47 research outputs found

    A search for variable white dwarfs in large area time domain surveys: a pilot study in SDSS Stripe 82

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    We present a method to reliably select variable white dwarfs from large area time domain surveys and apply this method in a pilot study to search for pulsating white dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82. From a sample 400 high-confidence white dwarf candidates, we identify 24 which show significant variability in their multi-epoch Stripe 82 data. Using colours, we further selected a sample of pulsating white dwarf (ZZ Ceti) candidates and obtained high cadence follow up for six targets. We confirm five of our candidates as cool ZZ Cetis, three of which are new discoveries. Among our 24 candidates we also identify: one eclipsing binary, two magnetic white dwarfs and one pulsating PG1159 star. Finally we discuss the possible causes for the variability detected in the remaining targets. Even with sparse multi-epoch data over the limited area of Stripe 82, we demonstrate that our selection method can successfully identify various types of variable white dwarfs and efficiently select high-confidence ZZ Ceti candidates.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 pages, 11 figure

    A Word to the WISE: Confusion is Unavoidable for WISE-selected Infrared Excesses

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    Stars with excess infrared radiation from circumstellar dust are invaluable for studies of exoplanetary systems, informing our understanding on processes of planet formation and destruction alike. All-sky photometric surveys have made the identification of dusty infrared excess candidates trivial, however, samples that rely on data from WISE are plagued with source confusion, leading to high false positive rates. Techniques to limit its contribution to WISE-selected samples have been developed, and their effectiveness is even more important as we near the end-of-life of Spitzer, the only facility capable of confirming the excess. Here, we present a Spitzer follow-up of a sample of 22 WISE-selected infrared excess candidates near the faint-end of the WISE detection limits. Eight of the 22 excesses are deemed the result of source confusion, with the remaining candidates all confirmed by the Spitzer data. We consider the efficacy of ground-based near-infrared imaging and astrometric filtering of samples to limit confusion among the sample. We find that both techniques are worthwhile for vetting candidates, but fail to identify all of the confused excesses, indicating that they cannot be used to confirm WISE-selected infrared excess candidates, but only to rule them out. This result confirms the expectation that WISE-selected infrared excess samples will always suffer from appreciable levels of contamination, and that care should be taken in their interpretation regardless of the filters applied.Comment: 13 pages, 4 Figures; Accepted for publication in Ap

    Can magnetic fields suppress convection in the atmosphere of cool white dwarfs? A case study on WD2105-820

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    Around 10% of white dwarfs exhibit global magnetic structures with fields ranging from 1 kG to hundreds of MG. Recently, the first radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations of the atmosphere of white dwarfs showed that convection should be suppressed in their photospheres for magnetic fields with strengths B ≳\gtrsim 50 kG. These predictions are in agreement with our knowledge of stellar physics (e.g. energy transfer in strong magnetic field regions of the solar photosphere), but have yet to be directly confirmed from white dwarf observations. We obtained COS far-UV spectroscopy of the weakly magnetic, hydrogen-atmosphere, white dwarf WD2105-820 and of three additional non-magnetic, convective remnants (all in the TeffT_{\mathrm{eff}} range 9000-11,000 K). We fitted both the COS and the already available optical spectra with convective and radiative atmospheric models. As expected, we find that for two of the non-magnetic comparison stars only convective model fits predict consistent TeffT_{\mathrm{eff}} values from both the optical and the FUV spectra. In contrast, for WD2105-820 only the best fitting radiative model produced consistent results.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRA

    When flux standards go wild: white dwarfs in the age of Kepler

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    White dwarf stars have been used as flux standards for decades, thanks to their staid simplicity. We have empirically tested their photometric stability by analyzing the light curves of 398 high-probability candidates and spectroscopically confirmed white dwarfs observed during the original Kepler mission and later with K2 Campaigns 0-8. We find that the vast majority (>97 per cent) of non-pulsating and apparently isolated white dwarfs are stable to better than 1 per cent in the Kepler bandpass on 1-hr to 10-d timescales, confirming that these stellar remnants are useful flux standards. From the cases that do exhibit significant variability, we caution that binarity, magnetism, and pulsations are three important attributes to rule out when establishing white dwarfs as flux standards, especially those hotter than 30,000 K.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 7 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Cool white dwarfs as standards for infrared observations

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    In the era of modern digital sky surveys, uncertainties in the flux of stellar standards are commonly the dominant systematic error in photometric calibration and can often affect the results of higher level experiments. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectrophotometry, which is based on computed model atmospheres for three hot (Teff>30000 K) pure hydrogen (DA) white dwarfs, is currently considered the most reliable and internally consistent flux calibration. However, many next-generation facilities (e.g. Harmoni on E-ELT, Euclid, and JWST) will focus on IR observations, a regime in which white dwarf calibration has not yet been robustly tested. Cool DA white dwarfs have energy distributions that peak close to the optical or near-infrared, do not have shortcomings from UV metal line blanketing, and have a reasonably large sky density (≃4 deg−2 at G < 20), making them, potentially, excellent calibrators. Here, we present a pilot study based on STIS + WFC3 observations of two bright DA white dwarfs to test whether targets cooler than current hot primary standards (Teff<20000 K) are consistent with the HST flux scale. We also test the robustness of white dwarf models in the IR regime from an X-shooter analysis of Paschen lines and by cross-matching our previously derived Gaia white dwarf catalogue with observations obtained with 2MASS, UKIDSS, VHS, and WISE

