28 research outputs found

    Influence of Acute Turkesterone Dosing on Resting Metabolic Rate and Substrate Utilization in Recreationally-active Males

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    Turkesterone is a relatively novel phytoecdysteroid compound that has become increasingly popular amongst recreationally active adults seeking to improve body composition. Although many of the these hypothetical benefits arose from prior rodent data demonstrating enhanced substrate utilization, no data presently exist amongst humans in this regard. PURPOSE: to determine the effect of multiple turkesterone doses on both resting metabolic rate (RMR) and substrate utilization in a healthy human population. METHODS: Eleven recreationally active males (23.3±2.2y) visited the laboratory on three occasions separated by at least seven days and were randomized in single-blind, placebo-controlled, and counter-balanced crossover fashion to either 2000mg cellulose placebo (PLA), 1000mg turkesterone + 1000mg placebo, (1000T) or 2000mg (2000T) turkesterone. RMR and respiratory exchange ratio were assessed using a metabolic cart for 20 minutes prior to supplement provision (i.e. baseline [PRE)), as well as 60-minutes (POST60M), 120-minutes (POST120M), and 180-minutes (POST180M) post-acute supplementation timepoints at each visit. RMR, as well as both carbohydrate (CHO) and Fat (FAT) oxidation were analyzed using a two-way (condition [PLA, 1000T, 2000T] x time [PRE, POST60M, POST120M, POST180M) ANOVA with repeated measures at a significance level of pRESULTS: Analyses failed to reveal any significant condition, time, nor interaction effects for RMR, nor CHO or FAT oxidation (p\u3e0.05). Nonetheless, both 1000T (2.7%, 5.6%, and 7.8%) and 2000T (0.7%, 4.2%, and 3.6%) increased mean RMR above baseline at POST60M, POST120M, and POST180M timepoints, respectively. Conversely, PLA decreased mean RMR by 0.9% and 0.7% at POST60M and POST120M, respectively. Incidentally, the 1000T condition displayed increased mean FAT oxidation by 1.85, 5.34, and 7.96% at the POST60M, POST120M, and POST180M timepoints, respectively, and when compared to the consistent decreases observed with both PLA and 2000T. CONCLUSION: Although these data fail to display a significant turkesterone-mediated enhancement in the investigated metabolic parameters, there were interesting mean differences that should be further explored to determine any longitudinal and/or exercise-dependent permissive impacts on RMR and substrate utilization

    A Cross-Sectional Examination of Wrist Wrap Use Prevalence and Characterization for Ergogenic Purposes in Actively Competing Powerlifters

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    Purpose: Wrist wraps are regularly incorporated by competitive powerlifters, but several product-specific variations may influence any potential ergogenic benefits. In addition, the prevalence of athletic wrist wrap use is hitherto undescribed. Methods: Seventy actively competing powerlifters (n=70; 27±6y) who competed in the last two years were randomly recruited at sanctioned meets, whereby wrist wrap use descriptive data (wrap style [F or S], wrap length, and events used), wrap tightness (assessed via pulse oximeter-detected oxygen saturation (SpO2) and subjective discomfort [Borg CR10+]), as well as post-meet bench press one repetition maximum (1RM) were collected. Wrist wrap use prevalence data (wrap style, wrap length, and events used) were compared across TX, NC/SC, and CA regions, along with any potential correlations between both region-collapsed wrapped SpO2 and bench press. Finally, predictors of bench press 1RM (weight [kg], age [y], stiff wrap, wrap length, wrapped discomfort [WCR10+], and WSpO2) were assessed using linear regression, whereby all aforementioned statistical analyses were set at a significance level of p\u3c.05. Results: Analyses failed to detect any significant regional differences in wrap style, length, or events used (p\u3e0.05). Moreover, linear regression analysis revealed a significant effect (r2= 0.851, p = 0.02) where weight solely predicted bench press 1RM (p = 0.0433). Conclusions: Although we failed to detect any significant wrist wrap relationships, actively competing powerlifters nonetheless prominently utilize wraps across the regions assessed. Therefore, the potential for wrist wraps to augment bench press performance warrants further elucidation in a controlled, standardized investigation

