573 research outputs found

    The complex CBX7-PRMT1 has a critical role in regulating E-cadherin gene expression and cell migration

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    The Chromobox protein homolog 7 (CBX7) belongs to the Polycomb Group (PcG) family, and, as part of the Polycomb repressive complex (PRC1), contributes to maintain transcriptional gene repression. Loss of CBX7 expression has been reported in several human malignant neoplasias, where it often correlates with an advanced cancer state and poor survival, proposing CBX7 as a candidate tumor-suppressor gene in cancer progression. Indeed, CBX7 is able to positively or negatively regulate the expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and cancer progression, such as E-cadherin, cyclin E, osteopontin, EGR1. To understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie the involvement of CBX7 in cancer progression, we designed a functional proteomic experiment based on CHIP-MS to identify novel CBX7 protein partners. Among the identified CBX7-interacting proteins we focused our attention on the Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) whose critical role in epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), cancer cell migration and invasion has been already reported. We confirmed the interaction between CBX7 and PRMT1 and demonstrated that this interaction is crucial for PRMT1 enzymatic activity both in vitro and in vivo and for the regulation of E-cadherin expression, an important hallmark of EMT. These results suggest a general mechanism by which CBX7 interacting with histone modification enzymes like HDAC2 and PRMT1 enhances E-cadherin expression. Therefore, disruption of this equilibrium may induce impairment of E-cadherin expression and increased cell migration eventually leading to EMT and, then, cancer progression

    HDAC6 mediates the acetylation of TRIM50

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    The E3 Ubiquitin ligase TRIM50 promotes the formation and clearance of aggresome-associated polyubiquitinated proteins through HDAC6 interaction, a tubulin specific deacetylase that regulates microtubule-dependent aggresome formation. In this report we showed that TRIM50 is a target of HDAC6 with Lys-372 as a critical residue for acetylation. We identified p300 and PCAF as two TRIM50 acetyltransferases and we further showed that a balance between ubiquitination and acetylation regulates TRIM50 degradatio

    New insertable cardiac monitors show high diagnostic yield and good safety profile in real-world clinical practice. results from the international prospective observational SMART Registry

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    Aims: Insertable cardiac monitors (ICMs) are indicated for long-term monitoring of unexplained syncope or palpitations, and for detection of bradycardia, ventricular tachycardia, and/or atrial fibrillation (AF). The aim of our study was to evaluate the safety and clinical value associated with a new generation ICM (Confirm Rx™, Abbott, Illinois, USA), featuring a new remote monitoring system based on smartphone patient applications. Methods and results: The SMART Registry is an international prospective observational study. The main endpoints were ICM safety (incidence of serious adverse device and procedure-related events (SADEs) at 1 month), ICM clinical value (incidence of device-detected true arrhythmias and of clinical diagnoses and interventions), and patient-reported experience measurements (PREMs). A total of 1400 subjects were enrolled. ICM indications included syncope (49.1%), AF (18.8%), unexplained palpitations (13.6%), risk of ventricular arrhythmia (6.6%), and cryptogenic stroke (6.0%). Freedom from SADEs at 1 month was 99.4% (95% Confidence Interval: 98.8-99.7%). In the 6-month monitoring period, the ICM detected true cardiac arrhythmias in 45.7% of patients and led to clinical interventions in a relevant proportion of patients; in particular, a pacemaker implant was performed after bradycardia detection in 8.9% of subjects who received an ICM for syncope and oral anticoagulation therapy was indicated after AF detection in 15.7% of subjects with cryptogenic stroke. PREMs showed that 78.2% of subjects were satisfied with the remote monitoring patient app. Conclusion: The evaluated ICM is associated with an excellent safety profile and high diagnostic yield. Patients reported positive experiences associated with the use of their smartphone for the device remote monitoring

    Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri (ANMCO) scientific statement on the simplification of the drug regimen for secondary cardiovascular prevention

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    : The issue of suboptimal drug regimen adherence in secondary cardiovascular prevention presents a significant barrier to improving patient outcomes. To address this, the utilization of drug combinations, specifically single pill combinations (SPCs) and polypills, was proposed as a strategy to simplify treatment regimens. This approach aims to enhance treatment accessibility, affordability, and adherence, thereby reducing healthcare costs and improving patient health. The document is an Associazione Nazionale Medici Cardiologi Ospedalieri (ANMCO) scientific statement on simplifying drug regimens for secondary cardiovascular prevention. It discusses the underuse of treatments despite available, effective, and accessible options, highlighting a significant gap in secondary prevention across different socio-economic statuses and countries. The statement explores barriers to implementing evidence-based treatments, including patient, healthcare provider, and system-related challenges. The paper also reviews international guidelines, the role of SPCs and polypills in clinical practice, and their economic impact, advocating for their use in secondary prevention to improve patient outcomes and adherence

