175 research outputs found

    La solvibilità delle imprese assicuratrici: linee evolutive ed aspetti critici

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    2007/2008Presentazione Il tema della solvibilità di una impresa assicurativa è per sua natura un argomento ampio in quanto nello stabilire le regole per garantire la solidità finanziaria vengono coinvolti vari aspetti dell’impresa: quali la vita gestionale, i settori di attività, la riassicurazione. Assicurare la stabilità dei propri affari e cautelarsi da imprevisti, che hanno ripercussioni finanziarie, è una naturale esigenza per qualsiasi impresa e in qualsiasi epoca. Nel tempo, però, cambia il modo in cui affrontare questo argomento e mutano gli eventi dai quali mettersi al riparo. Già nel 1630 (Sandström 2006) la solvibilità era delineata come “la capacità di pagare tutti i debiti legali”. Sarà nel 1724 (Hägg 1998) che si parlerà esplicitamente di solvibilità quando un mercante di Amburgo propose di fondare una compagnia di assicurazione a Stoccolma. La proposta fu accettata dal governo svedese soltanto a patto che la compagnia fosse stata capace di dimostrare la sua solidità patrimoniale e la sua “capacità di solvenza” nelle diverse situazioni. La compagnia aveva capitali adeguati, garanzie e depositi tali da poter iniziare la sua attività. Da questi primi esempi, si può intuire che, nel passato, un dissesto finanziario portava al coinvolgimento di molte persone però sempre in numero limitato rispetto a quanto avviene oggi. Attualmente, infatti, con l’allargamento dei mercati e la globalizzazione, le vicende di un‘impresa coinvolgono non soltanto il comparto di competenza ma hanno ripercussioni nel settore finanziario, bancario, nel settore immobiliare e nella produzione. I recenti fatti ne sono una prova. In particolare, una compagnia assicurativa si trova responsabile nei confronti dei propri assicurati e nei confronti del mercato e per tale motivo le viene richiesto un adeguato livello di solvibilità. Vediamo come è opportuno impostare e sviluppare questo tema in termini più precisi. Come già detto, l’impresa assicuratrice con una assegnata, alta probabilità deve far fronte ai propri impegni che derivano dalla propria gestione assicurativa, deve cioè avere un assegnato livello di “solvibilità”. Per questa necessità deve disporre di adeguati mezzi propri. Le formule di sintesi (short-cut) permettono di commisurare la necessaria entità dei mezzi propri al livello di rischiosità relativo alla gestione assicurativa, espresso tramite le riserve matematiche, i capitali sotto rischio, i capitali riassicurati o, ancora, da altre quantità collegate al portafoglio. Il risultato di queste formule è il “minimo margine di solvibilità”. Dall’altra parte i dati di bilancio di una impresa assicuratrice verificano la presenza di mezzi propri in misura non inferiore all’importo del minimo margine di solvibilità. Tale verifica deve aver luogo secondo uno schema prefissato che stabilisca quali voci del bilancio far rientrare nella determinazione dei mezzi propri riconosciuti all’assicuratore ai fini della solvibilità, cioè l’entità del “margine di solvibilità” posseduto. In estrema sintesi, quindi, le questioni riguardanti la “solvibilità” si concretizzano nel definire il “minimo margine di solvibilità” e nel verificare se l’assicuratore possiede un “margine di solvibilità” uguale o superiore al minimo. A livello europeo, le direttive in materia di assicurazione vita e assicurazione non vita (1973-1979) propongono un minimo margine calcolato come percentuale fissa delle riserve matematiche e dei capitali sotto rischio. Il metodo non tiene conto dell’effettivo profilo di rischio della compagnia se non nella misura delle quantità usate come elementi di calcolo. D’altra parte con l’affinarsi degli strumenti matematici per quantificare le situazioni di incertezza (per esempio: valutazioni di probabilità, processi stocastici) e il supporto tecnico offerto dagli strumenti informatici per simulare tali situazioni hanno portato le imprese ad acquisire una maggiore sensibilità alle problematiche inerenti al rischio. Questo elemento nel contesto più ampio di cambiamenti economici, unificazione dei mercati, allargamento delle frontiere ha spinto le imprese, anche quelle assicurative, a imporsi nuovi obiettivi e di conseguenza nuovi assetti e regole. Nel 1998 nel Congresso Internazionale degli Attuari si parlò per la prima volta di Solvency II, come di un nuovo progetto per rivedere gli attuali regimi di solvibilità. Si intenda bene che la denominazione ”Solvency II” non è il nome di una direttiva dedicata apposta all’argomento, ma è soltanto un progetto tuttora in fase di evoluzione e di definizione che ha l’obiettivo di dare una struttura alla solvibilità più sensibile alle esigenze del mercato e al profilo di rischio della impresa di assicurazione. Certamente il progetto trova in Basilea II una fonte di ispirazione, per esempio la suddivisione in pilastri, ma nel contempo mantiene propri elementi che lo caratterizzano. La materia di Solvency II è molto articolata e trova elementi di spunto nei regolamenti di associazioni ed enti che operano a livello europeo, delle associazioni di professionisti del settore, nei regolamenti di contabilità, e nei regolamenti di altri Paesi europei e non. Paesi Bassi, Svizzera, Germania, ad esempio, calcolano le liability, che si contrappongono agli asset, ognuno in maniera diversa includendo i margini prudenziali a vari livelli. La diversità nel considerare i margini di rischio introduce alla questione di chi sovvenziona i margini stessi: gli assicurati con i loro premi caricati o l’impresa con il suo capitale. Non va trascurato in tale contesto l’aspetto fiscale. Da questi primi cenni espositivi, si intuisce che l’argomento solvibilità è esteso e cattura l’interesse di chi si avvicina al settore assicurativo. Il presente lavoro tenta di cogliere gli aspetti evolutivi della solvibilità, partendo dalle prime impostazioni e descrivendo gli elementi di novità che in qualche modo sono rilevanti nel definire l’assetto di quello che sarà Solvency II. Il lavoro va letto in chiave propedeutica, come primo passo per avvicinarsi a queste problematiche e come base di partenza per gli ulteriori sviluppi su temi che si stanno, già, affrontando in questo settore. Vengono, infatti, definiti i concetti basilari e descritte le strutture dei modelli di stima della solvibilità in alcuni Paesi. I modelli portano ciascuno ad una definizione di minimo margine che, come abbiamo detto all’inizio, è la componente essenziale della solvibilità. Pertanto verranno analizzate le logiche, sottostanti ai modelli, relative alla componente del margine. Il primo capitolo introduce l’argomento raccogliendo le definizioni di margine di solvibilità e di solvibilità inquadrandole nella normativa europea. Nel capitolo successivo sono esposti i lavori di Campagne che rappresentano il punto di partenza per lo studio della solvibilità e gli ulteriori passi che conducono verso le Direttive europee nel settore assicurativo vita e non vita. Il regime attuale di Solvency I è analizzato nel terzo capitolo per entrambi i rami. Con il quarto capitolo si entra maggiormente nel dettaglio riportando normative e contributi di enti o associazioni che a vario titolo sono coinvolte, anche se pur non direttamente, nel processo di rinnovamento della solvibilità. Il capitolo 5 mostra come alcune nazioni affrontano il problema della solidità economica dell’impresa assicuratrice attraverso diversi modelli. Si evidenziano le varie impostazioni e si illustrano i metodi per trovare i margini. I “sistemi interni” vengono con maggior dettaglio trattati nel capitolo successivo. Infine nell’ultimo capitolo si attuerà un confronto tra i modelli di stima della solvibilità delle nazioni considerate.XX Ciclo196

    Decline in hospitalization for genital warts in the Veneto region after an HPV vaccination program: An observational study

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    BACKGROUND: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most common sexually transmitted pathogens. This observational study was conducted to estimate the trend of hospitalization for genital warts (GWs) in the Veneto region (Italy) from 2004 to 2015. METHODS: All patients with GWs were identified in the hospital discharge records of all public and accredited private hospitals that related to Veneto residents and contained the ICD9-CM code 078.11 associated with a genital surgical procedure (vulval/vaginal warts, penile warts and anal warts). Annual total and sex- and age-specific hospitalization rates and trends were calculated and correlated with the different HPV vaccine coverage over the study period. RESULTS: An annual rate of 11.8 per 100,000 population (8.6 per 100,000 males, and 14.8 per 100,000 females) was found, corresponding to 6076 hospitalizations for condyloma (53.3% vulval/vaginal, 35.8% anal, 8.3% penile, and 2.6% both penile or vulval/vaginal and anal). Among females, the rate of overall GWs remained stable to 2007 (19.1 per 100,000), then dropped significantly, reaching a rate of 11.3 per 100,000 in 2015 (average annual percent changes [AAPC]: -6.1%; 95% CI: -8.4; -3.7). For males, the overall rate increased over the study period (from 6.4 per 100,000 in 2004 to 10.8 per 100,000 in 2015; AAPC: 3.8%; 95% CI: 1.2; 6.4). Among the potentially vaccinated females (12- to 20-year-olds) there was a 62.1% decrease in the number of vulval/vaginal warts from the years 2010-2012 to the years 2013-2015 due to an increase in the HPV coverage rate. A similar reduction among males was observed in the same period and the same age group for penile warts (-68.2%). CONCLUSION: GWs have an important impact on the health services and data suggest that GW-related hospitalization rates rapidly decline in a population with a high HPV vaccination coverage (about 75%). Further efforts should be made to better clarify the epidemiological picture regarding HPV-related diseases, with particular regard to sexual behavior

    Invasive meningococcal disease in the Veneto region of Italy: A capture-recapture analysis for assessing the effectiveness of an integrated surveillance system

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    open8noBACKGROUND: Epidemiology of Neisseria meningitidis has been changing since the introduction of universal vaccination programmes against meningococcal serogroup C (MenC) and meningococcal serogroup B (MenB) has now become dominant. This study aimed to analyse the cases reported in institutional data recording systems to estimate the burden of invasive meningococcal diseases (IMDs) and assess the effectiveness of surveillance in Veneto region (Italy). METHODS: Analysis was performed from 2007 to 2014 on data recorded in different systems: Mandatory Notification System, National Surveillance of Invasive Bacterial Diseases System and Laboratories Surveillance System (LSS), which were pooled into a combined surveillance system (CSS) and hospital discharge records (HDRs). A capture-recapture method was used and completeness of each source estimated. Number of cases with IMD by source of information and year, incidence of IMD by age group, case fatality rate (CFR) and distribution of meningococcal serogroups by year were also analysed. RESULTS: Combining the four data systems enabled the identification of 179 confirmed cases with IMD, achieving an overall sensitivity of 94.7% (95% CI: 90.8% to 98.8%), while it was 76.7% (95% CI: 73.6% to 80.1%) for CSS and 77.2% (95% CI: 74.1% to 80.6%) for HDRs. Typing of isolates was done in 80% of cases, and 95.2% of the typed cases were provided by LSS. Serogroup B was confirmed in 50.3% of cases. The estimated IMD notification rate (cases with IMD diagnosed and reported to the surveillance systems) was 0.48/100 000 population, and incidence peaked at 6.2/100 000 in children aged <1 year old (60.9% due to MenB), and increased slightly in the age group between 15 and 19 years (1.1/100 000). A CFR of 14% was recorded (8.7% in paediatric age). CONCLUSIONS: Quality of surveillance systems relies on case ascertainment based on serological characterisation of the circulating strains by microbiology laboratories. All available sources should be routinely combined to improve the epidemiology of IMD and the information used by public health departments to conduct timely preventive measures.openBaldovin, Tatjana; Lazzari, Roberta; Cocchio, Silvia; Furlan, Patrizia; Bertoncello, Chiara; Saia, Mario; Russo, Francesca; Baldo, VincenzoBaldovin, Tatjana; Lazzari, Roberta; Cocchio, Silvia; Furlan, Patrizia; Bertoncello, Chiara; Saia, Mario; Russo, Francesca; Baldo, Vincenz

    Syncope Time Frames for Adverse Events after Emergency Department Presentation: An Individual Patient Data Meta-Analysis

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    Eventos adversos; Arritmia; ResultadosAdverse events; Arrhythmia; OutcomesEsdeveniments adversos; Arítmia; ResultatsBackground and Objectives: Knowledge of the incidence and time frames of the adverse events of patients presenting syncope at the ED is essential for developing effective management strategies. The aim of the present study was to perform a meta-analysis of the incidence and time frames of adverse events of syncope patients. Materials and Methods: We combined individual patients’ data from prospective observational studies including adult patients who presented syncope at the ED. We assessed the pooled rate of adverse events at 24 h, 72 h, 7–10 days, 1 month and 1 year after ED evaluation. Results: We included nine studies that enrolled 12,269 patients. The mean age varied between 53 and 73 years, with 42% to 57% females. The pooled rate of adverse events was 5.1% (95% CI 3.4% to 7.7%) at 24 h, 7.0% (95% CI 4.9% to 9.9%) at 72 h, 8.4% (95% CI 6.2% to 11.3%) at 7–10 days, 10.3% (95% CI 7.8% to 13.3%) at 1 month and 21.3% (95% CI 15.8% to 28.0%) at 1 year. The pooled death rate was 0.2% (95% CI 0.1% to 0.5%) at 24 h, 0.3% (95% CI 0.1% to 0.7%) at 72 h, 0.5% (95% CI 0.3% to 0.9%) at 7–10 days, 1% (95% CI 0.6% to 1.7%) at 1 month and 5.9% (95% CI 4.5% to 7.7%) at 1 year. The most common adverse event was arrhythmia, for which its rate was 3.1% (95% CI 2.0% to 4.9%) at 24 h, 4.8% (95% CI 3.5% to 6.7%) at 72 h, 5.8% (95% CI 4.2% to 7.9%) at 7–10 days, 6.9% (95% CI 5.3% to 9.1%) at 1 month and 9.9% (95% CI 5.5% to 17) at 1 year. Ventricular arrhythmia was rare. Conclusions: The risk of death or life-threatening adverse event is rare in patients presenting syncope at the ED. The most common adverse events are brady and supraventricular arrhythmias, which occur during the first 3 days. Prolonged ECG monitoring in the ED in a short stay unit with ECG monitoring facilities may, therefore, be beneficial.This research received no external funding

    Impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination: a retrospective study of hospitalization for pneumonia in North-East Italy

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    Introduction. Pneumonia remains a common reason for hospitalizing infants and the elderly worldwide, and streptococcal infection is often responsible. The aim of this study was to assess the burden of pneumonia in a large general population. Methods. All pneumonia-related hospitalizations from 2004 to 2013 in north-east Italy were identified from the hospital records with a first-listed diagnosis on discharge of bacterial pneumonia, or a first-listed diagnosis on discharge of meningitis, septicemia or empyema associated with a secondary diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia. We identified major comorbidities, calculated agespecific case-fatality rates (CFR), and estimated the related cost to the health care system. Results. Of the 125,722 hospitalizations identified, 96.9% were cases of pneumonia, 2.4% of septicemia, 0.4% of meningitis, and 0.3% of empyema; 75.3% of hospitalizations involved 65 65-yearolds. The overall CFR was 12.4%, and it increased with age, peaking in people over 80 (19.6%). The mean annual pneumonia-associated hospitalization rate was 204.6 per 100,000 population, and it peaked in 0- to 4-year-old children (325.6 per 100,000 in males, 288.9 per 100,000 in females), and adults over 65 (844.9 per 100,000 in males, 605.7 per 100,000 in females). Hospitalization rates dropped over the years for the 0-4 year-olds, and rose for people over 80. The estimated overall annual cost of these pneumonia-related hospitalizations was approximately \u20ac 41 million. Conclusions. This study shows that the burden on resources for pneumonia-related hospitalization is an important public health issue. Prevention remains the most valuable tool for containing pneumonia, and vaccination strategies can help in the primary prevention of infection, possibly reducing the number of cases in all age groups

    Sequential development of large B cell lymphoma in a patient with peripheral T-cell lymphoma.

