49 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Reaksi Asam Borat Dengan Produk Radiolisis Akibat Radiasi Sinar- Pada Temperatur 25oc

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    MEKANISME REAKSI ASAM BORAT DENGAN PRODUK RADIOLISIS AKIBAT RADIASI SINAR- PADA TEMPERATUR 25OC. Telah dilakukan simulasi yang bertujuan untuk memahami mekanisme reaksi antara asam borat (H3BO3) yang ditambahkan kedalam air pendingin primer PWR dengan produk radiolisis akibat radiasi dengan sinar- pada temperatur 25oC. Simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak ‘Facsimile\u27 yang berbasis kinetika reaksi yang berkelanjutan. Sebagai masukan adalah set reaksi kimia yang terdiri dari 61 jenis reaksi dengan konstanta kecepatan reaksinya, nilai-G spesi radiolisis akibat radiasi sinar-, laju dosis 10 dan 104 Gy/s, konsentrasi awal oksigen yang berhubungan dengan sistem aerasi (0,25M), deaerasi dan konsentrasi asam borat hingga konsentrasi 1M. Luaran di program berupa seri Perubahan konsentrasi vs waktu iradiasi. Data luaran kemudian diolah menggunakan perangkat pembuat grafik ‘Origin\u27. Validasi dilakukan dengan membandingkannya dengan hasil simulasi sebelumnya. Hasil validasi menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak signifikan, sehingga diputuskan bahwa set reaksi sekarang adalah valid. Penambahan asam borat menekan konsentrasi oksigen secara signifikan. Hubungan kenaikan logaritmik penambahan konsentrasi H3BO3 vs produk oksigen menunjukkan hubungan linear yang menurun. Dari hasil simulasi dapat dipahami bahwa penambahan H3BO3 tidak hanya mengatur reaktivitas neutron pada temperatur 25oC tetapi juga memberikan imbas positif didalam menekan konsentrasi produk oksigen yang memegang peran penting di dalam proses korosi

    Surveillance Management For Secondary Water Cooling Quality Of Rsg Gas

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    SURVEILLANCE MANAGEMENT FOR SECONDARY WATER COOLING QUALITY OF RSG GAS. Surveillance corrosion of carbon steel experiment and bacteria identification of RSG GAS secondary cooling water were carried out. The main objective is to understand the current water quality of secondary cooling water of RSG-GAS from the aspect of corrosion induced by chemicals and bacteria, and confirming procedure for managing the secondary cooling water quality. Methodologies applied are surveillance corrosion, by making carbon steel and stainless steel coupons rack and immersing into the raw water basin and cooling tower basin. The water quality for both basins were done and visual changes of coupen was observed visually. Corrosion rate of carbon steel toward inhibitor was carried out by applying the electrochemical method. The identification of total bacteria and Sulphate Reducing Bacteria were identified by using test kit. The results show visually that the crevice, galvanic and homogeny corrosion with the current water quality easily be observed for carbon steel. The corrosion product seems to be suppressed by the adding of inhibitor. The corrosion rate of 0.13 ± 0.02 and 0.20 ± 0.01 mpy were obtained for 100ppm inhibitor added solutions and purely raw water, respectively. The total bacteria detected are around 107 cfu/ml at the condition when reactor stops operation and without any inhibitor and oxi bio agent added. The oxi bio agent chemical addition suppresses the numbers becomes 103 cfu/ml. The SRB bacteria are detected as >106 cfu/ml at one position and one time without any oxi bio agent added and none detected with oxi bio agent addition. Keywords : surveillance, corrosion, bacteri

    Biochemical Profile and Antibacterial Examination of Freshwater Crab Scylla Serrata (FORSKAL, 1775)

