64,053 research outputs found

    A Statistical Toolbox For Mining And Modeling Spatial Data

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    Most data mining projects in spatial economics start with an evaluation of a set of attribute variables on a sample of spatial entities, looking for the existence and strength of spatial autocorrelation, based on the Moran’s and the Geary’s coefficients, the adequacy of which is rarely challenged, despite the fact that when reporting on their properties, many users seem likely to make mistakes and to foster confusion. My paper begins by a critical appraisal of the classical definition and rational of these indices. I argue that while intuitively founded, they are plagued by an inconsistency in their conception. Then, I propose a principled small change leading to corrected spatial autocorrelation coefficients, which strongly simplifies their relationship, and opens the way to an augmented toolbox of statistical methods of dimension reduction and data visualization, also useful for modeling purposes. A second section presents a formal framework, adapted from recent work in statistical learning, which gives theoretical support to our definition of corrected spatial autocorrelation coefficients. More specifically, the multivariate data mining methods presented here, are easily implementable on the existing (free) software, yield methods useful to exploit the proposed corrections in spatial data analysis practice, and, from a mathematical point of view, whose asymptotic behavior, already studied in a series of papers by Belkin & Niyogi, suggests that they own qualities of robustness and a limited sensitivity to the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP), valuable in exploratory spatial data analysis

    Three Simulation Algorithms for Labelled Transition Systems

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    Algorithms which compute the coarsest simulation preorder are generally designed on Kripke structures. Only in a second time they are extended to labelled transition systems. By doing this, the size of the alphabet appears in general as a multiplicative factor to both time and space complexities. Let QQ denotes the state space, \rightarrow the transition relation, Σ\Sigma the alphabet and PsimP_{sim} the partition of QQ induced by the coarsest simulation equivalence. In this paper, we propose a base algorithm which minimizes, since the first stages of its design, the incidence of the size of the alphabet in both time and space complexities. This base algorithm, inspired by the one of Paige and Tarjan in 1987 for bisimulation and the one of Ranzato and Tapparo in 2010 for simulation, is then derived in three versions. One of them has the best bit space complexity up to now, O(Psim2+.log)O(|P_{sim}|^2+|{\rightarrow}|.\log|{\rightarrow}|), while another one has the best time complexity up to now, O(Psim.)O(|P_{sim}|.|{\rightarrow}|). Note the absence of the alphabet in these complexities. A third version happens to be a nice compromise between space and time since it runs in O(b.Psim.)O(b.|P_{sim}|.|{\rightarrow}|) time, with bb a branching factor generally far below Psim|P_{sim}|, and uses O(Psim2.logPsim+.log)O(|P_{sim}|^2.\log|P_{sim}|+|{\rightarrow}|.\log|{\rightarrow}|) bits

    Bisimulations over DLTS in O(m.log n)-time

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    The well known Hopcroft's algorithm to minimize deterministic complete automata runs in O(knlogn)O(kn\log n)-time, where kk is the size of the alphabet and nn the number of states. The main part of this algorithm corresponds to the computation of a coarsest bisimulation over a finite Deterministic Labelled Transition System (DLTS). By applying techniques we have developed in the case of simulations, we design a new algorithm which computes the coarsest bisimulation over a finite DLTS in O(mlogn)O(m\log n)-time and O(k+m+n)O(k+m+n)-space, with mm the number of transitions. The underlying DLTS does not need to be complete and thus: mknm\leq kn. This new algorithm is much simpler than the two others found in the literature.Comment: Submitted to DLT'1

    Comment: Lancaster Probabilities and Gibbs Sampling

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    Comment on ``Lancaster Probabilities and Gibbs Sampling'' [arXiv:0808.3852]Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-STS252A the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org