196 research outputs found


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    まえがき 1.‌ヨーロッパ思想に登場する「哲学」と「理性」の意味およびその機能 1.1「哲学」の意味 1.2「理性」の意味と機能 2.‌‌ヨーロッパにおける思想形成の階層構造と理性主義 2.1第一層:実体論 2.2‌第二層:古代ギリシャ思想,特にプラトンの思想 2.3第三層:キリスト教とその人格神 2.4第四層:理性主義の誕生と変遷 3.‌理性主義の変遷と発展(神的理性からの脱却/人間理性の自律性向上) 3.1啓蒙主義運動 3.2イギリス経験主義 3.3カントの試み 3.4ヘーゲルの試み 4.‌ニーチェ思想の性格と彼の企て 4.1‌19世紀末ヨーロッパ社会の諸相とニーチェの危機感 4.2ニーチェの企て 4.3「生きた自然」概念の復権:反哲学 4.4新たな価値定立の原理 4.5‌人間の自律性向上から見たニーチェ思想の意義 5.‌ハイデガー思想の性格と彼の企て 5.1思想形成と研究分野の変遷 5.2「存在と時間」に込められた意図 5.3反哲学と反ヒューマニズム 6.‌‌総括:人間の自律性の高まりとそれに対する反省 あとがき研究ノー

    Evaporative cooling systems to improve internal comfort in industrial buildings

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    Several studies were carried out to determine how hot or cold environments can affect task performance and can influence productivity. Usually, HVAC plants are exactly designed in order to guarantee comfortable internal conditions inside built environments, but not all kind of buildings are equipped with a heating or cooling plant, like for example, some industrial buildings. These buildings are often characterized by high internal thermal loads. For those buildings the ability of different plant configurations to improve indoor thermal conditions was considered taking into account the influence of several parameters, like weather conditions, internal gains, thermal transmittance, ventilation air flow rate, etc. Simulation results are compared in terms of energy savings and thermal comfort. \ua9 2017 The Author(s)

    Guidance on Noncorticosteroid Systemic Immunomodulatory Therapy in Noninfectious Uveitis : Fundamentals Of Care for UveitiS (FOCUS) Initiative

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    Supplemental material available at www.aaojournal.org. Supported by AbbVie, Inc., and the Fundamentals of Care for Uveitis Initiative National Faculty. This manuscript was developed subsequent to an AbbVie-sponsored literature review of noninfectious, nonanterior uveitis. The meeting was conducted to understand the available literature regarding the management of patients with noninfectious, nonanterior uveitis. The program involved a total of 139 experts from 28 countries, who were selected for participation by AbbVie. However, AbbVie was not involved in the development of the manuscript. The authors maintained complete control over the content and this manuscript reflects the opinions of the authors. AbbVie selected the discussion participants and reviewed the final manuscript draft for scientific accuracy, but the authors determined the final content. All authors made substantial contributions to the article or critically revised it for important intellectual content and approved the final manuscript. AbbVie provided funding to invited participants, including honoraria for their attendance at the meetings. Travel to and from the meetings was reimbursed. No payments were made to the authors for the development of this manuscript. Dhinakaran Sambandan, PhD, and Shula Sarner, PhD, of Lucid Partners, Burleighfield House, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom, provided medical writing and editorial support to the authors in the development of this manuscript; financial support for these services was provided by AbbVie. AbbVie reviewed the manuscript, but was not involved in the methodology, data collection and analysis, or completion of this manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    エイリョウ ロード アイランド ショクミンチ ニ ヨル チャールズ ニセイ ノ トッキョジョウ ノ シュトク

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    This paper is intended to provide the Japanese readers with some knowledge about the series of historically significant incidents that led to Rhode Island\u27s acquisition of the royal charter, which uniquely guaranteed the soul liberty ; its outline and the contribution by Roger Williams and John Clarke are specially mentioned

    ロージャー ウィリアムズ ト クェーカーキョウト トノ タイリツ

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    This paper attempts to discuss several historical and theological points concerning the debate which took place in August 1672 between Roger Williams, Founder of the English Colony of Rhode Island and a champion of church/state separation, and the three stalwart Quakers deputing the leader of their sect, George Fox. Rhode Island had established the principle of religious toleration two decades earlier and accepted the Quakers in its jurisdiction, who were barred from the neighboring colonies. It was becoming a stronghold of Quakerism in New England. When George Fox visited Rhode Island to spread their faith there in the middle of 1672,he was challenged by Roger Williams to a debate but had left Newport shortly before the letter of challenge was carried there. Fox\u27s untimely departure was condemned by Williams as a sneaky intrigue to evade the proposed debate. The frustrated Williams had a heated four-day debate with Fox\u27s three disciples, John Stubbs, William Edmundson, and John Burnyeat (replaced by John Cartwright on the last day). An almost verbatim record of the debate was published by Roger Williams in a lengthy book sarcastically entitled George Fox Digg\u27d out of his Burrowes (Boston, 1676). In response to this criticism, Fox co-authored with John Burnyeat and published a book with a similarly sarcastic title A New-England Fire-Brand Quenched (London, 1678). The debate on the fourteen points proposed by Roger Williams, as recorded in the books, seems to reveal some characteristics of his religious ideas and also of his frame of mind in his late years. He pursued tenaciously his verbal attack on what he considered was wrong with Quakerism, while there was no persecution of the Quakers for religious reasons in Rhode Island ; where, by the laws and regulations enacted on the basis of Roger Williams\u27s thought, the religious and secular affairs were distinctly kept separate