9 research outputs found

    Mucocele of the appendix: An unusual cause of lower abdominal pain in a patient with ulcerative colitis

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    The authors report the case of a 60-year-old male patient. In November 2001 he developed intestinal symptoms of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. Colononoscopy and biopsy established the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis (proctosigmoiditis). The disease activity was moderate at the beginning. No significant laboratory alterations were found (including CEA, CA19-9), and mesalazine was started orally. He was in remission until November 2003, when he was admitted to our Outpatient Clinic for upper and right lower abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea. Colonoscopy found proctosigmoiditis with a moderate activity, gastroscopy revealed chronic gastritis, laboratory data was normal. Treatment was amended with mesalazine clysma and methylprednisolone (16 mg) orally. Symptoms ameliorated; however, right lower abdominal pain persisted. US and CT examination demonstrated a pericecal cystic mass (11 cm x 3.5 cm). At first pericecal abscess was suspected, as the previous US examination (6 mo earlier) had revealed normal findings. Fine needle aspiration was performed. Cytology confirmed the diagnosis of mucocele. The patient underwent partial cecum resection and extirpation of the mucocele. He recovered well and the final histology revealed a cystadenoma of the appendix. Follow up was started. The patient is now free of symptoms. Although primary adenocarcinoma of the appendix is uncommon, the authors emphasize that preoperative diagnosis of an underlying malignancy in a mucocele is important for patient management; however, it is difficult on imaging studies

    Relationship between serum calcium and CA 19-9 levels in colorectal cancer

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    AIM: To examine the calcium metabolism of colorectal cancer (CRC) in patients with colorectal cancer and control patients. METHODS: Seventy newly diagnosed CRC patients were included. The healthy control group was age and gender matched (n=32). Particular attention was devoted to the relationship between serum calcium of patients, and levels of AFP, CEA, carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) (that could be considered as prognostic factors). Furthermore, the Ca-sensing receptor (CaSR) gene A986S polymorphism was investigated in these patients, as well as the relationship between different CaSR genotypes and the data stated above. RESULTS: A lower level of ionized calcium (also corrected for albumin) was found in the serum of CRC patients with normal 25(OH) vitamin D levels. The ionized calcium concentration was inversely correlated with the serum level of CA 19-9. There was no difference in the distribution of CaSR genotypes, between CRC patients and general population. The genotypes did not correlate with other data examined. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, lower levels of serum calcium might be a pathogenic and prognostic factor in colorectal cancer

    A kettős-ballonos endoszkópia szerepe a vékonybél betegségeinek diagnózisában és kezelésében összehasonlítva a kapszulás endoszkópiával

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    A legutóbbi évekig csak a vékonybél kezdeti szakasza volt megközelíthetô a diagnosztikus vagy terápiás endoszkópos beavatkozások számára. Egy új, kettôs ballonos (DBE) endoszkópos eljárás, amely nagy felbontású képet szolgáltat, mindkettôre lehetôséget nyújt a gastrointestinalis traktus bármely területén. A tanulmány célja az volt, hogy beszámoljunk a Fujinon EN-T5 terápiás kettôs ballonos enteroszkóppal szerzett tapasztalatainkról, illetve összevessük az eredményeket a korábbi kapszulás endoszkópia eredményével, akinél ez rendelkezésre állt

    Double-balloon enteroscopy for the diagnosis and treatment of obscure bleeding, inflammatory bowel diseases and polyposis syndromes: we see more but do we know more?

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    Background/Aims: Our aim was to report our experience with the Fujinon EN-450 T5 therapeutic double-balloon endoscope (DBE) in the diagnosis of small bowel diseases. Methodology: Between August 2005 and October 2006, 52 DBE procedures were conducted on 47 consecutive patients (M/F: 22/25, age: 51.6 SD 19.5 years) presenting at our tertiary referral hospital (35 and 7 patients from oral and arial route, respectively; 5 patients from both). All procedures were performed using i.v. anesthesia, at our outpatient clinic. Results: Indication suspected small-bowel bleeding in 28 patients, suspected/known inflammatory bowel syndrome (TBD) in 12 and polyposis/suspected neoplasia in 7. In obscure bleeding small-bowel abnormality was found in 18 patients (64.3%) including angiodysplasias/erosions and one polypoid lesion. In suspected IBD, IBD was diagnosed in 2 out of 8 cases. In patients with polyposis syndromes, polyps were in two Peutz-Jeghers patients, while a further patient with suspected stenosis was diagnosed with primary adenocarcinoma. The average insertion length was app. 213cm. No severe complications were observed. Conclusions: Based on our experience DBE is a safe and useful method for evaluating and treating small bowel disease in selected patients with obscure bleeding, IBD or polyposis syndromes, however the clinical importance of minute lesions still needs to be determined

