49 research outputs found
Retrospective Evaluation of Optic Nerve Sheath Diameters of Patients Diagnosed with Brain Death
Purpose: Purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) and the etiology of brain death and to investigate whether there is a correlation between ONSD and blood gas parameters before and after the apnea test in patients diagnosed with brain death. Materıals and Methods: The data of 92 patients with brain death diagnoses were retrospectively analyzed for ONSD measurements for each eye, partial carbon dioxide pressure (pCO2), and blood gas parameters before and after the apnea test. Results: Subarachnoidal and intracerebral hemorrhages were the two most common brain death etiology. The mean ONSD for the right eye was 6.37±1.03 mm. The mean ONSD for the left eye was 6.43±1.02 mm. Only 8 patients had ONSD below 5.00 mm. There was no statistically significant correlation between the percent change of pCO2 and ONSD change (p>0.05). Conclusion: The present study shows that ONSD values are very high regardless of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in patients with brain death diagnoses. We can suggest that ONSD can find a place for evaluating comatose patients for brain death diagnosis
Preliminary Study: The Test Technique for the Evaluation on Spatial Navigation in the Absence of Visual Data in Healthy Individuals
Background and Aim: Path integration refers to the capability of utilizing self-motion information produced by one’s own bodily movements to accurately determine and maintain one’s position in space. Typically, path integration mechanisms come into play when visual information is limited or absent. The objective of this study was to develop a path integration test that relies solely on self-motion cues derived from body movements, without the involvement of visual cues.
Methods: The study involved 157 volunteers (86 females and 71 males) aged between 18 and 70 years. Participants were asked to walk on a coordinated ground with their closed eyes and follow the six different commands. They were, after that, requested to return their initial position. Movement time was manually measured by the stopwatch. The distance between the original reference point and estimated starting point was recorded.
Results: The second command that showed the lowest standard deviation out of the six commands given to the participants was observed as the more reliable test among the other commands (47.51±33.75). In addition, the completion time of the second command increased with increasing age (p<0.001).
Conclusion: This study introduces an innovative spatial navigation approach utilizing the second command set. As an alternative, this command can be used to assess the human spatial navigation system
The determination of training requirements in the mode of delivery and payment in the foreign trade
Günümüzde kişilerin ve devletlerin sürekli olarak çeşitli ekonomik ilişkiler
içinde bulunması çok uzak mesafedeki alıcı ve satıcıyı aynı platformda karşı karşıya
getirmektedir. Üretilen mal ve hizmetlerin belirli bir ücret karşılığında son
kullanıcılara ulaştırılmasını sağlayan alım-satım faaliyetlerinin tamamına ticaret
denilmektedir. Ticaret genel olarak iç ve dış ticaret olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır. İç
ticaret bir ülkenin sınırları içerisinde gerçekleştirilen ticarete denir. Dış ticaret ülkeler
arasında gerçekleştirilen mal ve hizmet ticaretinin tamamıdır. Bu nedenle dış ticaret
bankacılık sistemi, ödeme birimi, uluslararası anlaşmalar, ödeme sistemi vb. yönler
bakımından iç ticaretten farklılık gösterir. Satıcı ve alıcıların farklı ülkelerde
bulunması, birbirlerini yeterince tanımamaları, ülkelerin farklı ekonomik sistemlere
sahip olması, piyasa yapılarının farklılıkları gibi etkenler uluslararası ticareti iç
ticarete göre daha riskli hale getirmektedir.
Dış ticaret, ülkelerin belirli malların üretiminde uzmanlaşmasını
sağlayarak, öğrenmeyi ve ürün hakkında yeni buluşları hızlandırmakta; ülkelere
ölçek ekonomilerinden faydalanma imkanı vermekte, ayrıca üretim kaynakları,
işgücü ve zamanın da etkin kullanımını sağlamaktadır. Dış ticaret işlemleri genel
olarak ithalat işlemleri ve ihracat işlemleri olarak iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Dış
ticarete konu olan alıcı ve satıcı, ithalat ve ihracat işlemi sırasında malın tesliminde
ve bedelinin ödenmesinde kullanılan en uygun teslim ve ödeme şeklini taraflar çeşitli
faktörleri göz önünde bulundurarak seçmektedirler.
