9,624 research outputs found

    Front-End electronics configuration system for CMS

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    The four LHC experiments at CERN have decided to use a commercial SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) product for the supervision of their DCS (Detector Control System). The selected SCADA, which is therefore used for the CMS DCS, is PVSS II from the company ETM. This SCADA has its own database, which is suitable for storing conventional controls data such as voltages, temperatures and pressures. In addition, calibration data and FE (Front-End) electronics configuration need to be stored. The amount of these data is too large to be stored in the SCADA database [1]. Therefore an external database will be used for managing such data. However, this database should be completely integrated into the SCADA framework, it should be accessible from the SCADA and the SCADA features, e.g. alarming, logging should be benefited from. For prototyping, Oracle 8i was selected as the external database manager. The development of the control system for calibration constants and FE electronics configuration has been done in close collaboration with the CMS tracker group and JCOP (Joint COntrols Project)(1). (1)The four LHC experiments and the CERN IT/CO group has merged their efforts to build the experiments controls systems and set up the JCOP at the end of December, 1997 for this purpose.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, Icaleps'01 conference PSN WEDT00

    Actions of the braid group, and new algebraic proofs of results of Dehornoy and Larue

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    This article surveys many standard results about the braid group with emphasis on simplifying the usual algebraic proofs. We use van der Waerden's trick to illuminate the Artin-Magnus proof of the classic presentation of the algebraic mapping-class group of a punctured disc. We give a simple, new proof of the Dehornoy-Larue braid-group trichotomy, and, hence, recover the Dehornoy right-ordering of the braid group. We then turn to the Birman-Hilden theorem concerning braid-group actions on free products of cyclic groups, and the consequences derived by Perron-Vannier, and the connections with the Wada representations. We recall the very simple Crisp-Paris proof of the Birman-Hilden theorem that uses the Larue-Shpilrain technique. Studying ends of free groups permits a deeper understanding of the braid group; this gives us a generalization of the Birman-Hilden theorem. Studying Jordan curves in the punctured disc permits a still deeper understanding of the braid group; this gave Larue, in his PhD thesis, correspondingly deeper results, and, in an appendix, we recall the essence of Larue's thesis, giving simpler combinatorial proofs.Comment: 51`pages, 13 figure

    Ventilation and transformation of Labrador Sea Water and its rapid export in the deep Labrador Current

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    A model of the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean is used to study different aspects of ventilation and water mass transformation during a year with moderate convection intensity in the Labrador Sea. The model realistically describes the salient features of the observed hydrographic structure and current system, including boundary currents and recirculations. Ventilation and transformation rates are defined and compared. The transformation rate of Labrador Sea Water (LSW), defined in analogy to several observational studies, is 6.3 Sv (Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) in the model. Using an idealized ventilation tracer, mimicking analyses based on chlorofluorocarbon inventories, an LSW ventilation rate of 10 Sv is found. Differences between both rates are particularly significant for those water masses that are partially transformed into denser water masses during winter. The main export route of the ventilated LSW is the deep Labrador Current (LC). Backward calculation of particle trajectories demonstrates that about one-half of the LSW leaving the Labrador Sea within the deep LC originates in the mixed layer during that same year. Near the offshore flank of the deep LC at about 55°W, the transformation of LSW begins in January and is at a maximum in February/March. While the export of transformed LSW out of the central Labrador Sea continues for several months, LSW generated near the boundary current is exported more rapidly, with maximum transport rates during March/April within the deep LC


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    Територія Пониззя Присамар’я здавна привертала увагу дослідників, проте їх зацікавленість належала, переважно археологічним пам’яткам від доби каменю – бронзи та ранньозалізного часу. Пам’ятки пізніших часів, тим більш козацької епохи, переважно залишалися поза вивченням [28, с.28, 29- 33 с.214]. Винятковим явищем у цьому плані є роботи керованої Д.І.Яворницьким новобудівної Дніпрогесівської експедиції НКПросу 1927-1932 років [14, с.11-12], коли вперше на зазначених територіях були відкриті і досліджувалися не лише неолітичні і матеріали ранньобронзової доби, а й алано-болгарські пам’ятки, поселення доби Київської Русі, козацькі поховання XVII-XVIII ст. Д.І.Яворницький першим проводив археологічні розвідки на теренах Богородицької фортеці і її посаду під час робіт Дніпрогесівської експедиції 1927-1932 років [13; 19, с. 256-257] (у фондах ДІМ ім. Д.І.Яворницького знаходиться близько 80 натільних хрестів «із запорозьких поховань», зібраних вченим, але у матеріалах його розвідок місця знахідок часто не фіксувалися, через це знахідки не паспортизовувалися, що ускладнює ідентифікацію матеріалів). У повоєнні роки і до кінця 1980-х матеріали доби середньовіччя і козаччини з гирла Самари цікавили, переважно, краєзнавців і аматорів. У 1960-1970 рр. брати В.В. та Е.В.Бінкевичі знаходили монети й інші старожитності на Ігренському півострові: про ці знахідки з пониззя Самари лише стисло згадано в праці „Городок старинный запорожский Самарь с перевозом [1]. В цей же час і на цій же території краєзнавець з Придніпровська Є.Богуш збирав натільні хрести, колекція яких по смерті аматора була розпродана спадкоємцями частинами. У 2001 році науково-дослідною Лабораторією археології Подніпров’я ДНУ під керівництвом професора І.Ф.Ковальової на території Богородицьком фортеці і її посаду були розпочаті планомірні розвідки і розкопки

