129,654 research outputs found

    A certain necessary condition of potential blow up for Navier-Stokes equations

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    We show that a necessary condition for TT to be a potential blow up time is limtTv(,t)L3=\lim\limits_{t\uparrow T}\|v(\cdot,t)\|_{L_3}=\infty.Comment: 16 page

    Massive Scaling Limit of beta-Deformed Matrix Model of Selberg Type

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    We consider a series of massive scaling limits m_1 -> infty, q -> 0, lim m_1 q = Lambda_{3} followed by m_4 -> infty, Lambda_{3} -> 0, lim m_4 Lambda_{3} = (Lambda_2)^2 of the beta-deformed matrix model of Selberg type (N_c=2, N_f=4) which reduce the number of flavours to N_f=3 and subsequently to N_f=2. This keeps the other parameters of the model finite, which include n=N_L and N=n+N_R, namely, the size of the matrix and the "filling fraction". Exploiting the method developed before, we generate instanton expansion with finite g_s, epsilon_{1,2} to check the Nekrasov coefficients (N_f =3,2 cases) to the lowest order. The limiting expressions provide integral representation of irregular conformal blocks which contains a 2d operator lim frac{1}{C(q)} : e^{(1/2) \alpha_1 \phi(0)}: (int_0^q dz : e^{b_E phi(z)}:)^n : e^{(1/2) alpha_2 phi(q)}: and is subsequently analytically continued.Comment: LaTeX, 21 pages; v2: a reference adde

    Invariance-like theorems and “lim inf” convergence properties

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    International audienceSeveral theorems, inspired by the Krasovskii-LaSalle invariance principle, to establish “lim inf” convergence results are presented in a unified framework. These properties are useful to “describe” the oscillatory behavior of the solutions of dynamical systems. The theorems resemble “lim inf” Matrosov and Small-gain theorems and are based on a “lim inf” Barbalat's Lemma. Additional technical assumptions to have “lim” convergence are given: the “lim inf”/“lim” relation is discussed in-depth and the role of some of the assumptions is illustrated by means of examples

    Selfsimilarity and growth in Birkhoff sums for the golden rotation

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    We study Birkhoff sums S(k,a) = g(a)+g(2a)+...+g(ka) at the golden mean rotation number a with periodic continued fraction approximations p(n)/q(n), where g(x) = log(2-2 cos(2 pi x). The summation of such quantities with logarithmic singularity is motivated by critical KAM phenomena. We relate the boundedness of log- averaged Birkhoff sums S(k,a)/log(k) and the convergence of S(q(n),a) with the existence of an experimentally established limit function f(x) = lim S([x q(n)])(p(n+1)/q(n+1))-S([x q(n)])(p(n)/q(n)) for n to infinity on the interval [0,1]. The function f satisfies a functional equation f(ax) + (1-a) f(x)= b(x) with a monotone function b. The limit lim S(q(n),a) for n going to infinity can be expressed in terms of the function f.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum random walk : effect of quenching

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    We study the effect of quenching on a discrete quantum random walk by removing a detector placed at a position xDx_D abruptly at time tRt_R from its path. The results show that this may lead to an enhancement of the occurrence probability at xDx_D provided the time of removal tR<tRlimt_R < t_{R}^{lim} where tRlimt_{R}^{lim} scales as xD2x_D{^2}. The ratio of the occurrence probabilities for a quenched walker (tR0t_R \neq 0) and free walker (tR=0t_R =0) shows that it scales as 1/tR1/t_R at large values of tRt_R independent of xDx_D. On the other hand if tRt_R is fixed this ratio varies as xD2x_{D}^{2} for small xDx_D. The results are compared to the classical case. We also calculate the correlations as functions of both time and position.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted version in PR

    NMR in Superfluid A-like Phase of 3^3He Confined in Globally Deformed Aerogel in Tilted Magnetic Field

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    NMR spectra in superfluid A-like phases confined in axially deformed aerogel in presence of a magnetic field inclined with respect to deformation axis is considered. The characteristic features of dipole frequency shift in axially compressed and axially stretched cases are compared. In particular, it is shown that in axially stretched aerogel environment the stability region of coherently spin precessing mode is rather narrow due to the U(1)LIM effect.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    When is .999... less than 1?

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    We examine alternative interpretations of the symbol described as nought, point, nine recurring. Is "an infinite number of 9s" merely a figure of speech? How are such alternative interpretations related to infinite cardinalities? How are they expressed in Lightstone's "semicolon" notation? Is it possible to choose a canonical alternative interpretation? Should unital evaluation of the symbol .999 . . . be inculcated in a pre-limit teaching environment? The problem of the unital evaluation is hereby examined from the pre-R, pre-lim viewpoint of the student.Comment: 28 page

    Dalle ricerche internazionali indicazioni per l’adozione della LIM

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    La Lavagna Interattiva Multimediale (LIM) è ormai entrata anche nelle scuole italiane. Nel corso degli ultimi anni, iniziative ministeriali, regionali e provinciali hanno dotato o stanno dotando numerose scuole, dal Nord al Sud Italia, di questo dispositivo. La sua diffusione è accompagnata da discorsi appassionati che puntano l’accento sulle possibilità di un radicale cambiamento della didattica e, conseguentemente, sul miglioramento dell’offerta formativa che a questo si associa. Nonostante la LIM si limiti ad integrare funzionalità del tutto pre-esistenti (il computer, il videoproiettore, i sistemi touch screen), è capace di trasformare in maniera profonda e significativa le pratiche didattiche quotidiane consentendo il ripensamento delle tradizionali modalità di insegnamento. La LIM viene generalmente vista come un mezzo per promuovere il coinvolgimento degli alunni attraverso una didattica multimediale ricca ed articolata, capace quindi di comunicare in maniera visiva concetti spesso percepiti come astratti e lontani dalle modalità espressive delle giovani generazioni (Biondi, 2009). Ogni “nuovo” dispositivo impone però di fare i conti non solo con le potenzialità assunte in astratto, ma anche con tutta una serie di criticità che nella pratica accompagnano ogni processo di innovazione. La storia delle tecnologie didattiche insegna che le cose non sono sempre andate come le concettualizzazioni teoriche facevano immaginare tanto che molti oggetti rivoluzionari continuano a stazionare nei magazzini e nei sottoscala di tante scuole. In alcuni casi si è trattato di strumenti inutili, in altri casi di strumenti complicati o troppo audaci per i tempi, in altri ancora di dispositivi la cui accoglienza da parte degli insegnanti è stata del tutto modesta. Come evitare che anche per la LIM avvenga di entrare nelle scuole e non essere poi utilizzata? Come garantire che venga impiegata in maniera corretta? Quali riscontri abbiamo dalle esperienze svolte in quei paesi, come la Gran Bretagna, che da più tempo hanno introdotto la LIM nei loro sistemi scolastici? (1