14 research outputs found


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    Abstract In the last 2 (two) decades, coverage of deliveries in health facilities has increased; however, the decline in maternal and newborn mortality was remain slow. With the increase in the number of deliveries in health facilities, the attention of health workers is turning to the quality of services, because poor service quality contributes to maternal and infant morbidity and mortality (World Health Organization (WHO), 2016). Service quality has a very strong significant relationship with patient satisfaction. (Juliana, 2017). The aim of the study was to explore the level of patient satisfaction in the maternity room of Dr. M. Djamil Padang in 2018. The scope of the research was the process indicators. The research design was a cross-sectional study with qualitative methods. The informants were 71 people. The sampling technique is convenient sampling. Data collection was conducted from February 1 to March 31, 2018 with in-depth interview techniques. Data collection is assisted by 2 (two) interviewers. Each interview takes ± 12 minutes and was recorded using a mobile phone. Interviews were conducted in Indonesian. Data analysis with NVIVO QSR 10 application. The results showed that almost 30% of informants were between 31-35 years old, more than half (50.75%) of informants with secondary education, a small proportion of informants (16.42%) were working mothers, and more than 80% of informants were treated for more than 5 days. In the analysis of the level of patient satisfaction with the service obtained more than half (71.64%) informants expressed satisfaction with the services of health workers in the room. Nearly 16% of informants stated that they were not satisfied with the services received in the room. Suggestions for improvement focus on the attitude of officers when providing services, comfort during care, providing care information, and responding to the patient's complaints. There is a need for follow-up from the hospital regarding suggestions for these improvements to enhance the quality of services in the room.   Keywords :  patient satisfaction, maternity room, healthcare servicesAbstrak Dalam 2 (dua) dekade terakhir, cakupan persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan meningkat; meskipun demikian, penurunan angka kematian ibu dan bayi baru lahir masih lambat. Dengan peningkatan angka persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan, perhatian tenaga kesehatan kini beralih pada kualitas pelayanan, sebab kualitas pelayanan yang buruk berkontribusi pada angka kesakitan dan kematian ibu dan bayi.(World Health Organization (WHO), 2016). Kualitas pelayanan memiliki hubungan signifikan yang sangat kuat dengan kepuasan pasien. (Juliana, 2017). Tujuan penelitian adalah mengeksplorasi tingkat kepuasan pasien di ruangan rawat gabung RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang pada tahun 2018. Ruang lingkup penelitian adalah pada indikator proses. Desain penelitian adalah studi potong lintang dengan metode kualitatif. Informan berjumlah 71 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah convenient sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari tanggal 1 Februari hingga 31 Maret 2018 dengan teknik in-depth interview. Pengumpulan data dibantu oleh 2 (dua) orang pewawancara. Setiap wawancara membutuhkan waktu ± 12 menit dan direkam menggunakan telepon genggam. Wawancara dilakukan dalam bahasa Indonesia.  Analisis data dengan aplikasi NVIVO QSR 10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hampir 30% informan berumur antara 31 – 35 tahun, lebih dari separuh (50.75%) informan dengan tingkat pendidikan menengah, sebagian kecil informan (16.42%) adalah ibu bekerja, dan lebih dari 80% informan dirawat lebih dari 5 hari. Pada analisis tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan didapatkan lebih dari separuh (71.64%) informan menyatakan puas terhadap pelayanan tenaga kesehatan di ruangan. Hampir 16% informan menyatakan tidak puas dengan pelayanan yang diterima di ruangan. Saran perbaikan berfokus pada sikap petugas saat memberikan pelayanan, kenyamanan selama dirawat, pemberian informasi perawatan, dan respon petugas terhadap keluhan pasien. Perlu adanya tindak lanjut dari pihak rumah sakit tentang saran perbaikan tersebut untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan di ruangan.   Kata kunci : kepuasan pasien, ruangan rawat gabung, pelayanan R


