32 research outputs found


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    The article describes manufacturing technology of multilayer joints in terms of control the diffusible hydrogen content. Diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal for multilayer welded joints made of covered rutile electrodes or covered cellulosic and basic electrodes was determined. It was found that after four beads, the diffusible hydrogen content decreases in the case of the first technology from 36 ml/100 g to 18 ml/100 g while in the second of about 40 ml/100 g to a level of 12 ml/100 g. The explanation of the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon and directions for further study were proposed


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    In the paper preliminary experimental studies of flux cored wires moisturized under controlled conditions are described. Three seamless wires of different grades have been placed in environmental chamber and moisturized in extremely adverse conditions (temperature T = 60掳 C, relative humidity H = 90%) for 240 hours. During this time measurements of weight gain and observations of surface of wires have been carried out. Also diffusible hydrogen amount in deposited metal has been determined by mercury method for one of moisturized wire. Significant increase of hydrogen level was observed (from H5 to H10 level). Further research will be aimed on determination of the effect of storage conditions on hydrogenation of deposited metal and quality of flux cored wires


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    The presence of diffusible hydrogen in welded joints is one of the causes of formation the welding imperfections. Improvement of weldability can be achieved by reducing the hydrogen amount in welded joints. This requires, among others, the finding of sourcesof hydrogen. For high hydrogen processes the commonly used method of determining the diffusible hydrogen amount is the glycerin method. This paper concerns issues related to the test procedure and the possibility to control the diffusible hydrogen amount in deposited metal

    Diffusible hydrogen content in the deposited metal of multilayer welded joints Zawarto艣膰 wodoru dyfunduj膮cego w stopiwie wielo艣ciegowych z艂膮czy spawanych /

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliografia s. 228-[229].W artykule scharakteryzowano technologi臋 wytwarzania z艂膮czy wielo艣ciegowych w aspekcie kontroli ilo艣ci wodoru dyfunduj膮cego. Oznaczono zawarto艣膰 wodoru dyfunduj膮cego w stopiwie dla wielo艣ciegowych z艂膮czy spawanych wykonanych dwoma technologiami: za pomoc膮 elektrod o otulinie rutylowej oraz celulozowej i zasadowej. Ustalono, 偶e po wykonaniu czterech 艣cieg贸w ilo艣膰 wodoru dyfunduj膮cego spada w przypadku pierwszej technologii z poziomu36 ml/100 g do 18 ml/100 g, natomiast w drugim z oko艂o 40 ml/100 g do poziomu 12 ml/100 g. Wyja艣niono mechanizmy odpowiedzialne za to zjawisko i zasugerowano kierunki kontynuacji bada艅.This article describes the manufacturing technology of multilayer joints in terms of controlling the diffusible hydrogen content. The diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal for multilayer welded joints made of covered rutile electrodes or covered cellulosic and basic electrodes was determined. It was found that, after four beads, the diffusible hydrogen content decreases from 36 m l/100 g to 18 ml/100 g in the ca se of the first technology, and about 40 ml/100 g to a level of 12 ml/100 g in the second. The explanation of the mechanisms responsible for this phenomenon and direction s for further study have been proposed.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: wod贸r dyfunduj膮cy, spawanie elektrodami otulonymi, elektrody rutylowe, elektrody celulozowe, elektrody zasadowe. KEYWORDS: diffusible hydrogen, manual metal arc welding, rutile electrodes, cellulosic electrodes, basic electrodes

    Determination of diffusible hydrogen content in the deposited metal of rutile electrodes by glycerin method Oznaczanie ilo艣ci wodoru dyfunduj膮cego w stopiwie elektrod rutylowych metod膮 glicerynow膮 /

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    Tyt. z nag艂贸wka.Bibliogr. s. [54].Obecno艣膰 wodoru dyfunduj膮cego w z艂膮czach spawanych jest jedn膮 z przyczyn powstawania niezgodno艣ci spawalniczych. Popraw臋 spawalno艣ci stali mo偶na osi膮gn膮膰 przez zmniejszenie nawodorowania z艂膮czy. Wymaga to m.in. wyznaczenia 藕r贸de艂 wodoru. W procesach wysokowodorowych cz臋sto stosowan膮 metod膮 oznaczania ilo艣ci wodoru dyfunduj膮cego jest metoda glicerynowa. Praca dotyczy zagadnie艅 zwi膮zanych z procedur膮 badawcz膮 i mo偶liwo艣ci膮 sterowania ilo艣ci膮 wodoru dyfunduj膮cego w stopiwie.The presence of diffusible hydrogen in welded joints is one of the causes of formation the welding imperfections. Improvement of weldability can be achieved by reducing the hydrogen amount in welded joints. This requires, among others, the finding of sources of hydrogen. For high hydrogen processes the commonly used method of determining the diffusible hydrogen amount is the glycerin method. This paper concerns issues related to the test procedure and the possibility to control the diffusible hydrogen amount in deposited metal.Dost臋pny r贸wnie偶 w formie drukowanej.S艁OWA KLUCZOWE: wod贸r dyfunduj膮cy, elektrody rutylowe, metoda glicerynowa. KEYWORDS: diffusible hydrogen, rutile electrode, glycerin method

    Underwater Processing of Materials

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    Technological processes carried out in the water environment include the production and processing of engineering materials and giving them specific properties [...

    Underwater Wet Repair Welding of API 5L X65M Pipeline Steel

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    This paper presents results of the research of effect of polymer insulation of pipeline made of API 5L X65M steel as well as underwater wet welding parameters on properties of joints made by covered electrodes. Effect of heat input on structure and hardness of joints during repair of underwater pipeline was analyzed. Welding defects like microcracks, micro-lacks of fusion, slag inclusions, as well as HAZ hardness increase over an assumed acceptance criterion for welded joints in pipes without anticorrosion polymer insulation, were identified. A significant effect of polimer insulation on structure and properties of welded joints, was found

    Bead-On-Plate Welding on S235JR Steel by Underwater Local Dry Chamber Process

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    The article presents the results of the effect of parameters of underwater local dry chamber welding on the properties of padding welds. The effect of heat input and the type of shielding gas on the structure and hardness of welds was established. the functions for estimating the maximum hardness of the heat affected zone have been also elaborate