529 research outputs found

    Capturing, using, and managing quality assurance knowledge for shuttle post-MECO flight design

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    Ascent initialization values used by the Shuttle's onboard computer for nominal and abort mission scenarios are verified by a six degrees of freedom computer simulation. The procedure that the Ascent Post Main Engine Cutoff (Post-MECO) group uses to perform quality assurance (QA) of the simulation is time consuming. Also, the QA data, checklists and associated rationale, though known by the group members, is not sufficiently documented, hindering transfer of knowledge and problem resolution. A new QA procedure which retains the current high level of integrity while reducing the time required to perform QA is needed to support the increasing Shuttle flight rate. Documenting the knowledge is also needed to increase its availability for training and problem resolution. To meet these needs, a knowledge capture process, embedded into the group activities, was initiated to verify the existing QA checks, define new ones, and document all rationale. The resulting checks were automated in a conventional software program to achieve the desired standardization, integrity, and time reduction. A prototype electronic knowledge base was developed with Macintosh's HyperCard to serve as a knowledge capture tool and data storage

    Non-linear optical imaging – Introduction and pharmaceutical applications

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    Nonlinear optical imaging is an emerging technology with much potential in pharmaceutical analysis. The technique encompasses a range of optical phenomena, including coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS), second harmonic generation (SHG), and twophoton excited fluorescence (TPEF). The combined potential of these phenomena for pharmaceutical imaging includes chemical and solidstate specificity, high optical spatial and temporal resolution, nondestructive and non-contact analysis, no requirement for labels, and the compatibility with imaging in aqueous and biological environments. In this article, the theory and practical aspects of nonlinear imaging are briefly introduced and pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical applications are considered. These include material and dosage form characterization, drug release, and drug and nanoparticle distribution in tissues and within live cells. The advantages and disadvantages of the technique in the context of these analyses are also discussed

    Controlling kinetic pathways in demixing microgel-micelle mixtures

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    [Image: see text] We investigate the temperature-dependent phase behavior of mixtures of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAM) microgel colloids and a triblock copolymer (PEO–PPO–PEO) surfactant. Usually, gelation in these systems results from an increase in temperature. Here we investigate the role of the heating rate, and surprisingly, we find that this causes the mechanism of aggregation to change from one which is driven by depletion of the microgels by the micelles at low temperatures to the association of the two species at high temperatures. We thus reveal two competing mechanisms for attractions between the microgel particles which can be controlled by changing the heating rate. We use this heating-rate-dependent response of the system to access multiple structures for the same system composition. Samples were found to demix into phases rich and poor in microgel particles at temperatures below 33 °C, under conditions where the microgels particles are partially swollen. Under rapid heating full demixing is bypassed, and gel networks are formed instead. The temperature history of the sample, therefore, allows for kinetic selection between different final structures, which may be metastable

    Quantification of temporal fault trees based on fuzzy set theory

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    © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014. Fault tree analysis (FTA) has been modified in different ways to make it capable of performing quantitative and qualitative safety analysis with temporal gates, thereby overcoming its limitation in capturing sequential failure behaviour. However, for many systems, it is often very difficult to have exact failure rates of components due to increased complexity of systems, scarcity of necessary statistical data etc. To overcome this problem, this paper presents a methodology based on fuzzy set theory to quantify temporal fault trees. This makes the imprecision in available failure data more explicit and helps to obtain a range of most probable values for the top event probability

    Defect modes in otherwise perfect photonic crystal and photonic crystal fibres

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    Many of the applications of photonic crystals and photonic crystal fibres require the periodic structure tohave some type of defect. In photonic crystal fibers a point defect defines the fiber core, whereas in photonic crystals a line defect acts as a waveguide, and point defects act as cavities. The modeling of these defects usually either makes use of periodic boundary conditions, by which the defect is replicated periodically, or models a photonic cyrstal of finite extent. HOwever, some applications, for example the cut-off behaviour of a defect mode where the field extends very widely, require methods that can model a defect in an otherwise infinite and perfectly periodic structure. Here we present such a method. It combines the method of fictitious sources with averaging over the Brillouin zone, and we apply it to study the long wavelength behavior of the fundamental mode of photonic crystal fibers