    Burnout and Adverse Outcomes in Athletic Training Students: Why All Healthcare Educators Should Be Concerned

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    Background: Burnout is linked to various adverse outcomes (i.e., thoughts of dropout, depression, unprofessional behaviors) in healthcare students (i.e., nursing students, medical students). However, potential adverse outcomes associated with burnout in athletic training students, a subset of healthcare students, have yet to be identified. Objective: To adapt a previously tested theoretical model to explore relationships between student workload, burnout, and potential adverse outcomes in a sample of graduate athletic training students. Methods: An online survey assessing the variables of interest and study information was sent to program directors of graduate-level athletic training programs at their publicly accessible email addresses with a request to forward the opportunity to their students. This was a nationwide sample of graduate athletic training students with 320 graduate athletic training students completing the survey. Descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling was used in our analysis. Results: Structural equation modeling confirmed that our hypothesized model successfully described relationships between academic workload, burnout, and adverse outcomes in athletic training students. Specifically, academic workload predicted burnout, and burnout in turn predicted various adverse outcomes (i.e., thoughts of dropout, depression, unprofessional behaviors) in athletic training students. Educators should be aware of the potential adverse outcomes identified in this sample of athletic training students that have also been reported in other healthcare students. Conclusions: Methods to combat symptoms of burnout to enhance student well-being and avoid potential adverse outcomes should be identified. Future research should use the adapted theoretical model discussed in this article within other healthcare students\u27 samples to understand further the complex network of relationships between academic workload, burnout, and adverse outcomes in the educational environment

    Stressed Fracture: The Relationship Between Coping Strategies and Workload in Secondary School Athletic Trainers

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    Purpose: The work environment for an athletic trainer (AT) working in a secondary school is typified by heavy workloads and job-related stress. Occupational stress can have negative effects on productivity, absenteeism, employee turnover, and quality of life. Research suggests that personal and situational factors can influence the coping process adopted by an individual. The approach-avoidance framework suggests that people cope with a stressor by either attempting to reduce it or removing oneself from that stressor. Previous research on other healthcare professionals suggested that use of avoidance coping was correlated with higher levels of job stress and those who perceived greater social support possessed lower work-related stress. However, the relationship between coping strategies and perceived social support has not been examined in ATs. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among coping strategies, perceived social support, and workload in secondary school ATs. Method: This was a cross-sectional study completed via an online survey. Three hundred, ninety-two (392) secondary school athletic trainers (35.7 ± 11.1 years old) from all NATA districts responded to the survey. Outcomes included the Brief COPE, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and average hours worked. Results: The average workload reported was 44.10 ± 12.96 hours a week over the school year (i.e., fall and spring). The regression model showed that avoidant coping (B=0.34, 95% CI=0.12, 0.56, p=.005) was directly associated with the average number of hours worked (adjusted R2=.07). Approach coping (B=-0.28, 95% CI=-0.43, -0.12, p=.007) was indirectly associated with the average numbers of hours worked. However, perceived social support did not display a significant association with any variable of interest. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that a relationship between average workload and coping strategies adopted by secondary school ATs may exist. Increased workloads were related to increases in avoidance coping strategies. Further research in this area is needed to determine how coping strategies affect patient care

    Influence of Acute Turkesterone Dosing on Serum Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) and Subjective Digestibility Scores in Recreationally-active Males