    Variation in Isoprene Emission from Quercus rubra: Sources, Causes, and Consequences for Estimating Fluxes

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    Isoprene is the dominant volatile organic compound produced in many forest systems. Uncertainty in estimates of leaf level isoprene emission rate stems from an insufficient understanding of the patterns and processes controlling isoprene emission capacity in plant leaves. Previous studies suggest that variation in isoprene emission capacity is substantial; however, it is not known at what scale emission capacity is the most variable. Identifying the sources of variation in emission capacity has implications for conducting measurements and for model development, which will ultimately improve emission estimates and models of tropospheric chemistry. In addition, understanding the sources of variation will help to develop a comprehensive understanding of the physiological controls over isoprene emission. This study applied a variance partitioning approach to identify the major sources of variation in isoprene emission capacity from two populations of northern red oak (Quercus rubra) over three growing seasons. Specifically, we evaluated variation due to climate, populations, trees, branches, leaves, seasons, and years. Overall, the dominant source of variation was the effect of a moderate drought event. In the years without drought events, variation among individual trees (intraspecific) explained approximately 60% of the total variance. Within the midseason, isoprene emission capacity of sun leaves varied by a factor of 2 among trees. During the third year a moderate 20-day drought event caused isoprene emission capacity to decrease fourfold, and the relative importance of intraspecific variation was reduced to 24% of total variance. Overall, ambient temperature, light, and a drought index were poor predictors of isoprene emission capacity over a 0 to 14-day period across growing seasons. The drought event captured in this study emphasizes the need to incorporate environmental influences into leaf level emission models

    Iridovirus in the root weevil Diaprepes abbreviatus

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    Invertebrate iridescent virus 6 (IIV6) was evaluated for mode of transmission and ability to cause infection in the root weevil, Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.). This is the first evidence of IIV6 infection in D. abbreviatus, which caused both patent and sub-lethal covert infections in both larvae and adults. Adults and larvae were successfully infected with IIV6 by puncture, injection and per os. Transmission of IIV6 was demonstrated between infected and healthy individuals regardless of gender. Virus was detected in egg masses produced by virus-infected females suggesting IIV6 is transmitted transovarially. Virus particles were observed in the cytoplasm of weevil cells, and were shown to infect fat bodies, muscle, and nerve tissues, as visualized using transmission electron microscopy. Patent infections resulted in death of individuals within 3 to 4 days post infection. Individuals with covert infections tested positive for virus infection on day 7 by polymerase chain reaction analysis. Sequencing of PCR amplicons confirmed virus infection. Discovery of new pathogens against root weevils may provide new management tools for development of control strategies based on induced epizootics. This is the first report of a virus infecting D. abbreviatus

    Origin of atomic clusters during ion sputtering

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    Previous studies have shown that the size distributions of small clusters ( n<=40 n = number of atoms/cluster) generated by sputtering obey an inverse power law with an exponent between -8 and -4. Here we report electron microscopy studies of the size distributions of larger clusters ( n>=500) sputtered by high-energy ion impacts. These new measurements also yield an inverse power law, but one with an exponent of -2 and one independent of sputtering yield, indicating that the large clusters are produced when shock waves, generated by subsurface displacement cascades, ablate the surface

    Controlled order rearrangement encryption for quantum key distribution

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    A novel technique is devised to perform orthogonal state quantum key distribution. In this scheme, entangled parts of a quantum information carrier are sent from Alice to Bob through two quantum channels. However before the transmission, the orders of the quantum information carrier in one channel is reordered so that Eve can not steal useful information. At the receiver's end, the order of the quantum information carrier is restored. The order rearrangement operation in both parties is controlled by a prior shared control key which is used repeatedly in a quantum key distribution session.Comment: 5 pages and 2 figure