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    Natural products from the aquatic organisms provide unlimited opportunities for the production of new drugs. To verify this fact in the present study ‘the biochemical profile and antimicrobial activity of different samples of the estuarine crab, Sylla serrata’ was investigated. Biochemical study of the body parts of the crab gains substantial attention for their specificity in connection to the food values of the crab and for the evaluation of their physiological needs at different periods of life.   The total protein was estimated by Lowry's method and the amount of protein was highest in the soft muscle sample (20.27mg/ml). The total sugar was estimated by the Phenol-Sulphuric acid method and it was highest in the leg sample (209.8mg/ml). The lipids of the samples were estimated by Folchs method. Lipid was highest in the shell sample (28.35mg/ml). Thin Layer chromatography was done for characterization of protein. Antibiotics are used against bacterial infections. The natural products gained importance to screen antibiotics.     For this reason the antibacterial activity of the samples were tested against grampositive and gramnegative pathogenic bacterial strains. The bacterial strains like Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes were used as the test strains. In the present study, the ethanol extract of crab sample I showed maximum zone of inhibition (13 mm) in P. aeruginosa. The sample I showed moderate zone of inhibition (11 mm) in K.pneumoniae.  The sample II showed the minimum zone of inhibition (7 mm) in P. aeruginosa. It indicated that the shell of crabs would be a good source of antimicrobial agents and would replace the existing inadequate and cost effective antibiotics. The microbial associates of crustaceans have proven to be a rich source of bioactivity with antimicrobial and cytotoxic effects. So the organism used in the present study will be the promising source to the biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications.&nbsp

    Hubungan antara Kecerdasan Emosional (Emotional Quotient) dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar Gugus VII Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru (Studi Korelasional pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Gugus VII Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to determine between emotional quotient and the studentd's learning of primary school Tampan, Pekanbaru. The population in this study was 332 students in class V of primary school Tampan, Pekanbaru, 92 students were taken as sanple by using sampling pusposive technique. The method was chi square correlation that used to see the relation between variable emotional quotient and variable the learning. The data collection that technique used large-scale testing and analysis of statistical methods that was SPSS for Windows Ver.17. Based on the result by testing the hypothesis, there is no significant relationship between emotional quotientand learning of primary school students Tampan Pekanbaru. It can be seen from the number of corralation coefficient 0.301 and taraf of the significant 8.7555 <9.488. The level of relationship between emotional quotient and learning can be categorized in to low category with 9.06% as the coefficient of determination, that means emotional quotient has a big influence as much as 9.06% on the student's learning of primary school gugus VII Tampan Pekanbaru

    Boric Acid Radiolysis in Primary Coolant Water of PWR at Temperature of 250oC

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    BORIC ACID RADIOLYSIS IN PRIMARY COOLANT WATER OF PWR AT TEMPERATURE OF 250oC. The existence of oxygen in the primary coolant system of PWR could lead to corrosion, hence it is very important to suppress the oxygen concentration in the system. Therefore, study of the effect of boric acid addition into the primary coolant water system of PWR to suppress oxygen concentration resulted from gamma-ray radiation is essential to be performed. The aim of this research is to understand reaction mechanism at temperature of 2500C and the effect of boric acid adding toward oxygen concentration in the PWR primary coolant water. Methodology used is simulation using Facsimile software. Input for the software namely radiolysis reaction mechanism for pure water, G value from radiolysis product, dose rate of 1 and 104 Gy/s, aeration and deaeration system, and specific reaction of boric acid with hydroxyl radical and hydrated electron at temperature 250C and 3000C. The output are in the form of irradiation time vs oxygen concentration time series. The results show that the oxygen production increase significantly with the irradiation time and reach the saturated concentration at 107s. Based on the plot of oxygen's concentration at 107s vs boric acid, several results are as following: oxygen concentration significantly suppressed by boric acid addition and gives the exponential decreasement, the higher dose rate gives the higher concentration of oxygen, the aeration system gives no effect on suppressing oxygen concentration at boric acid addition up to 0.1M

    Temperature Dependence of Primary Species G(values) Formed From Radiolysis of Water by Interaction of Tritium β-Particles

