375 research outputs found

    Quasi-particle interference and superconducting gap in a high-temperature superconductor Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2

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    High-transition-temperature (high-Tc) superconductivity is ubiquitous in the cuprates containing CuO2 planes but each cuprate has its own character. The study of the material dependence of the d-wave superconducting gap (SG) should provide important insights into the mechanism of high-Tc. However, because of the 'pseudogap' phenomenon, it is often unclear whether the energy gaps observed by spectroscopic techniques really represent the SG. Here, we report spectroscopic imaging scanning tunneling microscopy (SI-STM) studies of nearly-optimally-doped Ca2-xNaxCuO2Cl2 (Na-CCOC) with Tc = 25 ~ 28 K. They enable us to observe the quasi-particle interference (QPI) effect in this material, through which unambiguous new information on the SG is obtained. The analysis of QPI in Na-CCOC reveals that the SG dispersion near the gap node is almost identical to that of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy (Bi2212) at the same doping level, while Tc of Bi2212 is 3 times higher than that of Na-CCOC. We also find that SG in Na-CCOC is confined in narrower energy and momentum ranges than Bi2212. This explains at least in part the remarkable material dependence of TcComment: 13pages, 4fig

    The retinoid anticancer signal: mechanisms of target gene regulation

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    Retinoids induce growth arrest, differentiation, and cell death in many cancer cell types. One factor determining the sensitivity or resistance to the retinoid anticancer signal is the transcriptional response of retinoid-regulated target genes in cancer cells. We used cDNA microarray to identify 31 retinoid-regulated target genes shared by two retinoid-sensitive neuroblastoma cell lines, and then sought to determine the relevance of the target gene responses to the retinoid anticancer signal. The pattern of retinoid responsiveness for six of 13 target genes (RARβ2, CYP26A1, CRBP1, RGS16, DUSP6, EGR1) correlated with phenotypic retinoid sensitivity, across a panel of retinoid-sensitive or -resistant lung and breast cancer cell lines. Retinoid treatment of MYCN transgenic mice bearing neuroblastoma altered the expression of five of nine target genes examined (RARβ2, CYP26A1, CRBP1, DUSP6, PLAT) in neuroblastoma tumour tissue in vivo. In retinoid-sensitive neuroblastoma, lung and breast cancer cell lines, direct inhibition of retinoid-induced RARβ2 expression blocked induction of only one of eight retinoid target genes (CYP26A1). DNA demethylation, histone acetylation, and exogenous overexpression of RARβ2 partially restored retinoid-responsive CYP26A1 expression in RA-resistant MDA-MB-231 breast, but not SK-MES-1 lung, cancer cells. Combined, rather than individual, inhibition of DUSP6 and RGS16 was required to block retinoid-induced growth inhibition in neuroblastoma cells, through phosphorylation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase. In conclusion, sensitivity to the retinoid anticancer signal is determined in part by the transcriptional response of key retinoid-regulated target genes, such as RARβ2, DUSP6, and RGS16

    High-throughput screening of metal-porphyrin-like graphenes for selective capture of carbon dioxide

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    Nanostructured materials, such as zeolites and metal-organic frameworks, have been considered to capture CO2. However, their application has been limited largely because they exhibit poor selectivity for flue gases and low capture capacity under low pressures. We perform a high-throughput screening for selective CO2 capture from flue gases by using first principles thermodynamics. We find that elements with empty d orbitals selectively attract CO2 from gaseous mixtures under low CO2 pressures (similar to 10(-3) bar) at 300 K and release it at similar to 450 K. CO2 binding to elements involves hybridization of the metal d orbitals with the CO2 pi orbitals and CO2-transition metal complexes were observed in experiments. This result allows us to perform high-throughput screening to discover novel promising CO2 capture materials with empty d orbitals (e.g., Sc- or V-porphyrin-like graphene) and predict their capture performance under various conditions. Moreover, these findings provide physical insights into selective CO2 capture and open a new path to explore CO2 capture materialsopen

    TGF-β Is Required for Vascular Barrier Function, Endothelial Survival and Homeostasis of the Adult Microvasculature

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    Pericyte-endothelial cell (EC) interactions are critical to both vascular development and vessel stability. We have previously shown that TGF-β signaling between EC and mural cells participates in vessel stabilization in vitro. We therefore investigated the role of TGF-β signaling in maintaining microvessel structure and function in the adult mouse retinal microvasculature. TGF-β signaling was inhibited by systemic expression of soluble endoglin (sEng) and inhibition was demonstrated by reduced phospho-smad2 in the adult retina. Blockade of TGF-β signaling led to increased vascular and neural cell apoptosis in the retina, which was associated with decreased retinal function, as measured by electroretinogram (ERG). Perfusion of the inner retinal vasculature was impaired and was accompanied by defective autoregulation and loss of capillary integrity. Fundus angiography and Evans blue permeability assay revealed a breakdown of the blood-retinal-barrier that was characterized by decreased association between the tight junction proteins zo-1 and occludin. Inhibition of TGF-β signaling in cocultures of EC and 10T1/2 cells corroborated the in vivo findings, with impaired EC barrier function, dissociation of EC from 10T1/2 cells, and endothelial cell death, supporting the role of EC-mesenchymal interactions in TGF-β signaling. These results implicate constitutive TGF-β signaling in maintaining the integrity and function of the adult microvasculature and shed light on the potential role of TGF-β signaling in vasoproliferative and vascular degenerative retinal diseases

    Multiple Episodes of Convergence in Genes of the Dim Light Vision Pathway in Bats