    Accretion of a giant planet onto a white dwarf star

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    The detection of a dust disc around G29-38 and transits from debris orbiting WD1145+017 confirmed that the photospheric trace metals found in many white dwarfs arise from the accretion of tidally disrupted planetesimals. The composition of these planetesimals is similar to that of rocky bodies in the inner solar system. Gravitationally scattering planetesimals towards the white dwarf requires the presence of more massive bodies, yet no planet has so far been detected at a white dwarf. Here we report optical spectroscopy of a ≃27 750\simeq27\,750K hot white dwarf that is accreting from a circumstellar gaseous disc composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and sulphur at a rate of ≃3.3×109 g s−1\simeq3.3\times10^9\,\mathrm{g\,s^{-1}}. The composition of this disc is unlike all other known planetary debris around white dwarfs, but resembles predictions for the makeup of deeper atmospheric layers of icy giant planets, with H2_2O and H2_2S being major constituents. A giant planet orbiting a hot white dwarf with a semi-major axis of ≃15\simeq15 solar radii will undergo significant evaporation with expected mass loss rates comparable to the accretion rate onto the white dwarf. The orbit of the planet is most likely the result of gravitational interactions, indicating the presence of additional planets in the system. We infer an occurrence rate of spectroscopically detectable giant planets in close orbits around white dwarfs of ≃10−4\simeq10^{-4}.Comment: Nature, December 5 issu

    The frequency of gaseous debris discs around white dwarfs

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    1-3 per cent of white dwarfs are orbited by planetary dusty debris detectable as infrared emission in excess above the white dwarf flux. In a rare subset of these systems, a gaseous disc component is also detected via emission lines of the Ca II 8600\r{A} triplet, broadened by the Keplerian velocity of the disc. We present the first statistical study of the fraction of debris discs containing detectable amounts of gas in emission at white dwarfs within a magnitude and signal-to-noise limited sample. We select 7705 single white dwarfs spectroscopically observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and GaiaGaia with magnitudes gg ≤\leq 19. We identify five gaseous disc hosts, all of which have been previously discovered. We calculate the occurrence rate of a white dwarf hosting a debris disc detectable via Ca II emission lines as 0.067±\pm0.0250.042_{0.025}^{0.042} per cent. This corresponds to an occurrence rate for a dusty debris disc to have an observable gaseous component in emission as 4±\pm24_{2}^{4} per cent. Given that variability is a common feature of the emission profiles of gaseous debris discs, and the recent detection of a planetesimal orbiting within the disc of SDSSJ122859.93+104032.9, we propose that gaseous components are tracers for the presence of planetesimals embedded in the discs and outline a qualitative model. We also present spectroscopy of the Ca II triplet 8600\r{A} region for 20 white dwarfs hosting dusty debris discs in an attempt to identify gaseous emission. We do not detect any gaseous components in these 20 systems, consistent with the occurrence rate that we calculated.Comment: 13 pages, 6 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The frequency of gaseous debris discs around white dwarfs

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    A total of 1–3 per cent of white dwarfs are orbited by planetary dusty debris detectable as infrared emission in excess above the white dwarf flux. In a rare subset of these systems, a gaseous disc component is also detected via emission lines of the Ca ii 8600 Å triplet, broadened by the Keplerian velocity of the disc. We present the first statistical study of the fraction of debris discs containing detectable amounts of gas in emission at white dwarfs within a magnitude and signal-to-noise ratio limited sample. We select 7705 single white dwarfs spectroscopically observed by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and Gaia with magnitudes g ≤ 19. We identify five gaseous disc hosts, all of which have been previously discovered. We calculate the occurrence rate of a white dwarf hosting a debris disc detectable via Ca ii emission lines as 0.067±0.0420.025 per cent. This corresponds to an occurrence rate for a dusty debris disc to have an observable gaseous component in emission as 4 ± 42 per cent. Given that variability is a common feature of the emission profiles of gaseous debris discs, and the recent detection of a planetesimal orbiting within the disc of SDSS J122859.93+104032.9, we propose that gaseous components are tracers for the presence of planetesimals embedded in the discs and outline a qualitative model. We also present spectroscopy of the Ca ii triplet 8600 Å region for 20 white dwarfs hosting dusty debris discs in an attempt to identify gaseous emission. We do not detect any gaseous components in these 20 systems, consistent with the occurrence rate that we calculated