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    TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF PRIMARY SPECIES G(VALUES) FORMED FROM RADIOLYSIS OF WATER BY INTERACTION OF TRITIUM β-PARTICLES. G(values) are important to understand the effect of radiolysis of Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) cooling water. Since direct measurements are difficult, hence modeling and computer simulation were carried out to predict radiation chemistry in and around reactor core. G(values) are required to calculate the radiation chemistry. Monte Carlo simulations were used to calculate the G(values) of primary species , H•, H2, •OH dan H2O2 formed from the radiolysis of tritium β low energy electron. These radiolytic products can degrade the reactor components and cause corrosion under the reactor operating conditions. G(values) prediction can indirectly contribute to maintain the material reliability. G(values) were calculated at 10-8, 10-7, 10-6 and 10-5 s after ionization at temperature ranges. The calculation were compared with the G(values) of g-ray 60Co. The work aimed to understand temperature effect on the water radiolysis mechanism by the tritium β electron. The results show that the trend similarity was found on the temperature dependence of G(values) of tritium β electron and g-ray 60Co. For tritium β electron, G(values) for free radical were lower than g-ray 60Co, but higher for molecular products as temperature raise at 10-8 and 10-7. The significant differences for these two type of radiations were on G(H2), G(•OH) and G(H•) at 10-6and 10-5 s above 200 oC

    Efektivitas Penambahan Cairan Isi Rumen Sapi pada Sampah Organik dalam Memproduksi Biogas sebagai Pengembangan Handout Penerapan Bioteknologi dalam Bidang Peternakan

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    This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the addition of the cow rumen fluid content of organic waste in producing biogas as a handout biotechnology development in the field of animal husbandry in the high school class XII., The study was conducted in March-April 2015. This research was carried out by two phases: biogas production using experimental research and development stage handout. Experimental study was conducted using completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 4 treatments and 3 replicates in order to obtain 12 experimental design. If there is a difference between treatments meal test Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 5%. The parameters observed biogas volume, pH, temperature and flame. The addition of the cow rumen fluid content of 250 ml best produce biogas. Where produce biogas volume as much as 447.68 cm³, pH 6, the temperature of 35ºC and produce a blue flame. Results of the study was developed as a handout that the material application of biotechnology in the field of animal husbandry

    The Debris Particles Analysis of Rsg Gas Coolant to Anticipate Sediment Induced Corrosion

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    THE DEBRIS PARTICLES ANALYSIS OF RSG-GAS COOLANT TO ANTICIPATE SEDIMENT-INDUCED CORROSION. The reliability of the structures, systems and components (SSC) of the G.A. Siwabessy Multipurpose Research Reactor (RSG-GAS) should be maintained to keep the reactor operates safely. Chemical control and management of coolant is one factor which determines the SSC's reliability. The debris sedimentation in the primary coolant system must be examined. Debris occurs in the reactor pool, originating from airborne dust from the engineering hall. Several elements contained by the sediment can induce corrosion. This research was conducted to identify the trace elements which were contained in the sediments and determine their concentrations. The objective was to anticipate the occurrence of galvanic and pitting corrosion due to the presence of elements which are more noble than aluminum. The measurement methodology is Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA). Two groups of samples were analyzed; the first group was sampled from the debris trapped in the mechanical filter after the resin column, or known as the resin trap, and second was sampled from the debris which adhered to the heat exchanger tube. The primary coolant debris analysis showed that the neutron-activated sediment contained Na-24, Na-25, Al-28, Mg-27, Cr-51, Mn-54, Mn-56, Co-58, Co-60, Ni-65, and Fe-59. The Mn, Cr, Co, Ni, and Fe are more noble than aluminum can induce galvanic corrosion while Na, Ba, Al, and Mg are not. The radionuclides contained by the result of neutron activation of sediment from the heat exchanger tube are Mn-56, Na-24, As-76, Br-82, Fe-59, Zn-65, Cr-51, La-140, and Sc-46 which are mostly carbon steel corrosion products. Those elements do not initiate galvanic corrosion. The prevention of galvanic corrosion can be done by periodic maintenance