    On-farm Experiments with Millet in Niger: Crop Establishment, Yield Loss Factors and Economic Analysis

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    Results of farm-level experiments with pearl millet are reported from four villages in semi-arid Niger in 1982 and 1983. Crop establishment, yield loss factors (insects, diseases, striga) and economics of new practices were studied in a randomized design which included density, fertility, cultivar, and intercropping with cowpea as treatments. Improved cultivars did not establish significantly better than local ones, but fertilizer occasionally improved establishment. Incidence of yield loss factors was low, and only small effects of cultivar and fertilizer were seen. Fertilizer increased grain yields of the local cultivar by as much as 153%. The use of fertilizer and improved cultivars increased grain yields by as much as 171% over an unfertilized local millet. Even without government subsidies, fertilizer use was profitable for 56% of farmers on all cultivars. In general, fertilizers and improved cultivars had a small positive impact on profitability, with little adverse impact on grain yield variability, so that they could be recommended to farmers with some prospect of success. The intercropping treatment failed in both years, and would have to be modified before extensio

    Nutrient and structural carbohydrate partitioning in pearl millet

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    Pennisetum glaucum cv. CIVT grown on a Labucheri soil at Sadoré, Niger in 1989-90 was given 15 or 45 kg N and 4.4 or 17.4 kg P/ha. Increased N rate increased total DM by 13%, N uptake by 63% and P uptake by 29%. Increased P rate increased total DM by 100%, N uptake by 80% and P uptake by 140%. In 1989, with adequate rainfall, grain yield was 0.6 t/ha with 15 kg N/ha and 0.9 t with 45 kg N, whereas in 1990, with low rainfall, grain yield was lower and unaffected by N rate. Grain yield was higher with the higher P rate in both years. N concentration in the stover was increased by increased N rate and decreased by the higher P rate. Plant P concentration was higher at the higher P rate. Mean total DM yield was 2.75 t/ha, partitioned into grain (18%); animal feed consisting of chaff, immature panicles, upper stover and tillers (41%); and middle and lower stover components for soil conservation (41%). Partitioning was not affected by fertilizer rate. Of the total N (33.4 kg/ha) and P (5.2 kg/ha) uptake, 32 and 40% were contained in grain, 41 and 40% in animal feed, and 27 and 20% in components for soil conservation, respectivel

    Grain growth of Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br. under well-watered and drought-stressed conditions

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of relationships between grain growth parameters and drought response. Grain growth parameters of more than 70 millet lines were assessed under well-watered and postflowering drought-stress conditions in two field trials at the ICRISAT Sahelian Center, Sadoré, Niger. All the grain growth parameters based on thermal time varied more than two-fold between lines in both moisture environments. Single grain mass of the lines ranged from 4.3–10.9 mg under well-watered conditions and 3.4–9.4 mg under drought stress. When averaged across trials, 51% of the accounted variance of final grain mass could be explained by differences in the grain growth rate under well-watered conditions, while differences in the duration of the linear grain growth phase accounted for 37% of the variation in final grain mass. Drought stress reduced the linear grain growth phase and, as a consequence, reduced final grain mass by up to 25%. Lines with long grain filling periods under well-watered conditions had larger reductions in the grain filling period and in final grain mass under stress. In general, there was little effect of drought stress on the grain growth rate. However, because of the negative correlation of grain growth rate and linear grain growth phase, lines with higher grain growth rates in well-watered conditions had smaller reductions in grain filling period under stress. Grain growth rate accounted with 38% for the major part of the variation in grain mass under stress conditions. Grain growth parameters in well-watered and drought-stress conditions were unrelated to drought tolerance as expressed by a drought response index, and were indicators of neither susceptibility nor tolerance to stress. However final grain mass was highly correlated to yield under stress. A feasible risk-reducing strategy in the likelihood of postflowering stress is to select pearl millet lines for drought escape with a high grain growth rate combined with a relatively short grain filling period
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