25 research outputs found

    Context Free Grammar (CFG) Analysis for simple Kannada sentences

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    When Computational Linguistic is concerns Kannada is lagging far behind compared to Telugu and Tamil. Writing the grammar production for any south Indian language is bit difficult. Because the languages are highly inflected with three gender forms and two number forms. This paper is an effort to write Context Free Grammar for simple Kannada sentences. Kannada Language being one of the major Dravidian languages of India and it has 27th place in most spoken language in the world. But still it does not yet have computerized grammar checking methods for a given Kannada sentence. Thus, this paper highlights the process of generating context free grammar for simple Kannada sentences

    Magnitude of Bhasmas in handling Madhumeha (Diabetes Mellitus) - A Critical Review

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    India is being estimated with fastest growing population of Diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder which is either due to Pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding to the insulin produced. Diabetes refers “To run through siphon” and Mellitus means “Honey”, Similar condition Madhumeha “Prayo Madviva Mehanti” (Honey like urine) has been explained in the Ayurvedic classics long centuries ago in an apparent way. Rasashastra emphasize the usage of various Rasoushadhis in the management of Madhumeha. Various researches conducted in last few decades on the Rasa Bhasmas and Rasayogas mentioned in literature for Madhumeha have shown phenomenal Antidiabetic property. In this article, review of therapeutic efficacy of 5 Rasa Bahasmas Viz Naga, Vanga, Yashada, Swarna Makshika, and Abhraka Bhasmas with the scientific evidence and rationality have been compiled. Target conditions choosing of these Rasa Bhasmas in Madhumeha have been discussed

    Classical approach to collect medicinal plants - A prudent view in optimizing pharmacological affluence

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    Medicinal value of the plants mainly depends upon the season in which they are grown and place in which they are collected. The place (Desha) denotes the richness of inherent quality of drugs (Dravya-plants), whereas the time (Kaala) denotes the potentiating factors of such inherited qualities. The state of drug and method of its collection are specified again to conserve those potentiated inherent qualities of the plants otherwise called active principles. The research works done on plant physiology and applied botany render scientific explanation for the classical approach. This review paper is an endeavor to put light on four classical perspectives in collection of medicinal plants; place, time, state and method

    Role and rationale of Kaala in the field of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics - A Conceptual Approach

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    Samskara is defined as a process of bringing about a desired modification or establishing a change of property in a drug or group of drugs. In the process of Aushadhi Nirmana, varied number of procedures (Samskaras) are adopted to inculcate the desired dosage form and efficacy to the medicine. Among all Samskaras, Kaala plays a vital role in Ayurvedic pharmaceutics. Kaala is a constant factor which follows incoherently in every step of Aushadhi Nirmana. Active principles of plants vary in every season and at different quarters of the day. After the collection of drugs for a pharmaceutical preparation, Kaala plays its role during Paka of various formulations. The definition of pharmaceutics does not end with mere production of a dosage form but also includes its safety and efficacy. Kaala has the potential to influence both these factors. Thus, our Acharyas have provided meticulous information on Ayurvedic pharmaceutics giving prime importance to a minute, yet very significant aspect called “Kaala”

    A Critical Review on multifold potentiality of Prakshepa Dravyas in Ayurvedic dosage forms

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    The dosage forms in Ayurveda are given utmost importance. Our Acharyas offer a treasure of practical knowledge on the preparation of medicines and emphasized that the Samyoga (combination) of many drugs in a formulation greatly influence the healing power. One such category of drugs which are added in small quantities other than the main drugs so as to expand the field of activity of the main drugs are labelled as Prakshepa Dravyas. These Dravyas are distinctive to each Kalpana (dosage form). Although there are few drugs which are used as Prakshepa Dravyas irrespective of the dosage forms such as Madhu, Sita, Guda, Trikatu, Chaturjata, Taila, Ghrita, Lavana, Hingu, Kshara, Jeeraka, Shilajatu and Bhasmas of few metals. Prakshepa Dravyas can be considered as additives of modern pharmaceutical science which are limited only to pharmaceutical processing. Prakshepa Dravya acts as a synergizer and also attributes to the pharmacological action. They boost the patient acceptability by providing good taste, fragrance and appearance. The antioxidant and preservative properties are inherent in them. They also promote and augment the absorption of the drug by their bioenhancing activity. The present review aims to provide the comprehensive summary of Prakshepa Dravyas and also illustrates their multi dimensional activity

    Insilico Molecular Docking - A tool to understand the action of Rasaushadhis

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    Rasashastra, a branch of Ayurveda consists of many metallo-mineral preparations which are explained as highly efficacious in smaller doses and even in shorter duration. We know the functions of Rasaushadhis (herbo-mineral preparations), but we are lacking the knowledge of their Pharmacodynamics which may benefit us in understanding the exact site where, how and which active principle work and at what rate a drug will interact with its target biomolecule. The advent of new Sciences like Bioinformatics has made drug discovery faster and economical. Bioinformatics research focuses on biology at a molecular level by identifying the effect of drugs at the level of individual genes, DNA, RNA and proteins. It utilizes existing information to model disease pathways and identifies precise targets of the drug. The unclearly answered questions can be clarified by understanding and adopting the concept of ‘Insilico Molecular Docking’, means a computational study of binding of Ligand to specific Receptor. The action between the receptor and ligand is by selectivity and affinity; Lock and Key concept. It encompasses all theoretical methods and computational techniques to model and the behavior of molecules and by scoring function we can come to know the best suitable receptor for particular ligand. The working methodology includes preparation of Ligand, Receptor, Docking and inspection by X-Ray Crystallography, NMR techniques. The process of standardization is needed in Rasashastra but, there are some difficulties. One can overcome this by understanding the mode of action of Rasaushadhis -Rasabhasmas through molecular Docking which helps in drug discovery and development, optimisation of action and inhibition of harmful effects


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    ABSTRACT The security of power system is its ability to withstand a set of severe but credible contingencies and to survive transition to an acceptable new steady state condition. To maintain security of the system, it is desirable to estimate the effect of contingencies and pertinent control measurement can be taken on to improve the system security. Power system is exposed to various contingencies which often contribute to overloading of branches, violation of voltages and also leads to problems of security/stability. This paper focuses on enhancement of system security and to enhance the system performance under network contingencies through an optimal placement and optimal setting of TCSC. The optimal location of TCSC is identified by a new index called Single Contingency Voltage Sensitivity (SCVS) Index. The methodology developed alleviates overload on the transmission lines and maintains the voltage at all load buses within their specified limits