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    Turkesterone is a relatively novel phytoecdysteroid compound that has become increasingly popular amongst recreationally active demographics. Despite prior in vitro data suggesting that this compound may support enhanced body composition via both insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)-mediated protein synthesis, no human evidence exists in this regard nor how well its digestibility is tolerated. PURPOSE: To determine the effect of multiple turkesterone doses on serum IGF-1 and to report any gastrointestinal (GI) distress symptoms in a healthy human sample. METHODS: Eleven recreationally active males (23.3±2.2y) visited the laboratory on three occasions separated by at least seven days and were randomized in single-blind, placebo-controlled, and counter-balanced crossover fashion to either 2000mg cellulose placebo (PLA), 1000mg turkesterone + 1000mg placebo, (1000T) or 2000mg (2000T) turkesterone. Venous blood was sampled to determine serum IGF-1 concentrations and a GI distress questionnaire was (nausea, vomiting, heartburn symptoms, etc.) administered both at baseline (PRE), as well as 3-hours (POST3H) and 24-hours (POST24H) post-acute supplementation at each visit. Serum IGF-1 was analyzed using a two-way (condition [PLA, 1000T, 2000T] x time [PRE, POST3H, POST24H]) ANOVA with repeated measures at a significance level of pRESULTS: Analyses failed to reveal any significant condition (p=.180; ηp2=0.228), time (p=0.227; ηp2=.390), nor interaction effects (p=0.547; ηp2=0.211) for serum IGF-1. Moreover, no participants reported any GI distress symptoms across any condition and/or time permutation. CONCLUSION: Although the current study did not find any significant IGF-1-associated serum alterations to multiple acute turkesterone doses in the times assessed, there were fortunately no adverse GI symptoms experienced by the participants across any dose throughout the investigation. Nevertheless, these data support turkesterone supplementation is well tolerated and thus future research should build upon our analysis by employing a longitudinal supplementation regimen alongside an exercise intervention to elucidate the potential long-term and anabolism-permissive impacts of this compound on the presently-explored and additional associated parameters

    The Ability of Cardiac Autonomic Modulations Stress Index to Independently Predict VO2max in Cardiometabolically Healthy Individuals

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    Cardiac autonomic modulation (CAM) is crucial for heart health, mediated by the sympathetic and autonomic systems (SAS). The link between CAM and aerobic exercise underscores the importance of aerobic fitness assessments in optimizing training to enhance performance. Heart rate variability (HRV) assesses CAM in various healthy populations, with the Stress Index (SI) identified as key in determining the SAS regulation involvement in performance and recovery outcomes. The SI may provide a quick and non-invasive metric to assess aerobic performance. PURPOSE: To determine if the SI can accurately predict aerobic performance via VO2max in healthy individuals free of metabolic diseases. METHODS: fifty cardiometabolically healthy individuals (n = 30 males, n = 20 females; Age 37.8 + 12.7 years, %BF 24.9 + 4.0) completed a single maximal treadmill exercise protocol to determine VO2max. HRV was measured for 5 minutes in the supine position prior to performing the exercise protocol using an elastic belt and Bluetooth monitor (Polar H7). CardioMood software was used to process HRV indices; SI, high frequency (HF), low frequency (LF), and total power (TP) were assessed for the frequency domain, and standard deviation of all NN intervals (SDNN) and the square root of the mean of the squares of successive R-R interval differences (RMSSD) for the time domain. The data was analyzed using a multiple correlation and linear regression between HRV indices and VO2max to determine the relationship between the two. All analyses were performed using SAS (v. RESULTS: HRV indices SI was not significantly correlated to VO2max (r = -0.118, p = 0.414). Additionally, SI and all other HRV indices were not able to independently or combined predict VO2max (R2 = 0.014, p = 0.414). CONCLUSION: The utilization of HRV to assess CAM has proven beneficial in multiple clinical and athletic settings. However, the utilization of the SI to predict aerobic performance via VO2max does not appear to be significant. Thus, there are potential limitations to HRV to non-invasively assess aerobic performance

    The Impacts of Wrist Wrap Type and Sex on Bench Press Muscular Strength and Power