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    The molecular basis of the evolution of phenotypic characters is very complex and is poorly understood with few examples documenting the roles of multiple genes. Considering that a single gene cannot fully explain the convergence of phenotypic characters, we choose to study the convergent evolution of rod vision in two divergent bats from a network perspective. The Old World fruit bats (Pteropodidae) are non-echolocating and have binocular vision, whereas the sheath-tailed bats (Emballonuridae) are echolocating and have monocular vision; however, they both have relatively large eyes and rely more on rod vision to find food and navigate in the night. We found that the genes CRX, which plays an essential role in the differentiation of photoreceptor cells, SAG, which is involved in the desensitization of the photoactivated transduction cascade, and the photoreceptor gene RH, which is directly responsible for the perception of dim light, have undergone parallel sequence evolution in two divergent lineages of bats with larger eyes (Pteropodidae and Emballonuroidea). The multiple convergent events in the network of genes essential for rod vision is a rare phenomenon that illustrates the importance of investigating pathways and networks in the evolution of the molecular basis of phenotypic convergence

    LAP2 Is Widely Overexpressed in Diverse Digestive Tract Cancers and Regulates Motility of Cancer Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Lamina-associated polypeptides 2 (LAP2) is a nuclear protein that connects the nuclear lamina with chromatin. Although its critical roles in genetic disorders and hematopoietic malignancies have been described, its expression and roles in digestive tract cancers have been poorly characterized. METHODS: To examine the expression of LAP2 in patient tissues, we performed immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR. To examine motility of cancer cells, we employed Boyden chamber, wound healing and Matrigel invasion assays. To reveal its roles in metastasis in vivo, we used a liver metastasis xenograft model. To investigate the underlying mechanism, a cDNA microarray was conducted. RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry in patient tissues showed widespread expression of LAP2 in diverse digestive tract cancers including stomach, pancreas, liver, and bile duct cancers. Real-time PCR confirmed that LAP2β is over-expressed in gastric cancer tissues. Knockdown of LAP2β did not affect proliferation of most digestive tract cancer cells except pancreatic cancer cells. However, knockdown of LAP2β decreased motility of all tested cancer cells. Moreover, overexpression of LAP2β increased motility of gastric and pancreatic cancer cells. In the liver metastasis xenograft model, LAP2β increased metastatic efficacy of gastric cancer cells and mortality in tested mice. cDNA microarrays showed the possibility that myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) and interleukin6 (IL6) may mediate LAP2β-regulated motility of cancer cells. CONCLUSIONS: From the above results, we conclude that LAP2 is widely overexpressed in diverse digestive tract cancers and LAP2β regulates motility of cancer cells and suggest that LAP2β may have utility for diagnostics and therapeutics in digestive tract cancers

    Increased Secreted Amyloid Precursor Protein-α (sAPPα) in Severe Autism: Proposal of a Specific, Anabolic Pathway and Putative Biomarker

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    Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in verbal communication, social interactions, and the presence of repetitive, stereotyped and compulsive behaviors. Excessive early brain growth is found commonly in some patients and may contribute to disease phenotype. Reports of increased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and other neurotrophic-like factors in autistic neonates suggest that enhanced anabolic activity in CNS mediates this overgrowth effect. We have shown previously that in a subset of patients with severe autism and aggression, plasma levels of the secreted amyloid-β (Aβ) precursor protein-alpha form (sAPPα) were significantly elevated relative to controls and patients with mild-to-moderate autism. Here we further tested the hypothesis that levels of sAPPα and sAPPβ (proteolytic cleavage products of APP by α- and β-secretase, respectively) are deranged in autism and may contribute to an anabolic environment leading to brain overgrowth. We measured plasma levels of sAPPα, sAPPβ, Aβ peptides and BDNF by corresponding ELISA in a well characterized set of subjects. We included for analysis 18 control, 6 mild-to-moderate, and 15 severely autistic patient plasma samples. We have observed that sAPPα levels are increased and BDNF levels decreased in the plasma of patients with severe autism as compared to controls. Further, we show that Aβ1-40, Aβ1-42, and sAPPβ levels are significantly decreased in the plasma of patients with severe autism. These findings do not extend to patients with mild-to-moderate autism, providing a biochemical correlate of phenotypic severity. Taken together, this study provides evidence that sAPPα levels are generally elevated in severe autism and suggests that these patients may have aberrant non-amyloidogenic processing of APP

    Inhibition of Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Ameliorates Synaptic Alterations and Ca2+ Dysregulation in Aged Rats

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    The role of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF) in neural function has been investigated extensively in several neurodegenerative conditions, but rarely in brain aging, where cognitive and physiologic changes are milder and more variable. Here, we show that protein levels for TNF receptor 1 (TNFR1) are significantly elevated in the hippocampus relative to TNF receptor 2 (TNFR2) in aged (22 months) but not young adult (6 months) Fischer 344 rats. To determine if altered TNF/TNFR1 interactions contribute to key brain aging biomarkers, aged rats received chronic (4–6 week) intracranial infusions of XPro1595: a soluble dominant negative TNF that preferentially inhibits TNFR1 signaling. Aged rats treated with XPro1595 showed improved Morris Water Maze performance, reduced microglial activation, reduced susceptibility to hippocampal long-term depression, increased protein levels for the GluR1 type glutamate receptor, and lower L-type voltage sensitive Ca2+ channel (VSCC) activity in hippocampal CA1 neurons. The results suggest that diverse functional changes associated with brain aging may arise, in part, from selective alterations in TNF signaling