Dış ticarette peşin ödeme, mal mukabili ödeme, vesaik mukabili ödeme,
malın elden çıkarılmasında sonra ödeme, kabul kredili ödeme, açık vadeli ödeme ve
akreditifli ödeme şekli yayın bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Bu ödeme yöntemlerinin
hangisinin kullanılacağı, mal ve sektör bazında yerleşik geleneklere, alıcı ve satıcı
arasındaki güven derecesine, ülkelerin ekonomik ve ticari politikalarına, ödeme
güçleri vb. faktörlere bağlıdır. Dış ticarette kullanılan teslim şekillerinin seçimi ise
alıcı ile satıcı arasında imzalanan sözleşme koşullarına göre farklılıklar
Bu çalışmanın amacı, genel olarak dış ticaret işlemlerinde önemli bir yere
sahip olan teslim ve ödeme şekillerinden bahsederek çeşitli açılardan ele alarak dış
ticaret eğitiminin önemi ve gereğini vurgulamaktır.
Dört bölümden oluşan çalışmamızın birinci bölümünde dış ticaretin
kavramlarından bahsederek ithalat ve ihracat kavramları üzerinde durulmuştur. İkinci
bölümde dış ticarette teslim şekillerinden bahsederek, ithalatçı ve ihracatçıya
yüklediği sorumluluklardan bahsedilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde dış ticarette ödeme
şekillerinden bahsederek, ithalatçı ve ihracatçıya sağladığı avantaj ve
dezavantajlarından bahsedilmiştir. Son olarak dördüncü bölümde ise dış ticaretin
ekonomi açısından önemi, dış ticaret eğitimi gereksinimi ve dış ticaret eğitimi veren
kurumlardan bahsedilmiştir.Today, individuals and non-State actors in various economic relationships on
an ongoing basis so far away from the receiver and faced the same platform
vendor. Produced goods and services for a fee provides economic solutions for end
users buying and selling activities to the entire trade. Trade is generally divided into
internal and external trade. Performed within the boundaries of a country's domestic
trade business. Foreign trade of goods and services trade between the countries. For
this reason, foreign trade banking system, international agreements, payment system
payment unit, etc. differ from domestic trade in terms of direction. The presence in
different countries of the seller and the buyer, they didn't know each other well
enough, countries have different economic systems, factors such as differences in
market structures of international trade according to the internal trade makes it more
risky.Foreign trade, specialization in the production of certain goods of the country
by ensuring new discoveries about the product, learning and accelerates; the
possibility to take advantage of economies of scale in the country, also production
resources, employment and provides the effective use of time. Foreign trade
operations in General, as the export import transactions and operations consists of
two parts. Tradable buyer and seller, during the process of delivery of the import and
export of the goods and the payment of the cost of the appropriate delivery and form
of payment used at a variety of factors to choose by the parties.Advance payment in foreign trade, goods against payment, documents against
payment, the goods after payment in the disposal, accept credit payment, open term
payment and letter of credit payment release. This payment method will be used, in
which the goods and of the sector on the basis of trust between buyer and seller, the
built-in traditions, countries ' economic and trade policies, payment depends on the
factors and forces, and so on. The choice of delivery ways used in foreign trade is
concluded between the buyer and the vendor under the terms of the contract vary.The aim of this study, overall foreign trade operations in an important work
by mentioning various aspects of delivery and payment methods by addressing is to
highlight the importance of educating and foreign trade.The first part of our work consists of four sections are talking about the
concept of foreign trade import and export focused on concepts. In the second
chapter by talking about delivery of foreign trade, importer and exporter of
responsibility mentioned in the install. In the third part of his payment in foreign
trade, importer and exporter provides advantages and disadvantages are
mentioned. Finally, the fourth part is the importance of Economics in foreign trade,
foreign trade training requirement and foreign trade training institutions