71 research outputs found

    Simulations of composite carbon films with nanotube inclusions

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    We study the interfacial structure, stability, and elastic properties of composite carbon films containing nanotubes. Our Monte Carlo simulations show that Van der Waals forces play a vital role in shaping up the interfacial geometry, producing a curved graphitic wall surrounding the tubes. The most stable structures are predicted to have intermediate densities, high anisotropies, and increased elastic moduli compared to pure amorphous carbon films.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Appl. Phys. Let

    Critical evaluation of the computational methods used in the forced polymer translocation

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    In forced polymer translocation, the average translocation time, τ\tau, scales with respect to pore force, ff, and polymer length, NN, as τf1Nβ\tau \sim f^{-1} N^{\beta}. We demonstrate that an artifact in Metropolis Monte Carlo method resulting in breakage of the force scaling with large ff may be responsible for some of the controversies between different computationally obtained results and also between computational and experimental results. Using Langevin dynamics simulations we show that the scaling exponent β1+ν\beta \le 1 + \nu is not universal, but depends on ff. Moreover, we show that forced translocation can be described by a relatively simple force balance argument and β\beta to arise solely from the initial polymer configuration

    Stress variations near surfaces in diamond-like amorphous carbon

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    Using Monte Carlo simulations within the empirical potential approach, we examine the effect produced by the surface environment on the atomic level stresses in tetrahedral amorphous carbon. Both the distribution of stresses and the distributions of sp^2 and sp^3 atoms as a function of depth from the surface are highly inhomogeneous. They show the same close relationship between local stress and bonding hybridization found previously in the bulk of the material. Compressive local stress favors the formation of sp^3 sites, while tensile stress favors the formation of sp^2 sites.Comment: 7pages, 4 figure

    Multiscale model of electronic behavior and localization in stretched dry DNA

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    When the DNA double helix is subjected to external forces it can stretch elastically to elongations reaching 100% of its natural length. These distortions, imposed at the mesoscopic or macroscopic scales, have a dramatic effect on electronic properties at the atomic scale and on electrical transport along DNA. Accordingly, a multiscale approach is necessary to capture the electronic behavior of the stretched DNA helix. To construct such a model, we begin with accurate density-functional-theory calculations for electronic states in DNA bases and base pairs in various relative configurations encountered in the equilibrium and stretched forms. These results are complemented by semi-empirical quantum mechanical calculations for the states of a small size [18 base pair poly(CG)–poly(CG)] dry, neutral DNA sequence, using previously published models for stretched DNA. The calculated electronic states are then used to parametrize an effective tight-binding model that can describe electron hopping in the presence of environmental effects, such as the presence of stray water molecules on the backbone or structural features of the substrate. These effects introduce disorder in the model hamiltonian which leads to electron localization. The localization length is smaller by several orders of magnitude in stretched DNA relative to that in the unstretched structure

    Insights into the fracture mechanisms and strength of amorphous and nanocomposite carbon

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    Tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations shed light into the fracture mechanisms and the ideal strength of tetrahedral amorphous carbon and of nanocomposite carbon containing diamond crystallites, two of the hardest materials. It is found that fracture in the nanocomposites, under tensile or shear load, occurs inter-grain and so their ideal strength is similar to the pure amorphous phase. The onset of fracture takes place at weakly bonded sp^3 sites in the amorphous matrix. On the other hand, the nanodiamond inclusions significantly enhance the elastic moduli, which approach those of diamond.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamics of forced biopolymer translocation

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    We present results from our simulations of biopolymer translocation in a solvent which explain the main experimental findings. The forced translocation can be described by simple force balance arguments for the relevant range of pore potentials in experiments and biological systems. Scaling of translocation time with polymer length varies with pore force and friction. Hydrodynamics affects this scaling and significantly reduces translocation times.Comment: Published in: http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/0295-5075/85/5/58006/epl_85_5_58006.htm

    Hydrodynamic correlations in the translocation of biopolymer through a nanopore: theory and multiscale simulations

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    We investigate the process of biopolymer translocation through a narrow pore using a multiscale approach which explicitly accounts for the hydrodynamic interactions of the molecule with the surrounding solvent. The simulations confirm that the coupling of the correlated molecular motion to hydrodynamics results in significant acceleration of the translocation process. Based on these results, we construct a phenomenological model which incorporates the statistical and dynamical features of the translocation process and predicts a power law dependence of the translocation time on the polymer length with an exponent α\alpha 1.2\approx 1.2. The actual value of the exponent from the simulations is α=1.28±0.01\alpha = 1.28 \pm 0.01, which is in excellent agreement with experimental measurements of DNA translocation through a nanopore, and is not sensitive to the choice of parameters in the simulation. The mechanism behind the emergence of such a robust exponent is related to the interplay between the longitudinal and transversal dynamics of both translocated and untranslocated segments. The connection to the macroscopic picture involves separating the contributions from the blob shrinking and shifting processes, which are both essential to the translocation dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Energetics and stability of nanostructured amorphous carbon

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    Monte Carlo simulations, supplemented by ab initio calculations, shed light into the energetics and thermodynamic stability of nanostructured amorphous carbon. The interaction of the embedded nanocrystals with the host amorphous matrix is shown to determine in a large degree the stability and the relative energy differences among carbon phases. Diamonds are stable structures in matrices with sp^3 fraction over 60%. Schwarzites are stable in low-coordinated networks. Other sp^2-bonded structures are metastable.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    DNA nucleotide-specific modulation of \mu A transverse edge currents through a metallic graphene nanoribbon with a nanopore

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    We propose two-terminal devices for DNA sequencing which consist of a metallic graphene nanoribbon with zigzag edges (ZGNR) and a nanopore in its interior through which the DNA molecule is translocated. Using the nonequilibrium Green functions combined with density functional theory, we demonstrate that each of the four DNA nucleotides inserted into the nanopore, whose edge carbon atoms are passivated by either hydrogen or nitrogen, will lead to a unique change in the device conductance. Unlike other recent biosensors based on transverse electronic transport through DNA nucleotides, which utilize small (of the order of pA) tunneling current across a nanogap or a nanopore yielding a poor signal-to-noise ratio, our device concept relies on the fact that in ZGNRs local current density is peaked around the edges so that drilling a nanopore away from the edges will not diminish the conductance. Inserting a DNA nucleotide into the nanopore affects the charge density in the surrounding area, thereby modulating edge conduction currents whose magnitude is of the order of \mu A at bias voltage ~ 0.1 V. The proposed biosensor is not limited to ZGNRs and it could be realized with other nanowires supporting transverse edge currents, such as chiral GNRs or wires made of two-dimensional topological insulators.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, PDFLaTe

    Transverse Electronic Transport through DNA Nucleotides with Functionalized Graphene Electrodes

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    Graphene nanogaps and nanopores show potential for the purpose of electrical DNA sequencing, in particular because single-base resolution appears to be readily achievable. Here, we evaluated from first principles the advantages of a nanogap setup with functionalized graphene edges. To this end, we employed density functional theory and the non-equilibrium Green's function method to investigate the transverse conductance properties of the four nucleotides occurring in DNA when located between the opposing functionalized graphene electrodes. In particular, we determined the electrical tunneling current variation as a function of the applied bias and the associated differential conductance at a voltage which appears suitable to distinguish between the four nucleotides. Intriguingly, we observe for one of the nucleotides a negative differential resistance effect.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure