483 research outputs found

    The Framework of Public Sector Accountability in NSW and the Commonwealth: An Overview of Current Developments and Antecedents

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    Government departments and government commercial enterprises, along with statutory authorities constitute a very significant sector in the Australian economy. Expenditure by all government agencies, i.e. departments, authorities, enterprises, constitute about 42% of Gross National Product in Australia. The public sector is also the single largest employer, accounting for the employment of 30% of all wage and salary earners in Australia (Curran Commission, 1988, p.1). In addition, 50% of Australia\u27s capital stock is owned by government with 20% of all investment undertaken by government undertakings (Moore, D., 1988). The role of government in Australia is therefore considerable

    Three-dimensional reconstruction of cell nuclei, internalized quantum dots and sites of lipid peroxidation

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of the study was to develop and illustrate three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruction of nuclei and intracellular lipid peroxidation in cells exposed to oxidative stress induced by quantum dots. Programmed cell death is characterized by multiple biochemical and morphological changes in different organelles, including nuclei, mitochondria and lysosomes. It is the dynamics of the spatio-temporal changes in the signalling and morphological adaptations which will ultimately determine the 'shape' and fate of the cell. RESULTS: We present new approaches to the 3-D reconstruction of organelle morphology and biochemical changes in confocal live-cell images. We demonstrate the 3-D shapes of nuclei, the 3-D intracellular distributions of QDs and the accompanying lipid-membrane peroxidation, and provide methods for quantification. CONCLUSION: This study provides an approach to 3-D organelle and nanoparticle visualization in the context of cell death; however, this approach is also applicable more generally to investigating changes in organelle morphology in response to therapeutic interventions, stressful stimuli and internalized nanoparticles. Moreover, the approach provides quantitative data for such changes, which will help us to better integrate compartmentalization of subcellular events and to link morphological and biochemical changes with physiological outcomes

    On the calculation of surface areas of objects reconstructed from serial sections

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    Abstract This paper concerns certain aspects of the calculation of the surface area of objects reconstructed from serial sections. The main points discussed are (1) the relative importance of the number of sections compared to the number of segments taken around the contour in each section; and (2) the fact that the error in the estimated surface area may actually become worse as the number of sections increases. The number of sections should be made large enough to reproduce the three-dimensional shape of the object, but not too much larger; the number of segments around the contours should then be made large enough that the segment size is similar to or smaller than the section thickness

    Organizational Form, Business Strategies and the Demise of Demutualized Building Societies in the UK

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    This paper examines and compares the performance and operating behaviour of demutualized building societies (DBS) over the period of 1987-2007 relative to mutual building societies and major retail banks in the ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT 2 UK. We find significant differences in their operating behaviour over this period and show that the operating behaviour varies with the form of ownership. We also investigate the potential causes of the failure of all DBS in the UK. Our findings show significant changes in the funding and lending strategies of DBS which expose them to higher risk. We also find a strained capital formation and deteriorating capital base of DBS in the postconversion period. Our results suggest that changes in the business model, diminished capital base and, in part, failing to get all the necessary funding from the wholesale market at the time of the financial crisis of 2007-08 contributed to the demise of a once a successful financial institution in the UK

    Artificial Intelligence in Brain Tumour Surgery—An Emerging Paradigm

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) platforms have the potential to cause a paradigm shift in brain tumour surgery. Brain tumour surgery augmented with AI can result in safer and more effective treatment. In this review article, we explore the current and future role of AI in patients undergoing brain tumour surgery, including aiding diagnosis, optimising the surgical plan, providing support during the operation, and better predicting the prognosis. Finally, we discuss barriers to the successful clinical implementation, the ethical concerns, and we provide our perspective on how the field could be advanced

    Erythroid Kruppel-like factor directly activates the basic Kruppel-like factor gene in erythroid cells

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    The Sp/Kriippel-like factor (Sp/KIf) family is comprised of around 25 zinc finger transcription factors that recognize CACCC boxes and GC-rich elements. We have investigated basic Kruppel-like factor (Bklf/Klf3) and show that in erythroid tissues its expression is highly dependent on another family member, erythroid Kruppel-like factor (Eklf/Kif1). We observe that Bklf mRNA is significantly reduced in erythroid tissues from Eklf-null murine embryos. We find that Bklf is driven primarily by two promoters, a ubiquitously active GC-rich upstream promoter, la, and an erythroid downstream promoter, 1b. Transcripts from the two promoters encode identical proteins. Interestingly, both the ubiquitous and the erythroid promoter are dependent on Eklf in erythroid cells. Eklf also activates both promoters in transient assays. Experiments utilizing an inducible form of Eklf demonstrate activation of the endogenous Bklf gene in the presence of an inhibitor of protein synthesis. The kinetics of activation are also consistent with Bklf being a direct Eklf target. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirm that Eklf associates with both Bklf promoters. Eklf is typically an activator of transcription, whereas Bklf is noted as a repressor. Our results support the hypothesis that feedback cross-regulation occurs within the Sp/Klf family in vivo