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     Konsep sekolah ramah anak pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh UNICEF, Save the Children dan the World Health Organization pada pertengahan 1990-an. Implementasi program ini terbatas di Indonesia masih. Di kota Padang, program Sekolah Ramah Anak (SRA) baru diinisiasi pada tahun 2016. Hingga saat ini tercatat ada 30 sekolah yang dijadikan percontohan SRA pada level pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Pada level pendidikan anak usia dini belum ada. Tujuan sosialisasi ini adalah meningkatkan pemahaman guru tentang hak-hak anak, konsep SRA, dan mengidentifikasi potensi TK dan PAUD untuk menjadi SRA. Kegiatan ini telah dilaksanakan d TK Islam Shabrina pada tanggal 26-31 Agustus 2019. Hasil dari kegiatan adalah semua guru dan kepala TK dan PAUD telah tersosialisasi tentang hak-hak anak dan konsep SRA, teridentifikasi 80% potensi sekolah untuk dijadikan SRA


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    West Sumatra Province is one of the provinces with coverage of pregnant women visiting (K4) only reaching 73%. This condition needs to be considered considering that the maternal health program is a priority program in health. Tanah Datar Regency has the lowest K4 coverage and tends to decline in the last three years. The results of observations of servants in Sungayang village showed that the low coverage of K4 was caused by the inability of pregnant women to decide for themselves when to visit health care facilities, ignorance and also the lack of support from family and community. The results of interviews with several community leaders, it is known that public support for the health of pregnant women is less than optimal. The solution offered is the development of matrilineal community participation through empowerment and participation. The results of this community service are in the form of published articles in the Abdimas journal, training modules, and increasing knowledge of community groups about the management of pregnant wome

    Assessment of Patients Perception about Tiered Referral System at Dr. M. Djamil Central Hospital West Sumatra Indonesia

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    Since 2014 Indonesia has been implementing a new health service system based on tiered referral system. One of the expectation among others is to improve in time maternal care and reduce maternal mortality by 25%. The aim of the thesis was to assess perception of patients about tiered referral system for maternal health care in Dr. M. Djamil Padang hospital. Cross sectional study was conducted in the hospital between Feb 1 –May 31, 2018. Ethical approval were provided. Interview guidelines were prepared according to Rapid Assessment of Referral Care System (Cervantes et al 2003). Collected data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and NVIVO software. Results indicated that distance and travel time were the main problem to go to the hospital. Accessibility and equity of health care services was good, referral letter could be easily obtained from primary health care. However administrative systems were too complicated, online registration systems were rarely used. Insurance card activation were also problematic. Approx. 16% of respondent were not satisfied with the health service provided by the hospital.MSc/MAnépegészségügyiangolnappalig


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    ASESMEN TINGKAT KEPUASAN DAN PERSEPSI ASUHAN ANTENATAL PADA IBU – IBU TUNANETRA DI KOTA PADANG (STUDI KASUS)   Sunesni1, Dian Furwasyih2   (1,2Program Studi Kebidanan Program Sarjana dan Program Studi Pendidikan Bidan Program Profesi, STIKes MERCUBAKTIJAYA PADANG)     Abstrak International Agency for The Prevention of Blindness menyatakan dua pertiga dari penyandang tuna netra di dunia adalah perempuan. Kelompok ini sangat jarang melakukan kunjungan antenatal. Hal ini mengakibatkan buruknya kesejahteraan ibu dan bayi serta outcome kehamilan jika dibandingkan dengan populasi pada umumnya. Selain itu, seringkali tenaga kesehatan tidak kompeten dalam memberikan pelayanan pada kelompok ini sehingga menjadikan pelayanan antenatal yang diberikan tidak berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji tingkat kepuasan dan persepsi ibu hamil tunanetra terhadap pelayanan antenatal di Kota Padang. Desain penelitian adalah deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Informan penelitian berjumlah 16 orang. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa 12,5% informan menyatakan tidak puas terhadap pelayanan antenatal dan 54% menyatakan persepsi negatif terhadap pelayanan antenatal. Perlakuan diskriminatif dan komunikasi petugas yang sulit dipahami, serta tidak tersedianya jalur khusus disabilitas pada konter pelayanan merupakan beberapa keluhan yang dikemukakan informan saat wawancara. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian kecil informan merasa tidak puas terhadap pelayanan kehamilan yang didapatkan dan lebih dari separuh informan mempunyai persepsi negatif terhadap pelayanan kehamilan yang diperoleh. Disarankan pada pemerintah dan swasta untuk menempatkan isu pelayanan kesehatan pada kelompok berkebutuhan khusus sebagai salah satu program prioritas bidang kesehatan sehingga menjamin perlindungan sosial dan kesehatan pada kelompok ini.   Kata Kunci :   ibu hamil, tunanetra, penyandang disabilitas, persepsi, pelayanan antenatal &nbsp


