190 research outputs found


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    The beginning of modern mankind is usually connected to the invention of the wheel making mobility possible. Men always wanted to be mobile through the vehicles of different kinds. Throughout time, cars became not only a means of simple transportation but a sign of hope, a symbol of status, a proof of richness etc. Different types, colors and styles were produced, and a competition occurred among the car producers to develop talented cars as well as its advertisements. In these ones, not only the car itself but also the users of such heroic cars were promoted as outstanding personalities. These unique characters had a certain charm and convincing power on the ordinary ones. Thus, how the advertisements of these new trends effect the new models and the desires of the mobility is another question to be analyzed. The use of the automobiles within the films, made some models and some styles very famous and created trends touching the mind or heart of the people. Some of these “automatic heroes” are discussed in this article. The paper aims to analyze how these autonomous cars are introduced to the masses, imposing premises and benefits, etc. through advertisement. It also aims to collect data regarding the audience impact and consumer expectations as to be compared and contrasted with the traditional cars. The main question of the paper is to find out how far the autonomous cars would be changing driving and communication skills etc. The statistical information to be reached through the data analysis would provide us the path to see how the autonomous cars would be welcomed in Turkey in near future. Article visualizations


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    Society is a living organism and its dynamics highly dependent upon other variables such as culture, economy, technology, etc. New developments in any of them, also change our everyday lives, expectations, attitudes, and behaviors. Nowadays, the changes in society tend to be somewhat very quick as the new digital circumstances require abrupt decisions, instantaneous likes, or dislikes emitted to shape the so-called ‘digital public opinion’. It’s much easier to create a new public agenda, to learn about a subject, to gather, interpret, present, or hide opinions in this new digital platform. As citizens of digital culture, all participants are expected to be aware of the new dimensions of digital citizenship with shared responsibility. Societies seem to be improving digital aspects to form a public opinion, specifically within the last two decades. This paper aims to explore the new concept of digital citizenship and recent applications of digital public opinion whereas it exemplifies how the data is drawn from traditional public sources and how they are linked to the digital world to shape digital public opinion quickly. The reactions and counter-reactions to digital public opinion are much more visible, measurable, and valuable since it causes rapid and radical changes in society. The paper concentrates on the refugee issues in general and specifically the fire in Moria affecting more than 20000 people, including around 7000 children. How these kids were mobilized and how the decision made through digital citizenship is questioned. The paper also has some sentiment analysis correlates the results with actual events such as 5000 thousand people marching in Germany. Article visualizations

    Ötektik kaynağı ve ötektik üzeri sert lehim uygulanan al-cu boru bağlantılarının mekanik özellik ve mikroyapılarının incelenmesi

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    Soğutma çevriminde en önemli faktörlerden biri olan sızdırmazlığın sağlanması için kuvvetli alüminyum bakır bağlantılarının oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Titreşimli bir ortamda çalışan bu bağlantılar aynı zamanda uzun süreli kullanımlar sonucunda meydana gelebilecek sızıntılardan kaynaklı gaz kaçaklarına engel olmalıdır. Bu çalışmada ötektik kaynağı ve ötektik üzeri sert lehim yöntemi ile birleştirilmiş alüminyum ve bakır borular incelenmiş, bağlantı mukavemetinin artırılması ve sızdırmazlığın sağlaması için bu iki yöntem tek bir bağlantı noktasına beraberce uygulanmıştır. Tüm numune çeşitlerine patlatma testi, çekme testi, sızdırmazlık testi uygulanmış olup, taramalı elektron mikroskobu altında bağlantı ara yüzeylerindeki mikroyapıları incelenmiştir. Yapılan deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda ötektik üzeri sert lehim bağlantısından kesme gerilmesinin diğer bağlantıya göre %15.32 daha yüksek sonuç elde edilmiştir. Ötektik üzeri sert lehim bağlantısı ile bağlanan numunelerin, ötektik bağlantıya göre %4,76 oranında basınca daha dayanıklı olduğu görülmüştür. Sızdırmazlık testleri sonucunda ise % 1 oranında olan sızdırmazlığın % 1 den % 0 oranına düşürüldüğü tespit edilmiştir.In order to ensure tightness, which is one of the most important factors in the refrigeration cycle, strong aluminum-copper connections must be formed. These connections, which operate in a vibrating environment, should also prevent gas leaks caused by leaks that may occur as a result of long-term use. In this study, aluminum and copper pipes connected by eutectic and brazing method were examined, and these two methods were applied together to a single connection point in order to increase the joint strength and provide sealing. Explosion test, tensile test and leak test were applied to all sample types, and their microstructures at the junction interfaces were examined under scanning electron microscope. As a result of the experimental studies, the shear stress of the eutectic brazed joint was 15.32% higher than the other connection. It has been observed that the specimens connected with the eutectic braze connection are more resistant to pressure by 4.76% than the eutectic joint. As a result of the tightness tests, it was determined that the tightness, which was 1%, was reduced from 1% to 0%

    Giant Cell Reparative Granuloma in the Maxilla and Mandibula

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    Giant cell reparative granuloma is a disease with an unknown etiology, characterized of benign locally aggressive lesions invading mandible and maxilla in the head and neck region. These lesions usually present as a mass and cause deformities at bony structures. The use of various medical and surgical procedures in the treatment of the disease with its rare occurrence makes these lesions interesting. In this case report we present a 47 years old female patient who had a painful swelling in the left lower left jaw and oral cavity since 8 months. After her complaints proceeded despite medical therapy, she has been operated and pathology report confirmed a giant cell reparative granuloma. We also discuss differential diagnosis and the achievements in treatment procedures

    Türkiye'de Yerel Basın

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    Osmanlı'dan Günümüze Basın ve Modernleşme

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