48 research outputs found

    Picard-Fuchs equations of special one-parameter families of invertible polynomials

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    The thesis deals with calculating the Picard-Fuchs equation of special one-parameter families of invertible polynomials. In particular, for an invertible polynomial g(x1,...,xn)g(x_1,...,x_n) we consider the family f(x1,...,xn)=g(x1,...,xn)+s⋅∏xif(x_1,...,x_n)=g(x_1,...,x_n)+s\cdot\prod x_i, where ss denotes the parameter. For the families of hypersurfaces defined by these polynomials, we compute the Picard-Fuchs equation, i.e. the ordinary differential equation which solutions are exactly the period integrals. For the proof of the exact appearance of the Picard-Fuchs equation we use a combinatorial version of the Griffiths-Dwork method and the theory of \GKZ systems. As consequences of our work and facts from the literature, we show the relation between the Picard-Fuchs equation, the Poincar\'{e} series and the monodromy in the space of period integrals.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis, 103 pages, 29 figure

    Auswirkungen der Sommerzeit auf den Energieverbrauch

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    AUSWIRKUNGEN DER SOMMERZEIT AUF DEN ENERGIEVERBRAUCH Auswirkungen der Sommerzeit auf den Energieverbrauch / Bost, Mark (Rights reserved) ( -

    Prosuming aus sozial-ökologischer Perspektive

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    Batteriespeicher gelten als SchlĂŒssel, um große Anteile selbst erzeugten Photovoltaik-Stroms selbst zu nutzen und gleichzeitig die Netze zu entlasten – die richtige Betriebsweise vorausgesetzt. Doch wie steht es um die Bereitschaft zu solchen Betriebsweisen sowie um gesellschaftliche und ökologische Aspekte

    Regulatory challenges and opportunities for collective renewable energy prosumers in the EU

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    The transition to a low-carbon future based on renewable energy sources is leading to a new role for citizens, from passive energy consumers to active energy citizens - the so-called renewable energy (RE) prosumers. Recent EU energy policy seeks to mainstream RE prosumers in each Member State. This study carries out a cross-country comparison between the regulatory frameworks of nine countries and regions - Belgium (Flanders region only), Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands and the United Kingdom - to reveal the main challenges and opportunities that these have posed to collective RE prosumers (i.e. renewable energy communities, citizen energy communities and jointly-acting renewable self-consumers). Four countries have had more favourable frameworks for collective prosumers: France, Germany, Netherlands and United Kingdom. The results indicate that the current legal framework at the EU level represents a clear opportunity for collective prosumers. Spain and Portugal have both already shifted from a restrictive regulation to implementing in 2019 a legal framework for collectives. The study provides a starting point to distil policy implications for improving legal frameworks relevant for collective RES prosumers across Europe.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nachhaltige Digitalisierung einer dezentralen Energiewende

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    NACHHALTIGE DIGITALISIERUNG EINER DEZENTRALEN ENERGIEWENDE Nachhaltige Digitalisierung einer dezentralen Energiewende / GĂ€hrs, Swantje (Rights reserved) ( -

    EinfĂŒhrung in das Schwerpunktthema

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    EinfĂŒhrung in das Schwerpunktthem

    Digitalizing the Energy System in a Sustainable Way

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    The energy transition requires a restructuring of the energy system and, as a result of decentralisation, also increasing digitalisation to integrate all actors and make them more flexible. However, digitalisation can be shaped and should happen under ecological and social premises

    Introduction to Arithmetic Mirror Symmetry

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    We describe how to find period integrals and Picard-Fuchs differential equations for certain one-parameter families of Calabi-Yau manifolds. These families can be seen as varieties over a finite field, in which case we show in an explicit example that the number of points of a generic element can be given in terms of p-adic period integrals. We also discuss several approaches to finding zeta functions of mirror manifolds and their factorizations. These notes are based on lectures given at the Fields Institute during the thematic program on Calabi-Yau Varieties: Arithmetic, Geometry, and Physics

    Collective renewable energy prosumers and the promises of the energy union: Taking stock

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    A key strategy in the European Union’s ambition to establish an ‘Energy Union’ that is not just clean, but also fair, consists of empowering citizens to actively interact with the energy market as self-consumers or prosumers. Although renewable energy sources (RES) prosumerism has been growing for at least a decade, two new EU directives are intended to legitimise and facilitate its expansion. However, little is known about the full range of prosumers against which to measure policy effectiveness. We carried out a documentary study and an online survey in nine EU countries to shed light on the demographics, use of technology, organisation, financing, and motivation as well as perceived hindering and facilitating factors for collective prosumers. We identified several internal and external obstacles to the successful mainstreaming of RES prosumerism, among them a mismatch of policies with the needs of different RES prosumer types, potential organisational weaknesses as well as slow progress in essential reforms such as decentralising energy infrastructures. Our baseline results offer recommendations for the transposition of EU directives into national legislations and suggest avenues for future research in the fields of social, governance, policy, technology, and business models

    Thinking, doing, organising: Prefiguring just and sustainable energy systems via collective prosumer ecosystems in Europe

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    This article positions collective renewable energy prosumerism as a social movement that engages in energy system transformation. Collective renewable energy prosumer initiatives engage in ‘prefigurative’ work through their discursive framings (ways of thinking), their activities (ways of doing) and their understanding and enactment of social relations (ways of organising). The core of this article is a comparative analysis of the prefigurative work of 13 collective prosumers from 7 European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom). The article discusses their contributions to energy system transformation, including renewable energy production, different mechanisms for involving citizens, local value creation, and the degree of desired and actual collaboration and networking within broader prosumer ecosystems. We then discuss these contributions against societal discourses and expectations towards prosumerism, such as energy democracy, energy justice, and environmental sustainability and decarbonisation. This reveals three tensions: 1) a focus on decarbonisation but not on broader environmental problems, 2) the involvement of certain people and not of others, and 3) the building of prosumer eco-systems while ignoring incumbency. Future research avenues are formulated to conclude the article