44 research outputs found

    Бенигна транзиторна хиперфосфатазија- причина за вознемирување или бенигна состојба

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    Benign transient hyperphosphatasemia (BTH) is a condition which occurs in children younger than five years, characterized by a complete absence of specific clinical and laboratory findings of bone or liver diseases and a five or even 20–70-fold increase in serum of alkaline phosphatase levels(ALP). The aim of this case report was to point out that elevated levels of ALP are not always related to serious bone and liver diseases. We described three healthy patients, which were referred to our out-patient clinic by their primary care physicians because of markedly elevated levels of ALP. The diagnosis of BTH was based on a thorough physical exam, a wide range of laboratory and imaging tests, which excluded liver or bone disease as a cause for elevated ALP. BTH is not very well-known and managed in daily clinical practice. Primary care physicians should consider this diagnosis in cases with elevated ALP in otherwise healthy infants and toddlers, refrain from unnecessary tests, prescribing higher doses of vitamin D3 or referral to tertiary level pediatric institutions.   Бенигната транзиторна хиперфосфатазија (БТХ) е состојба која се јавува кај деца помлади од пет години. Се карактеризира со целосно отсуство на специфични клинички и лабораториски наоди за болести на коските и црниот дроб и пет или дури 20-70 пати поголемо зголемување на серумското ниво на алкална фосфатаза (АЛП). Целта на овој приказ на случаи беше да се истакне дека случаен наод на покачено серумско ниво на АЛП не е секогаш поврзано со сериозни заболувања на коските и црниот дроб. Опишавме три здрави пациенти, кои беа упатени во нашата амбуланта од страна на лекари од примарната здравствена заштита поради значително зголемено ниво на АЛП. Дијагнозата на БТХ беше заснована на темелен клинички преглед, широк спектар на лабораториски тестови, со што беа исклучени заболувања на црниот дроб и коските како причина за покачена АЛП. БТХ е состојба која не е добро позната и менаџирана во секојдневната клиничка пракса. Лекарите од примарната здравствена заштита треба да ја имаат предвид оваа дијагноза во случаи со покачена АЛП кај здрави доенчиња и мали деца и да се воздржат од правење непотребни тестови и препишување повисоки дози на витамин Д3.&nbsp

    Uticaj primjene kultivator sijačice na efekte rekultivacije degradiranih zemljišta

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    Damaged and degraded terrain categories represent a present time problem, with tendency of further growth on account of fertile and cultivable terrain. Recultivation of degraded terrain, depots, is multiply significant from the aspect of technology and machines choice, economic validity and environment protection. The depot on which the research in mechanical structure was made, represents a heterogenous material, made mostly of cement rock with CaCO3 content of (43,87 to 65,60%). Research in cultivator seeder application in recultivation was made at the Pljevlja coal mine depot, in the period from year 1995. to 1997. Recultivation was made with John Deree cultivator seeder, model 1550. In serial agregate seeding, average technical productivity of (1,12 ha/h) was made with average speed of (8,7 km/h). Average returns of formed sod green mass in serial seeding was around (13,3 t/ha).Kategorije oštećenih i degradiranih zemljišta predstavljaju problem današnjice sa tendencijom daljeg rasta, a na štetu obradivih površina. Rekultivacija degradiranih zemljišta i odlagališta višestruko je značajna sa stanovišta izbora tehnologija, mašina, ekonomske opravdanosti i zaštite životne sredine. Odlagalište na kome su obavljena istraživanja u mehaničkom sastavu predstavlja heterogen materijal koga čine u većoj mjeri laporac sa sadržajem CaCO3 od 43,87 do 65,60%. Istraživanja primjene kultivator sijačice u rekultivaciji obavljena su na odlagalištu Rudnika uglja Pljevlja u periodu od 1995 – 1997. godine. Rekultivacija je obavljena sa kultivator sijačicom JOHN DEREE, model 1550, u agregatu vučnopogonske mašine od 88 kW

    Anaerobic microbial communities and their potential for bioenergy production in heavily biodegraded petroleum reservoirs

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    Most of the oil in low temperature, non‐uplifted reservoirs is biodegraded due to millions of years of microbial activity, including via methanogenesis from crude oil. To evaluate stimulating additional methanogenesis in already heavily biodegraded oil reservoirs, oil sands samples were amended with nutrients and electron acceptors, but oil sands bitumen was the only organic substrate. Methane production was monitored for over 3000 days. Methanogenesis was observed in duplicate microcosms that were unamended, amended with sulfate or that were initially oxic, however methanogenesis was not observed in nitrate‐amended controls. The highest rate of methane production was 0.15 μmol CH4 g−1 oil d−1, orders of magnitude lower than other reports of methanogenesis from lighter crude oils. Methanogenic Archaea and several potential syntrophic bacterial partners were detected following the incubations. GC–MS and FTICR–MS revealed no significant bitumen alteration for any specific compound or compound class, suggesting that the very slow methanogenesis observed was coupled to bitumen biodegradation in an unspecific manner. After 3000 days, methanogenic communities were amended with benzoate resulting in methanogenesis rates that were 110‐fold greater. This suggests that oil‐to‐methane conversion is limited by the recalcitrant nature of oil sands bitumen, not the microbial communities resident in heavy oil reservoirs

    Geological controls on the geothermal system and hydrogeochemistry of the deep low-salinity Upper Cretaceous aquifers in the Zharkent (eastern Ily) Basin, south-eastern Kazakhstan