    Genome sequence of Burkholderia pseudomallei NCTC 13392

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    Here, we describe the draft genome sequence of Burkholderia pseudomallei NCTC 13392. This isolate has been distributed as K96243, but distinct genomic differences have been identified. The genomic sequence of this isolate will provide the genomic context for previously conducted functional studies

    Process analysis of the patient pathway for automated data collection: an exemplar using pituitary surgery

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    Introduction: Automation of routine clinical data shows promise in relieving health systems of the burden associated with manual data collection. Identifying consistent points of documentation in the electronic health record (EHR) provides salient targets to improve data entry quality. Using our pituitary surgery service as an exemplar, we aimed to demonstrate how process mapping can be used to identify reliable areas of documentation in the patient pathway to target structured data entry interventions. Materials and methods: This mixed methods study was conducted in the largest pituitary centre in the UK. Purposive snowball sampling identified frontline stakeholders for process mapping to produce a patient pathway. The final patient pathway was subsequently validated against a real-world dataset of 50 patients who underwent surgery for pituitary adenoma. Events were categorized by frequency and mapped to the patient pathway to determine critical data points. Results: Eighteen stakeholders encompassing all members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) were consulted for process mapping. The commonest events recorded were neurosurgical ward round entries (N = 212, 14.7%), pituitary clinical nurse specialist (CNS) ward round entries (N = 88, 6.12%) and pituitary MDT treatment decisions (N = 88, 6.12%) representing critical data points. Operation notes and neurosurgical ward round entries were present for every patient. 43/44 (97.7%) had a pre-operative pituitary MDT entry, pre-operative clinic letter, a post-operative clinic letter, an admission clerking entry, a discharge summary, and a post-operative histopathology pituitary multidisciplinary (MDT) team entries. Conclusion: This is the first study to produce a validated patient pathway of patients undergoing pituitary surgery, serving as a comparison to optimise this patient pathway. We have identified salient targets for structured data entry interventions, including mandatory datapoints seen in every admission and have also identified areas to improve documentation adherence, both of which support movement towards automation

    Adenylyl Cyclase Functions Downstream of the Gα Protein Gpa1 and Controls Mating and Pathogenicity of \u3ci\u3eCryptococcus neoformans\u3c/i\u3e

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    The signaling molecule cyclic AMP (cAMP) is a ubiquitous second messenger that enables cells to detect and respond to extracellular signals. cAMP is generated by the enzyme adenylyl cyclase, which is activated or inhibited by the Gα subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins in response to ligand-activated G-protein-coupled receptors. Here we identified the unique gene (CAC1) encoding adenylyl cyclase in the opportunistic fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. The CAC1 gene was disrupted by transformation and homologous recombination. In stark contrast to the situation for Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which adenylyl cyclase is essential, C. neoformans cac1 mutant strains were viable and had no vegetative growth defect. Furthermore, cac1 mutants maintained the yeast-like morphology of wild-type cells, in contrast to the constitutively filamentous phenotype found upon the loss of adenylyl cyclase in another basidiomycete pathogen, Ustilago maydis. Like C. neoformans mutants lacking the Gα protein Gpa1, cac1 mutants were mating defective and failed to produce two inducible virulence factors: capsule and melanin. As a consequence, cac1 mutant strains were avirulent in animal models of cryptococcal meningitis. Reintroduction of the wild-type CAC1 gene or the addition of exogenous cAMP suppressed cac1 mutant phenotypes. Moreover, the overexpression of adenylyl cyclase restored mating and virulence factor production in gpa1 mutant strains. Physiological studies revealed that the Gα protein Gpa1 and adenylyl cyclase controlled cAMP production in response to glucose, and no cAMP was detectable in extracts from cac1 or gpa1 mutant strains. These findings provide direct evidence that Gpa1 and adenylyl cyclase function in a conserved signal transduction pathway controlling cAMP production, hyphal differentiation, and virulence of this human fungal pathogen
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