1,239 research outputs found

    Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, Moschcowitz Syndrome

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    The authors present a case of a 16-year-old boy, who was referred to the hospital due to thrombocytopenia, anemia, proteinuria and hyperbilirubinemia. Based on the clinical picture and the laboratory data, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) was diagnosed. The adequate therapy was immediately started. TTP is quite a rare entity. The etiology and the pathogenesis are not well defined. The authors summarize the different pathomechanisms, which may play a role in the development of TTP. Similarity to the hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), therapeutic possibilities, prognosis and the outcome are also discussed. The importance of the early diagnosis of TTP in childhood, and life-saving effect of the adequate treatment are emphasized

    Tax evasion and tax changes in Hungary

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    Tax evasion reduces the efficiency of the economy as unequal opportunities of tax evasion leads to an inefficient distribution of resources. In Hungary, based on data for 2005–2006, tax evasion resulted in a transfer of 7.9 per cent of GDP from taxpayers to tax evaders. Following measures aimed to reduce tax evasion, this transfer was estimated to be 6.7 per cent of GDP in 2006 and 2007. Underlying reasons for tax evasion are the different burdens on labour and capital incomes. According to international experience, either the control of splitting labour and capital incomes or bringing their contribution burdens closer to one another can help in this situation. The effect of administrative measures is often temporary, because they do not improve tax-compliance attitude. A positive change in taxpayers’ attitude is an especially difficult task; one of its possible means can be a shift in the tax burden in favour of local taxes.taxation, tax evasion, hidden economy.

    Structural challenges towards the euro: fiscal policy

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    Broad theoretical consensus and vast empirical evidence reinforce the view that prudent fiscal policy – also advocated by the fiscal institutions of the eurozone – can support the stable long term growth. After presenting some general principles of the optimal fiscal policy, the paper analyses the questions of fiscal convergence necessary for the successful eurozone entry and membership of Hungary. The paper calculates the consolidation necessary to reach the 2008 deficit target set by the Convergence Program. Taking into account of not only the level of the government debt but also the relatively progressed state of the interest rate convergence, the potential reduction attainable in the interest balance is moderate. The main result of the paper is that the necessary consolidation measures are required to reduce the primary balance by approximately 3 percent. In case of cutting public expenditure it would require approximately 4 percent reduction taking into account the revenue content of those expenditures. The structure of macroeconomic growth is not expected to facilitate fiscal consolidation – as wage and consumption growth, which have major influence on the development of relevant tax-bases, are expected to be moderate – and no improvements in the balance are expected as a result of the EU accession. International experience, especially fiscal consolidations of eurozone member states, however, show that structural – i.e. quality-improving and sustainable – measures and the reform of the institutional framework are essential determinants of successful consolidations. Temporary measures and deficit reductions by creative accounting do not foster macroeconomic stabilization and their eventual reversal is highly probable.Fiscal Consolidation, Optimal Debt Policy, Maastricht Criteria.

    A bocsánatkérés és a jóvátétel hatása a megbocsátásra közeli és távoli kapcsolatokban

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    Jelen tanulmányban két vizsgálatot ismertetünk, amelyeknek az volt a célja, hogy feltárja a bocsánatkérés és a jóvátétel megbocsátásra gyakorolt hatását. Az első vizsgálatunkban egy nem túl nagy volumenű sérelmet követően egy nem túl szoros kapcsolatban szcenáriós és laboratóriumi vizsgálatban ellenőriztük, hogyan segítheti a jóvátétel a megbocsátást. A második vizsgálatunk felidézéses jellegű volt, arra kértük a vizsgálati személyeket, hogy írjanak le egy nehezen megbocsátható sérelmet. Eredményeink szerint a jóvátétel segíthet egy sérelmet megbocsátani. A jóvátétel hatékonyságát befolyásolja, hogy a jóvátételről szóló döntést ki hozza meg: a jóvátételről intézményes keretek között született döntés hatásosabb, mint ha a jóvátételről maga az elkövető dönt, legalábbis kis volumenű sérelmek esetében, nem túl szoros kapcsolatban. A jóvátétel közeli kapcsolatban is segítheti a megbocsátást, de egy sérelmet követően a kapcsolat teljes helyreállításában a bocsánatkérést nem pótolja, mindkét viselkedésnek megvan a maga szerepe. A jóvátétel elsősorban a megbocsátást segíti a sérelem negatív következményeinek enyhítése révén, a bocsánatkérés pedig a kapcsolatok helyreállását közvetlenül segíti elő

    Where are possible worlds? (arguments for REALIS)

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    We follow Pollard (2007) in assuming that the mainstream Kripke/Montagueinspired possible-worlds semantics is “a framework known to have dubious foundations” (primarily because of the granularity problem), and “worlds are constructed from propositions […], and not the other way around”. We intend to work out this approach in a DRT-based framework, called ReALIS, in order to account for phenomena concerning referent accessibility, at the same time. We claim that our system offers a general solution to problems of intensional identity, and it is devoid of DRT’s “extra level” problem—by embedding discourse representations in the world model, not directly but as parts of the representations of interpreters’ minds, i.e., their (permanently changing) information states/“internal worlds”. Hence, there is simply no intensionality in ReALIS as interpreters’ “worldlets” (in description of their brains within the entire model of the universe) carry all kinds of information (BDI, guesswork, dream) typically “entrusted to” possible worlds

    Fiúlányok és nőimitátorok. Nemváltás-reprezentációk Az Estben 1910 és 1930 között

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