81 research outputs found

    Modelling and 3D Visualisation of Landscape Changes in the Rosia Montana Basin

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    The town of Rosia Montana is located above one of the largest gold and other precious metal deposits in Europe. Gold and silver have been mined for centuries here, even as early as pre-roman times. Since then, and predominantly in the 20th century the landscape has undergone significant changes. Until the dawn of open pit mining the ores were extracted using shafts and tunnels, leaving little if any traces on the surface. Large-scale open cast mining began in the first half of the 20th century and two large pits were excavated in the immediate vicinity of the little town. After a few decades these were closed down, relocating the mining activities into a neighbouring valley. Presently the Rosia Montana Gold Corporation is planning on reopening the gold deposits in the area by starting the largest open cast mine site in Europe. The project aroused much controversy and international protests regarding its consequences on the population and the environment. The current study aims to model the landscape in the past in some selected time periods. In addition, a significant section will attempt to predict and visualise the future landscape after the full development of the project. Also, a time series animation is included to demonstrate the changes in time.

    Women on ice - gender equalization

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    Tejtől a tejipari szennyvízig, amit mikrohullámú elektromágneses térbe helyezhetünk

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    I do not view my research concluded over the last 10 years and unfortunately I can not say that I would have been any groundbreaking conclusions. But to say that "I joined" those who believe in the development of new technologies and opportunities for people who are trying to prove or disprove fears of food energy. But what is called the new technology? We know Percy L. Spencer American engineer in 1946, the history of chocolate from the radar station, and the final results for the microwave heating. Do I want to call a new technology that almost every household, every workplace "small kitchen" can be used and is used several times a day? The microwave technique spread really enviable, but a wide range of industrial apple shape is still pending. The microwave energy disclosure of the benefits and drawbacks of scientific research may also determine the next 10 years in the work of several researchers, including mine

    Élelmiszerek mirohullámú dielektromos jellemzőinek vizsgálata és alkalmazása a technológiai fejlesztésben és minőségbiztosításban = Research of microwave dielectric properties of foods, their use in technological development and in the quality assurance

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    A kutatás első fázisában üregrezonátoros és csőtápvonalas mérőrendszereket fejlesztettünk ki élelmiszerek dielektromos jellemzőinek vizsgálata céljából. Mérési és számítási eredményeink alapján algoritmust állítottunk fel, amellyel gyorsan és egyszerűen tudjuk megbecsülni különböző nedvességtartalmú és halmazsűrűségű gabonák dielektromos állandóját. Tej és sör mikrohullámú pasztőrözése céljából folyamatos üzemű laboratóriumi hőkezelő berendezést fejlesztettünk ki. A folyamatos üzemet a mikrohullámú készülékbe helyezett üveg-spirál segítségével alakítottuk ki. A technikai jellemzők vizsgálatán túl mikrobiológiai vizsgálatot is végeztünk hőkezelt tej és sörmintákon. A vizsgálatok eredményeként megállapítható, hogy a spirálcsöves mikrohullámú hőkezelő berendezés alkalmas pasztőrözésre. A kutatómunka keretében kisérletet tettünk palackozott sör mikrohullámú hőkezelésére alkalmas folyamatosüzemű berendezés kifejlesztésére.A kifejlesztett változat a megengedhetőnél nagyobb háttér sugárzást okoz,ezért továbbfejlesztése szükséges. A kutatás befejező fázisában tojáslé mikrohullámú pasztőrözésével kapcsolatos vizsgálatokba kezdtünk, ezek eredménye és további fejlesztése folyamatban van. | A measuring system with a resonant cavity and with a rectangular waveguide was set up to investigate the dielectric properties of food products. Based on the results of the measurements and calculations an algorithm was set up, which makes possible the quick and simple estimation of the complex permittivity of wheat samples of different moisture content and bulk density. A laboratory pasteurizations device was developed for the continuous microwave heat treatment of milk and beer. Continuous operation was achieved by putting glass spiral insets in the oven. In addition to the measurement of physical attributes some microbiological examinations were also carried out on the pasteurized milk and beer samples. The results of the investigations show that the microwave heat treatment device with spiral pipes is suitable for pasteurization. In the framework of this research an attempt was made to set up a continuously operating device that is suitable for the microwave heat treatment of bottled beer. However the background radiation of the device exceeds occupational safety limits, thus it is not appropriate for investigations in its current form. In the final stages of this research some investigations were carried out related to the microwave pasteurization of liquid eggs. The determination of results and the further development of the method is still underway

    Colour changes analysis of algae populations on RGB colour model scale

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    András Barczi, Gábor Gécz
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