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    While wrist wraps have become increasingly prevalent in both competitive and recreational demographics, their posited ability to augment bench press performance by enhanced wrist stability still remains unclear. PURPOSE: To determine the effect of varying wrap styles on bench-specific muscular strength and associated power, as well as quantitative and subjective differences between sexes. METHODS: Eighteen resistance trained males and females (9M/9F; 24±4y; 176±33cm; 80±15kg) visited the laboratory on three separate occasions in randomized, crossover, and counterbalanced design to sport either a flexible wrist wrap (FW), stiff wrap (SW), or a no wrap control (NW) condition. All participants underwent a bench press one-repetition maximum (1RM) test and linear position transducer-derived peak power and velocity assessments. Furthermore, subjective stability (SS) and discomfort (SD) were determined promptly following 1RM attempts. Bench press performance and sex-collapsed subjective variables were analyzed using a two-way (condition x sex) mixed model ANOVA with repeated measures and a nonparametric Friedman’s ANOVA, respectively. Both analyses were performed at a p\u3c.05 significance level. RESULTS: Analyses failed to detect any main condition or interaction effects for bench press 1RM, however, a statistically significant main sex effect was observed (p\u3c.001; ηp2=.597) favoring males relative to females (p\u3c.001; 114±22kg vs 68±16kg). Both peak power and velocity failed to reveal any significant main condition or sex effects, nor any interactions. Nonparametric assessments further revealed significant wrist wrap condition effects for both SS (p\u3c.001; Kendall’s W=.628) and SD (p\u3c.001; Kendall’s W=.935), whereby NW was statistically more comfortable (p\u3c.001) than either wrap condition, without any difference between DW and SW (p\u3e.05). CONCLUSION: Although wrist wraps did not significantly alter bench press-specific strength and power, participants nonetheless perceived wrist wraps as subjectively more stable irrespective of increased discomfort. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors of this abstract would like to thank Peter Spence and SBD Apparel for generously donating the wrist wraps utilized in the present investigation

    Association between Total Body Composition and VO2max in Individuals with Mid-Spectrum Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Total body composition (TBC), a measure of body fat percentage (%BF), lean body mass (LBM), and bone mineral content (BMC), can be used as a predictor of cardiovascular fitness. Prior studies have established a relationship between TBC and VO2max in healthy individuals over 35 years of age. However, this relationship is poorly understood in chronic disease populations. PURPOSE: To assess the relationship between TBC and cardiovascular fitness in a clinical population of adults with mid-spectrum (stages G2, G3a, and G3b) chronic kidney disease (CKD). METHODS: A cross-sectional analysis was conducted among 24 subjects diagnosed with mid-spectrum CKD. Nine males and 15 females with an average age of 62.25±9.2 years and a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 54.38±9.04 ml/min/1.73m2 completed the study. Subjects completed a health screening, dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan, and underwent VO2max testing on a treadmill using a modified Bruce protocol. Normality tests, descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlations, t-tests, and ANOVAs were conducted in SAS v.9.4. RESULTS: The average %BF was 36.28±8.47%, LBM was 117.16±31.32lbs., BMC was 2308.74±735.19g., and VO2max was 20.13±5.04ml/kg/min. VO2max was positively correlated with BMC and LBM (r=0.65, p=0.001 and r=0.75, p\u3c0.001, respectively) and negatively correlated with %BF (r= -0.80, p\u3c0.001). Individuals in later stages of CKD had lower LBM, BMC, and VO2max (p=0.017, p=0.001, and p=0.007, respectively), yet there was no association of CKD stage with %BF or age (p=0.210 and p=0.107). CONCLUSION: TBC was found to be significantly associated with cardiovascular fitness in the study sample. Higher BMD and LBM values were associated with higher VO2max whereas higher %BF was associated with a lower VO2max in individuals with mid-spectrum CKD. Progression of CKD stage was associated with lower LBM, BMC, and VO2max values, indicating a graded effect of CKD stage on cardiovascular fitness