    A duodenum Crohn-betegsége, klinikai jelek, diagnosztika, gyógyszeres és sebészi kezelés

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    Duodenal localization of Crohn's disease is rare, accounting for only 0.5-4% of all cases. Most common complaints are gastric outlet obstruction and weight loss. Histologic findings of endoscopic biopsy are frequently not definitive, making differentiation from other, benign structures complicated. There are also no standard guidelines regarding indications for surgical management. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We reviewed the cases of three surgically managed patients with duodenal Crohn's disease at the 1st Department of Surgery, Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, during a 5-year period (2002-2007). All three patients had persistent symptoms of stomach emptying disorder despite medical therapy and had severe weight loss (13-30 kg). In two cases resection of the stenotic duodenum was performed successfully using Billroth II method. Gastro-jejunal bypass was performed in one case, where the descendent duodenum was inflamed. RESULTS: All patients have been asymptomatic since surgery (9-45 months of follow-up) and recovered their earlier bodyweight. The postoperative period was uneventful. CONCLUSIONS: There is indication of surgery in cases of stenosing duodenal Crohn's disease, when medical therapy is not successful, but long-standing malnutrition should be treated preoperatively. We found perioperative morbidity to be similar in patients with duodenal Crohn's and in those with Crohn's disease of other intestinal locations

    Association of beta-defensin 1 single nucleotide polymorphisms with Crohn's disease

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    Objective. It has been suggested that deficient defensin expression is associated with the chronic inflammation of Crohn's disease. The regional localization of Crohn's disease, ileal or colonic disease can be linked to different defensin profiles. As constitutive beta-defensin 1 has a colonic expression, we considered it of interest to investigate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the -defensin 1 gene (DEFB1) in Crohn's disease. Material and methods. Three SNPs of the DEFB1 gene, DEFB1 G-20A (rs11362), DEFB1 C-44G (rs1800972) and DEFB1 G-52A (rs1799946), were genotyped either by Custom TaqMan SNP genotyping assays or by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) in 190 patients with Crohn's disease and 95 Hungarian controls. Results. It was found that the G-20A and C-44G SNPs had a strong association with the colonic and ileocolonic localizations of the disease, respectively, but no association was detected for the ileal localization. A significantly higher frequency of the GA genotype of G-20A was observed among patients with colonic localization (60%) as compared with healthy controls (39%), with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.39. The GG genotype of C-44G SNP, which is regarded as a protective genotype, was much less frequent (4%) among patients than among controls (12%), OR 3.367. Conclusions. These results indicate that genetic variations in the DEFB1 gene encoding constitutive human beta-defensin 1 may be associated with the risk for Crohn's disease and may determine disease phenotype, e.g. colonic localization

    Location and age at onset of colorectal cancer in Hungarian patients between 1993 and 2004. The high number of advanced cases supports the need for a colorectal cancer screening program in Hungary

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    Background: In recent decades, the incidence of proximal colorectal cancer (CRC) in North America and Western Europe has steadily increased, while that of the distal tumors has shown a corresponding decrease. Our aim was to investigate the change in age at diagnosis, the gender, location and cancer stage of CRC cases over the last 12 years in a large number of Hungarian patients. Patients and Methods: The clinical and histological data of 1694 CRC patients (M/F:917/777, age at diagnosis: 65.2 +/- SD 12.5 years), diagnosed at the First Department of Medicine and the First Department of Surgery of Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, between January 1, 1993 and December 31, 2004, were analyzed retrospectively. Results: CRCs were rectal or left-sided in 70% and proximal (transverse, ascending or cecum) in 30% of the cases. The proportion of rectal carcinomas increased over the observed period (1993-1998: 31.6% vs. 1999-2004: 42.1%, p = 0.001), while the proportion of proximal tumors remained stable. Eleven percent of CRCs were diagnosed under the age of 50 years. The age at diagnosis did not differ between males and females, but was lower in patients with rectal tumors compared to other localizations (p = 0.02); 75.7% of the CRCs were T3-T4 at diagnosis and lymph node metastases could be detected in 47.7%. Conclusion: In contrast to Western European and North American trends, the proportion of proximal CRCs did not increase in Hungary over the observed period. Almost two-thirds of all cancers were left-sided. The high percentage of locally advanced tumors and lymph node metastases supports the need for colorectal screening programs