43 research outputs found

    Retinaler Zentralarterienverschluss nach COVID-Impfung

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    Der Wirkungsgrad von Training

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    Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) represent ahazard with highrelevance for elite athletes of all disciplines. They can lead to a reduction in performance and/or the necessity of a training/competition break. On average, each athlete experiences 3 URTIs per year with symptoms lasting for a mean of five days. Therefore, the intention of this review is to summarize the risk factors for URTIs, deduce preventive measures and give recommendations for return to sports to reduce re-infections and to avoid serious complications.The influence of training and competitive load on the risk of illness has been discussed controversially. There are indications that the frequency of infections seems to be increased shortly after a competition (open window-theory). URTIs occur more frequently in the winter months like in the general population. International air travelling was identified as the single biggest circumstantial risk factor for infections.An instrumental task of sports medicine is education of athletes about measures for infection prophylaxis and supervision of their implementation. A significant infection reduction is reached through compliance to general hygiene recommendations and a minimization of the contact with people outside the team in the hours after competition. Moreover, URTIs are prevented by an optimized planning of exercise load and travel as well as through vaccinations.Return to sports should not be allowed before a medical examination indicates the absence of generalized symptoms. This should typically include a determination of laboratory parameters and other organ-specific parameters (e.g. resting ECG). KEY WORDS: URTI, Physical Activity, Influential Factors, Illness Precautions, Infection Managemen

    Einstellung von Ärztinnen und Ärzten in der PrimĂ€rversorgung gegenĂŒber Antibiotic Stewardship und der Einfluss eines mehrteiligen Fortbildungskurses - eine Pilotstudie

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    Background: A plethora of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs has been initiated during the past years, focusing on hospital settings. Primary-care physicians have seldom been addressed, although the majority of antibiotic prescriptions are issued for outpatients. We sought to investigate attitudes of primary-care physicians and the impact of a customized training course.Methods: Primary-care physicians in southwest Germany were invited to a multi-part training course on AMS in the primary-care setting. Participants were asked to answer a questionnaire about their attitude and factors that hinder them from implementing AMS or enable them to perform AMS. In addition, a knowledge assessment exam at the beginning and end of the training was conducted on selected infectious diseases/syndromes.Results: In total, 36 primary-care physicians participated in the training course. The predominant age group was 51-60 years old (36%; 13/36). The majority, 23/35 (66%), indicated never having had AMS training, while 22/35 (63%) acknowledged partly implementing AMS activities in their daily routine. The primary barrier was lack of expertise, while the main motives were reducing antimicrobial resistance and optimizing patient care. The provision of guidelines was regarded as more important than feedback on their prescription behavior. Exam performance improved from the initial to the final exam on all topics.Conclusion: Customized AMS training courses are a feasible and potentially complimentary tool to address antibiotic misuse in the primary-care setting.Hintergrund: In den letzten Jahren wurde eine Vielzahl von "Antibiotic Stewardship" (ABS) Kampagnen in KrankenhĂ€usern ins Leben gerufen. Ärzte in der PrimĂ€rversorgung wurden nur selten adressiert, obwohl die Mehrzahl der Antibiotikaverordnungen bei ambulanten Patienten veranlasst wird. Wir hatten das Ziel, die Einstellung von Ärzten in der PrimĂ€rversorgung zu ABS und die Auswirkungen eines maßgeschneiderten Fortbildungskurses zu untersuchen.Methoden: Ärzte in der PrimĂ€rversorgung im SĂŒdwesten Deutschlands wurden zu einem mehrteiligen Fortbildungskurs ĂŒber ABS in der PrimĂ€rversorgung eingeladen. Die Teilnehmer wurden gebeten, einen Fragebogen zu ihrer Einstellung und zu Faktoren zu beantworten, die sie an der DurchfĂŒhrung von ABS hindern oder sie dazu befĂ€higen. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde bei der Teilnahme und beim Verlassen des Kurses ein Wissenstest zu ausgewĂ€hlten Infektionssyndromen durchgefĂŒhrt.Ergebnisse: Insgesamt nahmen 36 Ärzte an dem Kurs teil. Die vorherrschende Altersgruppe war die der 51- bis 60-JĂ€hrigen mit 36% (13/36). Die Mehrheit, 23/35 (66%), gab an, noch nie an einer ABS-Fortbildung teilgenommen zu haben, wĂ€hrend 22/35 (63%) angaben, ABS-AktivitĂ€ten teilweise in ihre tĂ€gliche Routine integriert zu haben. Das Haupthindernis war der Mangel an Fachwissen, wĂ€hrend die Hauptmotive die Reduzierung der Antibiotikaresistenz und die Optimierung der Patientenversorgung waren. Die Bereitstellung von Leitlinien wurde als wichtiger erachtet als eine RĂŒckmeldung ĂŒber das eigene Verordnungsverhalten. Die PrĂŒfungsleistungen im Wissenstest stiegen wĂ€hrend des Kurses in allen Themenbereichen.Schlussfolgerung: Maßgeschneiderte ABS-Fortbildungen sind ein praktikables und potenziell ergĂ€nzendes Instrument zur BekĂ€mpfung des ĂŒbermĂ€ĂŸigen Einsatzes von Antibiotika in der PrimĂ€rversorgung

    Prophylaxis and treatment of influenza: options, antiviral susceptibility, and existing recommendations

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    Influenza viruses of types A and B attack 5-10% of adults and 20-30% of children, thereby causing millions of acute respiratory infections in Germany annually. A significant number of these infections are associated with complications such as pneumonia and bacterial superinfections that need hospitalization and might lead to death. In addition to vaccines, drugs were developed that might support influenza prevention and that can be used to treat influenza patients. The timely application of anti-influenza drugs can inhibit virus replication, help reduce and shorten the symptoms, and prevent death as well as virus transmission.This review concisely describes the mechanism of action, the potential for prophylactic and therapeutic use, and the knowledge on resistance of anti-influenza drugs approved today. However, the main aim is to give an overview on the recommendations available in Germany for the proper use of these drugs. In doing so, the recommendations published in statements and guidelines of medical societies as well as the German influenza pandemic preparedness plan are summarized with the consideration of specific circumstances and groups of patients

    Effect of the cold-sprayed aluminum coating-substrate interface morphology on bond strength for aircraft repair application

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    International audienceThis article is dealing with the effects of surface preparation of the substrate on aluminum cold-sprayed coating bond strength. Different sets of AA2024-T3 specimens have been coated with pure Al 1050 feedstock powder, using a conventional cold spray coating technique. The sets were grit-blasted (GB) before coating. The study focuses on substrate surface topography evolution before coating and coating-substrate interface morphology after coating. To study coating adhesion by LASATÂź technique for each set, specimens with and without preceding GB treatment were tested in load-controlled conditions. Then, several techniques were used to evaluate the effects of substrate surface treatment on the final coating mechanical properties. Irregularities induced by the GB treatment modify significantly the interface morphology. Results showed that particle anchoring was improved dramatically by the presence of craters. The substrate surface was characterized by numerous anchors. Numerical simulation results exhibited the increasing deformation of particle onto the grit-blasted surface. In addition, results showed a strong relationship between the coating-substrate bond strength on the deposited material and surface preparation