    The Prevalence of Wrist Wrap Use in Actively Competing Powerlifters

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    Wrist wraps are often ergogenically employed by competitive powerlifters to improve bench press performance, but several product-specific variations may impact any potential benefits. Moreover, the prevalence of athletic wrist wrap use is hitherto undescribed. PURPOSE: to characterize the pervasiveness of wrist wrap use amongst competitive powerlifters with regards to style (flexible [F] or stiff [S]), length, and tightness amongst competitive powerlifters. METHODS: Powerlifters (n = 70; 27±6y) who competed in the last two years were randomly recruited at sanctioned meets across the USA. After providing consent and following a 5-minute seated rest, participant wrist wrap use descriptive data (wrap style [F or S], wrap length, and events used) were collected. Additionally, wrap tightness was assessed via pulse oximeter-detected oxygen saturation (SpO2). Post-meet bench press one repetition maximum (1RM) was also recorded from the Openpowerlifting.com open database. Wrist wrap use prevalence data (wrap style [F or S], wrap length, and events used) were assessed across Central, West Coast, and East Coast regions via separate Pearson’s Chi-squared tests. Furthermore, the relationships between both region-collapsed wrapped SpO2 and bench press 1RM were assessed using Pearson’s product-moment correlations and all statistical analyses were set at a significance level of pRESULTS: Analyses failed to detect any significant regional differences in wrap style, length, or events used (p\u3e0.05). Furthermore, there was a weak, negative correlation between wrapped SpO2 and bench press 1RM (r = -0.393, p = 0.086). CONCLUSIONS: Although we failed to detect any significant relationships between performance and wrap tightness, actively competing powerlifters nonetheless prominently utilize wraps similarly across the US regions assessed. Therefore, the potential for wrist wraps to augment bench press performance warrants further elucidation in a controlled, standardized investigation

    Effects of Acute Bouts of Aerobic Exercise on Adipokines in Individuals with Mid-Spectrum Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Adipokines have been known to influence various health-related complications such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular diseases. Fluctuations in adipokines are commonly seen from changes in body composition, however, some evidence shows acute changes may be seen from exercise. Individuals with CKD are commonly characterized by a decline in renal filtration and systemic inflammation. It may be possible that an acute bout of aerobic exercise may improve pro- and anti-inflammatory adipokine concentrations typically seen in individuals with moderate stages of CKD. PURPOSE: To determine the acute effects of aerobic exercise on adipokine concentrations in individuals with moderate stages of CKD. METHODS: Fourteen participants (8 females and 6 males, age = 58.7 ± 9.3 yrs., and %BF = 36.0 ± 9.6) were classified as having moderate stages of CKD (stages G3 and G4). Participants completed 30 min of steady-state moderate intensity exercise (SSE) at 65% VO2 reserve and high-intensity interval training (HIIE) at a 90% VO2 reserve separated by 2 min of slow walking (20% VO2 reserve) in a randomized, crossover design fashion. Venous blood samples were obtained at baseline, 1 h, and 24 h post-exercise. Data were analyzed using a repeated measures ANOVA (p \u3c 0.05) and a paired t-test. If any significant main or interaction effects were found, a post-hoc test was performed. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in adiponectin and leptin levels within treatments. However, significant differences were seen between baseline and 24 h omentin concentrations when performing HIIE (F(2,26) = 5.001, p = .015). Omentin rose significantly 24 h after an acute bout of HIIE (214.69 ± 83.28 to 252.04 ± 91.22, p = .034). A paired t-test showed no significant differences between SSE and HIIE for adiponectin and leptin. Although, there was a significant difference between 24 h omentin concentrations for SSE and HIIE (t = -2.327, p \u3c .037). Omentin concentrations were significantly higher when performing HIIE (252.04 ± 91.22) as opposed to SSE (218.70 ± 82.00, p \u3c .001). CONCLUSION: Omentin plays an anti-inflammatory role in chronic diseases. Thus, individuals experiencing systemic inflammation from moderate stages of CKD may see benefits after performing an acute bout of HIIE due to the up-regulated release of omentin 24 h post-exercise