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    Lymphomas of different histologic type can occur in the same patient. Two types of lymphomas can be diagnosed in the same lymph node (composite lymphoma) or in different sites. In the latter case, terms as simultaneous and sequential have been proposed to define the detection of two lymphomas at the same time or at different times, respectively

    Laser micro-polishing of stainless steel for antibacterial surface applications

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    In this work laser micro polishing (LMP) of cold rolled 0.3 mm thick 304 stainless steel with a pulsed fibre laser is studied, for applications where antibacterial properties are required. Due to its production method, the initial surface roughness of the tested material was considerably low (Sa=85.3±2.8 µm), rendering a demanding case for the laser polishing process. Accordingly, process feasibility under three different atmospheric conditions, namely ambient, Ar and N2 atmosphere, was investigated. A large set of process parameter combinations was tested and initial analysis was carried out to identify the polishing feasibility by inspection under an optical microscope. Once the feasibility window was determined, a primary characterization was made on selected surfaces for roughness and waviness. Results show that in some process conditions belonging to the explored feasibility range, surface roughness could be decreased by 50%

    A surveillance system of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in North-Eastern Italy

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    Background From 2007, in the Veneto Region (Italy), a surveillance system for invasive pneumococcal diseases (IPD) was implemented to estimate the regional epidemiology of IPD and to evaluate the impact of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) vaccination. Methods Data were collected from 2007 to 2014 and the total, annual and age-specific IPD notification rates were calculated. A Poisson regression model was used to identify the possible risk factors for developing IPD. Results A total of 713 IPD cases were notified and the overall IPD notification rate was equal to 2.0 cases per 100,000 population (95% CI: 1.7-2.1), with an increasing trend between 2007 and 2014. The pneumococcal serotypes were identified in 608 (85.3%) isolates from biological specimens, and the most distributed serotypes were those contained in PCV13. Children < 5 year-old and the adults over 65 year-old showed the highest PCV13 vaccine-type IPD notification rate, equal to 2.7/100,000 and 2.8/100,000, respectively. The risk to develop IPD was greater in children aged 65 years (RR = 4.3, 95% CI: 2.7-6.9; p 65 years of age (RR = 1.7, 95% CI: 1.0-2.8; p = 0.042). The invasive pneumococcal disease was mainly caused by the PCV13 serotypes (RR = 2.9, 95%CI: 2.3-3.9; p<0.0001), principally after the PCV13 introduction (RR = 2.3, 95% CI: 1.4-3.8; p<0.001). In spite of that, a significant reduction of the overall IPD incidence is evident in the period following the PCV13 vaccine introduction (RR = 0.4, 95% CI: 0.3-0.5; p<0.0001), particularly in children aged <5 years (RR = 0.3, 95% CI: 0.2-0.7; p = 0.002), demonstrating the real efficacy of PCV13 immunization for children. Conclusions In the Veneto Region, the surveillance system has allowed to describe the detailed epidemiological profile of invasive pneumococcal disease, pointing out that the most circulating pneumococcal serotypes were those contained in the PCV13 vaccine

    The Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-blocking Agent Infliximab Inhibits Interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß) and IL-6 Gene Expression in Human Osteoblastic Cells

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    Objective.Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) is a proinflammatory cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of several rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), associated with systemic bone loss and subchondral bone erosions. TNF-α-blocking agents such as infliximab have been successful in treatment of disease-modifying antirheumatic drug-resistant rheumatic diseases. Infliximab therapy in RA also had beneficial effects on local bone destruction and bone mineral density. We assessed effects of infliximab treatment on the bone tissue compartment and cytokine profile expression in vitro.Methods.Osteoblast-like cells were exposed for 24 h to sera of RA patients collected at baseline and after 1 month (T1) and 3 years (T2) of infliximab treatment. Total RNA was extracted, and expression of interleukin 1ß (IL-1ß), IL-6, and osteoprotegerin (OPG) was measured by RT-PCR.Results.IL-1ß gene expression was significantly reduced by the T1 serum, and the same decrease was elicited by the T2 serum. IL-6 downregulation was evident with the T2 serum. OPG was unaffected.Conclusion.The finding of downregulation of inflammatory cytokines was interesting, particularly IL-6, which plays a crucial role in arthritis-related bone loss due to its involvement in osteoclast recruitment and activation. These results may represent a biological explanation and a link for the clinical observation of the beneficial effects of anti-TNF-α agents on the progression of rheumatic diseases at the bone level