    The perception of healthcare quality of elderly in the city of Bari, South Italy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In recent decades in Italy, as in all the industrialized nations, the proportion of elderly subjects in the total population is constantly on the increase. However the increased life expectancy is not always paralleled by a true improvement in the quality of life.</p> <p>In this context, it is essential to analyze elderly real health needs and the responses to these needs, especially in terms of healthcare, that the territorial services are perceived to offer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the period from June to September 2006 we selected randomly one General Practitioner (GP) for each district of the Bari Municipal Area and, form each GP, we randomly chose 25 patients over 65 years old (YO). We conducted phone interviews using a standard data collection questionnaire and, for each of the recruited subjects, the GP filled a data collection sheet.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Although the mean age (73.6 years) of the population under study was quite high, the general state of health was judged good both by the G P- and by their elderly patients (>75%).</p> <p>Notably, the great majority of elderly patients considered the healthcare they receive to be satisfactory (>60%): in particular, the GP was the true point of reference for this slice of the population for strictly medical problems as well as for advice. On the contrary, the patients attributed little value to social services, which were poorly known and scarcely used (8.5%). Public hospital facilities played a central role in second level healthcare in more than 30% of cases; private facilities covered by public health insurance were also very important. As possible solutions to the problem of loneliness, 36.6% of the patients declared that they approved of nursing homes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Decision makers need to create services supporting the key role played by General Practitioners, who are well aware that their assistance is not sufficient to satisfy the health needs of the elderly.</p

    Comparative Studies in the A30P and A53T α-Synuclein C. elegans Strains to Investigate the Molecular Origins of Parkinson's Disease.

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    The aggregation of α-synuclein is a hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD) and a variety of related neurological disorders. A number of mutations in this protein, including A30P and A53T, are associated with familial forms of the disease. Patients carrying the A30P mutation typically exhibit a similar age of onset and symptoms as sporadic PD, while those carrying the A53T mutation generally have an earlier age of onset and an accelerated progression. We report two C. elegans models of PD (PDA30P and PDA53T), which express these mutational variants in the muscle cells, and probed their behavior relative to animals expressing the wild-type protein (PDWT). PDA30P worms showed a reduced speed of movement and an increased paralysis rate, control worms, but no change in the frequency of body bends. By contrast, in PDA53T worms both speed and frequency of body bends were significantly decreased, and paralysis rate was increased. α-Synuclein was also observed to be less well localized into aggregates in PDA30P worms compared to PDA53T and PDWT worms, and amyloid-like features were evident later in the life of the animals, despite comparable levels of expression of α-synuclein. Furthermore, squalamine, a natural product currently in clinical trials for treating symptomatic aspects of PD, was found to reduce significantly the aggregation of α-synuclein and its associated toxicity in PDA53T and PDWT worms, but had less marked effects in PDA30P. In addition, using an antibody that targets the N-terminal region of α-synuclein, we observed a suppression of toxicity in PDA30P, PDA53T and PDWT worms. These results illustrate the use of these two C. elegans models in fundamental and applied PD research

    Cancer incidence in Italian contaminated sites

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    Introduction. The incidence of cancer among residents in sites contaminated by pollutants with a possible health impact is not adequately studied. In Italy, SENTIERI Project  (Epidemiological study of residents in National Priority Contaminated Sites, NPCSs)  was implemented to study major health outcomes for residents in 44 NPCSs.Methods. The Italian Association of Cancer Registries (AIRTUM) records cancer incidence in 23 NPCSs. For each NPCSs, the incidence of all malignant cancers combined  and 35 cancer sites (coded according to ICD-10), was analysed (1996-2005). The observed cases were compared to the expected based on age (5-year period,18 classes),  gender, calendar period (1996-2000; 2001-2005), geographical area (North-Centre and  Centre-South) and cancer sites specific rates. Standardized Incidence Ratios (SIR) with  90% Confidence Intervals were computed.Results. In both genders an excess was observed for overall cancer incidence (9% in men  and 7% in women) as well as for specific cancer sites (colon and rectum, liver, gallbladder,  pancreas,  lung,  skin  melanoma,  bladder  and  Non  Hodgkin  lymphoma).  Deficits  were  observed  for  gastric  cancer  in  both  genders,  chronic  lymphoid  leukemia  (men),  malignant thyroid neoplasms, corpus uteri and connective and soft-tissue tumours and  sarcomas (women).Discussion. This report is, to our knowledge, the first one on cancer risk of residents in  NPCSs. The study, although not aiming to estimate the cancer burden attributable to  the environment as compared to occupation or life-style, supports the credibility of an  etiologic role of environmental exposures in contaminated sites. Ongoing analyses focus  on the interpretation of risk factors for excesses of specific cancer types overall and in  specific NPCSs in relation to the presence of carcinogenic pollutants.
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