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    Limited access to family planning services, especially in Indonesia, poses a threat to the occurrence of discontinuation of contraceptive use and unwanted pregnancies. This condition also occurs in the disabled group. Meanwhile, there are still common misconceptions about persons with disabilities who are considered unable to have sexual relations, cannot get pregnant, or form a family. Therefore, people with disabilities are considered not to need to use and obtain information about contraceptives. This condition causes low knowledge of persons with disabilities. The purpose of this study was how to use contraception devices for couples of childbearing age (EFA) with blind disabilities in Padang City during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This type of research is descriptive which was carried out in the city of Padang through the association of the Board of Directors of the Indonesian Blind Association (DPC Pertuni) Padang City. The samples used in this study were all couples of childbearing age (PUS) with blind disabilities totaling 40 people who were members of the DPC Pertuni, Padang City. The results of this study found that from 40 respondents, 32 people (80%) respondents had a sufficient level of knowledge, 8 people (20%) were categorized as lacking, while for the use of contraception most of the respondents chose to use injection contraception, as many as 16 respondents. (40%) and there are still many respondents who do not use contraception as many as 14 respondents (35%). From these results, it is necessary to provide counseling activities that are easily accessible to PUS with visual impairments through the nearest health institution by directly providing information about reproductive health, sexuality, and family planning to persons with disabilities during regular meetings between members of persons with disabilities

    Pengaruh Pemberian Edukasi Tentang Pendidikan Seksual pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus Dengan Tingkat Pengetahuan Guru Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB)

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    Ketidakmampuan untuk bisa hidup mandiri dengan keterbatasan kecerdasan pada anak tunagrahita membuat kelompok ini rentan terhadap masalah, termasuk masalah kesehatan reproduksi. Seiring dengan minimnya pendidikan seks bagi penyandang tunagrahita ini menjadikan sebagian diantara mereka cenderung untuk dimanipulasi sehingga kerap dijadikan objek pelecehan dan pelampiasan seksual. Guru memiliki tanggungjawab untuk mengajarkan tentang pendidikan seksual di sekolah mulai dari usia dini sampai ke perguruan tinggi. Hingga saat ini, pendidikan seksual yang komprehensif masih belum terintegrasi ke dalam kurikulum sekolah. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian edukasi seksual terhadap tingkat pengetahuan guru sekolah luar biasa (SLB) Kota Padang. Desain penelitian adalah one group pretest-posttest dengan teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan formulir digital dengan perlakuan berupa pemberian materi edukasi pendidikan seks dan seksualitas pada guru SLB. Analisis data univariat dan bivariat dengan Microsoft Excel 2010. Didapatkan response rate penelitian 84,2%, dengan karakteristik responden hampir seluruh responden dengan level pendidikan sarjana atau lebih, separuh berada pada kelompok umur diatas 40 tahun, hampir seluruh responden berjenis kelamin perempuan, dan separuh dengan pengalaman kerja diatas 13 tahun. Hasil uji T didapatkan p-value 0,00010 < α (0,05) dimana ini berari ada pengaruh signifikan antara pemberian edukasi dengan tingkat pengetahuan guru SLB tentang seks dan seksualitas anak tunagrahita. Direkomendasikan untuk menjadikan kegiatan ini sebagai kegiatan rutin di sekolah sehingga pemahaman guru menjadi lebih baik dan dapat menyampaikan informasi ini dengan tepat kepada peserta didik

