7 research outputs found

    Performa Reproduksi Babi Bali Jantan di Provinsi Bali sebagai Plasma Nutfah Asli Bali

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reproduksi babi Bali jantan sebagai salah satu indikatordalam pemilihan bibit babi jantan, serta untuk mengetahui produktivitas babi Bali pejantan sebagai plasmanutfah asli Bali. Penelitian dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan mulai bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2016. Penelitian inimenggunakan metode survei secara purposive random sampling dan pendekatan eksploratif serta pemilihan lokasipenelitian berdasarkan waktu dan biaya penelitian. Ekterior calon pejantan ada dua yaitu yang berwarna hitam danberwarna hitam dengan belang putih pada keempat kakinya. Dimensi tubuh calon pejantan dengan panjang badanriil rata-rata 52 cm, dimensi testis panjang rata-rata 7,37 cm dan lebar 7,62 cm. Dimensi tubuh dan testis, berkaitanerat dengan aktivitas dan produktivitas calon pejantan. Semakin tinggi dimensi tubuh dan testis calon pejantan,akan berpengaruh secara nyata pada performa reproduksi dari pejantan. Kata kunci: babi Bali pejantan, performa reproduksi, testis, plasma nutfah


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    This research aims to determine the increase in reproductive performance of Landrace and Duroc cross sows given additional premix feed. This research was carried out in Br. Belong, Taro Kaja Village, Tegalalang District, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province. The crossbreed pigs used are Landrace and Duroc, 2-3 years old, or sows who have given birth 2-3 times. The experimental design used in this research was a completely Randomized Design (CRD) which consisted of 3 treatments, namely T0 feed without premix, T1 feed with premix and given to sows starting at 2 month of gestation, and T2 feed with premix and given to sows starting at 3 months of gestation. The average gestation period for the sow is 114 days and the premix dose is 1 kg/ 200 kg of feed. The results showed that the lit- ter size, birth weight, weaning weight, number of piglets weaned, and age at weaning showed significantly different results (P0.05). The sow’s ability to maintain the litter size until weaning is very dependent on the quality of the feed given to the gestation of sow, especially feed that supports the sow’s milk production. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that giving premix to sows at 2-3 months of gestation (T2 and T3) can improve the reproduction performance of sows

    Effect of Carcass Aging Towards Pork Organoleptic Quality of Bali Pig

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    The research aims were to observe the effect of carcass aging on a different time to pork organoleptic quality of Bali pig. It used Completely Randomized Design with 4 treatments i.e. P0 = hot carcass without aging, P1 = carcass aging for 1 day, P2 = hot carcass aging for 2 days, P3 = carcass aging for 3 days. Pork samples for the organoleptic quality test were taken from part of longgsimus dorsi (LD). Data obtained were analyzed with none parametric test of Hedonic (Kruskal & Wallis, 1952). Variables observed were colour, aromatic, texture, taste, tenderness and overall acceptance. The research results showed that the best panel preference level to the pork colour was on the pork aging for 1 day (P1), then its decreased on day 2 and 3. Preference level of the panel to aromatic, taste, and tenderness of the pork aging for 1 to 3 days were increased significantly. The panel preference level to the pork texture aging for 1 to 3 days was not significant. Overall, the acceptance level of the pork aging for 1 day have the highest score. From data mentioned above could be concluded that the best organoleptic quality was the pork aging for 1 day

    Respons Rumput Gajah (Pennisetum Purpureum Schumach) terhadap Aplikasi Pupuk Urea, Kotoran Ayam, dan Kotoran Sapi sebagai Sumber Nitrogen (N)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respons rumput gajah terhadap pupuk urea, pupuk kotoran ayam, dan pupuk kotoran sapi sebagai sumber nitrogen. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan empat perlakuan yaitu P0 (tanpa pupuk), P1 (pupuk urea), P2 (pupuk kotoran ayam) dan P3 (pupuk kotoran sapi) dan setiap perlakuan diulang empat kali. Variabel yang diamati terdiri dari tinggi rumput, jumlah anakan, jumlah daun, warna daun, luas daun, berat kering (daun, batang, akar, total rumput), T/R (Top Root) ratio, LSR (Leaf Steam Ratio), LWR (Leaf Weight Ratio), LAR (Leaf Area Ratio), SLA (Spesifik Leaf Area), kadar protein kasar dan serat kasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan dengan pemberian pupuk urea memberikan hasil yang tertinggi secara nyata (P<0,01) pada variabel tinggi rumput, jumlah anakan, jumlah daun, warna daun, luas daun, berat kering (daun, batang, total rumput), T/R ratio, dan kadar protein kasar, sedangkan pada variabel LSR, LWR, LAR, SLA memberikan nilai yang berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05) di antara semua perlakuan. Disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan pupuk urea memberikan respons yang terbaik pada pertumbuhan, produksi, karakteristik produksi dan kualitas hijauan rumput gajah yang dihasilkan

    Kaji Banding Peningkatan Produksi Ternak Babi di Provinsi Bali Menggunakan Teknologi Inseminasi Buatan dan Kawin Alam

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara teknologi inseminasi buatan dengan kawinalam dalam peningkatan produksi ternak babi di Provinsi Bali. Data yang digunakan berupa sampel, diambilberdasarkan lokasi, waktu, biaya, dan sumber daya manusia. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling. Variabel yang diamati meliputi: sistem perkawinan, litter size (LZ), calving rate (CR), dan service per conception (S/C). Hasil yang diperoleh adalah teknologi inseminasi buatan (51,56±9,43) lebih sering diaplikasikan (P>0,05) dibandingkan dengan kawin alam (42,33±8,88). Namun demikian hasil pengawinan dari kedua metode tersebut tidak berbeda nyata (P<0,05). Berturut-turut hasil dari teknologi IB dan kawin alam pada litter size adalah 8,76±0,57 dan 8,83±0,63 ekor; calving rate sebesar 99,40±1,40% dan 100±0%; dan service per conception 1,00±0,02 dan 1,00±0 . Disimpulkan bahwa hasil pengawinan secara inseminasi buatan yang meliputi litter size, calving rate dan service per conception, tidak berbeda nyata dengan pengawinan secara alami. Efisiensi pejantan, pengawinan dengan inseminasi buatan lebih efektif dan efisien dibandingkan dengan kawin alam


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    The community service was conducted in Bebalang village, Bangli regency and aimed to improve the knowledge and innovation technology of farmers, about the using of rice straw as a feed and how to improve its quality. The quality of rice straw including nitrogen total and digestibility could be increased by ammoniated technology using urea. The use of urea was 4% for 100 kg of rice straw or 4 kg for 100 kg of rice straw. The activity was done on Monday, October 30, 2010 and attended by 24 farmers or 100% members of subak at Sedit area, Bangli. The methods used were direct instruction and practice to the farmers. The results of the activity showed that the farmers’ knowledge was improved and the farmers want to apply the ammoniated rice straw as alternative feed for ruminant