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    The Zharkent (eastern Ily) Basin is renowned for its low-salinity natural hot springs and geothermal wells, primarily utilized for recreational purposes. Despite the growing commercial interest, the geothermal system in this area is very poorly documented or understood. Accordingly, we conducted a multi-disciplinary study, focusing on the advanced characterization of waters from productive Cretaceous strata, along with the interpretation of geothermal gradients and reservoir recharge in a geological context. Conventional wisdom asserts that Ily is an intracratonic basin characterized by high geothermal heat in its central part and by geothermal aquifers that are rapidly replenished by meteoric water recharge via porous strata exposed on the basin margin. Our results argue for an alternative and expanded interpretation of these systems. Elevated geothermal gradients (with average of up to 40°C/km in the southern part of the basin and locally possibly up to 55°C/km) are likely associated with crustal thinning owing to the development of a pull-apart basin. Anomalously fresh water (<1 g/L) in the deep (up to 2850 m depth) Upper Cretaceous reservoir is charged laterally, predominantly by snowmelt waters from basin bounding mountains. Recharge includes both mountain-front recharge (MFR), where water infiltrates into outcrops of reservoir rock near the mountain fronts, and mountain-block recharge (MBR), characterized by deep groundwater flow through fractured, predominantly rhyolite basement rocks (as evidenced from their solutes in reservoir waters). The combination of elevated geothermal gradients, low salinity water chemistry, and excellent reservoir properties makes the studied reservoir horizon an attractive target for geothermal development. Our results are applicable to other geothermal systems in strike-slip settings across Central Asia, and potentially worldwide

    Comparison of IFN-γ Levels in Children with Tuberculosis Disease (TB) and Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI)

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    AIM: This study aimed to evaluate the importance of IFN-γ in the diagnosis of pediatric TB and LTBI and to compare the IFN-γ levels. METHODS: We analysed 100 patients examined for possible M. tuberculosis infection or disease at the Institute of Respiratory Diseases in Children, Kozle, Skopje. Patients were divided into 2 groups: TB disease and LTBI. The following parameters were analyzed: demographic characteristics, history of previous exposure to active TB, BCG vaccination and presence of BCG scar, lung X-ray findings, tuberculin skin test by the Monteux method and the value of INF -γ according to the Quantiferon TB gold test, direct samples of acid-alcohol-resistant bacilli of sputum and Löwenstein Jensen cultures. Informed parental consent was obtained for each child included in the study. RESULTS: In the LTBI group 60.9% had a scar from the vaccination while in the TB group 50% had BCG scar. TST induration diameters in children with or without BCG scar were significantly larger in patients with active TB. Children with active TB had significantly higher IFN-γ levels than children with LTBI. The IFN-γ for the cut-off of 0.35 IU/ml, has 64% sensitivity for detection of LTBI, versus 80.6% sensitivity for active disease. Children with close TB contact had significantly higher IFN-γ levels. Correlation between TST induration diameter and IFN-γ levels was stronger in the TB group. CONCLUSION: IFN-γ levels are significantly higher in children with active TB, and children with close contact with TB patient. It has better sensitivity in active TB. Using both tests (IFN-γ and TST) can improve the diagnose of LTBI and TB in countries where vaccination with BCG is widespread

    Geological Controls on Reservoir and Bitumen Heterogeneities in Athabasca Oil Sands Deposit

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    Bibliography: p. 275-290Thesis is in colour

    Computer-assisted evaluation and treatment of depression in cystic fibrosis patients

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a widespread chronic multisystem disease that profoundly impairs physical and mental health, with anxiety and depression being on the forefront of CF-associated problems. This study intends to explore alpha EEG patterns as main indicators of relaxation/anxiety, and to investigate prospective of neurofeedback treatment for depression in CF patients. The EEG data were obtained from 13 CF and 10 healthy subjects, in two sessions using BOSLAB equipment and additionally analyzed with WINEEG software. Between measurements, an alpha increasing neurofeedback session was applied. Values of Alpha Peak Frequency (APF) were compared with the standard personality assessment. Final statistical evaluation was performed with Statistica 5. Significant difference (t = -3,154, p< 0.05) for APF between experimental (mean 9.07 Hz) and control group (mean 10.33 Hz) was found in the initial EEG assessment. In addition, APF increased after just one alpha neurofeedback session in both groups (in CF patients, t = -5,226, p< 0.05). The psychological assessment in patients with cystic fibrosis revealed neurotic profile, while the score for depression was below the cutoff for its manifestation. These findings indicate that computer-assisted evaluation can support the process of successful estimation and treatment of depression in CF patients. However, being a pioneering study in this field, further investigations are recommended

    Characteristics of electroencephalographic alpha rhythm parameters in cystic fibrosis patients: Perspectives of neurofeedback

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha parameters that are specific for cystic fibrosis (CF) patients and to focus on the perspectives of neurofeedback training in CF individuals. Methods: The data were obtained from experimental (13 CF patients) and control group (10 healthy students) in two sessions using BOSLAB neurofeedback equipment and additionally analyzed with WINEEG software program. Between the sessions, an alpha increasing neurofeedback session was applied. Individual Alpha Peak Frequency (IAPF) and Individual Alpha Bandwidth (IABW) were investigated. Standard personality assessment and statistical tests (Statistica 5) were used for final evaluation. Results: Significant difference (t = 3,154, p < 0.05) for IAPF between experimental (mean 9.07 Hz) and control group (mean 10.33 Hz) was measured in the initial EEG assessment. In addition, IAPF increased after one alpha neurofeedback session in both groups (in CF patients, t = 5,226, p < 0.05). The psychological assessment in adolescents with cystic fibrosis revealed neurotic profile, while the score for depression was below cut-off for manifested depression. Conclusion: These findings indicate the negative psycho-emotional impact of CF. Neurofeedback can be successfully used to support CF patient’s capacity for self-management. Further investigations are needed for confirmation of these results