    Peningkatkan Pengetahuan Ibu Tunanetra tentang Kesehatan Kehamilan melalui Buku Suluh Bina Netra Sehat Reproduksi Berhuruf Braille: The Improvement of Knowledge of Blind Mothers about Health in Pregnancy through Counseling using the Book “Suluh Bina Netra Sehat Reproduksi”

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    Blind women often experience discrimination in obtaining public services, such as securing access to health services. Most healthcare facilities they visit during pregnancy do not have information media they can read at home, such as the MCH book for pregnant women who do not have vision problems. In 2020, the service team developed reproductive health education media for blind mothers in Braille. Therefore, the solution we offer to partners is to provide health education using the book Suluh Bina Netra Healthy Reproductive Braille, which we have developed to increase mothers' knowledge about pregnancy check-ups. The methods used in this community service include the lecture method, question and answer, and discussion and practice. The aim is to provide health education to increase the understanding of blind women. The activity was carried out from July 31 to August 15, 2021, with 14 blind mothers. There was an increase in the score on the post-test after the client was given education about pregnancy checks using books, from an average of 3.14 to 5.43. Blind mothers were also satisfied with the activities carried out with an average score for material quality, namely 4.78, media 4.64, and activity benefits 4.78. The output of this activity is an increase in client knowledge after receiving education namely the average post-test score increases, the intellectual property rights registration number EC00202185546 on October 14, 2021, and this book has also been launched directly by the Mayor of Padang on December 2, 2021, with a news link https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=270755855084449&id=100064501097230&sfnsn=wiwspw


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    Ikterus merupakan salah satu fenomena yang sering ditemukan pada bayi baru lahir, kejadian ikterus pada bayi baru lahir berkisar antara 25 – 50% pada bayi cukup bulan dan 80% pada bayi kurang bulan. Ada 3 faktor penyebab yang mempengaruhi kejadian ikterus yaitu faktor neonatus, perinatal, dan maternal. Dampak biologis yang diderita bayi seperti kulit berwarna kuning, keadaan lemah, dan dampak psikologis berupa sering menangis atau rewel, gerakan tidak menentu, dan jika tidak segera ditangani dapat terjadi gangguan syaraf otak. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara berat badan lahir dengan kejadian ikterus. Jenis penelitian adalah survei analitik dengan desain case-control. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 75 bayi yang dirawat di ruangan perinatologi pada bulan Januari hingga Juni 2016, dengan 25 bayi pada kelompok kasus dan 50 bayi pada kelompok kontrol. Jenis data yaitu data sekunder. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan 44% (33 bayi) dari responden mempunyai berat lahir rendah, dan 56% (42 bayi) sisanya mempunyai berat lahir normal. Analisis bivariat dengan uji chi-square menunjukkan nilai p value = 0,007 < 0,05 berarti ada hubungan berat badan lahir dengan kejadian ikterus. Diharapkan tenaga kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan pada ibu dan bayi, terutama dalam penapisan risiko kejadian ikterus dari sejak kehamilan dan setelah kelahiran bayi guna menurunkan morbiditas bayi karena ikterus


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    COVID-19 or Corona Virus Disease-19 is a disease that caused by a new type of corona virus. In March 2020 WHO declared a pandemic COVID-19. In Indonesia, cases of COVID-19 were first reported on March 2, 2020 and  until September, 2020 it has passed 200,000 confirmed cases. Poor health literacy, coupled with the absence of synergy and the lack of knowledge regarding the COVID-19 outbreak made the handling of the outbreak carried out by the government stutter. One of the important information for the general public is the definition of the terms cases related to COVID-19. This study aims to determine the level of public knowledge about the definition of case terms related to COVID-19. Data dollection was done online by using google form. The sampling technique was quota sampling, the response rate (RR) of this study was 91% of the target 100 samples. Data were analyzed using IBP SPSS Statistic version 10. The results obtained were related to 5 questions regarding the definition of the terms PPT, OTG, ODP, PDP and confirmation cases, respondents gave the percentage of correct answers below the average (62.4%) percentage of the overall questions. A massive education is needed considering the low level of public knowledge about the issues in this research. It takes cross-sectional and cross-programmatic collaboration to solve this problem quickly