6 research outputs found

    The use of hydroelectric lakes by giant otters Pteronura brasiliensis: Balbina lake in central Amazonia, Brazil

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    Data on the occurrence and habitat use of giant otters Pteronura brasiliensis in the 4,437 km2 of Balbina hydroelectric lake in central Amazonia, Brazil, were collected from September 2001 to December 2005. Twenty-nine groups of giant otters were recorded in an area corresponding to 10% of the total reservoir. Despite the fact that it is a hydroelectric lake, the water level can vary annually by up to 3.5 m with the Amazonian seasonal flood pulse. A total of 210 dens, communal latrines and campsites of giant otters were located. An average of 37% of the dens observed were classified as in use, and the species was recorded in the lake throughout the year. Giant otters started their daily activities between 05.23 and 08.05. The average height of den openings was 28.77 ± SD 10.00 cm, with an average width of 56.11 ± SD 19.17 cm. Births in Balbina occur mainly during the period of high and receding water level, as reported for giant otters in other Amazonian areas. There are at least two conditions that enable the species to inhabit hydroelectric reservoirs: (1) presence of the species in the area before dam construction and (2) absence or low numbers of human communities around the reservoir. The potential use of hydroelectric lakes for the conservation of the giant otter in the Amazon is discussed. © 2007 Fauna and Flora International

    Parental and alloparental care of giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) (Carnivora, mustelidae) in Balbina hydroelectric lake, Amazonas, Brazil

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    Data collected during 6 years showed that alloparental care, despite not being mandatory, plays an important role in the reproductive success of Pteronura brasiliensis when major threats are present. Threats can also trigger cubs to be transferred from one den to another, inducing the species to leave a babysitter in the new den

    Body weight-length relationships in giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) (Carnivora, Mustelidae)

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    Few giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) have been measured and weighed and its actual size is controversial in the literature. This study presents the weight-length relationship of Amazonian giant otters using 15 captive individuals. The maximum length and weight were 163cm and 22.5kg, and 162cm and 28.8kg, for the males and females, respectively. The weight-length relationships were not significantly different between the sexes (t = 0.658, d.f.=11, P>0.05) and can be expressed by the equation: W=1.48×10-5 L2.81. Considering that some of the giant otters used in this study were old individuals (more than 10 years old), and that all the animals analyzed were healthy, it is possible to assume that the weight-length relationships obtained are probably a close approximation of the relationship of giant otters of the Amazon region and can be used by institutions that keep this species in captivity as a base to quickly assess the animal's nutritive status. © 2009 Tecpar

    Ordenamento do turismo de observação de animais em Unidades de Conservação: mamíferos aquáticos no Parque Nacional do Jaú, Amazonas, Brasil

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    Tourism is important for management in protected areas and is one of the few activities allowed in some categories of conservation units (CU). National parks are the most visited and have an objective of combining the development of recreation activities in the natural setting and ecotourism. This study evaluated the potential of wildlife tourism in the Jau National Park specifically the observation of two Amazonian aquatic mammals, the giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) and the pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis). A tourist guide based on existing recommendations in the literature for the species and relevant legislation to tourism for giant otter and pink dolphin was developed. Data collection included: in loco questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with tourists, boatmen / guides from the town of Novo Airão/AM and representatives of the tourism industry in Manaus and Novo Airão. The interviewees Willingness to Pay (WTP) was taken into consideration. Two hundred and forty four people were interviewed. The results indicate that if a trip to see aquatic mammals (specifically pink dolphin and giant otter) was available to the tourist, 95% of Brazilians and 84% of foreign interviewees would be interested in participating. Fifty percent of the interviewees expressed their willingness to pay between R101andR 101 and R 150 per person per day to participate in the proposed product. Proposals concerning tourism with pink dolphins and giant otters taking into consideration the activity s Limits of Acceptable Change (LAC), operating mode (concession, permission or authorization), environmental interpretation, and advertising the product were outlined. It is important that there is consensus between all stakeholders to ensure the tourist s safety and animal welfare in order to offer a unique tourism product in the Brazilian Amazon which may attract tourists from different countries and different regions of Brazil.O turismo é um tema de gestão importante para muitas áreas protegidas e é uma das poucas atividades permitidas em algumas categorias de Unidade de Conservação (UC). Muitas vezes essas áreas de visitação são parques nacionais cujo objetivo é de fato o desenvolvimento de atividades de recreação em contato com a natureza e de ecoturismo. Esse trabalho avaliou o potencial que existe em um produto de turismo no Parque Nacional do Jaú no que se refere à atividade de observação de mamíferos aquáticos da Amazônia, especificamente para ariranha (Pteronura brasiliensis) e boto-vermelho (Inia geoffrensis). Elaborou-se um roteiro turístico baseando-se em recomendações existentes na literatura para a espécie e legislação pertinente à atividade turística para ariranha e boto-vermelho. Na coleta de dados utilizou formulários in loco e entrevistas semiestruturadas com turistas, barqueiros/guias de Novo Airão/AM e representantes do trade turístico de Manaus e Novo Airão. Foi levada em consideração a Disposição a Pagar (DAP) dos entrevistados. Foram entrevistadas 244 pessoas. Os resultados apontam que caso houvesse disponível no mercado turístico um passeio específico para ver mamíferos aquáticos (especificamente boto-vermelho e ariranha), 95% dos brasileiros e 84% dos estrangeiros entrevistados teriam interesse em participar. Cinquenta por cento dos entrevistados mostrou-se disposto a pagar entre R101eR101 e R150 por pessoa, por dia de participação no produto proposto. Foram traçadas propostas relacionadas ao turismo com ariranha e boto-vermelho, levando em consideração Limite de Modificações Aceitáveis da atividade, modo de operação (concessão, permissão ou autorização), interpretação ambiental, e divulgação do produto. É importante que haja consenso entre todos os envolvidos para garantir a segurança do turista e o bem-estar animal, visando oferecer um produto turístico diferenciado na Amazônia Brasileira que possa atrair turistas de diversos países e diversas regiões do Brasil

    Organ weights of Pontoporia blainvillei and Sotalia guianensis (Cetacea: Pontoporiidae and Delphinidae)

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    Weights of kidneys, heart, lungs, liver, adrenals, eyes and tongue of the northern form of franciscana (Pontoporia blainvillei) and the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis) incidentally caught in fishing nets are presented and related to total body weight. Because of the smaller body size of the northern form of P. blainvillei, its actual organ weights were all smaller than those of the southern form reported in the literature. However, the lungs and adrenals of the northern form were proportionally greater than those of the southern form. The relative weight of the males' left kidney (N=18) and females' liver (N=17) were significantly heavier in this study than the proportions presented elsewhere in the literature for the southern form of the species. However, the females' kidneys, males' right kidney and males' liver did not differ between the northern and southern forms, and a larger number of individuals of both geographical forms should be analysed. The actual weights of the S. guianensis internal organs were all greater than those reported in the literature for S. fluviatilis. Additionally, the body-to-organ mass proportions of kidneys, heart and lungs of S. guianensis were also greater than those of S. fluviatilis. This study provides comparative data that can be used when examining the systematics of both species and provides a baseline for future examinations of the post-mortem conditions of these cetacean species