PEI molecules in solution. Our data help in recognizing the detailed properties of PEI in dendrimer research

    Antimicrobial Silver-Polyethyleneimine-Polylactic Acid Polymer Composite Film for Coating Methacrylate-Based Denture Surfaces

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    To prepare an antimicrobial polymer composite composed of silver- (Ag-) polyethyleneimine- (PEI-) polylactic acid (PLA) in chloroform, for coating the mucosal surfaces of methacrylate-based dentures as a prospective therapy for denture stomatitis. The water-insoluble, tightly bound, hard, micrometre-thin, and colourless film exerts its effects by direct contact with the pathogens and via the active constituents (Ag, PEI, and Ag-PEI) released slowly into the mucosa’s salivary layer. Silver and PEI were blended at 140°C, then bound to PLA. The Ag-PEI complex was characterised by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy, and the Ag-PEI-PLA composite was examined by atomic force microscopy and micro-computed tomography. The characteristic was measured by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). The quantity of water-soluble Ag-PEI complex released from the composite film was measured with gravimetry. The cellular physiological effects were analysed by impedimetry and computer-based morphometry using human gingival epithelial cells. A real-time cell proliferation assay revealed moderate toxic effects of Ag-PEI on the epithelium. The viscous Ag-PEI-PLA solution produced could be applied as a thin film on methacrylate surfaces. Active antimicrobial components (Ag, PEI, and Ag-PEI) were released from the hard, tightly bound Ag-PEI-PLA coating. This study’s findings verified the applicability of the antimicrobial Ag-PEI-PLA composite for coating the inner surfaces of acrylate dentures. Owing to the well-known antimicrobial effects of silver and PEI and the supplementary effects of chloroform, this composite provides a new therapeutic method for denture stomatitis that can be easily performed by dentists

    The role of D2 dopamine receptors in oxytocin induced place preference and anxiolytic effect

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    Neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) is involved in the regulation of social and non-social behaviour. The central nucleus of amygdala (CeA), part of the limbic system, plays an important role in learning, memory, anxiety and reinforcing mechanisms. CeA has been shown to be rich in OT receptors in rodents. Our previous findings indicated that OT in the rat CeA has a dose dependent rewarding and anxiolytic effect. The aim of our present study was to examine in the CeA the possible interaction of OT and D2 dopamine (DA) receptor antagonist Sulpiride on reinforcement in place preference test and on anxiety in elevated plus maze test. Wistar rats were microinjected bilaterally with 10 ng OT. In different group of animals 4 μg D2 DA receptor antagonist was applied. Other animals received D2 DA receptor antagonist 15 min before 10 ng OT treatment or vehicle solution into the CeA. Rats receiving 10 ng OT spent significantly longer time in the treatment quadrant during the test session in conditioned place preference test. Prior treatment with D2 DA receptor antagonist blocked the rewarding effects of OT. Antagonist in itself did not influence the time rats spent in the treatment quadrant. In elevated plus maze test, rats receiving 10 ng OT spent significantly longer time on the open arms. Prior treatment with D2 DA receptor antagonist blocked the effects of OT. Our results show that DA system plays a role in positive reinforcing and anxiolytic effects of OT because D2 DA receptor antagonist can block these actions

    Malignus szájüregi daganatok előfordulása diabeteses és kontrollbetegekben

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    Magyarország vezető szerepet tölt be a szájüregi rák morbiditási-mortalitási statisztikáiban, és magas a 2-es típusú diabetes előfordulása is. A Semmelweis Egyetem munkacsoportja számos vizsgálatot indított, amelyek a diabetes mellitus, az emelkedett éhomi vércukorszint és a szájüregi rák közötti közvetlen kapcsolatot elemezték. Hosszú távú összehasonlító epidemiológiai vizsgálataink szerint az elmúlt tizennégy évben a 2-es típusú cukorbetegség és az emelkedett éhomi vércukorszint prevalenciája szignifikánsan nőtt a szájüregi daganatos betegek körében az elmúlt tizennégy évben. A szájüregi tumoros cukorbetegek dohányzási aránya magasabb volt az újabb vizsgálatainkban, mint a korábbiakban. | Hungary has a leading place in global statistics of oral cancer and there is a high incidence of type 2 diabetes. The working group of the Semmelweis University performed several studies which investigated the direct connection between diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glycemia and oral cancer. Our long-term comparative epidemiological study shows that the prevalence of type 2 diabetes and impaired fasting glycemia increased significantly among oral cancer patients in the last 14 years. The smoking rate of diabetes patients with oral cancer was higher in the present than in the previous study

    Áttétes vesedaganatos betegek kabozantinibterápiájának multicentrikus magyarországi eredményei

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    The aim of our analysis was to evaluate the efficacy of cabozantinib in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Cabozantinib therapy initiated between 01/01/2019 and 31/12/2022 was evaluated based on a retrospective review of data from 14 renal centers in Hungary. The starting dose was 60 or 40 mg. Physical examinations and laboratory tests were performed every 4 weeks and imaging studies 3-monthly. Tumor response was assessed according to RECIST 1.1, and toxicity according to NCI CTCAE 4.0. A total of 230 patient records were evaluated, 201 (87.4%) of them had clear cell RCC. Cabozantinib was administered as third, second and first-line treatment in 48.7%, 38.3% and <5% of cases, respectively. Dose reductions occurred in 62.6% and treatment interruption in 6.5%. Duration of therapy was 10.03 months, which was independent of dose reduction. Overall tumor response rate was 39.2% and clinical benefit was 82.8%. The duration of first-, second-, third- and fourth-line treatment was 11.47, 8.03, 11.57 and 10.13 months, respectively. Overall survival from the start of therapy was 22.0 months. Cabozantinib therapy in daily practice was more beneficial than according to registry study results. Dose reduction did not affect efficacy

    Alkalmazásfejlesztés Unity3D használatával

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    A szakdolgozat első részében a számítógépes játékok történetének, majd a számítógépes játékmotorok fejlődésének rövid leírása foglal helyet. A második felében egy gyors Unity3D történeti áttekintés, majd egy ezzel a motorral készített saját játék programozói szemmel való bemutatása található, végig véve a fontosabb osztályok bemutatását, azokon belül egyes főbb metódusok és függvények magyarázatát, a teljes programozói megvalósítás absztrakciójával.BSc/BAProgramtervező informatiku